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Easy Vegan Broccoli and/or Spinach Casserole (Kugel)

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One 8 oz. or 500 g. package of any whole grain *noodles* (not pasta): whole wheat, whole wheat with spinach, udon, etc. (if you use udon, break the udon into thirds before cooking.


8 oz. or 500 g. package of firm tofu


8 oz. or 500 g. of frozen spinach nuggets or broccoli or 4 oz. (about 250 g.) of each. I recommend the spinach nuggets only because they blend easier than the block of frozen spinach. If you have frozen spinach in a block let it defrost a bit before using it.


1 heaping Tablespoonful of powdered soup mix - any you like, I find that onion soup powder or mushroom soup powder is delicious with this recipe.


3 Tbs. oil (Don't bother using your best oils for this. They're expensive and the heat of baking will destroy their nutritional value anyway.)


Soy drink as needed.




Prepare noodles according to package directions.


While noodles are cooking:


Put tofu, spinach and/or broccoi, soup mix powder, and oil into a blender. Add just a bit of soy drink and begin to blend. Add just enough soy milk to allow the blades to turn. The result should be very thick and cottage cheese-like. Do not make it too thin.


Drain and rinse noodles when they are done according to package directions.


Put noodles into a large mixing bowl.


Carefully fold in the tofu mixture.


Oil a baking pan and sprinkle with another small bit of soup powder over the oil on the bottom of the baking pan. Doing this will give the casserole a nice crisp, flavorful bottom as it bakes.


Bake on 375 F. or 175 C. for 40 minutes.


To test: Carefully press on the casserole with your finger. If there is resistance, and you feel the tofu is not caving in under pressure, the casserole is done.


Turn off the heat of the oven and let the casserole stand in the oven for another few minutes.







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Thanks Doreen!


This sound so good and so easy to make! I love both broccoli and spinach. I have earmarked broccoli as my "veggie-to-gather-recipes mission" for this summer, so this recipe came in on time and greatly appreciated.


Susan R.



Doreen Dotan

Quick Vegetarian

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 11:51 AM

Easy Vegan Broccoli and/or Spinach Casserole (Kugel)

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--- B " H


Glad to be of help.


Everything I make is simple. I have a hard and fast rule:


I don't put more time into food preps than it takes to eat the food.




In , " Susan Rhee " <sulerhee49@e...>


> Thanks Doreen!


> This sound so good and so easy to make! I love both broccoli and

spinach. I have earmarked broccoli as my " veggie-to-gather-recipes

mission " for this summer, so this recipe came in on time and greatly



> Susan R.

> -

> Doreen Dotan

> Quick Vegetarian

> Wednesday, August 27, 2003 11:51 AM

> Easy Vegan Broccoli and/or Spinach

Casserole (Kugel)

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