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McVeggie Burger

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FYI McDonalds does have a veggie burger, currently

offered only in the UK, Canada and New York City,

maybe in California as well...


I'm curious to hear other's opinions as to whether or

not they feel they should support any effort to add

veggie options by buying these products, or boycott

these establishments alltogether on principal?



" It's like if McDonald's was to put out a veggie

burger and

people said

they won't got here because of what else is on their

menu or who owns

it. "






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I've had their veggie burger when I lived in Europe, when I was a vegetarian

(now I'm vegan, and I don't think the burger's vegan). From my point of

view, I believe we should buy these products, and also let these companies

know whether we like them or not. Although these companies are all about

making money, it can work in our favor. The more people that buy these, the

more they'll make, and they are open to changing things based on our

suggestions. If vegetarians simply choose not to purchase their items, they

won't have enough of a fan base to keep veggie items on the menu. As

vegetarians/vegans, at least in my opinion, it's up to us to get these

products readily available. The more demand they have, the more products

they'll make. Rather than try and alienate ourselves from the rest of

meat-eating society, we should try and get our food into the rest of

society. Not only does it make it easier for us to eat, but it makes the

rest of society aware that they have other options aside from meat. JMO!






Shirley [mybluerat]

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 12:24 PM


Re: McVeggie Burger



FYI McDonalds does have a veggie burger, currently

offered only in the UK, Canada and New York City,

maybe in California as well...


I'm curious to hear other's opinions as to whether or

not they feel they should support any effort to add

veggie options by buying these products, or boycott

these establishments alltogether on principal?



" It's like if McDonald's was to put out a veggie

burger and

people said

they won't got here because of what else is on their

menu or who owns

it. "






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For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

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http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health










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FWIW, I have ordered (and eaten) a McD veggie burger when a well-meaning

relative took us there on a road trip because she heard they had a veg

burger. However, for a variety of reasons, most of them lifestyle/values

based, we do not eat at or visit McDonald's. As my now 5 year old son was

only 2 the time we tried the burger, he does not remember that he patronized

a McDonald's.


I do understand the idea of supporting these new products to make sure we

have options but, at this point on my veg journey, convenience fast food is

not that important to me. I would not have said this prior to having my son

but, 5 years later, I am so used to 'being prepared'- taking food from home

and simply going without that I no longer mind. In a real pinch, such as

times we are travelling and unprepared, we simply order a pizza somewhere

and eat it in the park. (We try to eat vegan at home but do occasionally eat

dairy outside the home.) Or, we run into a grocery store and buy fruit,

drinks, pita and hummus or such. Then we find a fun place to have a picbic.

Because he has never been there, my son doesn't mind not going. For this,

I'm grateful.



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My son's b-day (Petie) is Sunday (he will be 1) and I needed a meeting place

for our relatives to meet and have a little party. I wanted somewhere

conveneint to everyone - about half-way between our homes in Virginia and their

home in Baltimore. I was grateful that there was a burger king in that area

because they have yummy veggie burgers and a big play area for the kids.


I have only been vegetarian for about 6 months - and my husbands family thinks

it's horrible. imagine that? weirdo's.


So yes - I totally support veggie options at fast food restaurants. It allows

us to set a good example and like the other lady said - integrate into their

world a little bit.


And here is a picture of the birthday boy!






Madeline White <madeline_killian wrote:


FWIW, I have ordered (and eaten) a McD veggie burger when a well-meaning

relative took us there on a road trip because she heard they had a veg

burger. However, for a variety of reasons, most of them lifestyle/values

based, we do not eat at or visit McDonald's. As my now 5 year old son was

only 2 the time we tried the burger, he does not remember that he patronized

a McDonald's.


I do understand the idea of supporting these new products to make sure we

have options but, at this point on my veg journey, convenience fast food is

not that important to me. I would not have said this prior to having my son

but, 5 years later, I am so used to 'being prepared'- taking food from home

and simply going without that I no longer mind. In a real pinch, such as

times we are travelling and unprepared, we simply order a pizza somewhere

and eat it in the park. (We try to eat vegan at home but do occasionally eat

dairy outside the home.) Or, we run into a grocery store and buy fruit,

drinks, pita and hummus or such. Then we find a fun place to have a picbic.

Because he has never been there, my son doesn't mind not going. For this,

I'm grateful.










For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health







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I agree with this........ we need to support the vegetarian efforts no matter

how little they are...


TeaLovingWriter wrote:

In a message dated 3/17/2005 6:16:23 AM Pacific Standard Time,

mybluerat writes:

I'm curious to hear other's opinions as to whether or

not they feel they should support any effort to add

veggie options by buying these products, or boycott

these establishments alltogether on principal?>>>


Well if people take attitudes to boycott the vegetarian efforts put forth by

companies then you will continue to have limited options available.

Vegetarians can't have it both ways....they can't complain over and over that

restaurants don't offer vegetarian options and then say they are going to boycot


place if they start offering them. It's ridiculous. If people support vegetarian

options then more restaurants will follow suit and offer vegetarian options.

Then vegetarian food consumption will increase because more than just

vegetarians will buy the occassional veggie burger while dining out.


I for one will support vegetarian options that restaurants add to the menu on

one condition...that I like them. For example, Burger King has a veggie

burger. I just don't like the way it tastes so I don't buy it. But I certainly

wouldnt' boycot it because it's Burger King putting it out.


People boycotting vegetarian options on " principal " will just keep the

vegetarian options on restaurant menus low because they won't be getting


and will be replaced with an alternative that will. Vegetarian efforts by

stores and restaurants need to be supported in order to be successful and keep

further options coming out...




Jacqueline Bodnar

Author of " Vegetarian Resource Book: A to Z Reference Guide to Vegetarianism "





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I agree that we should support main stream efforts to offer vegan options .I

bought the BK veggie burger pretty regularly when it was vegan . The

company has now changed the ingredients to include eggs . I wrote them and

expressed my disappointment that the BK veggie burger was no longer vegan

and expressed my dismay that the company was not alerting consumers to the

recipe change ! that was over 6 weeks ago through planet feedback and BK has

yet to respond :-(

MCDonalds is a separate issue for me and I REFUSE to support them , period

.. They purposely lied to vegetarians for YEARS stating that their fries were

vegetarian when in fact they were (ARE ?) seasoned with BEEF flavoring .SO

,I boycott McDonalds because of that disrespectful ,deceitful practice and

because their behavior since they were caught at it , sued and proven

guilty in court has been deplorable ! They are continually working to

undermine vegetarianism .



I've had their veggie burger when I lived in Europe, when I was a vegetarian

(now I'm vegan, and I don't think the burger's vegan). From my point of

view, I believe we should buy these products, and also let these companies

know whether we like them or not. Although these companies are all about

making money, it can work in our favor. The more people that buy these, the

more they'll make, and they are open to changing things based on our

suggestions. If vegetarians simply choose not to purchase their items, they

won't have enough of a fan base to keep veggie items on the menu. As

vegetarians/vegans, at least in my opinion, it's up to us to get these

products readily available. The more demand they have, the more products

they'll make. Rather than try and alienate ourselves from the rest of

meat-eating society, we should try and get our food into the rest of

society. Not only does it make it easier for us to eat, but it makes the

rest of society aware that they have other options aside from meat. JMO!








FYI McDonalds does have a veggie burger, currently

offered only in the UK, Canada and New York City,

maybe in California as well...


I'm curious to hear other's opinions as to whether or

not they feel they should support any effort to add

veggie options by buying these products, or boycott

these establishments alltogether on principal?



" It's like if McDonald's was to put out a veggie

burger and

people said

they won't got here because of what else is on their

menu or who owns

it. "






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For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health










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I recently read Eric Schlosser's book, " Fast Food Nation " . I think

it's a " must read " for just about everybody, and it sheds some light

on both the question you ask and (in principle)the question about

buying Silk after the company was acquired by a company that also

sells dairy products.


Schlosser argues that the evils wrought by the fast food industry

have changed the American (and increasingly, world) culture. The

impacts include everything from being the impetus for factory farms

to unsafe worker conditions at slaughterhouses to holding down the

minimum wage to child and adult obesity. I would add to that list

hooking kids at an early age on meat products, through advertising

and " happy meals " with toys targeted at children.


It would seem to me that avoiding the major fast food chain

restaurants is the best thing to do, at least as much as possible,

until the industry makes some drastic changes.


Anyway, I'm pretty sure that those veggie burgers get fried right on

the spot where a hamburger was fried a minute earlier. And if you

are thinking about the fries, Scholesser says that even though

McDonalds started frying them in vegetable oil, they still have

natural beef flavoring.


Day to day, my family and I may occassionally eat at a fast food

restaurant (and when I do I'm grateful for the veggie burger and

yogurt parfait) or buy foods from a conglomerate that I'd rather not

support in principle. But, not as often as last year. As somebody

said, this is a journey where we continually strive toward making

changes (sometimes modest, sometimes radical) to better align our

behaviors with our ideals.


- Alan


, Shirley <mybluerat> wrote:


> FYI McDonalds does have a veggie burger, currently

> offered only in the UK, Canada and New York City,

> maybe in California as well...


> I'm curious to hear other's opinions as to whether or

> not they feel they should support any effort to add

> veggie options by buying these products, or boycott

> these establishments alltogether on principal?


> -------------

> " It's like if McDonald's was to put out a veggie

> burger and

> people said

> they won't got here because of what else is on their

> menu or who owns

> it. "






> Make your home page

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Shirley asked:


<< I'm curious to hear other's opinions as to whether or not they feel

they should support any effort to add veggie options by buying these

products, or boycott these establishments alltogether on principal?>>


Ditto for me with what's been said by most people so far: each person

has to come to their own peace about what their boundaries are, but for

me, helping bring more veggie options to the mainstream is an important

factor. Still, fact is, we never go to fast food restaurants, or

mainstream grocery stores very much, so we're not an effective part of

the solution in that regard!


We just got back from a week at Disney World, and it was clear that the

staff there was trained to expect and support individual dietary needs.

We had no problems (we're lacto-ovo, though, fwiw). The one glitch is

that we didn't bother saying anything in advance before one of the

character meals, and at the end of it -- when we'd already paid and

were starting to leave -- my youngest started asking for milk (meaning

soy milk). The waiter was on it right away, but told us that since we

hadn't given them any advance notice, we'd have to wait a while until

some could be brought over from another location. Turns out, his offer

of apple juice was acceptable to Nell, and so we didn't bother waiting

around. In fact, the best meal any of us had (we travelled with

another family who are " flexitarians " , as the current expression goes)

was at the Liberty Tree Inn, which is normally a 3-meat family-style

meal, but my girls and I had a wonderful dish of grilled vegetables on

quinoa, and a better-than-average pasta with marinara sauce (made with

children's taste buds in mind, rather than something too fancy). There

are also a couple of stands in Magic Kingdom that sell fruit, baby

carrots and such. And Epcot has the international food, so of course

that wasn't a problem at all. Who would have thunk it? <g>


I don't want to live in a private " gated " community. We like going out

in the world, and we like to be able to have our needs met when we do.

As many people on this list have said, now when we travel to smaller

towns to visit friends and family, we're likely to be able to get at

least some basics, like soy milk and tofu, from the local stores.

That's a vast improvement, in my book! And thanks to Costco's

store-brand (as pointed out, it's really Silk) chocolate soy milk in

the individual " juice " boxes, we've managed to turn a lot of

conventional eaters into willing experimenters. To me, this is a good




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McDonald's veggie burger still has eggs in it. And

their fries still have beef in them.. so if they want

my family to patronize them they need to do a little

bit better than that towards vegetarianizing their

food. As far as Burger King is concerned we have

gotten the occasional veggie burger and fries on the

road in the past eventhough its not very good and I've

had to have them take them to take mine back after

they put mayo on ours after saying " hold the mayo and

please microwave " as suggested by Eric Markus. I hear

their veggie burger isn't so veggie anymore also.. so

I'm not sure if we will continue to patronize them.

Depending on if they change it back. If a fast food

place is doing a decent job of offering vegetarian

options we do go there. My daughter gets kids meals

with plain bean burritos and nachos without cheese..

and its about the only place she can get a kid's meal.

So Taco Bell tends to be our fast food place of









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In a message dated 3/21/2005 1:27:07 PM Pacific Standard Time,

sarah writes:

" So Taco Bell tends to be our fast food place of "


Ours as well.>>>


I hate Taco Bell... yuck...you eat at that place and you need to order a roll

of toilet paper! :-)


When it comes to fast food I'm more a Baja Fresh or Choptle kind of gal....






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I had NO IDEA that the BK Veggie was no longer vegan!!!!!!! That is

so upsetting to hear. Bad enough that that the bun was never



, " outonalimb " <outonalimb@c...>



> I agree that we should support main stream efforts to offer vegan

options .I

> bought the BK veggie burger pretty regularly when it was vegan .


> company has now changed the ingredients to include eggs . I wrote

them and

> expressed my disappointment that the BK veggie burger was no

longer vegan

> and expressed my dismay that the company was not alerting

consumers to the

> recipe change ! that was over 6 weeks ago through planet feedback

and BK has

> yet to respond :-(

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Speaking of fast food places - everyone always talks about Mc Ds and

BK and I just wanted to add in that Taco Bell is perhaps the best

fast food place of all for a veg*n. It is actually the only fast

food place that my family regularly visits. Not only a bit

healthier than the burger joints but they are always very

accomodating about altering any of their menu items to suit your

needs. Just beware that the sour cream is not vegetarian. But the

beans, the guac, and the tortias are all vegan.

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I think it was VRG in their email newsletter that

mentioned that either presently or shortly the BK

veggie burger is not/will not be vegan. I didn't know

the bun was not vegan. I have a question about flour

tortillas though. Most of the ones I see in the

grocery store have glycerin(e) but it does not state

the source, either animal or vegetable. Does anyone

have info regarding this. I may need to contact each

company to get an answer. Some products list it as

vegetable glycerin but not always. Thanks, Lisanne


--- smartgirl27us <thesmartfamily3 wrote:



> Speaking of fast food places - everyone always talks

> about Mc Ds and

> BK and I just wanted to add in that Taco Bell is

> perhaps the best

> fast food place of all for a veg*n. It is actually

> the only fast

> food place that my family regularly visits. Not

> only a bit

> healthier than the burger joints but they are always

> very

> accomodating about altering any of their menu items

> to suit your

> needs. Just beware that the sour cream is not

> vegetarian. But the

> beans, the guac, and the tortias are all vegan.













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" So Taco Bell tends to be our fast food place of "


Ours as well.


Sarah | Alexin, 3 | Cameron, 16m. (hbac)





Renee Carroll [renecarol25]

Monday, March 21, 2005 7:00 AM


Re: Re: McVeggie Burger




McDonald's veggie burger still has eggs in it. And

their fries still have beef in them.. so if they want

my family to patronize them they need to do a little

bit better than that towards vegetarianizing their

food. As far as Burger King is concerned we have

gotten the occasional veggie burger and fries on the

road in the past eventhough its not very good and I've

had to have them take them to take mine back after

they put mayo on ours after saying " hold the mayo and

please microwave " as suggested by Eric Markus. I hear

their veggie burger isn't so veggie anymore also.. so

I'm not sure if we will continue to patronize them.

Depending on if they change it back. If a fast food

place is doing a decent job of offering vegetarian

options we do go there. My daughter gets kids meals

with plain bean burritos and nachos without cheese..

and its about the only place she can get a kid's meal.

So Taco Bell tends to be our fast food place of









Read only the mail you want - Mail SpamGuard.







For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health








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But Jacqueline, I don't complain about this. Not all veg*ns do complain

about the lack of options at fast food " restaurants " or other restaurants

for that matter. I know the places I can go and I go there on the rare

occasions when I eat out. When I travel I make sure that I bring enough

food with me that I don't have to worry about finding any along the way,

find a park and relax there while my kids run and play and get their

" wiggles " out before we start up again. Fast food restaurants? I never was

a big fan of those. They don't serve healthy food for the omni or the veg.

I don't condemn those who do go to them, it's just not for me. Overall I

prefer to eat at home. No reason other than that's the way my family and I

prefer it.


Simply put, my choice is to try to not support those who support the pain,

suffering, and death of living beings - no matter how many legs they have or

if they have any at all. I am not asking for it to be both ways. I am

going in one way on my path. On this path in veg*nism we have different

goals and different reasons. We are not the same. We are, just as

omnivores are and as the comments on this list have shown, very different in

our beliefs and thoughts. This is a good thing because no matter where we

are in our lives, we can always stand to learn from others whose beliefs may

be a bit or a lot different than our own. You go about spreading veg*nism

one way by supporting the mainstream establishments like BK, McDonalds,

Dean, etc... I go about it another. There is more than one way. That's

okay. There needs to be different venues that we feel we can all do what we

can do to help and feel comfortable about supporting. This is a good thing

since, as I said, we are all different.


God's Peace,


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... and Subway, don't forget Subway!




Monday, March 21, 2005 1:12 PM

Re: McVeggie Burger


<I just wanted to add in that Taco Bell is perhaps the best

fast food place of all for a veg*n.>



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Mmmmm, Chiptole....very yummy.


Sarah | Alexin, 3 | Cameron, 16m. (hbac)





TeaLovingWriter [TeaLovingWriter]

Monday, March 21, 2005 1:30 PM


Re: Re: McVeggie Burger




In a message dated 3/21/2005 1:27:07 PM Pacific Standard Time,

sarah writes:

" So Taco Bell tends to be our fast food place of "


Ours as well.>>>


I hate Taco Bell... yuck...you eat at that place and you need to order a


of toilet paper! :-)


When it comes to fast food I'm more a Baja Fresh or Choptle kind of gal....






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I know :-( I used to get a salad custom made ( without the dairy and meat )

and a microwaved patty when traveling ; it wasn’t great but it was

convenient and I think it is really important to support any vegan options

in mainstream restaurants . It was so disappointing to learn that they

changed it without informing consumers ! Then less than 2 months later I

found out that Rodale published 2 of my vegan recipes in a national cookbook

giving me full credit and one even merited a glossy full page photo BUT

they SUBSTITUED EGGS and Butter for egg replacer and earth balance in the

recipe !!! So now my name is in this cookbook associated with this recipe

full of eggs and butter UGH! As a result I’m feeling really disillusioned

lately !!!






I had NO IDEA that the BK Veggie was no longer vegan!!!!!!! That is

so upsetting to hear. Bad enough that that the bun was never



, " outonalimb " <outonalimb@c...>



> I agree that we should support main stream efforts to offer vegan

options .I

> bought the BK veggie burger pretty regularly when it was vegan .


> company has now changed the ingredients to include eggs . I wrote

them and

> expressed my disappointment that the BK veggie burger was no

longer vegan

> and expressed my dismay that the company was not alerting

consumers to the

> recipe change ! that was over 6 weeks ago through planet feedback

and BK has

> yet to respond :-(










For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health









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I don't guess the vegan versions of the recipes could

be shared with the group;)


--- outonalimb <outonalimb wrote:


> I know :-( I used to get a salad custom made (

> without the dairy and meat )

> and a microwaved patty when traveling ; it wasn’t

> great but it was

> convenient and I think it is really important to

> support any vegan options

> in mainstream restaurants . It was so disappointing

> to learn that they

> changed it without informing consumers ! Then less

> than 2 months later I

> found out that Rodale published 2 of my vegan

> recipes in a national cookbook

> giving me full credit and one even merited a glossy

> full page photo BUT

> they SUBSTITUED EGGS and Butter for egg replacer

> and earth balance in the

> recipe !!! So now my name is in this cookbook

> associated with this recipe

> full of eggs and butter UGH! As a result I’m

> feeling really disillusioned

> lately !!!

> Teresa





> I had NO IDEA that the BK Veggie was no longer

> vegan!!!!!!! That is

> so upsetting to hear. Bad enough that that the bun

> was never

> vegan.


> , " outonalimb "

> <outonalimb@c...>

> wrote:

> >

> > I agree that we should support main stream efforts

> to offer vegan

> options .I

> > bought the BK veggie burger pretty regularly

> when it was vegan .

> The

> > company has now changed the ingredients to include

> eggs . I wrote

> them and

> > expressed my disappointment that the BK veggie

> burger was no

> longer vegan

> > and expressed my dismay that the company was not

> alerting

> consumers to the

> > recipe change ! that was over 6 weeks ago through

> planet feedback

> and BK has

> > yet to respond :-(




For more information about vegetarianism, please

> visit the VRG website at

> http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially

> useful for families go to

> http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list

> and is not intended to

> provide personal medical advice. Medical advice

> should be obtained from a

> qualified health professional.


> edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained

> from a qualified health

> professional.


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I used to also support Taco Bell untill some time ago

I was forwarded this site from another



In addition to the ethical concerns for animals, what

about humans...do they have the right to take

advantage of others....


Lately they have been progress as per the following

site...so from your comments...I have to decide if and

when I'll start supporting them again....just

something to consider...






--- Sarah Glenn <sarah wrote:


> " So Taco Bell tends to be our fast food place of "


> Ours as well.


> Sarah | Alexin, 3 | Cameron, 16m. (hbac)



> _____


> Renee Carroll [renecarol25]

> Monday, March 21, 2005 7:00 AM


> Re: Re: McVeggie Burger




> McDonald's veggie burger still has eggs in it. And

> their fries still have beef in them.. so if they

> want

> my family to patronize them they need to do a little

> bit better than that towards vegetarianizing their

> food. As far as Burger King is concerned we have

> gotten the occasional veggie burger and fries on the

> road in the past eventhough its not very good and

> I've

> had to have them take them to take mine back after

> they put mayo on ours after saying " hold the mayo

> and

> please microwave " as suggested by Eric Markus. I

> hear

> their veggie burger isn't so veggie anymore also..

> so

> I'm not sure if we will continue to patronize them.

> Depending on if they change it back. If a fast food

> place is doing a decent job of offering vegetarian

> options we do go there. My daughter gets kids meals

> with plain bean burritos and nachos without cheese..

> and its about the only place she can get a kid's

> meal.

> So Taco Bell tends to be our fast food place of

> choice

> Renee







> Read only the mail you want - Mail SpamGuard.








> For more information about vegetarianism, please

> visit the VRG website at

> http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially

> useful for families go to

> http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list

> and is not intended to

> provide personal medical advice. Medical advice

> should be obtained from a

> qualified health professional.


> edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained

> from a qualified health

> professional.







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Guest guest

Oh, I didn't even know they had a burger! The Subways around here don't offer

that, we are in a pretty rural area though.


I just meant that there are a lot of vegan options at Subway as opposed to the

burger chains.



Renee Carroll

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 9:06 AM


Re: Re: McVeggie Burger




Subway's veggie burger isn't vegan either.. but I ate

it a lot before I started trying to go vegan.



--- Bonnie Barker <bebarker96 wrote:


> .. and Subway, don't forget Subway!


> -

> smartgirl27us

> Monday, March 21, 2005 1:12 PM

> Re: McVeggie Burger


> <I just wanted to add in that Taco Bell is perhaps

> the best

> fast food place of all for a veg*n.>


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







" I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope

For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love

For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith

But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting. "

- T.S. Eliot














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Guest guest

Its not always listed on the menu but as far as I know

all the stores have them.. ask if you can order the

veggiemax or the veggie burger sandwich.



--- Bonnie Barker <bebarker96 wrote:


> Oh, I didn't even know they had a burger! The

> Subways around here don't offer that, we are in a

> pretty rural area though.


> I just meant that there are a lot of vegan options

> at Subway as opposed to the burger chains.


> -

> Renee Carroll

> Tuesday, March 22, 2005 9:06 AM


> Re: Re: McVeggie Burger




> Subway's veggie burger isn't vegan either.. but I

> ate

> it a lot before I started trying to go vegan.

> Renee


> --- Bonnie Barker <bebarker96 wrote:

> >

> > .. and Subway, don't forget Subway!

> >

> > -

> > smartgirl27us

> > Monday, March 21, 2005 1:12 PM

> > Re: McVeggie Burger

> >

> > <I just wanted to add in that Taco Bell is perhaps

> > the best

> > fast food place of all for a veg*n.>

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> " I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope

> For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait

> without love

> For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is

> yet faith

> But the faith and the love and the hope are all in

> the waiting. "

> - T.S. Eliot














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