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RAVEn diet

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I googled and found some info on this diet - I'd forgotten the acronym

:=( on this site:




Among other things, it explains the term RAVE as follows (exact quotation):


" The word RAVE is a simple acronym used to help people

remember the rules. This is my word, but not my diet because it

follows the guidelines used by doctors to treat and reverse

diseases. This is what RAVE stands for:


No R efined foods

No A nimal foods

No V egetable oils

No E xceptions and Exercise "


I wouldn't worry about this diet - after all, it sounds like a healthy

vegan diet to me - except (and this is a big EXCEPT) for the 'No

Vegetable oils' part. We need oils/fats in our diet. Not just like to

have them but *need* them. One can cut back on such oils, but to cut

them out would be dangerous to health imo. And of course, most vegans

find they need supplements for some vitamins and minerals.


I am not a dietitian, alas, but there are people on this list who are in

the health/nutrition field professionally and can probably comment on

what I have just said - for or against, I imagine ;=) Please do.


And Michelle, I'm not meaning to rain on your parade ;=) If you've found

a way of dieting that suits you and works for you and your medical

advisor approves, then that's great ;=) I am just cautioning others

against jumping on a bandwagon (hey, to be part of a Raven Nation sounds

cool, right?) before they know where it's headed *lol*.


For me, I avoid refined foods as much as possible (the so-called 'white'

foods, for eg.), am a dietary vegan ('dietary' only - not because I am

concerned only with diet rather than the earth and its creatures but

because I am only recently, this last year, changing from ovo-lacto

vegetarianism and still have wool and leather in wardrobe), and exercise

daily ;=)


All too much info, right? *lol* Sorry guys. Let's talk about this?????








HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. " (Franz Fanon)

* " Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man

will not himself find peace. " (Albert Schweitzer)

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McDougall is no oil, no fat, period. It works for a lot of people. I'm not sure if this business of saying we "need" a certain amount of fat is not similar in character to saying we "need" a certain amount of protein--open to argument.


Sant & Brown <santbrown wrote:

I googled and found some info on this diet - I'd forgotten the acronym:=( on this site:http://www.beacondv.org/RAVEDiet.htmAmong other things, it explains the term RAVE as follows (exact quotation): "The word RAVE is a simple acronym used to help peopleremember the rules. This is my word, but not my diet because it follows the guidelines used by doctors to treat and reversediseases. This is what RAVE stands for: No R efined foods No A nimal foods No V egetable

oils No E xceptions and Exercise"I wouldn't worry about this diet - after all, it sounds like a healthyvegan diet to me - except (and this is a big EXCEPT) for the 'NoVegetable oils' part. We need oils/fats in our diet. Not just like tohave them but *need* them. One can cut back on such oils, but to cutthem out would be dangerous to health imo. And of course, most vegansfind they need supplements for some vitamins and minerals. I am not a dietitian, alas, but there are people on this list who are inthe health/nutrition field professionally and can probably comment onwhat I have just said - for or against, I imagine ;=) Please do.And Michelle, I'm not meaning to rain on your parade ;=) If you've founda way of dieting that suits you and works for you and your medicaladvisor approves, then that's great ;=) I am just cautioning othersagainst jumping on a bandwagon

(hey, to be part of a Raven Nation soundscool, right?) before they know where it's headed *lol*.For me, I avoid refined foods as much as possible (the so-called 'white'foods, for eg.), am a dietary vegan ('dietary' only - not because I amconcerned only with diet rather than the earth and its creatures butbecause I am only recently, this last year, changing from ovo-lactovegetarianism and still have wool and leather in wardrobe), and exercisedaily ;=)All too much info, right? *lol* Sorry guys. Let's talk about this?????Best,Pat -- SANTBROWNtownhounds/vegetarianslimming/HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/----------* "There are too many idiots in

this world. And having said it, I havethe burden of proving it." (Franz Fanon)* "Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, manwill not himself find peace." (Albert Schweitzer)



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I hadn't heard about this either until now. I'm with you though, seems NO veggie oils is so extreme. But the rest seems like logical steps towards better health. Anyone ever follow McDougall's plan? I did for a bit. It was so strict though, i love things like peanut butter on toast or a bit of olive oil with my rice. That was pretty much out, but the body needs fats. Good fats ofcourse. AND, if you are trying to lose weight.... that added fat (and calories) helps you to feel full! For me that's a big plus.



who is reading about the RAVE right now :o)

http://www.beacondv.org/RAVEDiet.htmAmong other things, it explains the term RAVE as follows (exact quotation): "The word RAVE is a simple acronym used to help peopleremember the rules. This is my word, but not my diet because it follows the guidelines used by doctors to treat and reversediseases. This is what RAVE stands for: No R efined foods No A nimal foods No V egetable oils No E xceptions and Exercise"

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I don't know if it's open to argument really. No number value was put out there on the fat. If you do some research though, it's good for your skin, body, organs, etc.

Now, when we put #s on these things (protein, carbs, fat) i think it goes a bit haywire. We all are so much alike but what works for one doesn't work for another. Me, caffeine (cup of coffee) will put me to sleep... someone else uses it to wake up! Just things about each person that is different. But, when a diet excludes something we all need to research it before diving in. Test the waters and see how your body reacts too.




Sun Music [sunmusicstrings]Thursday, January 15, 2004 9:57 AM Subject: Re: Re: RAVEn Diet

McDougall is no oil, no fat, period. It works for a lot of people. I'm not sure if this business of saying we "need" a certain amount of fat is not similar in character to saying we "need" a certain amount of protein--open to argument.


Sant & Brown <santbrown wrote:

I googled and found some info on this diet - I'd forgotten the acronym:=( on this site:http://www.beacondv.org/RAVEDiet.htmAmong other things, it explains the term RAVE as follows (exact quotation): "The word RAVE is a simple acronym used to help peopleremember the rules. This is my word, but not my diet because it follows the guidelines used by doctors to treat and reversediseases. This is what RAVE stands for: No R efined foods No A nimal foods No V egetable oils No E xceptions and Exercise"I wouldn't worry about this diet - after all, it sounds like a healthyvegan diet to me - except (and this is a big EXCEPT) for the 'NoVegetable oils' part. We need oils/fats in our diet. Not just like tohave them but *need* them. One can cut back on such oils, but to cutthem out would be dangerous to health imo. And of course, most vegansfind they need supplements for some vitamins and minerals. I am not a dietitian, alas, but there are people on this list who are inthe health/nutrition field professionally and can probably comment onwhat I have just said - for or against, I imagine ;=) Please do.And Michelle, I'm not meaning to rain on your parade ;=) If you've founda way of dieting that suits you and works for you and your medicaladvisor approves, then that's great ;=) I am just cautioning othersagainst jumping on a bandwagon (hey, to be part of a Raven Nation soundscool, right?) before they know where it's headed *lol*.For me, I avoid refined foods as much as possible (the so-called 'white'foods, for eg.), am a dietary vegan ('dietary' only - not because I amconcerned only with diet rather than the earth and its creatures butbecause I am only recently, this last year, changing from ovo-lactovegetarianism and still have wool and leather in wardrobe), and exercisedaily ;=)All too much info, right? *lol* Sorry guys. Let's talk about this?????Best,Pat -- SANTBROWNtownhounds/vegetarianslimming/HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/----------* "There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I havethe burden of proving it." (Franz Fanon)* "Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, manwill not himself find peace." (Albert Schweitzer)



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Sorry.. that came off kind of bitchy!! LOL!! Not my intent at all, just that i have "fallen" for fad diets(not that RAVE is, there are just so many programs out there.. good-bad-and-ugly!!) and they end up doing more harm than good so now i really look at what the program has to offer and what it involves before i go for it. Better to maintain a high weight than yo-yo back and forth :o)




goodkarma [karmacharmer]Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:03 AM Subject: RE: Re: RAVEn Diet

I don't know if it's open to argument really. No number value was put out there on the fat. If you do some research though, it's good for your skin, body, organs, etc.

Now, when we put #s on these things (protein, carbs, fat) i think it goes a bit haywire. We all are so much alike but what works for one doesn't work for another. Me, caffeine (cup of coffee) will put me to sleep... someone else uses it to wake up! Just things about each person that is different. But, when a diet excludes something we all need to research it before diving in. Test the waters and see how your body reacts too.




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> this business of saying we " need " a certain amount of fat is not similar in

> character to saying we " need " a certain amount of protein--open to argument.


Well, I take your point ;=) But it would be very difficult to do without

protein, wouldn't it? It's in all kinds of food - including lettuce ;=)

And we do need it. It's a matter of degree, though - right? This is what

you are saying?? But what about processing some nutrients without

vegetable (or other) fats?


Open to discussion, indeed ;=) Let's.









HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. " (Franz Fanon)

* " Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man

will not himself find peace. " (Albert Schweitzer)

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I don't enough to contribute much, and I'm certainly not prepared to make any recommendations to anyone. :) I just remember about McDougall that he's against fat in all forms. None, as I recall.


Sant & Brown <santbrown wrote:

> this business of saying we "need" a certain amount of fat is not similar in> character to saying we "need" a certain amount of protein--open to argument. Well, I take your point ;=) But it would be very difficult to do withoutprotein, wouldn't it? It's in all kinds of food - including lettuce ;=)And we do need it. It's a matter of degree, though - right? This is whatyou are saying?? But what about processing some nutrients withoutvegetable (or other) fats?Open to discussion, indeed ;=) Let's.Best,Pat-- SANTBROWNtownhounds/vegetarianslimming/HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/----------* "There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I havethe burden of proving it." (Franz Fanon)* "Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, manwill not himself find peace." (Albert Schweitzer)



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I remember that too Sun..... seems that the RAVEn diet is just against added oils? Because i would happily consume my needed fat thru nuts and avocados!!





I don't enough to contribute much, and I'm certainly not prepared to make any recommendations to anyone. :) I just remember about McDougall that he's against fat in all forms. None, as I recall.



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> Because i would happily consume my needed fat thru nuts

> and avocados!!


And *moi* ;=) Luverly!








HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. " (Franz Fanon)

* " Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man

will not himself find peace. " (Albert Schweitzer)

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> But, when a diet excludes something we all need to

> research it before diving in. Test the waters and see how your body

> reacts too.


A good rule of thumb I think ;=) And isn't it all an incredible adventure!








HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. " (Franz Fanon)

* " Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man

will not himself find peace. " (Albert Schweitzer)

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Nope, that didn't come out bitchy at all ;=) And I agree - there are so

many diets out there - and just about *any* diet will work as long as

one is consuming less, calorie wise, than before - it's just that it's

necessary, as you say, to find one that helps you to lose weight and

then maintain the weight loss. Seesawing back and forth is really really

bad for the bod - and doesn't do much for the ego or the clothes budget

either *lol* I prefer to take it slowly, in the long run. Having said

that, I also am always impatient to lose that weight! What a contradiction!!





> Sorry.. that came off kind of bitchy!! LOL!! Not my intent at all, just

> that i have " fallen " for fad diets(not that RAVE is, there are just so

> many programs out there.. good-bad-and-ugly!!) and they end up doing

> more harm than good so now i really look at what the program has to

> offer and what it involves before i go for it. Better to maintain a high

> weight than yo-yo back and forth :o)






HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. " (Franz Fanon)

* " Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man

will not himself find peace. " (Albert Schweitzer)

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I'm with you, Nikki. I am trying to kick cheese, and have found that

nuts are a good substitute when I have that cheese craving.




, " goodkarma "

<karmacharmer@m...> wrote:

> I remember that too Sun..... seems that the RAVEn diet is just

against added

> oils? Because i would happily consume my needed fat thru nuts and


> peace

> nikki



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