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I am new to the group, I don't know exactly how this works so I'll

tell you a bit about me then ask my question.

I just decided to become vegetarian an I have a 15 month old

daughter named Marissa. I was a vegetarian (more for animal rights

than anything else) for about four years in high school and right

after then I joined the Navy and in boot camp all they had that was

veg. was peanut butter & Jelly so I ended up going off my veg. diet

and kind of never went back after that until now (though it has

always been in the back of my mind.) The straw that broke the camels

back was when my husband asked " When is Marissa going to be able to

eat real food like McDonalds? " that night I made up my mind to

become vegetarian again so I can be a good example for my daughter

not to mention all of the health benefits for myself and the

animals. I would like to try and feed her as much of a vegetarian

diet as possible (I don't want to cause a war in my house with my

husband, I think he'll be ok with it as long as I don't make a big

deal about it, go slowly and don't try to tell him what (not) to

eat.) Since I am the grocery shopper & cook I can work around him.

Does anyone else have the same situation? Any suggestions? I would

also like to know if anyone has suggestions for introducing tofu to

the baby? I want her to like it. Should I flavor it? If so, with

what? Any other suggestions for toddler food? She has issues with

choking on stuff (I guess every toddler has that) I am also a first

time mom and a little nervous about giving her solids (probably part

of the problem).



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Christi, first off, welcome to the group!


As far as introducing tofu to a toddler, I bought the medium version instead

of the firm. It seemed to be mashed up a little better in their mouth before

swallowing. When I first gave to my children, I did not flavor it. Also, if

you decide to flavor it with soy sauce, Make a marinade of water or juice with

just a splash of soy sauce. That way they are not gettig so much sodium!


Best of luck, Tracy




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welcome! the best thing you can do is educate yourself on nutrition. my

daughter and I are lacto-ovo vegetarians. I read " new vegetarian baby " by

sharon yntema (she also has one titled " vegetarian children " for later). I took

lots of notes and gained both knowledge and confidence that I was providing

healthy nutritious and balanced meals. I feel as though my daughter (almost 2)

eats healthier than most as I work so hard to provide a balanced natural diet.

The book that carried me through when she first started solids until now is Ruth

Yarron's Super Baby Food. I still use that regularly. She gives a month to

month suggestions of food to introduce to babies as well as many recipes for

tofu, beans, and even healthier sweets alternatives. I made Lill's first

birthday cake from a recipe from her book and it was yummy! I promise that with

educating yourself you will feel proud and confident and ready to take on any

critics. IT is a constant process that will be challenging and

incredibly rewarding. Looking back now I feel a strong sense of pride in how I

tackled it all.....I was only vegetarian a short time and my in-laws were the

worst kind of skeptic. But because I took the time to learn about nutrition and

consistently educate myself on new recipes/ideas I have a confidence and ability

that has resulted in many friends curious (and envious) and my inlaws no longer

question me. They see Lilli is healthy and happy and eats better than most.

Its worth it. I wish you the best. Stick with it. You can do it. It may be a

little harried at first but in no time you will carry the same confidence and

feeling of pride.



lisachristimarissasmom <christina wrote:




I am new to the group, I don't know exactly how this works so I'll

tell you a bit about me then ask my question.

I just decided to become vegetarian an I have a 15 month old

daughter named Marissa. I was a vegetarian (more for animal rights

than anything else) for about four years in high school and right

after then I joined the Navy and in boot camp all they had that was

veg. was peanut butter & Jelly so I ended up going off my veg. diet

and kind of never went back after that until now (though it has

always been in the back of my mind.) The straw that broke the camels

back was when my husband asked " When is Marissa going to be able to

eat real food like McDonalds? " that night I made up my mind to

become vegetarian again so I can be a good example for my daughter

not to mention all of the health benefits for myself and the

animals. I would like to try and feed her as much of a vegetarian

diet as possible (I don't want to cause a war in my house with my

husband, I think he'll be ok with it as long as I don't make a big

deal about it, go slowly and don't try to tell him what (not) to

eat.) Since I am the grocery shopper & cook I can work around him.

Does anyone else have the same situation? Any suggestions? I would

also like to know if anyone has suggestions for introducing tofu to

the baby? I want her to like it. Should I flavor it? If so, with

what? Any other suggestions for toddler food? She has issues with

choking on stuff (I guess every toddler has that) I am also a first

time mom and a little nervous about giving her solids (probably part

of the problem).











For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health







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maybe put some tofu scrambler in it and make it like a

egg salad? www.vegweb.com has lots of great recipes

too. also I would start to give her little bits of

things like soy sausage mashed up. I wouldn't give

her a whole lot though. my daughter's doctor says

about 1 to 2 servings of soy/seitan/legumes food group

and 3 servings of dairy alternatives soy milk/soy

yoghurt. Does your daughter still drink formula.. I'm

weird in that I gave my daughter toddler soy formula

during her second year of life... I switched right

from breast milk to soy formula.. make sure she gets

lots of good vegetables most little kids like sweet

potato.. try to get lots of different colours also.



--- christimarissasmom <christina




> Hi,

> I am new to the group, I don't know exactly how this

> works so I'll

> tell you a bit about me then ask my question.

> I just decided to become vegetarian an I have a 15

> month old

> daughter named Marissa. I was a vegetarian (more for

> animal rights

> than anything else) for about four years in high

> school and right

> after then I joined the Navy and in boot camp all

> they had that was

> veg. was peanut butter & Jelly so I ended up going

> off my veg. diet

> and kind of never went back after that until now

> (though it has

> always been in the back of my mind.) The straw that

> broke the camels

> back was when my husband asked " When is Marissa

> going to be able to

> eat real food like McDonalds? " that night I made up

> my mind to

> become vegetarian again so I can be a good example

> for my daughter

> not to mention all of the health benefits for myself

> and the

> animals. I would like to try and feed her as much of

> a vegetarian

> diet as possible (I don't want to cause a war in my

> house with my

> husband, I think he'll be ok with it as long as I

> don't make a big

> deal about it, go slowly and don't try to tell him

> what (not) to

> eat.) Since I am the grocery shopper & cook I can

> work around him.

> Does anyone else have the same situation? Any

> suggestions? I would

> also like to know if anyone has suggestions for

> introducing tofu to

> the baby? I want her to like it. Should I flavor it?

> If so, with

> what? Any other suggestions for toddler food? She

> has issues with

> choking on stuff (I guess every toddler has that) I

> am also a first

> time mom and a little nervous about giving her

> solids (probably part

> of the problem).

> Thanks

> Christi













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As soon as my daughter was old enough for finger foods

(probably around 7-8 months) I introduced her to " tofu

cubes. " She was very excited to try them and she

still loves eating them at 13 months. She also loves

smoothies made from silken tofu and fruit.


--- christimarissasmom <christina




> Hi,

> I am new to the group, I don't know exactly how this

> works so I'll

> tell you a bit about me then ask my question.

> I just decided to become vegetarian an I have a 15

> month old

> daughter named Marissa. I was a vegetarian (more for

> animal rights

> than anything else) for about four years in high

> school and right

> after then I joined the Navy and in boot camp all

> they had that was

> veg. was peanut butter & Jelly so I ended up going

> off my veg. diet

> and kind of never went back after that until now

> (though it has

> always been in the back of my mind.) The straw that

> broke the camels

> back was when my husband asked " When is Marissa

> going to be able to

> eat real food like McDonalds? " that night I made up

> my mind to

> become vegetarian again so I can be a good example

> for my daughter

> not to mention all of the health benefits for myself

> and the

> animals. I would like to try and feed her as much of

> a vegetarian

> diet as possible (I don't want to cause a war in my

> house with my

> husband, I think he'll be ok with it as long as I

> don't make a big

> deal about it, go slowly and don't try to tell him

> what (not) to

> eat.) Since I am the grocery shopper & cook I can

> work around him.

> Does anyone else have the same situation? Any

> suggestions? I would

> also like to know if anyone has suggestions for

> introducing tofu to

> the baby? I want her to like it. Should I flavor it?

> If so, with

> what? Any other suggestions for toddler food? She

> has issues with

> choking on stuff (I guess every toddler has that) I

> am also a first

> time mom and a little nervous about giving her

> solids (probably part

> of the problem).

> Thanks

> Christi















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Hi Christi

My dh is a meat eater too. It does make for some challenges. My older 2 girls

(ages 11 and 8) are veg by thier own choice. They wouldn't eat meat for

anything. He is giving me a hard time about the baby (6 months). I keep

telling him that the dr says she can't have animal products yet. At some point

I'm going to have to tell him I am planning on her being veg too. I think he

just wants one who will eat meat with him. Oh well.

I have given my little one tofu already. I gave it to her from my miso soup.

She really liked it. When I give it to her plain, I will steam it first just to

make sure there is no bacteria on it. I don't think I will flavor it much

because she doesn't need that yet. My older ones love it flavored with the

Breast of Tofu recipe in the Almost No Fat Cookbook.

Congrats on going back to veg and for starting your little girl on the most

healthy path. It is certianly much easier to do it from the start.


christimarissasmom <christina wrote:

Does anyone else have the same situation? Any suggestions? I would

also like to know if anyone has suggestions for introducing tofu to

the baby? I want her to like it. Should I flavor it? If so, with

what? Any other suggestions for toddler food? She has issues with

choking on stuff (I guess every toddler has that) I am also a first

time mom and a little nervous about giving her solids (probably part

of the problem).











For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health







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Hi Christi,


I have a similar situation in my home with my hubby! I am proud of my

former wisconsin-born milk-guzzling meat and potatoes recliner-laying TV

watching husband and how far he has come in the last eight years. He still

eats meat, but not at home, and rarely at that. Recently I heard him

mention to friends at a party " we're raising our children vegetarian " in

such a proud tone, it brought tears of joy to my eyes! I think the key is to

really take it slow, use a lot of different recipes, maybe he'll try some

curried eggplant over rice? I believe my husband will someday refuse meat

and milk products, but each person has their own journey to make. I never

forced the issue, and most of the time he was willing to try new things so

have fun and enjoy yourself!





> " christimarissasmom " <christina



> Intro & Quest

>Fri, 18 Mar 2005 18:49:43 -0000





>I am new to the group, I don't know exactly how this works so I'll

>tell you a bit about me then ask my question.

>I just decided to become vegetarian an I have a 15 month old

>daughter named Marissa. I was a vegetarian (more for animal rights

>than anything else) for about four years in high school and right

>after then I joined the Navy and in boot camp all they had that was

>veg. was peanut butter & Jelly so I ended up going off my veg. diet

>and kind of never went back after that until now (though it has

>always been in the back of my mind.) The straw that broke the camels

>back was when my husband asked " When is Marissa going to be able to

>eat real food like McDonalds? " that night I made up my mind to

>become vegetarian again so I can be a good example for my daughter

>not to mention all of the health benefits for myself and the

>animals. I would like to try and feed her as much of a vegetarian

>diet as possible (I don't want to cause a war in my house with my

>husband, I think he'll be ok with it as long as I don't make a big

>deal about it, go slowly and don't try to tell him what (not) to

>eat.) Since I am the grocery shopper & cook I can work around him.

>Does anyone else have the same situation? Any suggestions? I would

>also like to know if anyone has suggestions for introducing tofu to

>the baby? I want her to like it. Should I flavor it? If so, with

>what? Any other suggestions for toddler food? She has issues with

>choking on stuff (I guess every toddler has that) I am also a first

>time mom and a little nervous about giving her solids (probably part

>of the problem).











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Renee, please don't take this personally... I just wanted to point out

how in our culture formula feeding is so the norm that it would seem

normal to ask if one's child " still " drinks formula. It assumes that

the child EVER drank formula. At 2 1/2 years my child is " still "

drinking breastmilk, has never and will never have formula.

I don't think it's weird for you to give your toddler soy formula. If

I had to wean a one-year-old I would give her formula too, probably

until age three when she could be expected to get all her calories and

nutrition from food and would no longer need breastmilk or a

breastmilk substitute.





, Renee Carroll <renecarol25> wrote:


> Does your daughter still drink formula.. I'm

> weird in that I gave my daughter toddler soy formula

> during her second year of life... I switched right

> from breast milk to soy formula..


> --- christimarissasmom <christina@p...>

> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Hi,

> > I am new to the group, I don't know exactly how this

> > works so I'll

> > tell you a bit about me then ask my question.

> > I just decided to become vegetarian an I have a 15

> > month old

> > daughter named Marissa. I was a vegetarian (more for

> > animal rights

> > than anything else) for about four years in high

> > school and right

> > after then I joined the Navy and in boot camp all

> > they had that was

> > veg. was peanut butter & Jelly so I ended up going

> > off my veg. diet

> > and kind of never went back after that until now

> > (though it has

> > always been in the back of my mind.) The straw that

> > broke the camels

> > back was when my husband asked " When is Marissa

> > going to be able to

> > eat real food like McDonalds? " that night I made up

> > my mind to

> > become vegetarian again so I can be a good example

> > for my daughter

> > not to mention all of the health benefits for myself

> > and the

> > animals. I would like to try and feed her as much of

> > a vegetarian

> > diet as possible (I don't want to cause a war in my

> > house with my

> > husband, I think he'll be ok with it as long as I

> > don't make a big

> > deal about it, go slowly and don't try to tell him

> > what (not) to

> > eat.) Since I am the grocery shopper & cook I can

> > work around him.

> > Does anyone else have the same situation? Any

> > suggestions? I would

> > also like to know if anyone has suggestions for

> > introducing tofu to

> > the baby? I want her to like it. Should I flavor it?

> > If so, with

> > what? Any other suggestions for toddler food? She

> > has issues with

> > choking on stuff (I guess every toddler has that) I

> > am also a first

> > time mom and a little nervous about giving her

> > solids (probably part

> > of the problem).

> > Thanks

> > Christi

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >






> Make your home page

> http://www./r/hs

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I was thinking the same thing. My 25 month old is still happily nursing and

has never or will ever get any kid of formula. That is a whole other subject.

Glad to see a fellow breastfeeder in the group.



jpetrusplus <jen.petrus said:





> Renee, please don't take this personally... I just wanted to point out

> how in our culture formula feeding is so the norm that it would seem

> normal to ask if one's child " still " drinks formula. It assumes that

> the child EVER drank formula. At 2 1/2 years my child is " still "

> drinking breastmilk, has never and will never have formula.

> I don't think it's weird for you to give your toddler soy formula. If

> I had to wean a one-year-old I would give her formula too, probably

> until age three when she could be expected to get all her calories and

> nutrition from food and would no longer need breastmilk or a

> breastmilk substitute.


> Jen



> , Renee Carroll <renecarol25> wrote:

> >

> > Does your daughter still drink formula.. I'm

> > weird in that I gave my daughter toddler soy formula

> > during her second year of life... I switched right

> > from breast milk to soy formula..

> >

> > --- christimarissasmom <christina@p...>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Hi,

> > > I am new to the group, I don't know exactly how this

> > > works so I'll

> > > tell you a bit about me then ask my question.

> > > I just decided to become vegetarian an I have a 15

> > > month old

> > > daughter named Marissa. I was a vegetarian (more for

> > > animal rights

> > > than anything else) for about four years in high

> > > school and right

> > > after then I joined the Navy and in boot camp all

> > > they had that was

> > > veg. was peanut butter & Jelly so I ended up going

> > > off my veg. diet

> > > and kind of never went back after that until now

> > > (though it has

> > > always been in the back of my mind.) The straw that

> > > broke the camels

> > > back was when my husband asked " When is Marissa

> > > going to be able to

> > > eat real food like McDonalds? " that night I made up

> > > my mind to

> > > become vegetarian again so I can be a good example

> > > for my daughter

> > > not to mention all of the health benefits for myself

> > > and the

> > > animals. I would like to try and feed her as much of

> > > a vegetarian

> > > diet as possible (I don't want to cause a war in my

> > > house with my

> > > husband, I think he'll be ok with it as long as I

> > > don't make a big

> > > deal about it, go slowly and don't try to tell him

> > > what (not) to

> > > eat.) Since I am the grocery shopper & cook I can

> > > work around him.

> > > Does anyone else have the same situation? Any

> > > suggestions? I would

> > > also like to know if anyone has suggestions for

> > > introducing tofu to

> > > the baby? I want her to like it. Should I flavor it?

> > > If so, with

> > > what? Any other suggestions for toddler food? She

> > > has issues with

> > > choking on stuff (I guess every toddler has that) I

> > > am also a first

> > > time mom and a little nervous about giving her

> > > solids (probably part

> > > of the problem).

> > > Thanks

> > > Christi

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Make your home page

> > http://www./r/hs




For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


> edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health





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I had missed that email.. I didn't even realize I said

that.. I meant to ask if she was still breastfeeding

or still on formula. I think 1 is awful young to be

expected to get nutrition from food alone. And for

all those who are breastfeeding past one that is to be




--- Heather Trovinger <hechtrov wrote:



> Jen,

> I was thinking the same thing. My 25 month old is

> still happily nursing and

> has never or will ever get any kid of formula. That

> is a whole other subject.

> Glad to see a fellow breastfeeder in the group.

> Heather


> jpetrusplus <jen.petrus said:


> >

> >

> >

> > Renee, please don't take this personally... I just

> wanted to point out

> > how in our culture formula feeding is so the norm

> that it would seem

> > normal to ask if one's child " still " drinks

> formula. It assumes that

> > the child EVER drank formula. At 2 1/2 years my

> child is " still "

> > drinking breastmilk, has never and will never have

> formula.

> > I don't think it's weird for you to give your

> toddler soy formula. If

> > I had to wean a one-year-old I would give her

> formula too, probably

> > until age three when she could be expected to get

> all her calories and

> > nutrition from food and would no longer need

> breastmilk or a

> > breastmilk substitute.

> >

> > Jen

> >

> >

> > , Renee Carroll

> <renecarol25> wrote:

> > >

> > > Does your daughter still drink formula.. I'm

> > > weird in that I gave my daughter toddler soy

> formula

> > > during her second year of life... I switched

> right

> > > from breast milk to soy formula..

> > >

> > > --- christimarissasmom <christina@p...>

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Hi,

> > > > I am new to the group, I don't know exactly

> how this

> > > > works so I'll

> > > > tell you a bit about me then ask my question.

> > > > I just decided to become vegetarian an I have

> a 15

> > > > month old

> > > > daughter named Marissa. I was a vegetarian

> (more for

> > > > animal rights

> > > > than anything else) for about four years in

> high

> > > > school and right

> > > > after then I joined the Navy and in boot camp

> all

> > > > they had that was

> > > > veg. was peanut butter & Jelly so I ended up

> going

> > > > off my veg. diet

> > > > and kind of never went back after that until

> now

> > > > (though it has

> > > > always been in the back of my mind.) The straw

> that

> > > > broke the camels

> > > > back was when my husband asked " When is

> Marissa

> > > > going to be able to

> > > > eat real food like McDonalds? " that night I

> made up

> > > > my mind to

> > > > become vegetarian again so I can be a good

> example

> > > > for my daughter

> > > > not to mention all of the health benefits for

> myself

> > > > and the

> > > > animals. I would like to try and feed her as

> much of

> > > > a vegetarian

> > > > diet as possible (I don't want to cause a war

> in my

> > > > house with my

> > > > husband, I think he'll be ok with it as long

> as I

> > > > don't make a big

> > > > deal about it, go slowly and don't try to tell

> him

> > > > what (not) to

> > > > eat.) Since I am the grocery shopper & cook I

> can

> > > > work around him.

> > > > Does anyone else have the same situation? Any

> > > > suggestions? I would

> > > > also like to know if anyone has suggestions

> for

> > > > introducing tofu to

> > > > the baby? I want her to like it. Should I

> flavor it?

> > > > If so, with

> > > > what? Any other suggestions for toddler food?

> She

> > > > has issues with

> > > > choking on stuff (I guess every toddler has

> that) I

> > > > am also a first

> > > > time mom and a little nervous about giving her

> > > > solids (probably part

> > > > of the problem).

> > > > Thanks

> > > > Christi

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Make your home page

> > > http://www./r/hs

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > For more information about vegetarianism, please

> visit the VRG website at

> http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially

> useful for families go to

> http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list

> and is not intended to

> provide personal medical advice. Medical advice

> should be obtained from a

> qualified health professional.

> >

> > edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained

> from a qualified health

> professional.

> >

> >

> >

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Sorry for being nitpicky!




, Renee Carroll <renecarol25> wrote:


> I had missed that email.. I didn't even realize I said

> that.. I meant to ask if she was still breastfeeding

> or still on formula. I think 1 is awful young to be

> expected to get nutrition from food alone. And for

> all those who are breastfeeding past one that is to be

> commended!!!!

> Renee


> --- Heather Trovinger <hechtrov@p...> wrote:


> >

> > Jen,

> > I was thinking the same thing. My 25 month old is

> > still happily nursing and

> > has never or will ever get any kid of formula. That

> > is a whole other subject.

> > Glad to see a fellow breastfeeder in the group.

> > Heather

> >

> > jpetrusplus <jen.petrus@e...> said:

> >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Renee, please don't take this personally... I just

> > wanted to point out

> > > how in our culture formula feeding is so the norm

> > that it would seem

> > > normal to ask if one's child " still " drinks

> > formula. It assumes that

> > > the child EVER drank formula. At 2 1/2 years my

> > child is " still "

> > > drinking breastmilk, has never and will never have

> > formula.

> > > I don't think it's weird for you to give your

> > toddler soy formula. If

> > > I had to wean a one-year-old I would give her

> > formula too, probably

> > > until age three when she could be expected to get

> > all her calories and

> > > nutrition from food and would no longer need

> > breastmilk or a

> > > breastmilk substitute.

> > >

> > > Jen

> > >

> > >

> > > , Renee Carroll

> > <renecarol25> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Does your daughter still drink formula.. I'm

> > > > weird in that I gave my daughter toddler soy

> > formula

> > > > during her second year of life... I switched

> > right

> > > > from breast milk to soy formula..

> > > >

> > > > --- christimarissasmom <christina@p...>

> > > > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Hi,

> > > > > I am new to the group, I don't know exactly

> > how this

> > > > > works so I'll

> > > > > tell you a bit about me then ask my question.

> > > > > I just decided to become vegetarian an I have

> > a 15

> > > > > month old

> > > > > daughter named Marissa. I was a vegetarian

> > (more for

> > > > > animal rights

> > > > > than anything else) for about four years in

> > high

> > > > > school and right

> > > > > after then I joined the Navy and in boot camp

> > all

> > > > > they had that was

> > > > > veg. was peanut butter & Jelly so I ended up

> > going

> > > > > off my veg. diet

> > > > > and kind of never went back after that until

> > now

> > > > > (though it has

> > > > > always been in the back of my mind.) The straw

> > that

> > > > > broke the camels

> > > > > back was when my husband asked " When is

> > Marissa

> > > > > going to be able to

> > > > > eat real food like McDonalds? " that night I

> > made up

> > > > > my mind to

> > > > > become vegetarian again so I can be a good

> > example

> > > > > for my daughter

> > > > > not to mention all of the health benefits for

> > myself

> > > > > and the

> > > > > animals. I would like to try and feed her as

> > much of

> > > > > a vegetarian

> > > > > diet as possible (I don't want to cause a war

> > in my

> > > > > house with my

> > > > > husband, I think he'll be ok with it as long

> > as I

> > > > > don't make a big

> > > > > deal about it, go slowly and don't try to tell

> > him

> > > > > what (not) to

> > > > > eat.) Since I am the grocery shopper & cook I

> > can

> > > > > work around him.

> > > > > Does anyone else have the same situation? Any

> > > > > suggestions? I would

> > > > > also like to know if anyone has suggestions

> > for

> > > > > introducing tofu to

> > > > > the baby? I want her to like it. Should I

> > flavor it?

> > > > > If so, with

> > > > > what? Any other suggestions for toddler food?

> > She

> > > > > has issues with

> > > > > choking on stuff (I guess every toddler has

> > that) I

> > > > > am also a first

> > > > > time mom and a little nervous about giving her

> > > > > solids (probably part

> > > > > of the problem).

> > > > > Thanks

> > > > > Christi

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Make your home page

> > > > http://www./r/hs

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > For more information about vegetarianism, please

> > visit the VRG website at

> > http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially

> > useful for families go to

> > http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list

> > and is not intended to

> > provide personal medical advice. Medical advice

> > should be obtained from a

> > qualified health professional.

> > >

> > > edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained

> > from a qualified health

> > professional.

> > >

> > >

> > >

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