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to vegan or not.......

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hi all

i became a vegan january 2003......and i feel much better for it, as well as being happier about the origins of what i eat....

my skin was blotchy and pimply beforehand and i had had acne since i was 11 to varying degrees.....as soon as i dropped dairy from my diet, my skin cleared up ......

i have been loosing weight slowly over this last year.....i dont diet as iam quite overweight and dont want to put it all back on afterwards........

my food bills have also been halved.......beans pulses and soya are cheaper than all the cheesy ready made meals i was consuming.......now i cook every night from scratch and i know whats in the meals i am eating!!......and i now have got back in touch with how wonderful veg are!!!!!


>Sant & Brown

> > >Re: BMI Calculator & Trans-Fats >Tue, 20 Jan 2004 17:09:43 -0500 > >Thanks for the support about my weight loss ;=) I have quite a way to go >yet, though :=( Nevertheless, I a congratulating myself rather than not, >and I am looking forward to keeping up my current good work. When it >works, it all seems worth while. It's a bitch when one stays at the same >weight for weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks and - well, you know ;=) > >About vegans and the motivation: I'm not sure quite yet what my >motivation is. I think it is aesthetic. I don't *like* the idea of eggs >and dairy these days - in much the same way as some twenty to >twenty-five years ago I started to dislike the idea of me*t. That turned >pretty quickly into full fledged vegetarianism. (Some backslides, I am >always hasty to add, but nevertheless . . . ) I figure that the animals >benefit regardless of my motivation and I'm not hassling myself about it >right now. It is just a fact that, for weightloss, I'm better off not >eating cheese ;=) > >As for eggs, I'm lucky in that I really don't much care for the taste >and/or smell of them, and haven't been able to enjoy them for about >forty years. Since the egg production business is not for the benefit of >the chickens, I figure that's okay too. It doesn't matter that my >motivation to leave them alone is *dislike* of them. They still don't >get eaten by me. And in any case, I can't see how I could learn to like >them now anyway :=( But oh yes I agree, they are the ultimate >Convenience Food!!! > >Would vegans be distressed by my motivation or non-motivation for >avoiding eggs and dairy? Doesn't much matter, really. I don't call >myself a vegan and I don't ask anyone to approve what I *don't* eat, if >you know what I mean ;=) However, for the benefit of the vegans on this >list, I should point out that I have a healthy respect for them all - >and I would *never* explain to omnivores my reasons or non-reasons for >my avoidance of eggs and dairy any more than I do now for my avoidance >of me*t except to say that I prefer not to *lol* > >Best, >Pat > >lindiny wrote: > > > > Pat, > > > > I am sure healthy BMI for a woman is between 20 and 25. > > Congratulations! What an accomplishment! As soon as the word healthy > > appears beside my weight, I figure I can ease up the pressure I put on > > myself. > > > > Body fat is another great way to feel better about our weight, and the > > healthy range is really big, usually 15-25%. > > > > I, too, am looking at veganism as a weight loss tool, I think it is a > > good way to start, though I suspect many vegans might take offense at > > the motivation. I made an "uncheeze" sauce the other day for my > > broccoli, using yeast flakes. It wasn't exactly cheezy tasting, but > > it had the creamy "mouthfeel" I was looking for. I would make it > > again, though my kids aren't fooled by it. > > > > I gave up butter and margarine when my baby was born almost two years > > ago. It was probably the hardest food change I've made, way harder > > than becoming a vegetarian. I figure if I can do that, I can give up > > cheese and milk, too. Eggs will be harder, as they are a food the > > whole family likes and they make a quick supper. > > > > Linda > > >-- >SANTBROWN >townhounds/ >vegetarianslimming/ >HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/ >---------- >* "There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have >the burden of proving it." (Franz Fanon) >* "Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man >will not himself find peace." (Albert Schweitzer) > > Subscribe to MSN 8 today for a better internet experience and save over 25% on the usual price!

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Hi Catherine,


That's when I also started on a vegan diet ;=) Seemed a good time for

me. While I understand that many vegetarians choose to continue to be

ovo-lacto or ovo - or lacto ;=), for some of us it works well to drop

some of that from our food intake. I find that I had a lot of headaches,

sinus headaches, that disappeared when I dropped the dairy. So well

duhhhhh. But no doctor had ever ever *ever* suggested that I try doing

without dairy. No way. Indeed, they said . . . . Oh but you all know

what they would have said ;=)


Anyway, glad your health has improved. Mine too ;=) And of course it

well behooves all of us, including the non-vegetarians on this list, to

remember that we should be eating lots of vegetables. When I first 'went

vegetarian' eons ago I thought that it was okay to just do without me*t

- and considering I had never eaten many vegetables . . . *lol*


You're wise to take it slowly with your weight. Too fast and your bod

thinks you're starving and starts fighting the weightloss diet, the

treacherous critter ;=( I'm amused at what you say about your food bills

too. I keep running into people who say they'd be vegetarians but they

can't afford all the fruits and vegetables ;=) There's no arguing with

them, of course.


Anyway, good luck with your weight loss - and keep in touch over it. You

can brag for every fraction of an ounce lost on this list!



Pat ;=)








HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. " (Franz Fanon)

* " Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man

will not himself find peace. " (Albert Schweitzer)

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Some of you might be interested in the Vegan Slimmers group, also on .

Much the same as the vegetarian list - and we don't mind what reason you

have for going vegan, just glad to have you aboard!



Viv, Ellie & Cody


" You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji "




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hi pat

thank you for your kind comments.......and also about the fruit and veg issue.......when i have had hungry moments that wont go boiled or steamed veg without any dressing are filling too......they just need getting used to.....around this time of year here we have brussell sprouts and before xmas when i was being very careful ihad several plates of them as a snack.....

another tip about holidays......before xmas i was very careful for about 3 weeks of what i ate and reduced my calory intake, and had salad a lot so i was able to enjoy a few treats over the holiday, but didnt put any weight on.......sort of preaparing before hand for my mother having bought me some vegan chocolate!!!!!!!


>Sant & Brown

> > >Re: to vegan or not....... >Wed, 21 Jan 2004 12:53:23 -0500 > >Hi Catherine, > >That's when I also started on a vegan diet ;=) Seemed a good time for >me. While I understand that many vegetarians choose to continue to be >ovo-lacto or ovo - or lacto ;=), for some of us it works well to drop >some of that from our food intake. I find that I had a lot of headaches, >sinus headaches, that disappeared when I dropped the dairy. So well >duhhhhh. But no doctor had ever ever *ever* suggested that I try doing >without dairy. No way. Indeed, they said . . . . Oh but you all know >what they would have said ;=) > >Anyway, glad your health has improved. Mine too ;=) And of course it >well behooves all of us, including the non-vegetarians on this list, to >remember that we should be eating lots of vegetables. When I first 'went >vegetarian' eons ago I thought that it was okay to just do without me*t >- and considering I had never eaten many vegetables . . . *lol* > >You're wise to take it slowly with your weight. Too fast and your bod >thinks you're starving and starts fighting the weightloss diet, the >treacherous critter ;=( I'm amused at what you say about your food bills >too. I keep running into people who say they'd be vegetarians but they >can't afford all the fruits and vegetables ;=) There's no arguing with >them, of course. > >Anyway, good luck with your weight loss - and keep in touch over it. You >can brag for every fraction of an ounce lost on this list! > >Best, >Pat ;=) > > > >-- >SANTBROWN >townhounds/ >vegetarianslimming/ >HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/ >---------- >* "There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have >the burden of proving it." (Franz Fanon) >* "Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man >will not himself find peace." (Albert Schweitzer) Help protect your PC with anti-virus protection when you sign up for MSN 8 .

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Okay, but here's *my* dillemma:


I have no willpower!


How do I drink my coffee in the morning without 1/2 & 1/2 (soy just doesn't do it; I've tried)?

Mexican food without cheese?

Ice cream?



Part of the trouble is I need reinforcement, and I don't have it to support my food choices. I don't have *bad* influences, just not vegetarian/vegan ones. And it's nearly impossible to rely on all of you when it's 8 p.m., dinner isn't ready, and I'm ravenous!


I'm really backsliding a lot in recent weeks. Feeling guilty, but not enough to kick myself in the backside and make hard changes ...




Paula J.

Tulsa, OK, where it's cold and windy and "comfort foods" I've cooked for years seem to be easiest




- While I understand that many vegetarians choose to continue to beovo-lacto or ovo - or lacto ;=), for some of us it works well to dropsome of that from our food intake. I find that I had a lot of headaches,sinus headaches, that disappeared when I dropped the dairy. So wellduhhhhh. But no doctor had ever ever *ever* suggested that I try doingwithout dairy. No way. Indeed, they said . . . . Oh but you all knowwhat they would have said ;=)Anyway, glad your health has improved. Mine too ;=) And of course itwell behooves all of us, including the non-vegetarians on this list, toremember that we should be eating lots of vegetables. When I first 'wentvegetarian' eons ago I thought that it was okay to just do without me*t- and considering I had never eaten many vegetables . . . *lol*

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Oh hon, no one has any willpower or we wouldn't be on this list in the

first place *lol* What you have to do is not do *without* stuff that you

like but, a bit at a time, substitute other stuff you like for the

things that are not as good for you. You know?


Have you tried Silk brand coffe lightener (from the 'dairy' case)? It's

pretty good! Especially after using soy milk, I found. It's made from

soy but it tastes really nice to me ;=) Now we don't keep dairy in the

fridge at all. As for Mexican food, what is it you like most about it?

If it's the cheese, then whoops. But if it's the spicy taste, then

substitute some other spicy food for it. Indian samosas to me are sooooo

much more satisfying than tacos and they don't have cheese (both

vegetarian style, of course). Instead of a veg chilli with cheese on

top, try a really nice veg curry ;=) Later you can always go back to the

Mexican style food - and omit the cheese - once you get used to doing

without it.


Of course, the other answer is *not* to try to omit the dairy, to stay

lacto-vegetarian, but to eat it in moderation so that the calories don't

mount up. There's no shame in that ;=)


Whatever happens, don't beat up on yourself for backsliding - feeling

guilty makes me hungry (I dunno about you) so it's counter-productive



And if it's 8 o'clock and you're starving and you're tempted, why not

try hitting this list? Someone might be on line and able to give you the

support you need! It's worth a try ;=)


Take care. Gotta go and find some non-cheese Italian noodle dish for

lunch ;=)



Pat ;=)





HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. " (Franz Fanon)

* " Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man

will not himself find peace. " (Albert Schweitzer)

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I work in a veterinary library, and one of the regular queries is on somatic cell counts. In other words, how much pus is allowed in milk for sale. Maybe if you think of that floating in your coffee (is that what gives cream it's yellowish tinge do you think?) it would help. I hated soya milk when I first became vegan but after about 6 cow-milk-free months I tried it again and could tolerate it in coffee. Now I drink it on it's own - but only the sweetened variety. Also depends on the brand, some are much nicer than others.

Hope this helps!

Viv, Ellie & Cody

"You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji"


Paula Joseph Johnson [welshaires]Thursday, January 22, 2004 4:13 PM Subject: Re: to vegan or not.......

Okay, but here's *my* dillemma:


I have no willpower!


How do I drink my coffee in the morning without 1/2 & 1/2 (soy just doesn't do it; I've tried)?

Mexican food without cheese?

Ice cream?



Part of the trouble is I need reinforcement, and I don't have it to support my food choices. I don't have *bad* influences, just not vegetarian/vegan ones. And it's nearly impossible to rely on all of you when it's 8 p.m., dinner isn't ready, and I'm ravenous!


I'm really backsliding a lot in recent weeks. Feeling guilty, but not enough to kick myself in the backside and make hard changes ...




Paula J.

Tulsa, OK, where it's cold and windy and "comfort foods" I've cooked for years seem to be easiest




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Oh gross! I'd never heard anything about that. Have been hearing a

lot about mad cow and milk consumption though. I must admit I

haven't given it up completely, but I've never liked it a great deal.


I like Soy slender -- I think that is the name, but it does have

artificial sweetener in it. It comes in vanilla, chocolate and

coffee flavored.


Silk is my favorite brand outside of that. We love the vanilla

and the chocolate for drinking. Sometimes I use the plain for

cooking....but mostly I've been using skim cows milk.


Has anyone read Fast Food Nation? After I read that my whole family

gave up beef, eating fast food, and they're even requesting more

vegetarian meals.








, " Viv " <vc27@n...> wrote:

> I work in a veterinary library, and one of the regular queries is

on somatic

> cell counts. In other words, how much pus is allowed in milk for


> Maybe if you think of that floating in your coffee (is that what

gives cream

> it's yellowish tinge do you think?) it would help. I hated soya

milk when I

> first became vegan but after about 6 cow-milk-free months I tried

it again

> and could tolerate it in coffee. Now I drink it on it's own - but

only the

> sweetened variety. Also depends on the brand, some are much nicer


> others.

> Hope this helps!

> Viv, Ellie & Cody


> " You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji "



> Paula Joseph Johnson [welshaires@q...]

> Thursday, January 22, 2004 4:13 PM


> Re: to vegan or not.......



> Okay, but here's *my* dillemma:


> I have no willpower!


> How do I drink my coffee in the morning without 1/2 & 1/2 (soy


> doesn't do it; I've tried)?

> Mexican food without cheese?

> Ice cream?

> Chocolate?


> Part of the trouble is I need reinforcement, and I don't have it


> support my food choices. I don't have *bad* influences, just not

> vegetarian/vegan ones. And it's nearly impossible to rely on all

of you

> when it's 8 p.m., dinner isn't ready, and I'm ravenous!


> I'm really backsliding a lot in recent weeks. Feeling guilty,

but not

> enough to kick myself in the backside and make hard changes ...


> [sigh]


> Paula J.

> Tulsa, OK, where it's cold and windy and " comfort foods " I've

cooked for

> years seem to be easiest




> ---

> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

> Version: 6.0.560 / Virus Database: 352 - Release 08/01/04

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coffee = coffee substitutes like pero, inka, etc.

creamer = try something else like rice milk or almond milk if soy doesn't work, there are also a lot of good nondairy creamers like carnation or cremora brand

chocolate = dark chocolate, it usually doesn't have dairy products in it like milk chocolate

ice cream = soy & rice ice creams are just as good without nearly the fat content

cheese = "follow your heart" vegan cheeses (www.imearthkind.com) or "the uncheese cookbook" by joanne stepaniak


Megan Milliganyasminduranhttp://www.desertrosemusings.com



Paula Joseph Johnson

Thursday, January 22, 2004 8:12 AM

Re: to vegan or not.......


Okay, but here's *my* dillemma:


I have no willpower!


How do I drink my coffee in the morning without 1/2 & 1/2 (soy just doesn't do it; I've tried)?

Mexican food without cheese?

Ice cream?



Part of the trouble is I need reinforcement, and I don't have it to support my food choices. I don't have *bad* influences, just not vegetarian/vegan ones. And it's nearly impossible to rely on all of you when it's 8 p.m., dinner isn't ready, and I'm ravenous!


I'm really backsliding a lot in recent weeks. Feeling guilty, but not enough to kick myself in the backside and make hard changes ...




Paula J.

Tulsa, OK, where it's cold and windy and "comfort foods" I've cooked for years seem to be easiest




- While I understand that many vegetarians choose to continue to beovo-lacto or ovo - or lacto ;=), for some of us it works well to dropsome of that from our food intake. I find that I had a lot of headaches,sinus headaches, that disappeared when I dropped the dairy. So wellduhhhhh. But no doctor had ever ever *ever* suggested that I try doingwithout dairy. No way. Indeed, they said . . . . Oh but you all knowwhat they would have said ;=)Anyway, glad your health has improved. Mine too ;=) And of course itwell behooves all of us, including the non-vegetarians on this list, toremember that we should be eating lots of vegetables. When I first 'wentvegetarian' eons ago I thought that it was okay to just do without me*t- and considering I had never eaten many vegetables . . . *lol*



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hi soy is great after a while......and mexican chilli made with soya is great too......if you fancy something on top then soya yoghurt is fab



> >

>RE: to vegan or not....... >Thu, 22 Jan 2004 21:02:01 -0000 > >I work in a veterinary library, and one of the regular queries is on somatic >cell counts. In other words, how much pus is allowed in milk for sale. >Maybe if you think of that floating in your coffee (is that what gives cream >it's yellowish tinge do you think?) it would help. I hated soya milk when I >first became vegan but after about 6 cow-milk-free months I tried it again >and could tolerate it in coffee. Now I drink it on it's own - but only the >sweetened variety. Also depends on the brand, some are much nicer than >others. >Hope this helps! >Viv, Ellie & Cody > >"You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji" > > > Paula Joseph Johnson [welshaires] > Thursday, January 22, 2004 4:13 PM > > Re: to vegan or not....... > > > Okay, but here's *my* dillemma: > > I have no willpower! > > How do I drink my coffee in the morning without 1/2 & 1/2 (soy just >doesn't do it; I've tried)? > Mexican food without cheese? > Ice cream? > Chocolate? > > Part of the trouble is I need reinforcement, and I don't have it to >support my food choices. I don't have *bad* influences, just not >vegetarian/vegan ones. And it's nearly impossible to rely on all of you >when it's 8 p.m., dinner isn't ready, and I'm ravenous! > > I'm really backsliding a lot in recent weeks. Feeling guilty, but not >enough to kick myself in the backside and make hard changes ... > > [sigh] > > Paula J. > Tulsa, OK, where it's cold and windy and "comfort foods" I've cooked for >years seem to be easiest > > > >--- >Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. >Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). >Version: 6.0.560 / Virus Database: 352 - Release 08/01/04 Get a free connection, half-price modem and one month FREE, when you sign up for BT Broadband today!

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