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Keep This In Mind: 8











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Introduction TO The Second Edition

For us, the past two years have consisted of a painstaking collection of data

and research. As before, space constraints have required us to exclude a lot of

helpful articles in their entirety. However we have taken the cold hard facts of

these articles and included them here. A complete listing of these articles can

be found in the back of this book and we do recommend that you take the time to

dig them up and read them.

We have attempted not to write an animal rights book, but a clear, concise

reference Manual. Our views on animal rights should be self-evident.

As thorough and complete as we have attempted to be, no one list on the subject

can ever be considered absolutely complete. Industry is creating new ingredients

every day. With this in mind, you will find a bit more explanation in this

edition to aid in making the many educated guesses that a vegan is faced with on

a day to day basis. Starting with some nutrition facts to help dispell myths

about how unhealthy not eating meat is, we go on to bring fact to the fiction

(or non-fiction) of many rumors that we have all heard many times and even some

that we were surprised to hear. Regardless of how outrageous a reported rumor

would sound, we went to lengths in checking it out through the FDA, the

manufacturer, and wherever else we could find the information.

Most of the FDA boards that review products and make policies regarding their

labeling are typically all ex-food product executives. This fact alone makes the

FDA an unreliable source of information. In the current political climate, and

with capitalism at it's strongest, the FDA is often pressured to make decisions

biased to the manufacturers liking. Often a good deal, if not all of the

research on any given product is done by the manufacturers themselves. So the

bias should be obvious. Food manufacturers also use tactics (coined by Procter &

Gamble) like contributing large amounts of capital to key members of the

Congress to gain lobbying power.

The manufacturers were not helpful in finding out specifics on particular

products as they went to every extreme to protect their products and maintain

the salability to all consumers. Of course, any food product from any major

manufacturer (ie. Proctor & Gamble, General Mills, etc.) will have most likely

been tested on animals regardless of whether or not there are animal derived

products in it.

It is best to buy food products from the smaller companies out there, or try

your hand at organic gardening. Unfortunately these two alternatives are not

always feasible depending on where you live. That's why we've worked so hard to

pull a book like this together.

In researching this book we have been astounded at some of the inventive places

animal products can pop up. Our diets have changed in the course of compiling

the information here, as we were surprised to find many ingredients that we were

eating contained animal products.

We have continued to be as thorough and correct as possible. All information

contained in this publication is from reliable sources, all of which are

documented at the end. Most have been double checked with our own resources, If

you find any additions or corrections let us know at: E.G. Smith Press, P.O. Box

82026, Columbus, Ohio, 43202 USA - please include sources and explanations.

- The E.G. Smith Press Collective


Introduction To The First Edition

The purpose of this pamphlet isn't to preach about why you shouldn't eat animals

and how animals are tortured because of society's consumption of them. It has

been compiled as a working reference for those who are most likely vegan, and

who wonder if Dihydroxyethyl Soyamine Dioleate in their favorite potato chips is

vegan (which it isn't)

This pamphlet is comprised of several different articles from all over the

country. There were a lot of things that we had collected that we wanted to

include but due to the space constraints we were forced to carefully select

articles that stayed consistent with the original goal we had set out to


The Possible Animal Derived List in this pamphlet requires some explanation.

This is a myriad of ingredients that fit into two categories. The first, are

ingredients that are most likely animal-derived, but no confirmation has been

given by the manufacturer(s). The other are ingredients that in some cases are

animal-derived, but not always. Usually it is best to use your judgement.

Lecithin for example will say Soy-Lecithin if it is not derived from animals, on

the other hand some ingredients offer no clue to their origins. It is usually

best to avoid most of the products listed in this section, just to be safe.

The booklet focuses mainly on food, but it also extends somewhat into shampoos

and other products that even people of the meat-eating culture wouldn't normally

eat. We have tried to be as thorough and correct as possible, all the

information contained in this publication is from reliable sources, all of which

are documented at the end, and most have been double checked with our own

resources. If you find any additions or corrections please direct them to E.G.

Smith Press, P.O. Box 82026, Columbus, Ohio, 43202 - please include sources and


-E.G. Smith Press Collective


CHAPTER 1: Thing to Know

People just turning vegan as well as veteran vegans are faced daily with

deciding if a rumor is true. We all know the story... I have a friend whose

father's drinking buddy works in the Such and such factory and says they use

beef blood as a processing agent.

Here we try to dispel some common myths, give a brief history on the origin of

the word vegetarian, offer some facts about those symbols declaring something

Kosher, the truth about the wax on the produce stories, and offer some

alternatives to eggs.

In brief, this chapter is a compilation of information we really felt should be

included, but didn't really have a category for it. It also turned out to be one

of the most interesting chapters to work on.


Where Did the Term " Vegetarian " Come From?

The term " Vegetarian " was coined in 1847. It was first formally used on

September 30th of that year by Joseph Brotherton and others, at Northwood Villa

in Kent, England. The occasion being the innaugural meeting of the Vegetarian

Society of the United Kingdom.

The word was derived from the Latin " vegetus, " meaning whole, sound, fresh,

lively; (it should not be confused with " vegetable-arian " - a mythical human

whom some imagine subsisting entirely on vegetables but no nuts, fruits, grains


Prior to 1847, non-meat eaters were generally known as " Pythagoreans " or

adherents of the " Pythagorean System, " after the ancient Greek " vegetarian "


The original definition of " vegetarian " was " with or without eggs or dairy

products " and that definition is still used by the Vegetarian Society today.

However, most vegetarians in India exclude eggs from their diet, as did those in

the classical Mediterranean lands, such as Pythagoras.

Common Myths

CHEWING GUM: Some chewing gums contain glycerin/ glycerine (see pg. 30).

Wrigley's gum contains a vegetarian source of glycerin(e).

ENVELOPES: Apparently most envelopes have synthetic glue on them, not an animal

or fish based glue.

HEINZ CATSUP: Heinz has officially denied that they use beef blood as part of

their " Natural Flavoring " (see pg. 33) in their catsup. They claim that there

are no animal ingredients at all in their " Natural Flavoring. " E.G. Smith is

still unconvinced.

MAPLE SYRUP: Yes, rumors abound about maple syrup containing pork fat. The US

vegan society has checked all known sources and found that they are all suitable

for vegans.

OLESTRA, MAX, OLEAN: (see pg. 33) By time this book is printed Olestra, which is

sold under the brand name OLEAN (Procter & Gamble), and MAX (Frito-Lay), will

have either hit the international market by storm or completely have been

rejected due to the harmful side effects this fake fat has on the human body.

Without going into much detail on Olestra itself, it will suffice to say that it

is not vegan. Although Proctor & Gamble won't tell us exactly what is in it, it

has been confirmed to contain FATTY ACIDS (see viz. 29) and is therefore not

vegan. E.G. Smith Press can provide additional up to date information on the

harmful fat substitute, Olestra, upon request.

POSTAGE STAMPS: These do not contain an animal or fish glue,

SUGAR: The popular rumor says that cane sugar is processed through gelatin. This

is untrue. Some cane sugars are processed using boneblack as a decolorant (see

Chapter 2). The process is similar but not the same. Gelatin is boiled skin,

tendons, ligaments or bones, while boneblack is actually charcoaled - At any

rate, it is not suitable for vegans. We contacted several popular cane sugar

manufacturers and they all confirmed the use of boneblack in their processes. We

recommend contacting the manufacturer directly to inquire whether or not their

particular brand of sugar is vegan. In the UK, Tate and Lyle and Billingtons

sugars are free of animal substances. British Sugar, trading as Silver Spoon

(the largest UK supplier) state that their white sugar is vegan but they cannot

guarantee their brown sugars are, as some bone charcoal may be used by their


TEA: Rumors have sprung claiming that Tetley and Lipton use animal products (or

blood, in particular) as coloring in their teas. Tetley was very kind in their

response, being very specific. However, Lipton was less specific and a little

bit harder to get a straight answer from. They do confirm that there are no

animal products used in their coloring. However, they refrain from being

specific as to the Natural Flavors (see pg. 33) part of their ingredients list.

E.G. Smith's position on this is wary, we suggest you judge for yourself based

on their response(s).


Dear Lipton,

There are rumors abound that you use animal products in the coloring of your

teas. Many vegetarians and health conscious alike, would be interested in the

truth in this rumor. Do you, in fact, use any animal or animal derived products

in any of your teas. Please be specific.

Thank You,

The E.G. Smith Project.


Dear E.G. Smith:

The flavor of the tea in all our products is derived from the tealeaves during

the brewing process. All of our other ingredients are FDA approved before we

market a product. I hope this information is helpful and thanks for your

interest in Lipton!

Your friends at Lipton


Thank you for your prompt response. However, " FDA approved " does include animal

derived products. We aren't asking disclosure of the actual ingredients; simply,

are there any animal derived ingredients in any of your teas, and if so which

ones? Thanks again, The E.G. Smith Project


Dear E.G. Smith Project, I have checked with our staff and we do not use animal

products in the coloring of our tea (leaf or powdered). I hope this is helpful.

Your friends at Lipton

On Kosher...

Kosher means that a particular food is made according to a complex set of Jewish

dietary laws. Does not imply VEGAN in any case. Does not imply Vegetarian in any

case. Even KOSHER products containing milk products may contain some types of

animals which are not considered " meat. "

A common misconception is checking if a food is Kosher to determine whether or

not it is vegan. The following are some of the Kosher designations with their


D : Dairy

DE : Dairy Equipment (no actual dairy in ingredients, equipment may have been

used previously in the manufacture of products containing dairy.)

P : Passover Kosher for all year including Passover (Note: " P " NEVER

designates pareve

Pareve : Non dairy

Keep This In Mind:

Pareve/Parve: One category in KOSHER dietary laws. Made without meat or milk

products or their derivatives. Eggs and true fish are pareve, shellfish are not.

Nondairy: Does not have enough percentage of milkfat to be called dairy. May

actually contain milk or milk derivatives.

Nonmeat: Made without meat. May include eggs, milk, cheese. Sometimes even

included animal fats, seafood, fish, fowl.

Waxed Produce

What looks good sells. Several supermarkets across the country are using wax and

such on their fruits and vegetables to make them look more appealing. Some of

these visual enhancers are animal based.

" The Food and Drug Administration has registered several categories of waxes For

topical use on apples, avocados, oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, melons,

peaches, pineapples, passion fruits, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, pumpkins,

rutabagas, squash, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, and other fruits and

vegetables. The produce-packing industry argues that waxes, which often contain

chemical fungicides, are needed to reduce shrinkage from moisture loss and to

inhibit the growth of molds and fungus. According to FDA regulations, retailers

must label waxed produce; however, nobody does this, and the law is unenforced.

The types of waxes currently in use on produce are:

Suitable For Vegans

Carnauba Wax. Obtained from the wax palm of Brazil, carnauba is the hardest of

the natural waxes. It is used widely in floor waxes, polishes, and lubricants.

Paraffin. A derivative of petroleum, paraffin is flammable and insoluble in

water. It is used to make candles and for many industrial purposes.

Candelilla. Obtained from a reed, candelilla is a natural wax this common in

furniture polishes.

Polyethylene. A plastic synthesized from petroleum, polyethylene is manufactured

in sheets and films. Its many commercial uses include unbreakable bottles,

shower curtains, electrical insulation, pipes, and packaging materials.

Not Suitable For Vegans

Shellac. Obtained from the bodies of the female scale insect Tachardia lacca,

shellac is used as varnish, as a coating on wood and plaster, in electrical

insulation, and in sealing wax.

Oleic Acid. Obtained from vegetable oils, animal fats, or synthesized from

petroleum, oleic acid is used in industrial lubricants.

Tallow. Obtained from the tissues and fatty deposits of animals, especially

cattle and sheep, tallow is used in floor waxes, soap, candles, and as a


If the produce is not labeled it is impossible to tell what is used on the

produce you're eating, if any at all. These waxes cannot be washed off produce.

If you want to avoid eating waxes, peel any produce that is waxed.

The Cornplete Book of Juicing by Michael Murray, ND (Prima Publishing, 1992),

says essentially the same thing. However, Dr. Murray does offer some advice on

reducing exposure to waxes:

1) Buy organic produce 2) Try to buy local produce that is in season. Produce

imported into the US is more likely to contain excessive levels of pesticides as

well as pesticides that have been banned in the US 3) Soak produce in a mild

solution of additive-free soap like pure castille soap to remove surface

pesticide residues, fungicides, and fertilizers. 4) Peel off the skin or remove

the outer layer of leaves.

To find out more information on the rules and regulations the FDA has set for

this practice you can call the Food & Drug Administration and request a copy of

docket number 90N-0361 " Food Labeling: Declaration of Ingredients. "

What Can Be Substituted For Eggs?

? A company called Ener-G makes a powdered egg-substitute that they claim is a

suitable replacement for eggs in cooking. It costs about $5.00 (US) for the

equivalent of 9 or 10 dozen eggs, and it contains no animal products.

? 2 oz of soft tofu can be blended with some water and added to substitute for

an egg to add consistency.

? One Tbsp flax seeds (found in natural food stores) with 3 Tbsp water can be

blended for 2 to 3 minutes, or boiled for 10 minutes or until desired

consistency is achieved to substitute for one egg.

? 1/ 2 mashed banana for one egg.

? 1/4 cup applesauce or pureed fruit for one egg.

? 1 Tsp soy flour plus 1 Tbsp water to substitute for one egg.


CHAPTER 2: Vegan Nutrients

Has anyone ever told you that " you're going to die of malnutrition " ? How about

" you have to eat meat for a balanced diet " ? The fact of the matter is that meat

is not healthy and vegetarians and vegans are usually healthier people, who

suffer from fewer cases of heart disease, fewer cases of cancer, and fewer long

term health problems. This has been proven time and time again through thousands

upon thousands of studies.

This chapter will attempt to give a brief introduction to basic nutrition then

move on to explore all of the essential nutrients that a human needs to live a

long healthy life.

We will look at what these nutrients are needed for and how to obtain them from

vegetarian sources.

A Brief Introduction To Basic Nutrition

Many people worry that when they stop eating meat and fish, they might be in

danger of some nutritional deficiency. This is rarely the case, as all the

nutrients you need can easily be obtained from a vegetarian diet. In fact,

research shows that in many ways, a vegetarian diet is healthier than that of a

typical meat-eater.

Nutrients are usually divided into five classes: carbohydrates, proteins, fats

(including oil), vitamins and minerals. We also need fiber and water. All are

equally important to our well-being, although they are needed in varying

quantities, from about 250g of carbohydrates a day to less than two micrograms

of vitamin 1312. Carbohydrates, fats and protein are usually called

macro-nutrients and the vitamins and minerals are usually called


Most foods contain a mixture of nutrients (there are a few exceptions, like pure

salt or sugar) but it is convenient to classify them by the main nutrient they

provide. Still, it is worth remembering that everything you eat gives you a

whole range of essential nutrients.

Meat supplies protein, fat, some B vitamins and minerals (mostly iron, zinc,

potassium and phosphorous). Fish, in addition to the above, supplies vitamins A,

D, and E, and the mineral iodine. All these nutrients can be easily obtained by

vegetarians from other sources.

Women need about 46-50g of protein a day (more if pregnant, lactating or very

active), men need about 56-63g (more if very active). Evidence suggests that

excessive protein contributes to degenerative diseases.

You may have have heard that it is necessary to balance the complementary amino

acids in a vegetarian diet. This is not as alarming as it sounds. Amino acids

are the units from which proteins are made. There are 21 different ones in all.

We can make many of them in our bodies by converting other amino acids, but nine

cannot be made, they have to be provided in the diet and so they are called

essential amino acids.

Single plant foods do not contain all the essential amino acids we need in the

right proportions, but when we mix plant foods together, any deficiency in one

is cancelled out by any excess in the other. We mix protein foods all the time,

whether we are meateaters or vegetarians. It is a normal part of the human way

of eating. A few examples are beans on toast, muesli, or rice and peas.

It is now known that the body has a pool of amino acids so that if one meal is

deficient, it can be made up from the body's own stores. Because of this, we

don't have to worry about complementing amino acids all the time, as long as our

diet is generally varied and well-balanced. Even those foods not considered high

in protein are adding some amino acids to this pool.


Carbohydrates are our main and most important source of energy, and most of them

are provided by plant foods. There are three main types: simple sugars, complex

carbohydrates or starches and dietary fiber.

The sugars or simple carbohydrates can be found in fruit and ordinary table

sugar. Refined sources of sugar are best avoided as they provide energy without

any associated fiber, vitamins or minerals and they are also the main cause of

dental decay.

Complex carbohydrates are found in cereals/ grains (bread, rice, pasta, oats,

barley, millet, buckwheat, rye) and some root vegetables, such as potatoes and

parsnips. A healthy diet should contain plenty of these starchy foods as a high

intake of complex carbohydrates are now known to benefit health. The unrefined

carbohydrates, like wholemeal bread and brown rice are best of all because they

contain essential dietary fiber and B vitamins.

The World Health Organization recommends that 50-70% of energy should come from

complex carbohydrates. The exact amount of carbohydrates that you need depends

upon your appetite and also your level of activity. Contrary to previous belief,

a slimming diet should not be low in carbohydrates. In fact, starchy foods are

very filling in relation to the number of calories that they contain.

Dietary Fiber or non-starch polysaccharide (NSP), as it is now termed, refers to

the indigestible part of a carbohydrate food. Fiber can be found in unrefined or

wholegrain cereals, fruit (fresh and dried) and vegetables. A good intake of

dietary fiber can prevent many digestive problems and protect against diseases

like colon cancer and diverticular disease.


Too much fat is bad for us, but a little is necessary to keep our tissues in

good repair, for the manufacture of hormones and to act as a carrier for some

vitamins. Like proteins, fats are made of smaller units, called fatty acids. Two

of these fatty acids, linoleic and linolenic acids, are termed essential as they

must be provided in the diet. This is no problem as they are widely found in

plant foods.

Fats can be either saturated or unsaturated (mono-unsaturated or

poly-unsaturated). A high intake of saturated fat can lead to a raised blood

cholesterol level and this has been linked to heart disease. Vegetable fats tend

to be more unsaturated and this is one of the benefits of a vegetarian diet.

Mono-unsaturated fats, such as olive oil or peanut oil, are best used for frying

as the poly-unsaturated fats, like sunflower or safflower oil are unstable at

high temperatures. Animal fats (including butter and cheese) tend to be more

saturated than vegetable fats, with the exception of palm oil, coconut oil and

cocoa butter.


Vitamin is the name for several unrelated nutrients that the body cannot

synthesize either at all, or in sufficient quantities. The one thing they have

in common is that only small quantities are needed in the diet. The main

vegetarian sources are listed below:

Vitamin A (or beta carotene): Red, orange or yellow vegetables like carrots and

tomatoes, leafy green vegetables and fruits like apricots and peaches. It is

added to most margarines.

B Vitamins: This group of vitamins includes B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3

(niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (cyanocobalmin), folate, folic acid, pantothenic

acid and biotin. All the B vitamins except B12 occur in yeasts and whole cereals

(especially wheat germ), nuts & seeds, pulses and green vegetables.

Vitamin B12 is the only one that may cause some difficulty as it is not present

in plant foods. Only very tiny amounts of B12 are needed. Vitamin B12 is added

to yeast extracts, soya milks, veggie burgers and some breakfast cereals.

Vitamin C: Fresh fruit, salad vegetables, all leafy green vegetables and


Vitamin D: This vitamin is not found in plant foods but humans can make their

own when skin is exposed to sunlight. It is also added to most margarines.

Vegans who are very young, very old and anyone confined indoors would be wise to

take a vitamin D supplement.

Vitamin E: Vegetable oil, whole grain cereals, leafy greens.

Vitamin K: Fresh vegetables, soybean oil, cereals and bacterial synthesis in the



Minerals perform a variety of jobs in the body. Details of some of the most

important minerals (Calcium, Iron, and Zinc) are in the next section.


CALCIUM is for the development and growth of bones and teeth, normal ~lotting of

blood and functioning of muscles. The body can't absorb calcium without Vitamin

D. Calcium can be found in: watercress, rhubarb, beets, parsley, spinach,

broccoli, chinese cabbage, raw onions, raw celery, akra/ o, chives, raw cabbage,

cucumbers, turnips, zucchini, green beans, squash, artichokes, leafy green

vegetables, tap water in hard water areas.

CARBOHYDRATES are for energy, heat and to assist in the absorption of fat

soluble vitamins & calcium. Carbohydrates can be found in: cereals, bread &

flour products, dried fruits, dried peas & beans, bananas, sugar, potatoes.

COPPER is for the manufacture of red bloodcells, bones, collagen, healing

wounds, even creation of RNA (Ribonulceic Acid). Copper can be found in: nuts &

beans, dried peas, wheat bran, whole wheat, molasses, mushrooms, avocados,


ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS limit the formation of excess cholesterol in the blood.

They are sources of the prostaglandins which regulate processes in the smooth

muscles. Essential fatty acids can be found in: corn, walnuts, vegetable oils,

peanuts, sesame, sunflower & safflower seeds.

FATS are necessary for healthy skin, energy, heat and to assist in the

absorption of fat soluble vitamins and calcium. Fats can be found in: vegetable

oils, nuts & nut creams, cooking fats, nut butters, margarine, vegan white fats.

FIBER keeps vascular system in good tone, i.e. prevents troubles in the

intestines, veins and arteries. Fiber can be found in: citrus fruits, apples,

potatoes, peas, beans, broccoli, carrots and unrefined foods (especially


FOLIC ACID is used to synthesize and break down amino acids. It also prevents,

certain kinds of anemia, assists growth can be found in: nuts, grains, oranges,;

avocados, all green vegetables, yeast extracts.

IODINE is for healthy growth and development. Present in vegetables, but the,

quantity depends on how rich the soil is in iodine. Sea vegetables are a good

source of iodine for vegans. Other sources are: dried beans, aparagus, green

veggies, pineapple.

IRON is for proper formation of red blood cells and regulation of body


Vegetable sources of iron are not as easily absorbed as animal sources, but a

good',' intake of vitamin C will enhance absorption. Iron can be found in:

prunes, whole' grain cereals, black treacle, raisins, nuts, leafy green

vegetables, sesame seeds, soya flour, pulses, cocoa, curry powder, wholemeal

bread, molasses, dried fruits (especially apricots and figs). Cook in cast iron.

MANGANESE is necessary for strong bones, healthy skin, the proper functioning of

muscle and nervous tissue. Manganese can be found in: legumes, nuts, fruits,

tea, alfalfa, chlorophyll, wheat germ, whole grains.

NICOTINAMIDE is for healthy digestion, good skin condition, and growth.

Nicotinamide can be found in: soya, peanuts, flour & bread, yeast, rice, pulses,


PROTEIN helps growth and the repair of body tissues. Also for energy, their

physical properties may be changed by cooking and food preparation generally.

Protein comes from several sources. Nuts: hazels, brazils, almonds, cashews,

walnuts, pine kernels etc. Seeds: sesame, pumpkin, sunflower, linseeds. Pulses:

peas, beans, lentils, peanuts. Grains/ Cereals: wheat (in bread, soy flour,

pasta etc), barley, rye, oats, millet, maize (sweetcorn), rice, gluten flour,

bakers yeast, brewers yeast. Soya products: tofu, tempeh, textured vegetable

protein, veggieburgers, soya milk.

TRACE ELEMENTS are essential accessories to vital processes and to action of

other nutrients. Trace elements can be found in: carrots, watercress, dried

apricots, prunes, tomatoes, cabbage, green peas, all green vegetables and


VITAMIN A is for growth in children, plays a part in the way the eyes receive

light, and protects moist surface tissues (bronchial tubes, etc.). Vitamin A can

be found in: peppers, parsley, carrots, sweet potatoes, apricots, spinach,

mangoes, chives, squash.

VITAMIN B1 (Thiamine) is for growth, appetite, digestion, and the nervous

system. Vitamin B1 can be found in: bread and wheat products, pulses, yeast

(brewers is best), Brazils and peanuts (uncooked), wheat germ.

VITAMIN B2 (Riboflavin) is for vitality, healthy skin, the release of food

energy, growth and good sight. Vitamin B2 can be found in: yeast, lentils, rye,

mushrooms, parsley, broccoli tops, green vegetables.

VITAMIN B12: Vitamin B12 is needed for cell division and blood formation. Plant

foods do not contain vitamin B12 except when they are contaminated by

microorganisms. Thus, vegans need to look to other sources to get vitamin B12 in

their diet. Although the minimum requirement for vitamin B12 is quite small,

1/1,000,000 of a gram (1 microgram) a day for adults, a vitamin B12 deficiency

is a verv serious problem leading ultimatelv to irreversible nerve damage.

Prudent vegans will include sources of vitamin B12 in their diets. However,

vitamin B12 deficiency is actually quite rare even among long-term vegans.

Vitamin B12 also aids growth of nerve cells and the prevention of certain kinds

of anemia. A deficiency results in pernicious anemia.

The requirement for vitamin B12 is very low. Non-animal sources include

GrapeNuts cereal (1/2 cup supplies the adult RDA) and Red Star T-6635+

nutritional yeast (1-2 teaspoons supplies the adult RDA). It is especially

important for pregnant and lactating women, infants, and children to have

reliable sources of vitamin B12 in their diets. Other sources include: brewers

yeast, bakers yeast, rice bran, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, cornflakes, pinon

nuts, soy milk, sesame seeds, brazil nuts, and peanuts. Higher to lower levels

found in: edible seaweeds, hijiki and wakame, mushrooms, nutritional yeast,

tempeh, miso, syrup, sour dough bread, parsley, beer, cider, wine, yeast, tofu,

supplemented fortified foods, some yeast extracts, soya-based textured vegetable

proteins, soya milks and margarine.

VITAMIN C is famous for healing wounds, prevention of scurvy, boosting the

immune system, maintaining stamina, forming strong blood vessels, and aiding

resistance to infection. Vitamin C can be found in: bell peppers, guavas,

peppers, broccoli, watercress, parsley, radishes, asparagus, brussel sprouts,

chives, strawberries, papayas, canteloupes, oranges, grapefruit.

VITAMIN D builds bones & teeth, prevents the destruction of vitamins C and A,

and aids growth. Vitamin D can be found in: mild exposure to sunlight, sunflower

seeds, mushrooms.

VITAMIN E is for growth, muscle tissues, normal reproduction. Possibly retards

aging. Vitamin E can be found in: wheat and rice germ, whole wheat grains,

soybean oil, leafy greens, nuts and seeds, legumes.

VITAMIN K regulates clotting of blood. Vitamin K can be found in green leafy


ZINC plays a major role in many enzyme reactions and in the immune system. It

also aids in fighting infections. Zinc can be found in: nuts & seeds, wheat

germ, brewers yeast, whole grains, yellow & green veggies, yellow fruits,

pumpkin & sesame seeds, lentils, wholegrain cereals.


CHAPTER 3: Definitive Listings

If you don't find the ingredient here, check the Animal Ingredients Chapter or

the Possibly Animal Derived chapterin this book. If you still don't find the

ingredient that you're unsure about, try a dictionary or use your best



ACETATE: Retinol. Vitamin A. Palmitate (see Palmitic Acid). An aliphatic

alcohol. Can come from fish liver oil (ie. shark liver oil), egg yolks, butter,

lemongrass, wheat germ oil, carotene in carrots, etc., synthetics. In cosmetics,

creams, perfumes, hair dyes, vitamins, supplements.

ADRENALINE: From the adrenals of hogs, cattle and sheep. In medicines.

Alternatives: synthetics

AFTERBIRTH: Placenta. Placenta Polypeptides Protein. Contains waste matter

eliminated by the fetus. Derived from the uterus of slaughtered animals. Animal,

placenta is widely used in skin creams, shampoos, masks, etc. Doesn't remove

wrinkles. Alternatives: kelp, vegetable oils.

ALBUMEN: Egg Albumen. Albumin. In eggs, milk, muscles, blood and in many

vegetable tissues and fluids. In cosmetics, albumin is usually derived from egg

whites. May cause allergic reactions. In cakes, cookies, candies, other foods.

Egg whites sometimes used in " clearing " wines.

ALBUMIN: See Albuinen.


ALLANTOIN: A uric acid from cows, most mammals. Also in many plants (especially

comfrey). In cosmetics, especially creams & lotions, and used in the treatment

of wounds and skin ulcers.

AMBERGRIS: From sperm whale intestines. Used as a fixative in perfumes and as a

flavoring in foods and beverages. (US regulations currently prohibit the use of

ingredients derived from marine mammals.) Alternatives: synthetic and vegetable


AMINO ACIDS: Animal or plant sources. In cosmetics, vitamins, supplements,

shampoos, etc.

AMINOSUCCINATE ACID: DL and L forms. Aspartic Acid. Can be animal or plant (ie.

molasses) source. Is a nonessential amino acid. In creams and ointments.

Sometimes synthesized for commercial purposes.

AMYLASE: An enzyme prepared from the pancreas of hogs. In cosmetics and


ANIMAL BONES: Bone Meal. In some fertilizers, some vitamins and supplements as a

source of calcium, also in toothpastes. Alternatives: plant mulch, vegetable

compost, dolomite, clay, vegetarian vitamins.

ANIMAL OILS AND FATS: In foods, cosmetics, etc. Highly allergenic. Plant

derivatives are superior. Alternatives: olive oil, wheat germ oil, coconut oil,

almond oil, safflower oil, etc.

ARACHIDONIC ACID: A liquid unsaturated fatty acid occurring in the liver, brain,

glands, and fat of animals. Generally isolated from the liver. In skin creams

and lotions to soothe eczema and rashes.

ASPARTIC ACID: See Aininosuccinate Acid.

ASPIC: An industry alternative for gelatin. Is made from clarified meat, fish or

vegetable stocks and gelatin.

BEE POLLEN: Collected from the legs of bees. Causes allergic reactions in some

people. In supplements, shampoos, toothpastes, deodorants. Too concentrated for

human use.

BEE PRODUCTS: From bees. For bees. Bees are selectively bred. Culls are killed.

A cheap sugar is substituted for their stolen honey and millions die as a

result. Their legs are often torn off by pollen-collecting trap doors.

BEESWAX: Obtained from the honeycomb of bees. Very cheap and traditional, but

harmful to the skin. Some companies won't use beeswax as it doesn't permit the

skin to breathe. In lipsticks and many other cosmetics, especially face creams,

lotions, mascaras, eye creams and shadows, makeup bases, nail whiteners, etc.

Used in making candles, crayons and polishes. Alternatives: Paraffin; vegetable

oils and fats; ceresin, made from the mineral ozokerite (replaces beeswax in

candle making); carnauba wax from the Brazilian palm tree (used in many

cosmeticand in the manufacture of rubber, phonograph records, in waterproofing

and writing inks); synthetic beeswax.

BENZOIC ACID: In almost all vertebrates and in berries. In mouthwashes, de

odorants, creams, aftershave lotions, perfumes, foods, beverages. Alternatives:

gum benzoin (tincture) from the aromatic balsamic resin from trees grown in

China, Sumatra, Thailand and Cambodia.

BETA CAROTENE: Provitamin A. Carotene. Found in many animal tissues an in all

plants. Used as a coloring in cosmetics and in the manufacture of Vitami A.

BIOTIN: Vitamin H. Vitamin B Factor. In every living cell and in larger amounts

in milk and yeast. Used in cosmetics, shampoos, creams. Alternatives: plant


BLOOD: This should be obvious but if it isn't.... From any slaughtered animal.

Used in cheese making, foam rubber, intravenous feedings, medicines and as

adhesive in plywood. Possibly in foods as lecithin (see choline bitarate).

Alternatives: synthetics, plant sources.

BOAR BRISTLES: Hair from wild or captive hogs. In " natural " toothbrushes,

hairbrushes, bath brushes, cosmetic brushes and shaving brushes. Alternatives:

vegetable fibers, nylon.

BONE ASH: Bone Earth. The ash of burned bones, used as a fertilizer, in making

ceramics and in cleaning and polishing compounds.

BONEBLACK: Bone Charcoal. A black pigment containing about 10% charcoal made by

roasting bones in an airtight container. Used in aquarium filters and in

refining cane sugar. In eye shadows, polishes.

BONE CHARCOAL: See Boneblack

BONE EARTH: See Bone Ash

BONE MEAL: See Anitnal Bones

CALCIFEROOL: Vitamin D. Ergocalciferol (Vitamin D2, Ergosterol, provitarnin D2,

Calciferool). Vitamin D3. Vitamin D can come from fish-liver oil, eggs, milk,

butter. Vitamin D2 is made by irradiating ergosterol, a provitamin from plants

or yeast. Vitamin D3 is from fish-liver oil. In creams, lotions, other

cosmetics, vitamins. Alternatives sunshine, plant sources, synthetics.

CALCIUM CARBONATE: Calcite. Aragonite. A white powder or colorless, crystalline

compund, found mainly in limestone, marble and chalk, bones, teeth, shells and

plant ash.

CALCIUM HYDROXIDE: Slaked lime, a white crystalline compund prepared by the

action of water on Calcium Oxide (see), used in making alkalies, bleaching

powder, etc.

CALCIUM OXIDE: a white soft, caustic solid, prepared by heating Calcium

Carbonate (see); lime: used in making mortar and plaster, and in ceramics.

CALCIUM PHOSPHATE: Any number of phosphates of calcium found in bones, teeth,

and other animal tissues and used in medicine and in the manufacture of enamels,

glass, cleaning agents, etc.

CAPRYLIC ACID: Can come from cow or goat milk. Also from palm and coco

nut oil, other plant oils. In perfumes, soaps.

CARBAMIDE: Urea. Imidazolidinyl Urea. Uric Acid. Found in urine and other body

fluids. Also produced synthetically In deodorants, ammoniated dentifrices,

mouthwashes, hair colorings, hand creams, lotions, shampoos, etc. Used to,

" brown " baked goods such as pretzels.

CARMINE: Cochineal. Carminic Acid. E120. Red pigment from the crushed female

cochineal insect. Reportedly 70,000 beetles may be killed to produce one pound

of this red dye. Used in cosmetics, shampoos, red apple sauce and other foods.

May cause allergic reactions. Alternatives: beet juice, no known toxicity (used

in powders, rouges, shampoos); alkanet root, from the root of an herblike tree,

no known toxicity (used as a red dye for inks, wines, lip balms, etc. and can be

combined to make a copper or blue coloring).


CAROTENE: See Beta Carotene.

CASEIN: Caseinogen. Milk protein. In " non-dairy " creamers, many cosmetics, hair

preparations, beauty masks. Alternatives: soy protein, vegetable milks.


CASTOR: Castoreum. From muskrat and beaver genitals. Used in perfumes and

incense. Castor oil comes from the castor bean and is used in many cosmetics.

Alternatives: synthetics, plant sources.

CASTOREUM: See Castor.

CATGUT: Tough cord or thread made from the intestines of sheep, horses, etc.

Used for surgical sutures and for stringing tennis rackets and musical

instruments, etc. Alternatives: nylon & other man-made fibers.

CETYL ALCOHOL: Cetyl Lactate. Cetyl Myristate. Cetyl Palmitate. Ceteth-1, 02,

etc. Wax found in spermaceti (see) from sperm whales or dolphin. Used in

lipsticks, mascaras, nail polish removers, hand lotions, cream, rouges and many

other cosmetics, shampoos, hair lacquers and other hair products, deodorants,

antiperspirants (US regulations currently prohibit the use of ingredients

derived from marine mammals.) Alternatives: vegetable cetyl alcohol (ie.

coconut) synthetic spermaceti.

CETYL LACTATE: See Cetyl Alcohol.

CETYL MYRISTATE/ CETETH-(#): See Cetyl Alcohol.

CETYL PALMITATE: See Spermaceti and Cetyl Alcohol.

CHOLESTERIN: Cholesterol. A steroid alcohol, especially in all animal fats and

oils, nerve tissue, egg yolk and blood. Can be derived from lanolin (see). In

cosmetics, eye creams, shampoos, etc. Alternatives: plant sources, synthetics.

CHOLESTEROL: See Cholesterin.

CHOLINE BITARTATE: Lecithin. In all living organisms. Frequently obtained for

commercial purposes from eggs and soybeans (when stated soy lecithin). Also from

nerve tissue, blood, milk, corn. Choline bitartrate, the basic constituent of

lecithin, is in many animal and plant tissues or prepared synthetically.

Lecithin can be in eye creams, lipsticks, liquid powders, hand creams, lotions,

soaps, shampoos, other cosmetics, candies, other foods and medicines.

CIVET. Obtained from the civet, a small mammal, by stimulating it, usually

through torture. Civets are kept captive in cages in horrible conditions. Used

in perfumes as a fixative.

COCHINEAL (E120): See Carmine.

COD LIVER OIL: Fish Liver Oil. Fish Livers. Used in Lubricating creams and

lotions, vitamins and supplements. In milk fortified with Vitamin D.

Alternatives: vegetable oils, yeast extract ergosterol, sunshine.

COLLAGEN: A fibrous protein in vertebrates. Usually derived from animal tissue.

In cosmetics. Can't affect the skin's own collagen. Alternatives: soy protein,

almond oil, amla oil (from Indian tree's fruit).

CORTICO STEROID: Cortisone. Hormone from cattle liver. Widely used in medicine.

Alternatives: synthetics.

CORTISONE: See Cortico Steroid.

CYSTEINE, L-Form: Cystine. Two amino acids which can come from animals.

Used in hair products and creams, in some bakery products and wound healing

formulations. Alternatives: Plant sources.

CYSTINE: See Cysteine, L-Form.

DNA/RNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Ribonucleic Acid. Polypeptides. Obtained from

slaughterhouse wastes. In all living cells. Used in many protein shampoos and

cosmetics. Alternatives: plant cells.


DEPANTHENOL: Panthenol. Vitamin B Complex Factor. Provitarnin B5. Carl, come

from animal or plant sources or synthetics. In shampoos, foods, supplements,

emollients, etc.

DIGLYCERIDES: Monoglycerides. Glycerides. From animal fat. In margarines, cake

mixes, confectionaries, foods, peanut butter, non-dairy coffee creamer, cos,

metics, etc. Glycerin (see). Alternatives: vegetable monoglycerides and

diglycerides, synthetics.

DOWN: Goose or duck insulating feathers. Often from slaughtered or cruelly

exploited geese. Used in pillows and as an insulator in quilts, parkas and

sleeping bags. Bad in cold, wet weather as it packs down. Alternatives: many

polyester and man-made substitutes, superior in many ways; Kapok (silky fibers

from the seeds of some tropical trees); milkweed seed pod fibers.

DUODENUM SUBSTANCES: From the digestive tracts of cattle and swine. In some

vitamins and medicines. Alternatives: vegetarian vitamins, synthetics.

E120: See Carmine.


EGG PROTEIN: In shampoos, skin preparations, etc. Alternatives: plant pr teins.

ELASTIN: Found in the neck ligaments and aorta of bovine. Similar to collagen.

Can't affect the skin's own elasticity. Alternatives: synthetics, proteins from

plant tissues.

ERGISTEROL: See Calciferool.

ERGOCALCIFEROL: See Calciferool.

ESTRADIOL: Estrone. Estrogen. From cow ovaries and pregnant mares' urine.

Considered a drug. Can have harmful systemic effects if used by children. Used

for reproductive problems and in birth control pills. In creams and lotions. Has

no effect in the creams as a " nourishing " factor and simple vegetable source

creams are considered better. Alternatives: Oral contraceptives marketed today

are usually based on synthetic steroids. Phytoestrogens (from plants) are being

researched currently.

ESTROGEN: See Estradiol.

ESTRONE: See Estradiol.

FATTY ACIDS: Can be one or any mixture of liquid and solid acids, caprylic,

myristic, oleic, palmitic, stearic , behenic. Used in bubble baths, lipsticks,

soaps, detergents, cosmetics, shampoos, foods. Alternatives: vegetable-derived

acids, soy lecithin, safflower oil, bitter almond oil, sunflower oil, etc.

FEATHERS: Down (see). Keratin (see). Generally from exploited and/or slaughtered

birds. Can be used as ornaments in whole or can be ground up in shampoos, etc.

FISH LIVER(S): See Cod Liver Oil.

FISH LIVER OIL: See Cod Liver Oil.

FISH OIL: Marine Oil. From fish or marine mammals (including porpoises). Used in

soap making, candles, lubricants, paints and as a shortening (especially in some

margarines). US regulations currently prohibit the use of ingredients derived

from marine mammals.

FISH SCALES: Used in shimmery makeups (eye, etc.). Garbage cans full of scales

are sold to manufacturers. Alternatives: mica, rayon.

FLETAN OIL: Rare ingredient derived from fish liver which includes lecithin,

Vitamin A and Vitamin D. (see all).

FUR: Hopefully speaks for itself.

GELATIN: Gel. Protein obtained by boiling skin, tendons, ligaments or bones with

water, from cattle and hogs. Used in shampoos, face masks, other cosmetics. Used

as a thickener for fruit gelatins and puddings Uello-brand desserts). In

candies, marshmallows, cakes, ice cream, yogurts. On photographic film as a

coating and in vitamins as capsules. Sometimes used to assist in " clearing "

wines. Alternatives: algae and seaweed (carrageen/ Irish Moss, algin, agar-agar,

kelp), Gelozone, used in jellies, plastics, medicines, pectin from fruit,

dextrins, locust bean gum and cotton gum. Marshmallows were originally made from

the root of the marshmallow plant.

GEL: See Gelatin,

GLUTAMIC ACID: An amino acid found widely in plant and animal tissue. Used as

food seasoning and as an antioxidant in cosmetics.

GLYCERIDES: See Diglycerides.

GLYCERIN: Glycerine. Glycerol. Polyglycerol. Polytethylene Glycol (PEG). A

byproduct of soap manufacture (normally used animal fat). In cosmetics, foods,

mouthwashes, toothpastes, soaps, ointments, medicines, lubricants, transmission

and brake fluids, plastics. Alternatives: vegetable or vegetable glycerin, a

by-product of vegetable oil soap; derivatives of seaweed, petroleum.

GLYCERINE: See Glycerin,

GLYCEROL: See Diglycerides.


GUANINE: Pearl Essence. Obtained from scales of fish. Constituent of ribonucleic

acid and deoxyribonucleic acid and is found in all animal and plant tissues. In

shampoos, nail polish, other cosmetics. Alternatives: leguminous plants,


HIDE GLUE: Same as gelatin but of a cruder, more impure form. Alternatives:

clextrins and synthetic petrochemical-based adhesives.

HONEY. Food for bees, made by bees. Still a sugar, too concentrated for humans.

Contains toxins harmful to humans. Can cause allergic reactions. In cosmetics,

foods. Alternatives: Maple syrup, date sugar, syrups made from grains.

HORSE HAIR AND OTHER ANIMAL HAIR: In some blankets mattresses, brushes,

furniture, etc. Alternatives: vegetable and man-made fibers.

HYDROLYZED ANIMAL PROTEIN: In cosmetics, especially shampoos and hair

treatments. Alternatives: soy protein, other vegetable proteins, amla oil (from

an Indian tree's fruit).

HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN: Milk Protein. From cows'milk. In cosmetics, shampoos,

moisturizers, conditioners, etc. Alteratives: soy protein, other plant proteins.


INSULIN: From the pancreas of hogs and oxen. Used by millions of diabetics

daily. Alternatives: synthetics, human insulin grown in a lab, diet when


ISINGLASS: A form of gelatin prepared from the internal membranes of fish

bladders. In foods and sometimes used in " clearing " wines and beers.

Alternatives: bentonite clay, " Japanese isinglass " (see Alternfor Gelatin).

Isinglass is also a mineral, mica, used in cosmetics.

ISOPROPYL MYRISTATE: Myristate Acid. Myristyl. In most animal and vegetable

fats. In butter acids. Used in shampoos, creams, cosmetics, food flavorings.

Alternatives: nut butters, oil of lovage, coconut oil, extract from seed kernels

of nutmeg, etc.

KERATIN: From the ground-up horns, hoofs, feathers, quills and hair of various

creatures. In hair rinses, shampoos, permanent wave solutions. Alternatives:

almond oil, soy protein, amla oil (from an Indian tree's fruit), rosemary,

nettle. Rosemary and nettle give body and strand strength to hair.

L-FORM: See Cysteine.

L-LACTIC ACID: Lactic Acid (a by-product of the slaughterhouse). Produced by the

fermentation of lactose when milk sours or from sucrose and some other

carbohydrates by the action of certain microorganisms. Can be found in blood and

muscle tissue. In skin fresheners, adhesives, plasticizers, pharmaceuticals,

sour milk, beer, sauerkraut, pickles and other food products made by bacterial

fermentation. Used in foods and beverages as an acidulant, flavoring and


LACTIC ACID: See L-Lactic Acid.

LACTOSE: Milk Sugar. Milk of Mammals. In eye lotions, foods, tablets, cosmetics,

baked goods, medicines, shampoos. Alternatives: plant milk sugars.

LANOLIN: Lanolin Acid. Lanolin Alcohols (Sterol, Triterpene Alcohol, Aliphatic

Alcohol). Wool Fat. Laneth-5, -10, etc. Lanogene. Lanosterol. Isopropyl

Lanolate. A product of the oil glands of sheep, extracted from their wool (see).

In many skin care products and cosmetics and in medicines. Some cosmetic

companies won't use it because it commonly causes allergic contact skin rashes,

and also they consider it to be a cheap filler. Vegetable sources are thought to

be better moisturizers; lanolin is too greasy, waterproof and sealing - skin

can't breathe.

LANOLIN ACID: See Lanolin.


LANOSTEROL: See Lanolin.

LARD: Fat from hog abdomens. In shaving creams, soaps, cosmetics, baked goods

and other foods. Hard to digest. Alternatives: vegetable fats or oils.

LEATHER: Suede, Calfskin. Sheepskin. Alligator. Kid. Euphemism for animal skin.

The use of and sale of it subsidizes the meat industry. Used to make wallets,

handbags, belts, furniture, and car upholstery, shoes, coats, etc. Alternatives:

natural materials such as cotton and canvas. Also man-made materials such as

nylon and vinyl.

LECITHIN: See Choline Bitartrate.

LINOLEIC ACID: An essential fatty acid (see). In cosmetics, vitamins.

LIPASE: Enzyme from the stomachs and tongue glands of calves, kids and lambs.

Probably in some vitamins. Alternatives: vegetable enzymes.

LIPOIDS/ LIPIDS: Fat and fatlike substances which occur in animals and plants.

LUNA SPONGE: Sea Sponge. A plantlike animal that lives in the sea and is

becoming scarce, Alternatives: man-made sponges.

MARINE OIL: See Fish Oil.

METHIONINE: An essential amino acid found in various proteins. Used as a

texturizer in creams.

MILK OF MAMMALS: If this isn't already obvious, see


MILK PROTEIN: Hydrolyzed Milk Protein (see). From cows' milk. In cosmetics,

shampoos, moisturizers, conditioners, etc. Alteratives: soy protein, other plant


MILK SUGAR: See Lactose.

MINK OIL: From minks. In cosmetics, creams, etc. Alternatives: vegetable oils

and emollients (ie. avocado, almond oil, jojoba).

MONOGLYCERIDES: See Diglycerides.

MUSK: Obtained from the genitals of the Northern Asian small hornless deer. In

perfumes and food flavorings. Can cause allergic reactions. Alternatives:

labdanum (oil which comes from various rockrose shrubs) - no known toxicity.

Other plants have a musky scent also.

MYRISTATE ACID: See Isopropyl Myristate.

MYRISTYL: See Isopropyl Myristate.

NATURAL FLAVOR: Natural Flavoring. Natural Source. Can mean animal, vegetable or

mineral source. Most often in the health food industry, it means an animal

source, especially in cosmetics (ie. animal elastin (see), animal glands, fat,

protein, oil). Be wary of this term. Find out exact source.

NATURAL SOURCE: See Natural Flavor.

NUCLEIC ACID: In the nucleus of all living cells. Used in cosmetics, shampoos,

conditioners, vitamins, supplements, etc. Alternatives: plant sources.

OCTYL DODECANOL: Mixture of solid waxy alcohols. Primarily from stearyl alcohol


OLEAN®: Olestra®. A man made fat substitude that contains fatty acids (see).

Originally planned to market as a drug. Depletes body of, and prevents

absorbtion of vitamins. In some potato chips and other fried foods.

Alternatives: plant sources. (See pg. 7 for more information.)

OLEIC ACID: Oleth-2, -3, -20, etc. Oleyl Alcohol. Oleamine. Oleyl Betaine.

Obtained from various animal and vegetable fats and oils, Is usually obtained

commercially from inedible tallow (see), sometimes synthesized from petroleum.

In foods, soft soaps, bar soaps, permanent wave solutions, shampoos, creams,

nail polish, lipsticks, liquid makeups, many other skin preparations.

Alternatives: coconut oil; see alternatives for Animal Oils and Fats.

OLESTRA®: See Olean®.



OX BILE: Oxgall. From castrated bovines. In creams.

OXGALL: See Ox Bile.

PALMITATE: Palmitic Acid. Fatty Acids (see). From fats, oils, mixed with stearic

acid (see). Occurs in many animal fats and plant oils. In shampoos, shaving

soaps, creams. Alternatives: palm oil and other vegetable source.

PALMITIC ACID: See Pahnitate.

PANTHENOL: See Depanthenol.


PEPSIN: Obtained from the stomachs of hogs. A clotting agent. In some cheeses

and vitamins. Same uses and alternatives as rennet (see).

PLACENTA: See Afterbirth.





POLYSORBATES: Derivatives of fatty acids (see). In cosmetics, foods.


PRISTANE: Obtained from the liver oil of sharks and from whale ambergris (see).

See Squalene. Used as a lubricant and anticorrosive agent. In cosmetics. (US

regulations currently prohibit the use of ingredients derived from marine

mammals.) Alternatives: plant oils, synthetics.

PROGESTERONE: A steroid hormone (see) used in face creams. Can have adverse

systemic effects. Alternatives: synthetics.

PROPOLIS: A resinous substance collected from various plants by bees and used in

the construction of their hives. In toothpastes, shampoos, deodorants,

supplements, etc.

PROVITAMIN A: See Beta Carotene.

PROVITAMIN B5: See Depanthenol.

QUATERNIUM 27: Tallow (see). Stearamide. Stearate. Stearic Acid. Stearin. Fat

from cows, sheep, etc. (could be dogs and cats from shelters). Most often refers

to a fatty substance taken from the stomachs of pigs. Can be harsh, irritating.

Used in cosmetics, soaps, lubricants, candles, hairsprays, conditioners,

deodorants, creams. Alternatives: can be found in many vegetable fats (ie.


RENNET: Rennin. From calves' stomachs. Used in cheesemaking, rennet custard

(junket) and in many coagulated dairy products. Alternatives: microbial

coagulating agents, bacteria culture, lemon juice.

RENNIN: See Rennet.

RETINOL: See Acetate.



ROYAL JELLY: Secretion of the throat glands of the honeybee workers that is fed

to the larvae in a colony and to all queens' larvae. No proven value in cosmetic

preparations. Alternatives: aloe vera, cornfrey, other plant derivatives.

SABLE BRUSHES: From the fur of sables (weasel-like mammals). Used to make

cosmetic brushes. Alternatives: synthetic furs and fibers.

SEA SPONGE: See Luna Sponge.

SEA TURTLE OIL: Turtle Oil. From the muscles and genitals of giant sea turtles.

In soaps, skin creams, nail creams, other cosmetics. Alternatives: Vegetable

emollients. (See Alternatives for Animal Oils and Fats.)

SHEEPSKIN: See Leather.

SHELLAC: Obtained from the bodies of the female scale insect Tachardia lacca.

Shellac is used as varnish, as a coating on wood and plaster, in electrical

insulation, and in sealing wax.

SILK: Shiny fiber made by silkworms to form their cocoons. Boiled or roasted in

their cocoons to get the silk. Used in cloth and silk screening. Alternatives:

milkweed seed pod fibers, nylon, silk-cotton tree and ceiba tree filaments

(kapok), rayon, man-made silks. Other fine cloth can be and is used for silk

screening. Taffeta can be made from silk or nylon.

SILK POWDER: Obtained from the secretion of the silkworm. Used as a coloring

agent in face powders, soaps, etc. Causes severe allergic reactions; systemic

reactions if inhaled or ingested.

SNAILS: Crushed. In some cosmetics.

SPERMACETI: Cetyl Palmitate. Sperm Oil. Waxy oil derived from the sperm whale's

head or from dolphins. In skin creams, ointments, shampoos, candles, many

margarines. Used in the leather industry. May become rancid and cause

irritations (US regulations currently prohibit the use of ingredients derived

from marine mammals.) Alternatives: Synthetic spermaceti, jojobas oil and other

vegetable emollients.

SPERM OIL: See Spermaceti.

SQUALANE: Squalene (see). Obtained from shark liver oil. Lubricant and perfume

fixative. Alternatives: synthetics.

SQUALENE: Squalane (see). Obtained from shark liver oil or vegetable oil. An

emollient from a " natural source " (see). A precursor of cholesterol in

biosynthesis. In cosmetics, moisturizers, hair dyes. Alternatives: vegetable

emollients (olive oil, wheat germ oil, rice bran oil, etc.).


STEARIC ACID: See Quaterniuin 27.

STEARYL ALCOHOL: Stenol. A mixture of solid alcohols; can be prepared from sperm

whale oil. In medicines, creams, rinses, shampoos, etc. (US regulations

currently prohibit the use of ingredients derived from marine mammals.)

Alternatives: plant tissues, synthetics.

ST ENOL: See Stearyl Alcohol.

STEROID: Sterol. From various animal glands or from plant tissues. Steroids

include sterols. Sterols are alcohols from animals or plants (ie. cholesterol).

Used in hormone preparations. In creams, lotions, hair conditioners, fragrances,

etc. Alternatives: plant tissues, synthetics.

STEROL: See Steroid.

SUEDE: See Leather.

TALLOW: Tallowate. Tallow Fatty Alcohol. Stearic Acid (see). Rendered beef or

sheep fat. May cause eczema and blackheads. In wax paper, crayons, margarines,

paints, rubber, lubricants, candles, soaps, shampoos, lipsticks, shaving creams,

other cosmetics. Alternatives: vegetable tallow (animal tallow usually used

commercially), Japan tallow, paraffin, ceresin. (See alternatives for Beeswax.)

TALLOWATE: See Tallow.


TURTLE OIL: See Sea Turtle Oil.

UREA: See Carbainide.

URIC ACID: See Carbainide.

VITAMIN A: Retinol. Acetate (see) and Palmitate. (See Palmitic Acid.)

VITAMIN B COMPLEX FACTOR: Provitamin B5. Depanthenol (see). Panthenol.


VITAMIN B12: Usually from an animal source. Some vegetarian B12 fortified yeasts

and analogs available. Some vegetarian B12 vitamins are in a stomach base. Plant

algae discovered containing B12, now in supplement form (spirulina). Also, B12

is produced in a healthy body.

VITAMIN D: See Calciferool.

VITAMIN H: See Biotin.

OTHER VITAMINS: (Choline, Biotin (see), Inositol, Riboflavin, etc.). Many other

vitamins can come from animal sources. Alternatives: vegetarian vitamins, plant

and mineral sources.

WHEY: From milk. Usually in cakes, cookies, candies, cheese. Alternatives:

soybean whey.

WOOL: From sheep (in the US, mostly from slaughtered ones). Used in clothing,

including blends. Ram lambs and old " wool " sheep are slaughtered for their meat

and last shearing. Sheep are transported without food or water in extreme heat

and cold. Legs are broken, eyes injured, etc. Sheep are bred to be unnaturally

woolly. Inferior sheep are killed. Shearing DOES hurt the sheep. They are pinned

down violently, sheared roughly. Their skin is cut up. Every year, hundreds of

thousands of shorn sheep die from exposure to cold. Natural predators of sheep

(wolves, coyotes, eagles, etc.) are poisoned, trapped and shot. In the US,

overgrazing by cattle and sheep is turning more than 150 million acres of land

into desert. " Natural " wool raising uses enormous amounts of resources and

energy (to breed, raise, feed, shear, transport and slaughter the sheep). Many

people are allergic to wool. Alternatives: cotton, cotton flannel, linen, man

made fibers.

WOOL FAT: See Lanol


CHAPTER 4: Animal Ingredients



Acetylated Hydrogenated Lard Glyceride

Acetylated Lanolin

Acetylated Lanolin Alcohol

Acetylated Lanolin Ricinoleate

Acetylated Tallow





Aliphatic Alcohol




Amino Acids

Aminiuccinate Acid; DL and L Forms

Ammonium Hydrolyzed Protein

Arrmiotic Fluid

AMPD Isoteric Hydrolyzed Animal Protein


Animal Bones

Animal Collagen Amino Acids

Animal Keratin Amino Acids

Animal Oils & Fats

Animal Protein Derivative

Animal Tissue Extract - Epiderm Oil R

Arachidonic Acid

Aspartic Acid



Batyl Alcohol

Batyl Isostearate

Bee Products

Bee Pollen


Benzoic Acid

Benzyltrimonium Hydrolyzed Animal Protein



Boar Bristles

Bone Ash

Bone Black


Bone Charcoal

Bone Earth


Brain Extract



C30-46 Piscine Oil

Calfskin Extract

Cantharides Tincture - Spanish Fly


Carmine - Cochineal

Carminic Acid - Natural Red No. 4

Caprylic Acid



Carminic Acid



Castor - Castoreum (not Castor Oil)



Ceteth-2 - Poltethylene (2) Cetyl Ether

Ceteth-2, -4, -6, -10, -30

Cetyl Alcohol

Cetyl Lactate

Cetyl Myristate

Cetyl Palmitate



Choline Bitartrate



Cod-Liver Oil



Cortico Steroid


Cysteine, -L-Form

Cystine (or Cysteine)


Dea-Oleth-10 Phosphate

Deoxyribonucleic Acid


Desamido Animal Collagen


Dicapryloyl Cystine

Diethylene Tricaseinamide



Dihydrocholesterol Octyledecanoate



Dihydrogenated Tallow Benzylmoniumchloride

Dihydrogenated Tallow Methylamine

Dihydrogenated Tallow Phthalate

Dihydroxyethyl Tallow Amine Oxide

Dimethyl Hydrogenated Tallowarnine

Dimethyl Tallowarnine

Disodium Hydrogenated TallowGlutamate

Disodium Tallamido Mea-Sulfosuccinate

Disodium Tallowarninodipropionate

Ditallowdimonium Chloride


Dried Buttermilk

Dried Egg Yolk

Duodenum Substances




Edible Bone Phosphate


Egg Albumen

Egg Albumin

Egg Oil

Egg Powder

Egg Protein

Egg Yolk

Egg Yolk Extract


Embryo Extract



Estradiol Benzoate



Ethyl Arachidonate

Ethyl Ester of Hydrolyzed Animal Protein

Ethyl Morrhuate - Lipineate

Ethylene Dehydrogenated Tallowamide


Fatty Acids


Fish Glycerides

Fish Liver Oil

Fish Oil

Fletan Oil



Gelatin (not Gel)

Glucuronic Acid

Glutamic Acid




Glyceryl Lanolate


Guanine - Pearl Essence



Hide Glue



Human Placental Protein

Human Umbilical Extract

Hyaluronic Acid

Hydrogenated Animal Glyceride

Hydrogenated Ditallow Amine

Hydrogenated Honey

Hydrogenated Laneth-5, -20, -25

Hydrogenated Lanolin

Hydrogenated Lanolin Alcohol

Hydrogenated Lard Glyceride

Hydrogenated Shark-Liver Oil

Hydrogenated Tallow Acid

Hydrogenated Tallow Betaine

Hydrogenated Tallow Glyceride

Hydrolyzed Animal Elastin

Hydrolyzed Animal Keratin

Hydrolyzed Animal Protein

Hydrolyzed Casein

Hydrolyzed Elastin

Hydrlyzed Human Placental Protein

Hydrolyzed Keratin

Hydrolyzed Silk

Hydroxylated Lanolin


Imidazolidinyl Urea



Isobutylated Lanolin

Isopropyl Lanolate

Isopropyl Tallowatelsopropyl Lanolate

Isopropyl Myristate

Isostearic Hydrolyzed Animal Protein

Isostearoyl Hydrolyzed Animal Protein



Keratin Amino Acids


Lactic Acid

Lactic Yeasts

Lactose - Milk Sugar

Laneth-5 through -40

Laneth-9 and -10 Acetate

Lanolin - Wool Fat; Wool Wax

Lanolin Acid

Lanolin Alcohols - Sterols; Triterpene Alcohols; Aliphatic Alcohols

Lanolin Linoleate

Lanolin Oil

Lanolin Ricinoleate

Lanolin Wax

Lanoinamide DEA



Lard Glyceride

Lauroylhydrolyzed Animal Protein




L-Lactic Acid

Linoleic Acid




Liver Extract

Luna Sponge



Magnesium Lanolate

Magnesium Tallowate

Mammarian Extract

Marine Oil


MEA-Hydrolyzed Animal Protein

Menhaden Oil - Pogy Oil; Mossbunker Oil



Milk Protein

Mink Oil

Minkamidopropyl Diethylamine


Muscle Extract


Musk Ambrette

Myristic Acid


Myristoyl Hydrolyzed Animal Protein


Neat's-Foot Oil

Nucleic Acid


Octyl Dodecanol


Oleamidopropyl Dimethylamine Hydrolyzed Animal Protein

Oleic Acid


Oleoyl Hydrolyzed Animal Protein


Oleth-2, and 3

Oleth-5, and 10


Oleth-25 and 50

Oleyl Alcohol

Oleyl Arachidate

Oleyl Betatine

Oleyl Imidazoline

Oleyl Lanolate

Ovarian Extract

Ox Bile



Palmitic Acid

Palmitoyl Hydrolyzed Animal Protein

Palmitoyl Hydrolyzed Milk Protein


PEG-28 Glyceryl Tallowate

PEG-8 Hydrogenated Fish Glycerides

PEG-5 through -70 Hydrogenated Lanolin

PEG-13 Hydrogenated Tallow Amide

PEG-5 to -20 Lanolate

PEG-5 through -100 Lanolin

PEG-75 Lanolin Oil and Wax

PEG-2 Milk Solids

PEG-6, -8, -20 Sorbitan Beeswax

PEG-40, -75, or -80 Sorbitan Lanolate

PEG-3, -10, or -15 Tallow Aminopropylamine

PEG-15 Tallow Polyamine

PEG-20 Tallowate




Pigskin Extract


Placenta Polypeptides Protein

Placental Enzymes, Lipids and Proteins

Placental Extract

Placental Protein


Polyglyceryl-2 Lanolin Alcohol Ether



Polytethylene Glycol (PEG)

Potassium Caseinate

Potassium Tallowate

Potassium Undecylenoyl Hydrolyzed Animal Protein

PPG-12-PEG-50 Lanolin

PPG-2, -5, -10. -20, -30 Lanolin Alcohol Ethers

PPG-30 Lanolin Ether

Pregnenolone Acetate




Purcelline Oil Syn


Royal Jelly


Ribonucleic Acid



Sable Brushes

Saccharide Hydrolysate

Saccharide Isomerate

Sea Turtle Oil

Serum Albumin

Serum Proteins

Shark-Liver Oil


Shellac Wax


Silk Amino Acids

Silk Powder


Sodium Caseinate

Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate

Sodium Coco-Hydrolyzed Animal Protein

Sodium Hydrogenated Tallow Glutamate

Sodiurn Laneth Sulfate

Sodium Methyl Oleoyl Taurate

Sodium n-Mythyl-n-Oleyl Taurtate

Sodium Soya Hydrolyzed Animal Protein

Sodium Tallow Sulfate

Sodium Tallowate

Sodium / TEA-Lauroyl Hydrolyzed Animal Protein

Sodium / TEA-Undecylenoyl Hydrolyzed Animal Protein

Sodium Undecylenate

Soluble (Animal) Collagen

Soya Hydroxyethyl Imidazoline


Sperm Oil

Spleen Extract



Stearic Acid

Stearyl Alcohol - Stenol



Tallow Acid

Tallow Amide

Tallow Amidopropylamine Oxide

Tallow Amine

Tallow Amine Oxide

Tallow Fatty Alcohol

Tallow Glycerides

Tallow Hydroxyethal Imidazoline

Tallow Imidazoline


Tallowmide DEA and MEA

Tallowmidopropyl Hydroxysultaine




Tallow Trimonium Chloride - Tallow

Tea-Abietoyl Hydrolyzed Animal Protein

Tea-Coco Hydrolyzed Animal Protein

Tea-Lauroyl Animal Collagen Amino Acids

Tea-Lauroyl Animal Keratin Amino Acids

Tea-Myristol Hydrolyzed Animal Protein

Tea-Undecylenoyl Hydrolyzed Animal Protein

Testicular Extract


Triethonium Hydrolyzed Animal Protein Ethosulfate

Trilaneth-4 Phosphate

Turtle Oil



Uric Acid



Wood Fat


Wool Wax Alcohols




Zinc Hydrolyzed Animal Protein


CHAPTER 5: Alcoholic Beverages


With the growing number of microbreweries and the number of corporate breweries

introducing new beers that pose as microbrews, a complete list of beers that are

suitable for vegans would have to be updated daily. In this chapter we have

attempted to note more popular beers. We have also attempted to note which

breweries don't typically use animal products in their brewing process. As

always, common sense should prevail. If one of the brands listed here releases a

honey porter after this book goes to print it is obviously not vegan. We have

also tried to provide a lot of general information on the brewing of beers to

assist in making an educated guess. If all else fails the best means of finding

out if a particular beer is vegan is to contact the manufacturer.

Since the last edition, cider has become an integral part of US drinking

culture, so we've tried to provide as much information as we could find on the

ever confusing world of cider. Unfortunately the myth is not true that vegan

alcoholic beverages don't give you less of a hangover.

Vegan Beers

Vegetarian Times and The Bay Vegan found that animal products aren't generally

used in beer brewing in the US. Gelatin used to be widely used in beer

manufacturing in the US, but most major brewing companies haven't included

gelatin in beer for some time.

Those on the following list are all acceptable for vegetarians and vegans.


Alloa Light - keg

Alloa 70/- Special - keg, can & bottle

Alloa 80/- Export - keg, can & bottle

Alloa Stout - bottle

Batemans IPA - bottle

Batemans Nut Brown - bottle

Batemans XXXB - bottle

Batemans Victory Ale - bottle

Batemans Dark Mild - bottle

Batemans GB Bitter - bottle

Burtonwood Bitter - keg & can

Burtonwood Mild - keg

Burtonwood Pale Mild - keg

Burtonwood Top Hat Ale - keg

Drybrough Heavy - keg

Drybrough Best Scotch - bottle

Felinfoel Bitter - keg & can

Felinfoel Double Dragon Bitter - keg & can

Fuller's London Pride - keg, can & bottle

Fuller's Chiswick Bitter - keg & can

Fuller's Mild - keg

Fuller's ESB Export - bottle

Fuller's Pale Ale - bottle

Fuller's Brown Ale - bottle

Fullers LA - bottle

Gale's Southdown Bitter - keg

Gale's Best Bitter - keg

Gale's 777 Mild - keg

Gale's Prize Old Ale - bottle

Gale's Pale Ale - bottle

Gale's HSB - can

Golden Promise Organic Beer - bottle

Hall & Woodhouse BXB Bitter - keg

H & W Malthouse Bitter - keg

H & W Oasthouse Bitter - can

H & W Badger Country Bitter - can

H & W Tanglefoot Bitter - can

Morrells Friars Bitter - keg

Morrells Castle Ale - bottle

Morrells Light Ale - bottle

Morrells College Ale - bottle

Morrells Brewery Gate Bitter - can

Redruth Brewery Bitter - can

Redruth Brewery Mile Ale - can

Redruth Aston Manor Bitter - can

Redruth Gold Cap Bitter - can

Redruth Brewster Bitter - can

Redruth John Davey Bitter - keg & can

Robinson's Best Bitter - can

Ross Brewery Hartcliffe Bitter - bottle

Ross Brewery Clifton Dark Ale - bottle

Ross Brewery Saxon Ale - bottle

Sainsburys Premium Ale - bottle

Sam Smiths Old Brewery - keg & can

Sam Smiths Sovereign Best - keg

Sam Smiths Tadcaster Bitter - keg

Sam Smiths 4X Best Mild - keg

Sam Smiths Dark Mild Ale - keg

Sam Smiths OB Strong Brown - bottle

Sam Smiths OB Strong Pale - bottle

Sam Smiths Pale Ale - bottle

Sam Smiths Light Ale - bottle

Sam Smiths Nut Brown - bottle

Sam Smiths Strong Golden - bottle


AyingerBrau Low Alcohol - keg & bottle

Clausen - bottle

Greene King Lowes - bottle

Marston's Low " C " - keg & bottle

Wheelwright Low Alcohol - keg & bottle

Wyvern Low Alcoholic - bottle

Sharp's - can & bottle

Kingsbury - can & bottle

O'Douls Premium Non-Alcoholic Brew - can & bottle


Aston Manor Lager - can

AyingerBrau - keg

AyingerBrau D. Pils - keg & bottle

AyingerBrau Very Strong - bottle

Brewster Lager - can

Budweiser - keg, can & bottle

Burtonwood Dagen - can

Cornish Pilsner Lager - can

Henri Funck - bottle

Grolsch - keg, can & bottle

Guapa Lager - bottle

Hall & Woodhouse Hectors - can

H & W Forum - can

H & W Compass - can

H & W Skona - can

H & W Royal Hofbrau - can

Harp - keg, can & bottle

Harp Extra - keg

Heineken Export - keg, can & bottle

Heineken - keg, can & bottle

Holsten Pils - can & bottle

Knight's - can & bottle

Labatt's - keg

Lincoln Green Organic - can

Lowenbrau Strong - keg

Mousel - bottle

Norseman - can

Pinkus Special Organic - bottle

Prinz Strong - keg

Redruth Brewery Pilsner - can

Sam Smiths Natural Lager - can & bottle

Scorpion Dry - can & bottle

Skol - keg, can & bottle

Tennent's Gold Bier - bottle

TQ Lager - bottle

Tuborg Gold - keg, can & bottle


In the January/ February 1995 issue of Animal Times-PETAs bimonthly magazine,

there is a list of " cruelty-free beers " that states " The following brewing

companies have assured PETA in writing that all their various beers are made

without animal-derived ingredients, additives, or processing agents. " We have

researched and expanded their existing list here.

Anderson Valley - keg, can & bottle

Anheuser-Busch - keg, can & bottle

Barley's - keg, can & bottle

Beach - keg, can & bottle

Beck's - keg, can & bottle

Big Dog's Hospitality Group - keg, can & bottle

Blue Ridge - keg, can & bottle

Brick - keg, can & bottle

Carlsberg-Tetley - keg, can & bottle

Columbus - bottle

Courage - keg, can & bottle

Dallas County - keg, can & bottle

Dempsey's - keg, can & bottle

Deschutes - keg, can & bottle

Dock Street - keg, can & bottle

Dubuque - keg, can & bottle

Eddie McStiff's - keg, can & bottle

Fremont - keg, can & bottle

Fullers - keg, can & bottle

Golden Pacific - keg, can & bottle

Grant's Yakima - keg, can & bottle

Greene King - keg, can & bottle

Groisch - keg, can & bottle

G. Heileman - keg, can & bottle

Irons - keg, can & bottle

James Page - keg, can & bottle

Jones Street - keg, can & bottle

Lakefront - keg, can & bottle

Latrobe (Rolling Rock) - keg, can & bottle

Les Brasseurs du Nord - keg, can & bottle

Lost Coast - keg, can & bottle

Mad River - keg, can & bottle

Manhattan Beach - keg, can & bottle

Masters Brewpub & Brasserie - keg, can & bottle

Miller - keg, can & bottle

Miracle - keg, can & bottle

Nelson - keg, can & bottle

Nevada City - keg, can & bottle

North Coast - keg, can & bottle

Nouveaux Brasseurs-Bar Ulnox - keg, can & bottle

Odell - keg, can & bottle

Onalaska - keg, can & bottle

Oranjeboom - keg, can & bottle

Otter Creek - keg, can & bottle

Otto Brothers' - keg, can & bottle

Pacific Hop Exchange - keg, can & bottle

Pennsylvania - keg, can & bottle

Pete's - bottle

Pyramid Ales - can & bottle

Ragtime Tavern - keg, can & bottle

Rainier - keg, can & bottle

Richbrau - keg, can & bottle

Roslyn - keg, can & bottle

Samuel Smith (except Oatmeal Stout) - See Bitters, etc

San Andreas - keg, can & bottle

Scottish & Newcastle - bottle

Shan Sui - keg, can & bottle

Sharky's - keg, can & bottle

Shepherd Neame - keg, can & bottle

Sierra Nevada - keg, can & bottle

Silo - keg, can & bottle

Sleeman - keg, can & bottle

Sonoma (Dempsey's) - keg, can & bottle

Spinnakers Brewpub - keg, can & bottle

Sprecher - keg, can & bottle

Star - keg, can & bottle

Steelhead - keg, can & bottle

Table Rock - keg, can & bottle

Telluride - keg, can & bottle

Thames Valley - keg, can & bottle

Treaty Grounds - keg, can & bottle

Triple Rock - keg, can & bottle

Truckee - keg, can & bottle

Umpqua - keg, can & bottle

Upper Canada - keg, can & bottle

Vaux Brewery - keg, can & bottle

Weeping Radish - keg, can & bottle

Whistler - keg, can & bottle

Whitbread Beer - keg, can & bottle

Woodstock - keg, can & bottle

Aoung & Co. - keg, can & bottle


Most German beers are winners, because all are vegan. Bavarian purity laws limit

them to four ingredients only: water, grain, hops and yeast.

Also: " Among the breweries making vegan nonalcoholic beer are Miller (Sharp's),

Heileman (Kingsbury), and Anheuser-Busch (O'Doul's Premium Non-Alcoholic Brew). "

Vegan Wines

Unfortunately many wines available in shops may have isinglass, gel, egg

albumen (from battery eggs), chitin or even ox blood added as fining agents.

Organic wines are much more likely to be vegetarian.

Outside The US

The use of animal derived products in the production of alcoholic beverages

outside the US is fairly widespread not because alternatives do not exist, but

because they always have been used and there is little demand from the consumer

for an alternative.

The main obstacle when trying to judge the acceptability to vegetarians of any

given product is a clause in the 1984 Food Labelling Regulations (UK) which

excludes from the 1984 Food Act all drinks with an alcohol content exceeding

1.2% by volume (ABV), leaving only very low or non-alcoholic beers, wines and

ciders being required to list all ingredients.

The main appearance of animal derived products is in the fining or clearing

process, though some others may be used as colorants or anti-foaming agents.

It must be pointed out that alcohol is routinely tested on thousands of animals

each year. However, this is not usually done directly by any individual company.

BEER: Cask-conditioned ales need fining to clear the material (especially the

yeast) held in suspension in the liquid. This is invariably done by adding

isinglass, derived from the swim bladders of certain tropical fish especially

the Chinese sturgeon, which acts as a falling suspension. If you were to hold a

pint of real ale up to the light and see cloudy lumps swirling around that would

suggest that the cask had been recently disturbed and the isinglass shaken up

from the bottom. Naturally bottled conditioned beers will not always have been

treated with isinglass. Keg beers and Lagers are pasteurized and usually passed

through Chill Filters, as are canned beers and some bottled beers. However, a

considerable number of breweries still use isinglass to clear their pasturized

beers, though sometimes only to rescue selected batches which are considered too

hazey. Also occasionally the sometimes animal derived additive Glyceryl

Monostearate is used in place of 900 Dimethylpolysiloxane as a foam-control

agent in the production of keg beers.

It is sometimes possible to buy barrels of cask-conditioned beer from a brewery

before it has been fined. The beer would then have to be left for a considerable

time to stand before consumption. To our knowledge, only one pub in England

sells unfined real ale on draught: The Cumberland Arms in Byker, Newcastle on


Please refer to the list in this chapter for acceptable beers for vegans.

CIDER: Most of the main brands of cider will have been fined using gelatin.

Scrumpy type ciders are less likely to have been fined (see the Cider section of

this chapter).

WINE: With wine, it is again in the fining process that animal derived

ingredients make an appearance. Finings can be isinglass, gelatin, egg albumen,

modified casein (from milk), chitin (derived from the shells of crabs or

lobsters) or ox blood (rarely used today). But alternatives do exist in the form

of bentonite, kieselguhr, kaolin and silica gel or solution. Also newer methods

such as centrifuging and filtering are becoming more popular. The majority of

organic wines do not use animal derived finings - but some do. Thorson's Organic

Wine Guide by Jerry Lockspeiser and Jackie Gear, published in 1991, lists those

wines which are suitable. You might like to note that the Wine Development Board

claim that the fining agents are removed at the end of the process with the

possible exception of very minute quantities.

SPIRITS: Most spirits appear to be acceptable to vegetarians, with the possible

exception of Malt Whisky, some blended whiskies and Spanish Brandies which have

been conditioned in casks that had previously held sherry which may have been

treated with animal derived finings. (Brandy itself is not produced from wine

which has undergone any fining processes). Also some imported vodkas may have

been passed through a bone charcoal filter.

FORTIFIED WINES: All ports except crusted port are fined using gelatin. Sherry

should be treated in a similar way to wine.

COLORANTS: Cochineal (E120) produced by extracting the red body material from

pregnant scale insects of the species Dactilopius Coccus is used as a colorant

in a small number of red wines, soft drinks and Campari.


Choosing a cider which has been naturally fermented and fined can be a bit of a

minefield. Producers often tend to add rather nasty clarifying agents such as

gelatin, isinglass, chitin (crab shells) and collagen. The most popular

comtnercial ciders such as Woodpecker, Strongbow, Scrumpy Jack, Symonds and

Taunton Cider all use animal derived clarifying agents, and although they stress

that these are removed during the final stages of production, The Vegetarian

Society would nonetheless class them as unsuitable for vegetarians.

Vegetarian ciders are usually naturally fermented in large oak barrels and

allowed to settle over a period of months (the longer, the better, as this not

only makes the cider clearer, but also stronger!). Bentonite clay when mined and

specially prepared for clarification purposes can also be used, or alternatively

cellulose filter sheets.

Apart from fining agents, other additives are used in the production of keg

cider, chiefly for sterilization. All those listed below -are suitable for

vegans & vegetarians:

Calcium sulphite (calcium salt of sulphurous acid) (E226): as a cask sterilizer

and antibacterial agent.

Citric acid (E330): Occurs naturally in many fruits, especially citrus juices.

Used to aid the effect of the anti-oxidant used.

L-ascorbic acid (E300): Occurs naturally in many fruits and vegetables. Used in

keg draught cider and bottled cider.

Pectolase: A naturally occuring enzyme used to destroy residual Pectin (a fruit

starch) in keg and bottled cider.

Sodium dioxide (E220): used as a preservative in the cask or bottle.

Sodium hydrogen sulphite (sodium salt of sulphurous acid) (E222): also used as a

preservative and as a cask sterilizer.

Sodium metabisulphite (commercially manufactured sodium salt of sulphurous acid)

(E223): used to sterilize apple skins when cultured yeast is used.

Sorbic Acid (E200): Occurs naturally in some fruits. Used as a pH adjuster.


CHAPTER 6: Possibly Animal Derived



Acetaldehyde - Ethanal

Acetic Acid - Butyl Acetate; Butyl Ester

Acetic Anhydride - Acetyl Oxide; Acetic Oxide

Acetoin - Acetyl Methyl Carbinol

Acetyl Oxide - Acetic Anhydride; Acetic Oxide

Acetylated Sucrose Distearte



Alcloxa - Aluminum Chlorohydroxy Allantoinate



Allantoin Acetyl Methionine

Allantoin Ascorbate

Allantoin Biotin

Allantoin Calcium Pantothenate

Allantoin Galacturonic Acid

Allantoin Glycyrrhetinic Acid

Allantoin Polygalacturonic Acid


Aluminum Acetate - Burow's Solution

Aluminum Chorhydroxy Allantoinate

Aluminum Distearate

Aluminum Isostearates/Laurates/Stearates

Aluminum Isostearates/Myristates

Aluminum Isostearates/Palmitates

Aluminum Lactate

Aluminum Myristates/Palmitates

Aluminum Salts: Aluminum Acetate/Lanolate/ Stearate/ Tri- stearate

Aluminum Stearates

Aluminum Tripalmitate/ Triisostearate

Aluminum Tristearate

Aminosuccinate Acid - Asparitic Acid; DL & L Forms

Ammonium C12-15 Pareth Sulfate - Pareth-25-3 Sulfate

Ammonium Isostearate

Ammonium Myristyl Sulfate

Ammonium Oleate

Ammonium Stearate - Stearic Acid; Ammonium Salt



Ascorbyl Stearate


Aspartic-Acid - DL & L Forms;

Aminosuccinate Acid


Basic Violet 10

Beheneth-5, -10, -20, -30

Behenic Acid - Docosanoic Acid; Docosanol

Beta-Carotene - Provitarnin A


Biotin - Vitamin H; Vitamin B Factor


Burow's Solution - Aluminum Acetate

Butyl Acetate - Acetic Acid; Butyl Ester

Butyl Glycolate

Butyl Oleate

Butyl Palmitate

Butyl Phrhaly Butyl Glycolate

Butylrolactone - Butanolide


C18-36 Acid

C29-70 Acid - C29-70 Carboxylic Acids

C18-36 Acid Glycol Ester

C18-36 Acid Triglyceride

C9-11 Alcohols

C12-16 Alcohols

C14-15 Alcohols

C12-15 Alcohols Benzoate

C12-15 Alcohols Lactate

C21 Dicarboxylic Acid

C15-18 Glycol

C18-20 Glycol Palmitate

C8-9, C9-11; C9-13; C9-14; C10-11; CIO-13; C11-12; C11-13; C12- 14; C13-14,

C13-16; and C20- 40 IsoParaffins

Cll-15 Pareth-12 Stearate

Cll-15 Pareth-40

C12-13 Pareth 3-7

C14-15 Pareth-7, -11, -13

C10-18 Triglycerieds

Calcium Stearate

Calcium Stearoyl Lactylate

Capric - Caprylic; stearic Triglycer ide



Capryl Betaine

Caprylamine Oxide

Caprylic; Capric; Stearic Triglycer ide

Caprylic Acid



Carbamide - Urea

Carnpxylic Acid - Deceth 7

Cetearalkonium Bromide

Ceteareth-3 - Cetyl/Stearyl Ether

Ceteareth-4, -6, -8, -10, -12, -15, -17,

-20, -27,-30


Cetaryl Alcohol



Cetyl Alcohol

Cetyl Ammonium

Cetyl Arachidate

Cetyl Betaine

Cetyl Esters

Cetyl Lactate

Cetyl Myristate

Cetyl Octanoate

Cetyl Palmitate

Cetyl Phosphate

Cetyl Ricinoleate

Cetyl Stearate

Cetyl Stearyl Glycol


Cetylpyridinium Chloride

Cetyltrymethylammonium Bromide Chitin



Deceth-7-Carboxylic Acid

Decyl Betaine



Diazolidinyl Urea - Germall 11 TM

Dicetyl Adipate

Dicetyl Thiodipropionate

Diethyl Asparate

Diethyl Palmitoyl Apartate

Diethyl Sebacate

Diethylaminoethyl Stearamide

Diethylaminoethyl Stearate

Diglyceryl Stearate Malate

Dihydroxyethyl Soyamine Dioleate

Dihydroxyethyl Stearamine Oxide

Dihydroxyethyl Stearyl Glycinate

Dimethyl Behenamine

Dimethyl Lauramine Oleate

Dimethyl Myristamine

Dimethyl Palmitamine

Dimethyl Stearamine

Dimethylaminopropyl Oleamide

Dimethylaminopropyl Stearamide

Dimethylol Urea

Dimyristyl Thiodipropionate


Direct Black 51

Direct Red 23 - Fast Scarlet 4BSA

Direct Red 80

Direct Violet 48

Direct Yellow 12 - Chrysophenine G

Disodium Cetaeryl Sulfosuccinate

Disodium Isostearamino Mea Sulfosuccinate

Disodium Monooleamidosulfosuccinate

Disodium Monoricinoleamido MEA Sulfosuccinate

Disodium Oleamido MIPA Sulfosuccinate

Disodium Oleamido PEG-2 Sulfosuccinate

Disodium Oleyl Sulfosuccinate

Disodium Stearmido MEA Sulfosuccinate

Disodium Stearminodipionate

Disodium Stearyl Sulfosuccinate

Distearyl Thiodipropionate

DI-TEA-Palmitoyl Asparate

Dodecanedionic Acid; Cetearyl Alcohol; Glycol Copolymer




















































Ethyl Aspartate

Ethyl Oleate

Ethyl Palmitate

Ethyl Serinate

Ethyl Stearate

Ethyl Urocanate

Ethylene Dioleamide

Ethylene Distearamide

Ethylene Urea

Ethylhexyl Palmitate


Fatty Alcohols - Cetyl; Stearyl; Lauryl; Myristyl

Folic Acid



Get (not Silica gel)

Glucose Glutamate

Glyceryl Caprate

Glyceryl Caprylate

Glyceryl Caprylate/Caprate

Glyceryl Dioleate

Glyceryl Distearate

Glyceryl. Hydrostearate

Glyceryl Hydrostearate

Glyceryl Hydroxystearate

Glyceryl Isostearate

Glyceryl Monostearate

Glyceryl Myristate

Glyceryl Oleate

Glyceryl. Palmitate Lactate

Glyceryl Stearate SE

Glyceryl Trimyristate

Glycol Stearate SE

Glycyrrhetinyl Stearate

Guanidine Carbonate



Hexanediol. Distearate


Hydrogenated Fatty Oils,

Hydroxylated Lecithin

Hydroxyoctacosanyl Hydroxyastearate

Hydroxystearmide MEA

Hydroxystearic Acid


Imidazlidinyl Urea


Isobutyl Myristate

Isobutyl Palmitate

Isobutyl Stearate

Isoceteth-10, -20, -30

Isocetyl Alcohol

Isocetyl Isodecanoate

Isocetyl Palmitate

Isocetyl Stearate

Isocetyl Stearoyl Stearate

Isoceteth-10 Stearate

Isodecyl hydroxystearate

Isodecyl Myristate

Isodecyl Oleate

Isodecyl Paln-dtate

Isohyxyl Palmitate

Isopropyl Acetate

Isopropyl Isostearate

Isopropyl Myristate

Isopropyl Palmitate

Isopropyl Stearate

Isostearamidopropalkonium Chloride

Isostearamidopropyl Betaine

Isostearamidopropyl Dimethylamine Glycolate

Isostearamidopropyl Dimethylamine Lactate

Isostearamidopropyl Ethyldimonium Ethosulfate

Isostearamidopropyl Morpholine Lactate

Isostearamidoporopylamine Oxide

Isosteareth-2 through -20

Isostearic Acid



Isostearyl Alcohol

Isostearyl Benzylimidonium Chloride

Isostearyl Diglyceryl Succinate

Isostearyl Erucate

Isostearyl Ethylimidonium Ethosulfate

Isostearyl Hydroxyethyl Imidazoline

Isostearyl Imidazoline

Isostearyl Isostearate

Isostearyl. Lactate

Isostearyl Neopentanoate

Isostearyl Palmitate

Isostearyl Stearoyl Stearate


Lactic Acid

Lauroyl Sarcosine

Lauryl Isostearate

Lauryl Palmitate

Lauryl Stearate

Lauryl Suntaine

Lithium Stearate


Magnesium Myristate Magnesium Oleate

Magnesium Stearate

Methyl Gluceth-10 or -20

Methyl Glucet-20 Sesquistereate - Glucamate

Methyl Glucose Sesquioleate

Methyl Glucose Sesquistearate

Methyl Hydroxystearate

Methyl Lactate

Methyl Myristate

Methyl Oleate

Methyl Palmitate

Mixed Isopropanolamines


Morpholine Stearate


Myreth-3 Caprate - Myristic Ethoxy Caprate

Myreth-3 Laurate

Myreth-3 Myristate


Myristamide DEA - Myristic Diethanolamide

Myristamide MIPA

Myristamidopropyl Betaine

Myristamidopropyl Diethylamine

Myristamidopropylamine Oxide

Myristamine Oxide

Myristaminopropionic Acid


Myristic Acid

Myristimide MEA


Myristoyl Sarcosine

Myristyl Alcohol

Myristyl Betaine

Myristyl Hydroxyethyl Imidazoline

Myristyl Isostearate

Myristyl Lactate

Myristyl Myristate

Myristyl Neopentanoate - Ceraphyl

Myristyl Propionate

Myristyl Stearate


Myristyleicosyl Stearate



Nonyl Acetate


Octododecanol-2 - Octyl Dodecanol

Octododeceth-20, -25

Octododecyl Myristate

Octoxyglyceryl Behenate

Octyl Acetoxystearate

Octyl Hydroxystearate

Octyl Palmitate

Octyl Stearate


Octyldodecyl Stearate

Octyldodecyl Stearoyl Stearate

Oleamide - Oleylamide

Oleamide DEA - Oleic Diethanolamide

Oleamide MIPA

Oleamine Oxide

Oleic Acid

Oleoyl Sarcosine

Oleth-3 Phosphate

Oleth 20

Oleth-20 Phosphate

Oleyl Betaine

Oleyl Myristate

Oleyl Oleate

Oleyl Stearate

Orotic Acid - Pyrimidecarboxylic Acid


Palmamamidopropyl Betaine

Palmitamide IDEA, MEA

Palmitamidopropyl Betaine

Palmitamindopropyl Diethylamine


Palmitamine Oxide - Palmityl Dimethylamine Oxide


Palmitic Acid

Panthenyl Ethyl Etheracetate

Pareth-25- 12

PEG-9 Caprylate

PEG-8 Caprylate / Caprate

PEG-6 Caprylic / Capric Glycerides

PEG-6 to -150 Dioleate

PEG-3 Dipal

PEG-2 through -175 Distearate

PEG-5 through -120 Glyceryl Stearate

PEG-25 Glyceryl Trioleate

PEG-6 or -12 Isostearate

PEG-20 Methyl Glucose Sesquist.earate

PEG-4 Octanoate

PEG-2 through -9 Oleamide

PEG-2 through -30 Oleamide

PEG-12,-20, or -30 Oleate

PEG-3 through -150 Oleate

PEG-6 through -20 Palmitate

PEG-25 through -125 Propylene Glycol Stearate

PEG-8 Sesquioleate

PEG-5 or -20 Sorbitan Isostearate

PEG-3 or -6 Sorbitan Oleate

PEG-80 Sorbitan Palmitate

PEG-40 Sorbitan PeToleate

PEG-3 or -40 Sorbitan Stearate

PEG-30, -40, or -60 Sorbitan Tetraoleate

PEG-60 Sorbitan Tetrastearate

PEG-2 through -150 Stearate

PEG-66 Or -200 Tryhydroxystearin

Pentaerythrityl Tetraoctanoate

Pentaerythrityl Tetrastearate and Calcium Stearate

Phospholipids - Phosphatides


Polyglycerol-4 Cocoate

Polyglycerol-10 Decalinoleate

Polyglycerol-2 Diisostearate

Polyglycerol-6 Dioleate

Polyglycerol-6 Distearate

Polyglycerol-3 Hydroxylauryl Ether

Polyglycerol-4 Isostearate

Polyglycerol-3, -4 or -8 Oleate

Polyglycerol-2 or -4 Oleyl Ether

Polyglycerol-2 PEG-4 Stearate

Polyglycerol-2 Sesquiisostearate

Polyglycerol-2 Sesquioleate

Polyglycerol-3, -4 or -8 Stearate

Polyglycerol-10 Tertraoleate

Polyglycerol-2 Tetrastearate

Polysorbate 60 and Polysorbate 80

Potassium Apartate

Potassium Coco-Hydrolyzed Protein

Potassium DNA

Potassium Oleate-Oleic Acid

Potassium Salt

Potassium Myristate

Potassium Palmitate

Potassium Stearate - Stearic Acid Potassium Salt



PPG-4-Ceteth-1, -5 or -10

PPG-4 Myristyl Ether

PPG-5-Ceteth- 10 Phosphate

PPG-6-C12-18 Pareth

PPG-8-Ceteth, -5, -10, or -20



PPG-10 Cetyl Ether ley1 Ether

PPG-11 or -15 Stearyl Ether

PPG-26 Oleate - Polyxypropylene 2000 Monooleate; Carbowax

PPG-28 Cetyl Ether

PPG-30 Cety] Ether

PPG-30,-50, Oleyl Ether

PPG-36 Oleate - Polyoxypropylene (36) Monooleate

PPG-Isocetyl Ether PPG-3 Isosteareth-9


Propylene Glycol Myristate

Protein Fatty Acid Condensates


Pyridium Compounds

Pyroligneous Acid


Retinyl Palmitate

Ribonucleic Acid - RNA



S-Carboxy Methyl Cysteine

Sebactic Acid - Decanedioic Acid



Sodium Aluminum Chloroydroxyl Lactate

Sodium C12-15 Pareth-7 Carboxylate

Sodium C12-15 Pareth-Sulfate

Sodium Cetearyl Sulfate

Sodium Cetyl Sulfate

Sodium Cocyl Sarcosinate

Sodium DNA

Sodium Glyceryl Oleate Phosphate

Sodium Isosteareth-6 Carboxylate

Sodium Isosteroyl LacrylatE

Sodium Myreth Sulfate

Sodium Myristate

Sodium Myristoyl Isethionate

Sodium Myristoyl Sarcosinate

Sodium Myristyl Sulfate

Sodium Oleth-7 or -8 Phosphate

Sodium Palmitate

Sodium Pareth- 15-7 or 25-7 Carboxylate

Sodium Pareth-23 or -25 Sulfate

Sodium PCA

Sodium PCA Methysilanol

Sodium Ribonucleic Acid -SRNA

Sodium Sarcosinate

Sodium Soap

Sodium Stearate

Sodium Steroyl Lactylate

Sodium Urocanate Sorbeth-6 Hexastearate

Sorbitan Diisoseate

Sorbitan Dioleate

Sorbitan Fatty Acid Esters

Sorbitan Isostearate

Sorbitan Oleate - Sorbitan Monooleate

Sorbitan Palmitate - Span 40 TM

Sorbitan Sesquioleate

Sorbitan Sequistearate

Sorbitan Thisostearate

Sorbitan Tristearate

Spermaceti - Cetyl Palmitate

Stearalkonium Bentonite

Stearalkonium Chloride

Stearalkonium Hectorite


Stearamide DEA - Stearic Acid Diethanolamide

Stearamide DIBA Stearate

Stearamide MIPA Stearate

Stearamide MIPA

Stearamide Oxide

Stearmidopropalkonium Chloride

Stearamidopropyl Dimethylamine


Stearamine Oxide



Steareth-4 through -100

Stearic Acid

Stearic Hydrazide

Stearmidoethyl Diethylamine







Stearoxy Dimethicone


Stearoyl Lactylic Acid

Stearoyl Sarcosine

Steartrimoniurn Chloride

Steartrimonium Hydrolyzed Animal Protein

Stearyl Acetate

Stearyl Betaine

Stearyl Caprylate

Stearyl Citrate

Stearyl Erucamide

Stearyl Erucate

Stearyl Ghycyrrhetinate

Stearyl Heptanoate

Stearyl Hydroxyethyl Imidazoline

Stearyl Lactate

Stearyl Octanoate

Stearyl Stearate

Stearyl Stearoyl Stearate

Stearyldimethyl Amine

Stearylvinyl Ether/ Maleic Anhydride Copolymer




Sucrose Distearate

Sucrose Laurate

Sucrose Stearate

Synthetic Spermaceti


TEA-Lauroyl Sarcosinate


TEA-Oleate - Triethanolamine Oleate

TEA-Palm-Kernel Sarcosinate


Terpinyl Acetate

Tetramethyl Decynediol


Tridecyl Stearate

Tryhydroxy Stearin


Trimethylopropane Thisostearate

Trimyristin-Glyceryl Trimyristate

Trioleth-8 Phosphate

Trioleyl Phosphate


Tristearyl Citrate





Urea - Carbamide







Zinc Stearate - Zinc Soap


CAHPTER 7: Sources

Chapter 1: Things To Know


From The Internet " rec.food.veg.faq "


E.G. Smith Direct Queries

From The Internet " rec.food.veg.faq "

Proctor & Gamble

Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)


Proctor & Gamble

Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)


Kosher Information Web Site

From The Internet " rec.food.veg.faq "


The Bread & Circus whiole Food Bible, Christopher Kilham; Addison Wesley, 1991.

The Complete Book of Juiciug, Michael Murray, ND; Prima Publishing, 1992.

Chapter 2: Vegan Nutrients

A Brief lutroductiou To Basic Nutrition Adapted from Basic Nutritiou, The

Vegetarian Society UK

Soy Not Oi, Hippycore; Profane Existence.

Die Nutritiou Bible, jean Anderson, MS & Barbara Deskins, PhD, RD.

Minimax, Dr. David Phillips.

Vegan Delights, Eva Batt; Thorsons.

Bantam Medical Dictiouary, Bantam.

Recommended Dietary Allowances, 10th ed., The Food and Nutrition Board, National

Research Council; National Academy Press, 1989.

Simply Vegan: Quick Vegetarian Meals, Debra Wasserman and Reed Mangels, PhD, RD;

The Vegetarian Resource Group.

Basic Nutrition Information Sheet, The Vegetarian Society UK.

Chapter 3: Definitive Listings

Animal Ingredients and Their Alternatives.

Animal Factories, Jim Mason; Crown Publishers.

Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI).

Product Labels.

Slaughter Of The Innocent, Hans Ruesch.

List Of Animal Products and Their Alternatives, Jon Cardillo.

Animal Liberation, Peter Singer; Avon.

A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients, Ruth Winter; Crown.

From The Internet: " rec.food.veg.faq " and " rec.food.ar.faq. "

Assorted Information from VegSocUK.

Chapter 4: Animal Ingredients

Personal Care with Principle, National Anti-Vivisection Society.

E.G. Smith Collective Research.

Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI).

Chapter 5: Alcohol

" Ask the Bay Vegan, " 7he Bay Vegan, No. 4, Summer 1996.


" Beer, " VegSocUK Info Sheet.


" Beer, " VegSocUK Info Sheet.

" Cruelty-Free Beers, " AnimalTimes, Jan/Feb 1995; PETA.


" Beer, " VegSocUK Info Sheet.


Manufacturer Contacts.

Product Labels.

Common Sense.

" Cruelty-Free Beers, " Anintal-Times, Jan/Feb 1995; PETA.

This list is not intended to be exhaustive, and inclusion on the list is not an

endorsement of the producer or manufacturer, PETA makes no claim regarding these

companies' environmental, business, or advertising practices. " (uhh, nor does

E.G. Smith Press)

*Coors intentionally deleted from list.


" Alcohol, " VegSocUK Info Sheet.


" Alcohol, " VegSocUK Info Sheet.


" Cider, " VegSocUK Info Sheet.

Chapter 6: Possible Animal Derived

E.G. Smith Collective Research

Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)

" Personal Care with Principle, " National Anti-Vivisection Society, Spring, 1992.





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