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Hing = asafoetida

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Question " Nancy Thompson " <n.thompson

RE: Krishna recipes

What is " hing " ? in the recipes???




There are several good herbal / food / culinary dictionaries

on the web. If you do a search on Google with the keys words

that you don't know - it will, always, find the answer for you.






HING - Also known as asafoetida, and devil's dung.

A light brown resin sometimes used as a substitute

for garlic ands onions, or in its own right and

not as a substitute for anything, it can be found

in Indian groceries. Claimed properties :

laxative, aphrodisiac, colic cure. A required

ingredient in the Indian Tadkaa - the small amount

of oil used to roast mustard seeds and similar

other ingredients before adding them to the main





ASAFETIDA aka Asafoetida, Devil's-dung, Food of

the Gods, Gum Asafetida, Giant Fennel (Ferula

assa-foetida syn F. foetida)


A perennial member of the Umbelliferae family

which is native to Afghanistan and eastern

portions of Iran and grows from 2000 to 4000 feet

above sea level. It grows from 5 to 8 feet tall,

has downy foliage with basal leaves 1 to 2 feet

long, large spindle shaped roots with bristles and

a very nasty odor. A strongly foul smelling herb

with a sulfurous odor, but in very tiny amounts is

used to flavor cooking, and the gum resin is much

used in Ayurvedic medicine. The odor is said to be

greatly tenacious and will cling for a long period

of time to whatever it touches. First found in the

desert of Aral in 1844, it had already been

well-known since the 15th century. It had a

history of being the most adulterated drug in the

marketplace. It was often mixed with inferior

asafetida as well as red clay, sand, stones and

gypsum in an effort to increase its weight and

thereby gain added profits. In the Middle Ages a

small piece of gum was worn around the neck to

ward off disease. In ancient Persia (Iran) it was

used as a condiment and called " food of the gods " .

Another variety which was once found in commerce

is Scorodosma foetida. Narthex asafetida aka

Thibetan asafetida (Ferula narthex) can still be

found in commerce. Persian Sagapenum or Serapinum

was once imported from Bombay to Britain and used

in the remedy called Confection Rutea (British

Pharmacopoeia Codex). It has been used in Chinese

medicine since the 7th century. It is a major

ingredient in the Ayurvedic formula Hingashtak

(Hing in Sanskrit).


NOTE: One source indicated that it was stimulating

to the circulation and raised blood pressure.



CONTAINS: 62% resin, 25% gum, 7% oil;

asaresinotannol, azulene, bassorine, ferulic acid,

pinene. Of the approximately 40-64% resinous

material there is ferulic acid, umbelliferone,

asaresinotannol, farnesiferol A, B, and C; about

25% of gum composed of glucose, galactose,

L-arebinose, rhamnose and glucuronic acid; 3-17%

volatile oil composed mostly of disulfides with

monoterpenes, free ferulic acid, valeric acid and

traces of vanillin. A source of sulfur.


Propagation: By fresh seed sown in late summer.

Needs: Tropical climate, sandy soil and good

moisture. Harvest: Several sources report slightly

different variations on the same method. The

plant, which must be at least 4 years old for

quality production, is cut down in early summer

before flowering. The cut includes the top portion

of the root. A milk resin exudes from the cut

surface which is allowed to remain for several

weeks (being shaded from the sun) at which time it

is scraped away and saved. Another slice is

removed and allowed to remain several weeks. Over

the course of a 3 month period the root will be

exhausted by successive slicing and the harvest of

the resin complete. The gummy resin is formed into

" tears " , lumps or paste. When collected the resin

is placed into containers and allowed to harden in

the sun. In India the leaf-bud in the center of

the root produces a very fine product called

Kandaharre Hing which is used in Ayurvedic

medicine. It appears as red-yellow flakes and

gives out an oil when squeezed. PART USED: Gum

resin [e wei] which softens by heat without

melting and is difficult to powder.


SOLVENT: Alcohol. With alcohol it forms a clear

tincture which becomes milky when water is added.




MEDICINAL: Stimulant for brain and nervous system,

expectorant, tonic, laxative, diuretic,

diaphoretic, emmenagogue, anthelmintic,

aphrodisiac (in some cultures), antispasmodic. The

herb produces a sensation of warmth without any

rise in body temperature. Used for croup, whooping

cough, colds, bronchial problems, infantile coughs

and catarrhs complicated with disorders of the

nervous system, debility, measles, pulmonary

consumption, all diseases of the chest in which

the lungs do not perform properly, stomach

irritation, hysteria, spasmodic nervous diseases,

hypochondria, flatulant colic, spasms of the

stomach and bowel not associated with

inflammation, restlessness, nervous irritability,

insomnia, spasmodic asthma, double vision,

spermatorrhea (flow of semen and sperm without

sexual stimulation), dysmenorrhea (painful or

difficult menses), gastric irritation and nervous

colitis. The emulsion has been used in cases of

infant colic and as an enema in cases of infant

convulsions. Used as an aid in prevention of

miscarriage (stimulates ovarian and intestinal

activity). Acts mainly on the digestive system,

cleansing and strengthening the gastro-intestinal

tract. Relieves pains and spasms, encourages

productive coughing, is hypotensive and

anticoagulant (perversely, it is also said to

increase blood coagulation). An enema is used for

typhus associated with excessive air in the

bowels, tympanitic abdomen, hysteric paroxyms and

convulsions. An evening enema (2 drachms in 4 oz.

of tepid water), and held all night is useful for

hysteria and the habitually nervous. May be

combined with other herbal remedies in

constipation with flatulence. In Chinese medicine

it is considered alterative, anthelmintic,

antispasmodic, antiperiodic, carminative, cordial,

deobstruent, deodorant, digestive, expectorant,

laxative, sedative, stomachic, and vermifuge. It

has been used for cough, gas, hysteria,

neurasthenia, indigestion, flatulence, colic,

constipation, intestinal worms, dysentary,

whooping cough, bronchitis, convulsive illnesses

and externally for painful joints. In Ayurvedic

medicine it is considered to be spicy, bitter and

hot with particular action on the liver, spleen

and stomach; used for damp, cold spleen conditions

associated with Candida albicans overgrowth; it is

also thought to exercise a stimulant action on the

brain; it is used as a local stimulant to mucous

membranes (particularly as pertains to the

alimentary canal); it is used as a carminative in

cases of flatulent colic and is useful in laxative

medicines; used for stomach ailments and

rheumatism. Used for indigestion, bloat and gas

and to calm hysteria. The volatile oil is believed

to be eliminated through the lungs making it

useful in cases of asthma, bronchitis and whooping

cough. In ancient Mesopotamia it was used for

rheumatism and as an expectorant.


DOSE = 0.2 to 1 gram of resin 3 times daily. Due

to its vile taste it is usually given in pill form

(3 grains of oleo-resin gum to one pill) The

emulsion is given to infants rectally. Powdering

the resin is done immediately before use as the

volatile oil dissipates quite quickly. Emulsion =

4 parts asafetida to 100 parts water, or, 1 oz. of

powdered resin to 1 pint of boiling water; when

cooled it is taken in small quanity (about 1 Tbsp

for an adult). Dose is 10 grains. Tincture = 1/2

to 1 fluid drachm (about 1/8 oz.) or from 1/4 to

3/4 of a teaspoon. Pill = 3 grains of oleo-resin

to one pill. Antispasmodic formula = Mix 1 dram

each of powered asafetida, powdered valerian root,

10 grains of powdered capsicum and fill #4

capsules. Also used for congestion or inflammation

of the brain, double vision and meningitis. Syrup

= 1 oz. gum in boiling water; add 2 lbs. sugar and

enough water to fill 1 pint. Ayurvedic

" Hingashtak " = Equal parts asafetida, caraway,

long pepper, black pepper, cumin, omum seeds and

rock salt; sprinkled on food to eliminate gas and



CULINARY: Minute amounts are used to flavor

legumes, vegetables, sauces, pickles. Much used in

Indian cuisine. A standard ingredient in

Worcestershire sauce. Widely used in spice blends

and condiments. The extract is used in soups and

even ice cream. The leaves are cooked by local

natives as greens. Cabbage-like folded heads are

eaten by natives.


CRAFT: Used as a potpourri fixative.

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