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list of meal ideas?

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Has anyone ever written up a list of meal ideas, or do you know of one available

on the web? I'm looking for simple (meaning recipes that don't require lengthy

lists of ingredients) meal ideas that would be enjoyed by both kids and adults.

We are quickly running out of ideas, especially for dinners, and dh is not

impressed with veganism at the moment, LOL.






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I think www.vegweb.com has a catergory for quick and

easy recipes. if you've never been to vegweb it's

great. has lots of recipes and you can review them so

you know before hand how much people liked that


I also make yummy quick vegan pizzas with pitas, and

pizza/spaggetti sauce. then i chop some onion,

mushrooms, zuccini, spinach, tofu or tempeh and soy

mozzerella if i feel so inclined.

I preheat the oven at 500, put the pizzas on a cookie

sheet on the middle rack until cheese is melted or the

bread & veggies starts to brown.


takes about 5-10 minutes prep time & 2-5 minutes to


and yummy!




(nursing at keyboard)




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Hi Debbie,


I have a list in Chapter 12 of my book (The Healthy Moms Healthy Families

Handbook) - I'll print the chapter below for you.




Connie Bendickson






Chapter 12: New Recipes


When you are choosing recipes for your meal plan, make sure to focus on

whole foods -- meaning unprocessed foods. Having a few processed foods in

your diet is fine, but always make a conscious effort to reduce and limit

them as much as possible. Choose recipes that are consistent with your

long-term dietary goals so you can begin to build a repertoire of recipes

that meet those goals. For example, if you would eventually like to

eliminate beef and dairy from your diet, then learn to make spinach lasagna

with soy cheese and tofu instead of spinach lasagna with dairy cheese. This

way you won't need to make two transitions.


Invest in a few cookbooks that are consistent with your dietary goals. Look

for easy recipes with relatively short ingredient lists. Healthy cooking

can be very simple and delicious with easy recipes. Gourmet cookbooks have

a place, but at this time in my life, with two small children, I don't have

the time for extravagant gourmet meals. I need quick, easy, recipes --

preferably all in one pot, which is how I do most of my cooking. 150 Vegan

Favorites by Jay Solomon and How it all Vegan by Tanya Barnard and Sarah

Kramer are two of my favorite cookbooks. Don't forget to use the internet.

There are many recipes at: www.HealthyMomsHealthyFamilies.com





Breakfast Ideas


* Whole grain cereal with soy or rice milk is what we eat every

morning for breakfast. It starts the day on a healthy note and it's very

quick and easy.


* While I recommend cereal as the best breakfast alternative, there

are recipes for healthy versions of French toast, pancakes and even

scrambled tofu to replace scrambled eggs. These make great lunch or dinner

items too.


* Also, whole grain toaster waffles, fruit, whole grain toast,

oatmeal, a fruit smoothie, or whole grain bagels?


Lunch Ideas (Fast Food)


* Items marked with an asterisk have the recipes included in this chapter.


* Eat leftovers! When you make dinner, make extra for lunch the next

day freeze the leftovers. There is nothing easier than a freezer full of

" fast food " that you know is healthy because you made it yourself.


* Whole wheat toast with peanut butter or soy butter, apple slices

and steamed yams -- you can use whatever seasonal fruit or veggie you have

on hand.


* Whole grain tortilla with hummus, shredded carrots and sunflower



* Brown rice with black beans topped with a diced tomato or salsa,

tossed salad and a fruit smoothie* with ground flax seed


* Whole wheat pasta with red sauce and diced tofu, broccoli, kiwi


* Veggie burger on a whole grain bun with lettuce and tomato, fresh



* Pita bread with hummus, cucumber slices and pineapple


* Toaster waffles, pears, carrot sticks and soy yogurt


* Veggie pizza, salad, fruit smoothie*


* Dairy-free macaroni & cheese (Try Road's End Organics)


* Eggless Salad Sandwiches* on whole grain bread.


* Veggie Chix nuggets or burgers, fresh cauliflower, orange slices


* Grilled soy cheese sandwich, steamed beets, fruit salsa*


* Whole grain cereal with soy or rice milk, banana, apple carrot





Snack Ideas


* Fresh fruit - bananas, apples, peaches, strawberries, kiwi, pears,

oranges, pineapple


* Fresh vegetables - carrots, cauliflower, carrots, bell peppers,

cucumber, celery


* Applesauce or fruit salsa*


* Crackers and hummus*


* Graham crackers with soy butter


* Fruit smoothies*


* Nuts - crack a few fresh walnuts for some omega-3's or a handful of



* Trail mix - almonds, raisins and dairy-free chocolate chips for a



* Popcorn - air-popped


* Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Cookies*


* Apple salad*


Dinner Ideas


The following easy recipes are part of a well-balanced meal. If the

vegetables aren't already in the main course, add a salad or steamed

vegetable and serve with a side of fruit. The " Lunch Ideas " can double as

quick dinner ideas -- and so can the " Breakfast Ideas " for that matter.


Please go to my website for quick and easy recipes for dinner -








Connie Bendickson








Debbie [onehundredacrewood]

Thursday, March 18, 2004 8:15 AM


list of meal ideas?




Has anyone ever written up a list of meal ideas, or do you know of one

available on the web? I'm looking for simple (meaning recipes that don't

require lengthy lists of ingredients) meal ideas that would be enjoyed by

both kids and adults. We are quickly running out of ideas, especially for

dinners, and dh is not impressed with veganism at the moment, LOL.






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For breakfast, this morning, I made banan pancakes. They were really easy, and

dd loved them. For a snack, I made nutty hummus, a couple of days ago, and

shred carrots, or other veggies into, put it on pita bread, and serve. All I

did for that was run chickpeas, peanutbutter, apple juice, cinnamon in the

blender until smooth. Rice pudding is a big hit here too. 2 cups cooked rice,

slivered almonds, sweetener, 2 cups milk, raisins, cinnamon, boil, simmer until

it is thick. Lunches here are easy enough, sandwiches, usually nutbutter and

jelly, or left overs from the night before's dinner. But dinners are very

tricky. DD, really does not like veggies, if she can see them. Green stuff,

gets pushed aside, along with red, yellow, and anything not white or brown.

So, I am at a loss there too. :-(







Debbie <onehundredacrewood wrote: Has anyone ever written up a

list of meal ideas, or do you know of one available on the web? I'm looking for

simple (meaning recipes that don't require lengthy lists of ingredients) meal

ideas that would be enjoyed by both kids and adults. We are quickly running out

of ideas, especially for dinners, and dh is not impressed with veganism at the

moment, LOL.






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We (I) have been in a food rut around here too. My biggest problem is that I

work so we don't get home until 5. By that time my son is starving (so he

says though it is a little hard to believe because I have a 'snack bag' in

the car and he always chooses one thing for the drive home) and demands

dinner NOW. I need some quick ideas too. We've been doing lots of celery and

dip and hummus and pita....In a pinch, you can consider healthy snacks like

these or nachos with soy mix and lots of veggies and guac but they are not

" meals " . Also, sometimes breakfast at dinner is fun. try pancakes and veg

sausage or oatmeal with lots of fruit and nuts.





> " Debbie " <onehundredacrewood



> list of meal ideas?

>Thu, 18 Mar 2004 09:15:18 -0500


>Has anyone ever written up a list of meal ideas, or do you know of one

>available on the web? I'm looking for simple (meaning recipes that don't

>require lengthy lists of ingredients) meal ideas that would be enjoyed by

>both kids and adults. We are quickly running out of ideas, especially for

>dinners, and dh is not impressed with veganism at the moment, LOL.






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Well, we don't get home till around 6, and sometimes 6:30. My kids are very

used to eating between 7 and 7:30 now. My meals are pretty simple: spaghetti,

chili, rice w/tofu, soup w/whatever is in the refrigerator, etc.. But, I do

try to vary it, by using ethnic themes. Mexican is easy: make your own

burritos, tacos, enchiladas. Indian took me a while to get going with, but


are great sauces that are super easy to throw in either garbanzo beans or cubed

tofu, then throw it over rice or pasta. Chinese: stir fry, soup. Japanese: we

all toss on the nori sheet, the rice and whatever other accoutrements we want

on it, and I roll it up. Also there are great Japanese soups. Italian is

probably the easiest! I would urge everyone to use the internet search engines

for recipes. Just type in Japanese vegan. Indian vegan recipes, etc.. There

is an international vegetarian group with huge amounts of ethnic recipes on

their website. I'm sorry I don't know what it is at the top of my head, but, I

have been on that site a good number of times. Good Luck, Tracy


> We (I) have been in a food rut around here too. My biggest problem is that

> I

> work so we don't get home until 5. By that time my son is starving (so he

> says though it is a little hard to believe because I have a 'snack bag' in

> the car and he always chooses one thing for the drive home) and demands

> dinner NOW. I need some quick ideas too. We've been doing lots of celery and


> dip and hummus and pita....In a pinch, you can consider healthy snacks like

> these or nachos with soy mix and lots of veggies and guac but they are not

> " meals " . Also, sometimes breakfast at dinner is fun. try pancakes and veg

> sausage or oatmeal with lots of fruit and nuts.






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I don't work outside the home, but I have found that by the time dinner time

comes around, I am overwhelmed by all the work I am going to have to do. LOL!

With a 20 month old, I am running around all day, and have cooked two other

meals, made at least two snacks, have done dishes 100 times(or it always seems)

I don't want to cook some big meal, and have a ton more dishes to do. And then

to be feeding a picky baby, who thinks she needs to live off of peanutbutter,

things get a little harder to plan. I have found a small solution though. I

made this hummus, I found online, called Nutty Hummus. It is chickpeas, about

1/4 cup of peanutbutter(or any nutbutter) a bit of cinnamon, and apple juice.

At first it sounded oh so yucky! But it was really good. I spread it on a

pita, and shred some carrots in it(or anything really) and my daughter eats it

up! This is a kid who won't eat veggies, and she loves this! So it is a good

way for me to hid the veggies, and all I have to clean up

afterwards is a blender and a shredder. So, this has been a backup meal for

when she won't eat what I have made.


I also made the other night a spinach pesto. It was really good, and all went

into the blender, and then needed to be heated is all, and pasta cooked. It had

a few tomatoes chopped, a bunch of spinach(I used frozen chopped spinach), about

3 cloves garlic(which was quite garlicy), green onions, about 1/2 cup olive oil,

and italian seasoning. Put it in the blender, and blend it, and warm it up. It

took about 10 minutes to make. The longest part was cooking the pasta. We

always have fruit as a side dish because it is easy to get my daughter to eat

it. So those are a few ideas, I have come up with the past week.






Madeline White <madeline_killian wrote: Debbie


We (I) have been in a food rut around here too. My biggest problem is that I

work so we don't get home until 5. By that time my son is starving (so he

says though it is a little hard to believe because I have a 'snack bag' in

the car and he always chooses one thing for the drive home) and demands

dinner NOW. I need some quick ideas too. We've been doing lots of celery and

dip and hummus and pita....In a pinch, you can consider healthy snacks like

these or nachos with soy mix and lots of veggies and guac but they are not

" meals " . Also, sometimes breakfast at dinner is fun. try pancakes and veg

sausage or oatmeal with lots of fruit and nuts.





> " Debbie " <onehundredacrewood



> list of meal ideas?

>Thu, 18 Mar 2004 09:15:18 -0500


>Has anyone ever written up a list of meal ideas, or do you know of one

>available on the web? I'm looking for simple (meaning recipes that don't

>require lengthy lists of ingredients) meal ideas that would be enjoyed by

>both kids and adults. We are quickly running out of ideas, especially for

>dinners, and dh is not impressed with veganism at the moment, LOL.






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some of our fallbacks for easy, often made dinners are:


1. stirfry veggies served with rice or couscous or quinoa or rice

noodles. easy to vary just by using different veggies, grain, or

protein each time you make it. we alternate between chickpeas, tofu,

seitan, and trout beans for our main protein source. typical veggies

we use are brocolli, zuchinni, onion, frozen corn, peas, asparagus,

kale, cauliflour, etc......


2. spaghetti with veggie meatballs (my daughter always gets to pick

which shape pasta to make it fun for her) and a steamed veggie.


3. black beans, rice, and a steamed veggie.


4. burritos with refried beans or veggie crumble (with taco

seasoning) and whatever fixings we have on hand.


5. vegan " franks and beans " .


6. soup (canned or homemade) with rice added in and sometimes avacado

added in (though my dd wont eat avacado). the good thing about this

one is that there are some veggies that she wont normally eat that

she will eat when it is in soup.


and finally, one we just started making which is really good and

soooo easy.


7. lentil and tomato stew served over quinoa with a steamed veggie on

the side (brocolli or cauliflour goes real well). i dont have the

recipe off hand but i beleive you cook two chopped onions and 5-6

chopped tomatoes, add in a few spices (which i cant remember), then

when the tomato is stewy looking, add in the already cooked lentils,

serve over quinoa. we are going to try adding eggplant into the stew

next time we make it.


oh, and that reminds me of another that we havent made in a while.


8. ratatoui over pasta. i dont actually have a recipe but its easy

to make and you could easily find one on the internet. its basically

eggplant, onion, tomato, bell peppers, etc... cooked to a not quite

stewy consistancy. my dd wont eat it so i havent made it in a while.

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Thank you!! I can't wait to make the tortilla chips, it sounds so easy. And

the corn chowder too!


Thanks for sharing!


Janeen :)


Connie Bendickson <c.bendickson wrote:

Hi Debbie,


I have a list in Chapter 12 of my book (The Healthy Moms Healthy Families

Handbook) - I'll print the chapter below for you.




Connie Bendickson






Chapter 12: New Recipes


When you are choosing recipes for your meal plan, make sure to focus on

whole foods -- meaning unprocessed foods. Having a few processed foods in

your diet is fine, but always make a conscious effort to reduce and limit

them as much as possible. Choose recipes that are consistent with your

long-term dietary goals so you can begin to build a repertoire of recipes

that meet those goals. For example, if you would eventually like to

eliminate beef and dairy from your diet, then learn to make spinach lasagna

with soy cheese and tofu instead of spinach lasagna with dairy cheese. This

way you won't need to make two transitions.


Invest in a few cookbooks that are consistent with your dietary goals. Look

for easy recipes with relatively short ingredient lists. Healthy cooking

can be very simple and delicious with easy recipes. Gourmet cookbooks have

a place, but at this time in my life, with two small children, I don't have

the time for extravagant gourmet meals. I need quick, easy, recipes --

preferably all in one pot, which is how I do most of my cooking. 150 Vegan

Favorites by Jay Solomon and How it all Vegan by Tanya Barnard and Sarah

Kramer are two of my favorite cookbooks. Don't forget to use the internet.

There are many recipes at: www.HealthyMomsHealthyFamilies.com





Breakfast Ideas


* Whole grain cereal with soy or rice milk is what we eat every

morning for breakfast. It starts the day on a healthy note and it's very

quick and easy.


* While I recommend cereal as the best breakfast alternative, there

are recipes for healthy versions of French toast, pancakes and even

scrambled tofu to replace scrambled eggs. These make great lunch or dinner

items too.


* Also, whole grain toaster waffles, fruit, whole grain toast,

oatmeal, a fruit smoothie, or whole grain bagels?


Lunch Ideas (Fast Food)


* Items marked with an asterisk have the recipes included in this chapter.


* Eat leftovers! When you make dinner, make extra for lunch the next

day freeze the leftovers. There is nothing easier than a freezer full of

" fast food " that you know is healthy because you made it yourself.


* Whole wheat toast with peanut butter or soy butter, apple slices

and steamed yams -- you can use whatever seasonal fruit or veggie you have

on hand.


* Whole grain tortilla with hummus, shredded carrots and sunflower



* Brown rice with black beans topped with a diced tomato or salsa,

tossed salad and a fruit smoothie* with ground flax seed


* Whole wheat pasta with red sauce and diced tofu, broccoli, kiwi


* Veggie burger on a whole grain bun with lettuce and tomato, fresh



* Pita bread with hummus, cucumber slices and pineapple


* Toaster waffles, pears, carrot sticks and soy yogurt


* Veggie pizza, salad, fruit smoothie*


* Dairy-free macaroni & cheese (Try Road's End Organics)


* Eggless Salad Sandwiches* on whole grain bread.


* Veggie Chix nuggets or burgers, fresh cauliflower, orange slices


* Grilled soy cheese sandwich, steamed beets, fruit salsa*


* Whole grain cereal with soy or rice milk, banana, apple carrot





Snack Ideas


* Fresh fruit - bananas, apples, peaches, strawberries, kiwi, pears,

oranges, pineapple


* Fresh vegetables - carrots, cauliflower, carrots, bell peppers,

cucumber, celery


* Applesauce or fruit salsa*


* Crackers and hummus*


* Graham crackers with soy butter


* Fruit smoothies*


* Nuts - crack a few fresh walnuts for some omega-3's or a handful of



* Trail mix - almonds, raisins and dairy-free chocolate chips for a



* Popcorn - air-popped


* Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Cookies*


* Apple salad*


Dinner Ideas


The following easy recipes are part of a well-balanced meal. If the

vegetables aren't already in the main course, add a salad or steamed

vegetable and serve with a side of fruit. The " Lunch Ideas " can double as

quick dinner ideas -- and so can the " Breakfast Ideas " for that matter.


Please go to my website for quick and easy recipes for dinner -








Connie Bendickson








Debbie [onehundredacrewood]

Thursday, March 18, 2004 8:15 AM


list of meal ideas?




Has anyone ever written up a list of meal ideas, or do you know of one

available on the web? I'm looking for simple (meaning recipes that don't

require lengthy lists of ingredients) meal ideas that would be enjoyed by

both kids and adults. We are quickly running out of ideas, especially for

dinners, and dh is not impressed with veganism at the moment, LOL.






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Melanie, Marvelyn, Madeline, Selissa, Connie, Leena, and Tracy, (and anyone else

I may have forgotten!):

Thank you so much for the meal ideas! I was happily surprised to see how many

people responded to my post. :o)

I have printed out or written down all of your suggestions for reference.

Connie, thank you very much for sending so much info. to the list for me! I

have also checked out your site for more recipe ideas - it's a great site with

loads of recipes (if anyone on this list hasn't checked it out yet, you should -

www.healthymomshealthyfamilies.com) - it's a keeper - I bookmarked it.






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