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Bird Flu Epidemic is a Hoax Perpetrated by Big Pharma!!!

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[Makes me sick that so many wild birds are being

killed because of this sickening 'hoax for profit'

that the pharmaceutical companies are perpetrating on

a clueless brain washed, brain dead, public! Rick]



Bird Flu Epidemic is a Hoax






Avian FluA draft of the government's plan to combat a

potential super-flu estimates a death toll of up to

almost 2 million Americans. The plan is being

rewritten to designate who will run the country during

a possibly chaotic period that could follow a mutation

of a bird flu in Asia.


The draft is based on the last century's three

pandemics, and states that in the best-case scenario,

about 200,000 people could die.


The government currently has enough of the anti-flu

drug Tamiflu to treat 4.3 million people, and $100

million worth of bird flu vaccine is being

manufactured. The draft indicates that tens of

millions more doses of each would be necessary, far

more than can be manufactured quickly.


USA Today October 8, 2005


Dr. Mercola's Comment:


If you have been viewing the media you must have seen

the scare the media and the president are seeking to

orchestrate on you and the public. According to a

draft of the government's plan to fight a potentially

cataclysmic pandemic, this new bird super-flu could

kill nearly 2 MILLION Americans.


But I nearly fell out of my seat in the airplane as I

was flying back from a conference in Ft. Lauderdale

when I read that in the BEST-case scenario, only

200,000 people might die.


Then they post the frightening picture from the 1918

flu epidemic to heighten the fear. It just amazes me

how they can get away with this type of reporting that

is so obviously manipulated by the government and drug

companies to scare you into taking the flu vaccine.


The popular media continues to reinforce this unbased

fear. In the editorial section of the October 17, 2005

issue of the Wall Street Journal, Dr. Henry Miller,

former director of the Office of Biotechnology at the

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), seeks to frighten

the U.S. public by telling us that the bird flu virus

can jump from birds to humans and produce, and is a

fatal illness in 50 percent of those infected.


Ah, there's the rub.


A 50 percent fatality rate sounds pretty scary to me.

What Dr. Miller and the other experts fail to explain

is how these numbers were derived. Did they examine

everyone who contracted the bird flu and use those

numbers, or did they examine the sickest of the sick

who had come down with the bird flu and determine the

mortality rate from there?


Of course, it was the latter, and from the 60 people

who have died from this in THIRD-world countries we

are being told that anywhere from 200,000, AT BEST, to

2 million people at worst will die from the bird flu.


This is shoddy science at best and beyond belief that

any reputable scientist could get away with such



Daily Show Parody


Fortunately, contemporary comedians can see right

through this nonsense. Here are the links to Jon

Stewart's scathing and brilliant Daily Show piece on

bird flu. But I have to warn you that it may cause you

to hurt yourself from laughing so hard, especially the

World Health expert comments on the bird flu killing

150 million people and even funnier comment of George

Bush on bird-to-people transmission.


Quicktime Link (106 MB) MP3 Link (6.7 MB)


What Happened to Common Sense?


The bird flu epidemic hoax reminds me just how

uncommon " common sense " is. Folks, where is the sound

basic science here? How do they make the giant leap of

faith that 60 deaths will translate to 2 million or

even 200,00 deaths in the United States from a virus

that does NOT readily spread from birds to humans, or

humans to humans?


Most of the people who acquired this infection were

bird handlers who were in continuous contact with

these sick birds. Does anyone in their right mind

envision similar circumstances in the United States?


Research like this would typically be thrown in the

trash if it did not strongly support some ulterior



What might the purpose of these scare tactics be you



Well how about the United States purchasing huge

quantities of antiviral drugs and an increase in flu

vaccine production, along with purchasing 20 million

doses of the highly questionably effective Tamiflu.

Guess how much one treatment of Tamiflu costs? Give

yourself a slap on the back if you guessed $100.


So those 20 million doses the government has

authorized will cost U.S. taxpayers $2 BILLION.


If you haven't yet read the lead story about Donald

Rumsfeld in this issue. please do as you will where a

significant portion of those funds are being directed



Now I think very few of us would mind if this drug

actually worked and prevented even a few people from

dying. But does it do that? Not really. About all

anyone can expect from this drug is that it might make

the symptoms a bit less severe. On the downside,

(aside from setting you back $100) Dr. Tenpenny

explained in her Flu TeleClinic last week that Tamiflu

can actually cause the virus to mutate into a more

dangerous and potent viral strain.


Recently, U.S. Congress asked Roche, the maker of

Tamiflu, to suspend its patent and have others make it

because they could not likely keep up with the demand,

but of course Roche refused saying Tamiflu is hard to

make and it would take another company three years to

" get up to speed. "


What they were really saying is they could care less

about the public. What their primary focus was on was

to not share their windfall profits mandated by the

U.S. Congress.


Worthless Flu Shots


Of course, let us not forget the flu shots that many

will get when they confuse bird flu with the regular

flu. Please understand, even if you believe the flu

shots work, the flu shot you can now purchase is in no

way, shape or form designed to protect you against the

bird flu. They are completely different strains. (Bird

flu is H5N1 strain).


But rest assured the makers of flu vaccines will not

lose this unusal opportunity to rape the American

public for even more profits. Recently we learned that

those getting the flu shotsmay see a 25 percent

increase in prices at clinics, doctors' offices and

medical centers because of increases in the wholesale

cost of the vaccines.


History Repeats Itself


Investigative journalist Ida Honorof for decades

published a consumer newsletter and broadcast a

regular radio program. Honorof received a first prize

award from Associated Press for investigative

journalism. The Los Angeles Times and other

publications credited her with breaking some of the

biggest horror stories of our time.


Ida Honorof wrote, " The most brazen, obscene

electioneering ploy " ever and added that it was

proposed by the President " and his coterie of

scientific hacks, fabricated to cause pure

unadulterated panic and guarantee political capital,

rammed through without consideration of people's

health and lives and approved by a band-wagon

Congress " eager to make the nation's " health " a

bipartisan concern.


The above quote was not written about the bird flu

epidemic but the 5 million swine-flu vaccine program

of 30 years ago. The hastily contrived program for

swine flu resulted in hundreds of Guillain Barre

Syndrome paralysis victims as well as countless deaths

for a flu pandemic that never materialized.


The pocketbook purloining proposed by the Senate is

more than 3,000 percent greater than that of 30 years

ago! Has your paycheck increased 3,000 percent in the

last 30 years?


Practical Options


First step for anyone caught up in this bird flu hype

nonsense is to take a deep breath and relax and

realize the truth here. Unless you are a full-time

bird handler in a third-world country who has a

seriously challenged immune system you probably have a

much better chance of wining the lottery than dying

from the proposed bird flu epidemic.


Review the simple lifestyle measures I outlined

earlier this year that will serve to boost your immune

system to not only address any form of the flu but

also other infectious illness like the cold. When you

have a healthy lifestyle and follow basic steps of the

Total Health Program, for the most part you just don't

get sick.


This is the routine surprised comment that most

patients tell me after they have been on the program.

The Total Health Program works for me, most of my

patients and can work for you. Just give it a try and

let's stop enriching the drug companies for toxic

alternatives that don't solve the problem.


For more information about the bird flu you can obtain

the Flu TeleClinic I did last week with Dr. Tenpenny.


What You Can Do


Meanwhile, the " Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and

Drug Development Act of 2005 " (S. 1873), recently

passed out of the U.S. Senate HELP Committee one day

after it was introduced. The National Vaccine

Information Center (NVIC) is calling the bill " a drug

company stockholder's dream and a consumer's worst

nightmare. " This bill, spurred by bird flu fears, will

broadly eliminate corporate liability for vaccines and

drugs. This bill will soon go to the full Senate for a



After reading the information below, please write to

your own Senator and your own member of Congress in

protest of this bill. Pass this alert to your family,

friends, and other organizations you are involved

with, and go to the NVIC website to take action right



The proposed legislation, nicknamed " Bioshield Two, "

is being pushed rapidly through Congress without time

for voters to make their voices heard by their elected

representatives. It will strip Americans of the right

to a trial by jury if they are harmed by a drug or

vaccine that they are forced by government to take,

whenever federal health officials declare a public

health emergency.


The bill establishes the Biomedical Advanced Research

and Development Agency (BARDA), as the single point of

authority within the government for research and

development of drugs and vaccines in response to

bioterrorism and natural disease outbreaks. BARDA will

operate in secret, exempt from the Freedom of

Information Act and the Federal Advisory Committee

Act, insuring that no evidence of injuries or deaths

caused by drugs and vaccines labeled as

" countermeasures " will become public.


This proposed legislation is an unconstitutional

attempt by some in Congress to give a taxpayer-funded

handout to pharmaceutical companies for drugs and

vaccines the government can force all citizens to use,

while absolving everyone connected from any

responsibility for injuries and deaths which occur.


For more information on this, go to www.NVIC.org.








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