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Cauliflower Paprikash

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This is a tried and true recipe from my Mollie Katzen 'Enchanted Broccoli

Forest' cookbook. Goddess bless her for all of those wonderful recipes that

helped me learn way-back-when that there was more to cooking vegetarian

dishes than just boiling pasta and steamed veggies! *lol*


Cauliflower Paprikash


2 Tbs. butter

1 cuo chopped onion

2 Tbs flour

1 tsp. prepared horseradish

1 cup sour cream (can use low-fat)

1 cup yogurt (plain non-fat works fine)

2 tsp. mild paprika

1/2 tsp salt

black pepper

1 (12 oz) pkg egg noodles

2 Tbs. poppyseeds

2 tsp dried dill

2 tsp dried chives

1 medium-sized cauliflower


In a medium sized sauce pan, cook onions in 1 Tbs butter for about 8

minutes, or until soft. Toss in the flour and cook a few more minutes stirring

on low.


With a wire whisk, stir in the horseradish, sour cream, and yogurt. Cook over

low heat for 5 mintues. Add paprika, salt, and pepper to taste.


Break cauliflower up and steam until tender. Add them to the sauce while

they are hot and stir.


Cook noodles until al dente. Drain and toss with 1 Tbs of butter and



Pour sauce over noodles and sprinkle with dill, chives and a bit of paprika.


4 servings.


~ P_T ~



Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience.

Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence.

-Hal Borland, journalist (1900-1978)

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This sounds delicious. Thank you.

--- ~ P_T ~ <patchouli_troll wrote:

> This is a tried and true recipe from my Mollie

> Katzen 'Enchanted Broccoli

> Forest' cookbook. Goddess bless her for all of those

> wonderful recipes that

> helped me learn way-back-when that there was more to

> cooking vegetarian

> dishes than just boiling pasta and steamed veggies!

> *lol*


> Cauliflower Paprikash


> 2 Tbs. butter

> 1 cuo chopped onion

> 2 Tbs flour

> 1 tsp. prepared horseradish

> 1 cup sour cream (can use low-fat)

> 1 cup yogurt (plain non-fat works fine)

> 2 tsp. mild paprika

> 1/2 tsp salt

> black pepper

> 1 (12 oz) pkg egg noodles

> 2 Tbs. poppyseeds

> 2 tsp dried dill

> 2 tsp dried chives

> 1 medium-sized cauliflower


> In a medium sized sauce pan, cook onions in 1 Tbs

> butter for about 8

> minutes, or until soft. Toss in the flour and cook a

> few more minutes stirring

> on low.


> With a wire whisk, stir in the horseradish, sour

> cream, and yogurt. Cook over

> low heat for 5 mintues. Add paprika, salt, and

> pepper to taste.


> Break cauliflower up and steam until tender. Add

> them to the sauce while

> they are hot and stir.


> Cook noodles until al dente. Drain and toss with 1

> Tbs of butter and

> poppyseeds.


> Pour sauce over noodles and sprinkle with dill,

> chives and a bit of paprika.


> 4 servings.


> ~ P_T ~

> /


> Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience.

> Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence.

> -Hal Borland, journalist (1900-1978)







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