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BMI Calculator & Trans-Fats

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I was reading back through the posts and there was mention of how to

calculate your BMI. I have no idea how it's done but below is a link

that has a BMI calculator on it:




It supports both American and Metric measurements.


Alas, I'm still overweight but working on it! I'm definitely out of

my rut... back to working out regularly and eating more healthily. My

mini-goal right now is working on banishing all trans-fats from my

diet. I found a margarine that contains no trans-fats (Fleishmann's

Olive Oil Spread), as it said on the front. Upon further inspection,

down in the list of ingredients it has in it partially hydronated

oil. The little * next to the ingredient says provides an

unsubstantial amt of trans fats. Call me crazy, but I thought no amt

was acceptable. Wondering if it's still ok to eat this or if I should

just switch to something like Earth Balance or something. Any

info/opinions on this?

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I am sure healthy BMI for a woman is between 20 and 25. Congratulations! What an accomplishment! As soon as the word healthy appears beside my weight, I figure I can ease up the pressure I put on myself.


Body fat is another great way to feel better about our weight, and the healthy range is really big, usually 15-25%.


I, too, am looking at veganism as a weight loss tool, I think it is a good way to start, though I suspect many vegans might take offense at the motivation. I made an "uncheeze" sauce the other day for my broccoli, using yeast flakes. It wasn't exactly cheezy tasting, but it had the creamy "mouthfeel" I was looking for. I would make it again, though my kids aren't fooled by it.


I gave up butter and margarine when my baby was born almost two years ago. It was probably the hardest food change I've made, way harder than becoming a vegetarian. I figure if I can do that, I can give up cheese and milk, too. Eggs will be harder, as they are a food the whole family likes and they make a quick supper.



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Hi there!


This is really funny. Yesterday I hit a new 'low' on my scale and

wondered where it placed me re my BMI so I went to the web and found

this link - different from yours, but I'm sure it's kinda okay. (I'll

check out yours too because I found another link that did the

calculation too but it had a different interpretation of what the

various ranges of BMI meant *lol* I'll take the best one, right????)




Anyway, it's a good idea to get a hint at where one might be at re the

BMI. A lot of doctors set store by it, so . . . Of course, you can have

a shape like the michelin man and have the same BMI as Arnie (I'd prefer

the michelin man, but that's just me) - but it gives you something to

aim for. For the first time in a gazillion years I'm smack in the 24s -

24.5 BMI. Nothing to brag about, but a lot better than what it used to

be ;=)


So what I'm trying to say is thanks, thanks so much for this BMI

calculator. I shoulda sent my link on yesterday but it slipped my mind

:=( (My *WHAT*???)


Re the margarine/butteryspread: We use Earth Balance cuz we couldn't

find anything else around here that had no dairy, such as whey, in it.

(Okay, not exactly 'vegan' by a long shot, but still avoiding dairy

*lol* I find it helps with the weight loss, cuz it means no cheese.)

Anyway, I don't have enough info to help you with your question about

the fats right now. Maybe someone else can help???



Pat ;=)


bluetulipz wrote:


> I was reading back through the posts and there was mention of how to

> calculate your BMI. I have no idea how it's done but below is a link

> that has a BMI calculator on it:


> http://nhlbisupport.com/bmi/bmicalc.htm


> It supports both American and Metric measurements.


> Alas, I'm still overweight but working on it! I'm definitely out of

> my rut... back to working out regularly and eating more healthily. My

> mini-goal right now is working on banishing all trans-fats from my

> diet. I found a margarine that contains no trans-fats (Fleishmann's

> Olive Oil Spread), as it said on the front. Upon further inspection,

> down in the list of ingredients it has in it partially hydronated

> oil. The little * next to the ingredient says provides an

> unsubstantial amt of trans fats. Call me crazy, but I thought no amt

> was acceptable. Wondering if it's still ok to eat this or if I should

> just switch to something like Earth Balance or something. Any

> info/opinions on this?







HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. " (Franz Fanon)

* " Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man

will not himself find peace. " (Albert Schweitzer)

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I like your BMI calculator better ;=) It's laid out nicely - and I like

the idea of the BMI appearing in the heart shape - kinda reminds one

what it's all about!


Yours is (for those who haven't saved the last message):





Pat ;=)





HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. " (Franz Fanon)

* " Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man

will not himself find peace. " (Albert Schweitzer)

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Thanks for the support about my weight loss ;=) I have quite a way to go

yet, though :=( Nevertheless, I a congratulating myself rather than not,

and I am looking forward to keeping up my current good work. When it

works, it all seems worth while. It's a bitch when one stays at the same

weight for weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks and - well, you know ;=)


About vegans and the motivation: I'm not sure quite yet what my

motivation is. I think it is aesthetic. I don't *like* the idea of eggs

and dairy these days - in much the same way as some twenty to

twenty-five years ago I started to dislike the idea of me*t. That turned

pretty quickly into full fledged vegetarianism. (Some backslides, I am

always hasty to add, but nevertheless . . . ) I figure that the animals

benefit regardless of my motivation and I'm not hassling myself about it

right now. It is just a fact that, for weightloss, I'm better off not

eating cheese ;=)


As for eggs, I'm lucky in that I really don't much care for the taste

and/or smell of them, and haven't been able to enjoy them for about

forty years. Since the egg production business is not for the benefit of

the chickens, I figure that's okay too. It doesn't matter that my

motivation to leave them alone is *dislike* of them. They still don't

get eaten by me. And in any case, I can't see how I could learn to like

them now anyway :=( But oh yes I agree, they are the ultimate

Convenience Food!!!


Would vegans be distressed by my motivation or non-motivation for

avoiding eggs and dairy? Doesn't much matter, really. I don't call

myself a vegan and I don't ask anyone to approve what I *don't* eat, if

you know what I mean ;=) However, for the benefit of the vegans on this

list, I should point out that I have a healthy respect for them all -

and I would *never* explain to omnivores my reasons or non-reasons for

my avoidance of eggs and dairy any more than I do now for my avoidance

of me*t except to say that I prefer not to *lol*





lindiny wrote:


> Pat,


> I am sure healthy BMI for a woman is between 20 and 25.

> Congratulations! What an accomplishment! As soon as the word healthy

> appears beside my weight, I figure I can ease up the pressure I put on

> myself.


> Body fat is another great way to feel better about our weight, and the

> healthy range is really big, usually 15-25%.


> I, too, am looking at veganism as a weight loss tool, I think it is a

> good way to start, though I suspect many vegans might take offense at

> the motivation. I made an " uncheeze " sauce the other day for my

> broccoli, using yeast flakes. It wasn't exactly cheezy tasting, but

> it had the creamy " mouthfeel " I was looking for. I would make it

> again, though my kids aren't fooled by it.


> I gave up butter and margarine when my baby was born almost two years

> ago. It was probably the hardest food change I've made, way harder

> than becoming a vegetarian. I figure if I can do that, I can give up

> cheese and milk, too. Eggs will be harder, as they are a food the

> whole family likes and they make a quick supper.


> Linda







HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. " (Franz Fanon)

* " Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man

will not himself find peace. " (Albert Schweitzer)

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There are plenty of vegans who are vegans for health reasons, so I wouldn't worry about it it'll still be helping the animals, whatever the reason. I hesitate about calling myself vegan these days as I feed animals to my dogs - they didn't take to a vegan diet tho I haven't given up hope of being able to "convert" one of them.


Viv, Ellie & Cody

"You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji"


lindiny [lindiny]Tuesday, January 20, 2004 2:43 PM Subject: Re: BMI Calculator & Trans-FatsPat,I am sure healthy BMI for a woman is between 20 and 25. Congratulations! What an accomplishment! As soon as the word healthy appears beside my weight, I figure I can ease up the pressure I put on myself. Body fat is another great way to feel better about our weight, and the healthy range is really big, usually 15-25%. I, too, am looking at veganism as a weight loss tool, I think it is a good way to start, though I suspect many vegans might take offense at the motivation. I made an "uncheeze" sauce the other day for my broccoli, using yeast flakes. It wasn't exactly cheezy tasting, but it had the creamy "mouthfeel" I was looking for. I would make it again, though my kids aren't fooled by it.

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p.s. it might not work - I've got 3stone to lose...


Viv, Ellie & Cody

"You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji"


lindiny [lindiny]Tuesday, January 20, 2004 2:43 PM Subject: Re: BMI Calculator & Trans-FatsPat,I am sure healthy BMI for a woman is between 20 and 25. Congratulations! What an accomplishment! As soon as the word healthy appears beside my weight, I figure I can ease up the pressure I put on myself. Body fat is another great way to feel better about our weight, and the healthy range is really big, usually 15-25%. I, too, am looking at veganism as a weight loss tool, I think it is a good way to start, though I suspect many vegans might take offense at the motivation. I made an "uncheeze" sauce the other day for my broccoli, using yeast flakes. It wasn't exactly cheezy tasting, but it had the creamy "mouthfeel" I was looking for. I would make it again, though my kids aren't fooled by it.

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YOU are vegan Viv, but your dogs aren't! LOL!! I think people aren't really meant to eat meat but dogs are more omnivorous. But, to each his own. I cook for my dogs, meat, gag... but it keeps them healthy. I want to start finding more *cruelty free* ways to feed (free range, etc).


nikki ( & zoë & blue the chihuahuas)


Viv [vc27]Tuesday, January 20, 2004 5:51 PM Subject: RE: BMI Calculator & Trans-Fats

There are plenty of vegans who are vegans for health reasons, so I wouldn't worry about it it'll still be helping the animals, whatever the reason. I hesitate about calling myself vegan these days as I feed animals to my dogs - they didn't take to a vegan diet tho I haven't given up hope of being able to "convert" one of them.


Viv, Ellie & Cody

"You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji"


lindiny [lindiny]Tuesday, January 20, 2004 2:43 PM Subject: Re: BMI Calculator & Trans-FatsPat,I am sure healthy BMI for a woman is between 20 and 25. Congratulations! What an accomplishment! As soon as the word healthy appears beside my weight, I figure I can ease up the pressure I put on myself. Body fat is another great way to feel better about our weight, and the healthy range is really big, usually 15-25%. I, too, am looking at veganism as a weight loss tool, I think it is a good way to start, though I suspect many vegans might take offense at the motivation. I made an "uncheeze" sauce the other day for my broccoli, using yeast flakes. It wasn't exactly cheezy tasting, but it had the creamy "mouthfeel" I was looking for. I would make it again, though my kids aren't fooled by it.



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Three stone to lose, Viv? Oh well, that's not so bad. I've been there,

done that, this last three years - and if I can do it damned near anyone

can, believe me ;=) Starting January 2001 I lost something like 2 stone

(that's 28 pounds or 13 kgs for those of you who aren't rock-enabled)

over the next several months by cutting back on portion size and cutting

out excess fats, sugars, etc. And wine. Sigggghhh. I can't drink wine

and lose weight ;=( I absolutely terrified the neighbours when I was

able to remove my winter coat in the spring - they wondered where I'd

disappeared to! Great fun ;=) (Hey, that's worth doing again, now that I

think of it, just for that fun alone *lol*)


Anyway, altogether I have lost something like 25 kgs (55 lbs., or nearly

four stone), 2 kgs (4.4 lbs) since New Year this year. It just takes

time, that's all. Siggghhhh.


Did I ask - are you on a special diet?



Pat ;=)






HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. " (Franz Fanon)

* " Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man

will not himself find peace. " (Albert Schweitzer)

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Viv, good luck with your weight loss efforts & journey toward better

health. I know when a person has quite a bit to lose, it might seem

a bit overwhelming, but I think it really helps to set smaller goals

& just focus on having healthy days...one day at a time.


Pat, Congratulations on your weight loss!! (And thanks for the

translation for those of us who are not " rock-enabled " :-). 55

pounds is an awesome accomplishment...you must feel great!!


I, too, used the BMI calculator to help me to determine some sort of

goal. When I first started trying to lose some weight & become more

healthy, I really didn't have a weight goal in mind at all. I knew I

should drop somewhere between 25 & 40 pounds (2+ stones?), but I

really didn't know what would be a good healthy spot for me. Instead

of setting a goal weight, I just first aimed to hit that " healthy "

range within the BMI charts. Once I got to that point, I felt I

still could stand to shed a little more, so aimed at ending up

somewhere in the middle of the " healthy " range. My weight hasn't

moved since well before the holidays now....it seems to want to stay

where it is, & I'm getting comfortable with where I'm at (133

pounds...have lost about 31 pounds). I know the BMI chart is just

another tool for us to use & isn't perfect, but I really do feel it's

been helpful to me.


Again, Congrats Pat, on a job well done, & continued good luck to

you. Viv, wishing you the best as well!!




, Sant & Brown

<santbrown@l...> wrote:

> Three stone to lose, Viv? Oh well, that's not so bad. I've been


> done that, this last three years - and if I can do it damned near


> can, believe me ;=) Starting January 2001 I lost something like 2


> (that's 28 pounds or 13 kgs for those of you who aren't rock-


> over the next several months by cutting back on portion size and


> out excess fats, sugars, etc. And wine. Sigggghhh. I can't drink


> and lose weight ;=( I absolutely terrified the neighbours when I was

> able to remove my winter coat in the spring - they wondered where


> disappeared to! Great fun ;=) (Hey, that's worth doing again, now

that I

> think of it, just for that fun alone *lol*)


> Anyway, altogether I have lost something like 25 kgs (55 lbs., or


> four stone), 2 kgs (4.4 lbs) since New Year this year. It just takes

> time, that's all. Siggghhhh.


> Did I ask - are you on a special diet?


> Best,

> Pat ;=)


> --


> townhounds/

> vegetarianslimming/

> HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/

> ----------

> * " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I


> the burden of proving it. " (Franz Fanon)

> * " Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things,


> will not himself find peace. " (Albert Schweitzer)

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Thanks so much ;=) What a nice thing to say - made my morning ;=)


Best love,

Pat ;=)


> Pat, Congratulations on your weight loss!! (And thanks for the

> translation for those of us who are not " rock-enabled " :-). 55

> pounds is an awesome accomplishment...you must feel great!!






HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. " (Franz Fanon)

* " Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man

will not himself find peace. " (Albert Schweitzer)

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Unfortunately, I've lost 1-2.5 stone a couple of times & put it back on

again with an extra half stone each time. So if I'd never dieted I'd be 1.5

stone lighter now! I'm now aiming to take it off with a Slimming World

diet - not going to classes, costs too much! - then address the reasons why

I overeat. Tho I am already working on the overeating - been much better

lately, but I have a portion-size problem!

Well done on your weight loss!


Viv, Ellie & Cody


" You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji "




Sant & Brown [santbrown]

Wednesday, January 21, 2004 2:35 PM


Re: BMI Calculator & Trans-Fats



Three stone to lose, Viv? Oh well, that's not so bad. I've been there,

done that, this last three years - and if I can do it damned near anyone

can, believe me ;=) Starting January 2001 I lost something like 2 stone

(that's 28 pounds or 13 kgs for those of you who aren't rock-enabled)

over the next several months by cutting back on portion size and cutting

out excess fats, sugars, etc. And wine. Sigggghhh. I can't drink wine

and lose weight ;=( I absolutely terrified the neighbours when I was

able to remove my winter coat in the spring - they wondered where I'd

disappeared to! Great fun ;=) (Hey, that's worth doing again, now that I

think of it, just for that fun alone *lol*)


Anyway, altogether I have lost something like 25 kgs (55 lbs., or nearly

four stone), 2 kgs (4.4 lbs) since New Year this year. It just takes

time, that's all. Siggghhhh.


Did I ask - are you on a special diet?




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Oh lordie :=( I want to laugh but it's too tragic. Good for you for

giving it another serious try!!


Best love,

Pat ;=)

> Unfortunately, I've lost 1-2.5 stone a couple of times & put it back on

> again with an extra half stone each time. So if I'd never dieted I'd be 1.5

> stone lighter now!






HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. " (Franz Fanon)

* " Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man

will not himself find peace. " (Albert Schweitzer)

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You've gotta laugh tho, otherwise it *would* be tragic!


Viv, Ellie & Cody


" You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji "




Sant & Brown [santbrown]

Thursday, January 22, 2004 1:32 PM


Re: BMI Calculator & Trans-Fats



Oh lordie :=( I want to laugh but it's too tragic. Good for you for

giving it another serious try!!


Best love,

Pat ;=)

> Unfortunately, I've lost 1-2.5 stone a couple of times & put it back on

> again with an extra half stone each time. So if I'd never dieted I'd be


> stone lighter now!




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