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BRYANNA'S RICOTTA DI SOYA (TOFU RICOTTA) , Tofu Crepes, Stuffed Italian Crepes

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2 (12.3 oz.) boxes extra-firm SILKEN tofu, crumbled

1/2 c.+ 2 T. raw cashew pieces, ground very fine in a coffee/spice

mill or mini-chopper

2 T. plus 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice

1/2 tsp. salt






In a food processor, mix about 3 c. of the crumbled tofu, the ground

cashews, the lemon juice and salt until they are VERY smooth. Then

crumble in the remaining tofu and process again. The resulting

mixture should be mostly smooth, but with a little graininess-- it

doesn't have to be like cream cheese.


Scoop the " ricotta " into a plastic container and refrigerate. It

firms up when chilled.


makes 3 and 1/2 c.


From " Nonna's Italian Kitchen " by Bryanna Grogan


This mixture is very similar to the creamy full-fat ricotta used in

Italy, which bears little resemblance to the watery, grainy ricotta

available to most North Americans. It's so creamy that you can use

it as a spread on bread, or a filling for crespelle (crepes), or

even in desserts.





1 1/2 c. soymilk

1 c. unbleached flour or wholewheat pastry flour

1/2 c. medium-firm tofu

1/4 c. soy flour

OPTIONAL: 1-2 T. nutritional yeast flakes

1 T. sugar

1/2 tsp. EACH salt and baking powder

1/4 tsp. turmeric

a few gratings of nutmeg






Process all ingredients in a food processor or blender until very

smooth. No need to " rest " the batter first.


Tofu crepes are made just like ordinary crepes. Heat a nonstick 8 "

skillet over medium-high heat and wipe it lightly with oil before

making each crepe. Use about 3 T. of batter per crepe (stirring the

batter before you make each crepe), rolling and tilting the pan

until it evenly covers the bottom. Cook for a few seconds, or until

the top looks dry. Carefully loosen the crepe with a spatula and

flip it over. After a few seconds the other side should be dry. Fold

into quarters or roll like a jelly roll and place on a plate (or

leave them flat if you are going to stack them with filling). If you

are going to use the crepes shortly, cover them with a clean tea



Either fill the crepes and serve according to the specific recipe

directions, or let them cool and place in a plastic bag or rigid

container (with pieces of waxed paper in between each crepe) and

refrigerate for up to 3 days, or freeze them for future use (thaw

thoroughly before filling).


Dessert Crepes: (can be used as a breakfast or brunch dish, too) Use

2 T. sugar; add 1 tsp. vanilla and 1/2 tsp. pure orange or lemon

extract. Roll around Tofutti Better than Cream Chese or Tofu

Mascarpone and top sweetened fresh fruit, liqueur, and or any sweet



Makes 12-13 crepes


" Soyfoods Cooking for a Positive Menopause " by Bryanna Grogan


These are really excellent--they have that flexible " eggy " texture

of regular crepes. You can freeze them, too.






1 recipe Tofu Crepes (above) (12 crepes)


2 onions, minced

1 T. extra-virgin olive oil

2 lbs. fresh cleaned spinach (or other greens)

OR 2 10 oz. pckgs. chopped frozen spinach (or other greens)

1 1/2 c. Tofu Ricotta (see below)

4 to 6 T. Soymage vegan soy Parmesan

salt, freshly ground pepper and nutmeg to taste

Light Tomato Sauce (see recipe below)

And/or Bechamel sauce (see recipe below in lasagne section)

Soymage vegan soy parmesan



Sauté the onions in the olive oil in a non-stick skillet until they

are soft and starting to brown (adding a tiny bit of water as

needed, to keep from sticking).


Meanwhile, place the fresh spinach in boiling water until it is

completely wilted, then drain, squeeze dry and chop it. OR, if using

frozen spinach, thaw it thoroughly (you can quick-thaw it by placing

the whole carton in the microwave for 5 minutes) and squeeze it as

dry as possible.


Mix the spinach in a bowl with the cooked onions, ricotta, soy

Parmesan, and salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste. (It should be

strongly seasoned.)


Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F.


Place a generous amount of filling down the center of each crepe and

roll it up. Place the rolls in an oiled baking dish. (You can

prepare the crepes up to this point several hours ahead of time.)

Pour a little of the sauce you are using over the crepes, sprinkle

with soy Parmesan, and bake 20 minutes.

Serve with more sauce on the side.


VARIATIONS: Use any of the fillings for Cannelloni.


Serves 6


" Nonna's Italian Kitchen " by Bryanna Grogan


Serve these with a light tomato sauce or a medium Bechamel Sauce

(see recipe below in lasagne section), ( or you can layer the

Bechamel Sauce over the tomato sauce, for a really special dish)

along with Soymage vegan soy Parmesan.


NOTE: for a simple, easy filling, use 3-4 c. diced steamed or

roasted vegetables of your choice, moistened with a thick Bechamel





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