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weightloss & health Rebecca

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Hi Rebecca,

I'm still in the learning phase of vegetarian living so I still

have a lot of questions. You said that one of the reasons you haven't

lost weight is that you eat to many carbs/ Or did I read that wrong?

I eat A LOT of carbs. Almost all from whole food sources ie. whole

wheat, whole grains, brown rice, etc. I thought that I was getting a

lot of my protein from them. Am I wrong? I keep finding out, after

the fact, that I've misunderstood something. I've lost 70 lbs eating

this way and kept it off for almost a year now, though I'm scared

silly of gaining it back. Am I wrong about the " carb connection " ?

Above all else, I want to be healthy. HELP!


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As Nancy mentioned, I'm eating all the wrong carbs.

Proteins come from soy, legumes, and other meat

alternatives as I understand it. Carbs, as Nancy said

are fuel for the body and you definitely should be

eating the whole grain ones you are doing, which is

what I have to switch to. I don't have a big sweet

tooth for candy or ice cream, but I do always need

something sweet like something BAKED or chocolate

after dinner. It's terrible. I KNOW that my body can

adjust to whatever I train it to, when I was in

college, I cut carbs and lost 20 lbs and never wanted

a bad snack. In January I started the eat to live diet

and weaned myself off of carbs ate only salad, beans,

veggies and fruits, and never wanted any carbs or

anything else after the first week, but then once I

started slipping and sneaking carbs now and then, the

bad " white " ones, I got myself back into this

situation. And i was doing so well!!!!! I COULD do the

eat to live diet again or actually try to follow a

healthy similar diet, which would be a healthy vegan

diet! I just have to learn how to make things that

taste good. As I said...I'm a bad cook...sigh. Tell me

how you lost 70 lbs I need to do it too!!! I was

depressed today looking in the glass windows as I

walked in the city, and saw my profile. I have been

going to the gym and thought, hey even if I don't

change my eating habits right now, at least I'm going

to the gym and getting more exercise than I have had

in years, so I thought I'd lose some weight, but my

weight has stayed the same, I lost 2 inches on my

waist and an inch on my arm. Still, I look and feel

the same about myself....sigh. I need to get

disciplined about my diet. Funny how I can discpline

myself to stop eating meat and dairy by just quitting

cold, but when it comes to organizing and disciplining

myself with food and cooking....I'm the pits! I'm

depressed tonight about my body...sigh...if it weren't

for my boyfriend telling me how beautiful he thinks I

am and encouraging my exercise routine I think i'd be

a mess...Anyhow, Stef, I don't think you're wrong to

eat whole grains etc, as long as you're getting

protein from the right sources, ie: beans, nuts,

seeds, soy, meat alternatives. Sorry again for the

rant. Thanks all. -Rebecca


--- steffdav46 <steffdav46 wrote:

> Hi Rebecca,

> I'm still in the learning phase of vegetarian

> living so I still

> have a lot of questions. You said that one of the

> reasons you haven't

> lost weight is that you eat to many carbs/ Or did I

> read that wrong?

> I eat A LOT of carbs. Almost all from whole food

> sources ie. whole

> wheat, whole grains, brown rice, etc. I thought that

> I was getting a

> lot of my protein from them. Am I wrong? I keep

> finding out, after

> the fact, that I've misunderstood something. I've

> lost 70 lbs eating

> this way and kept it off for almost a year now,

> though I'm scared

> silly of gaining it back. Am I wrong about the " carb

> connection " ?

> Above all else, I want to be healthy. HELP!

> Stef









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All " diets " fail in the long term. The only way to lose

weight and keep it off is by changing your eating " lifestyle "

and exercising.


Converting to a Vegan diet is a lifestyle change, not a diet. That

is unless you plan on going back to your previous diet.


Yes, it's a good idea to consume high quality carbs over sweets

and highly processed grains, but in the end it all comes down to how

many calories you take in versus how many you burn off. And

don't get caught up in all of the High Protein/Low Carb nonsense

that they are ramming down all of out throats (pun intended).


Below is a link to an article I originally wrote before turning

vegan, which is still applicable nonetheless:




Hope this helps,





, Rebecca

<livecompassionately> wrote:

> Stef-

> As Nancy mentioned, I'm eating all the wrong carbs.

> Proteins come from soy, legumes, and other meat

> alternatives as I understand it. Carbs, as Nancy said

> are fuel for the body and you definitely should be

> eating the whole grain ones you are doing, which is

> what I have to switch to. I don't have a big sweet

> tooth for candy or ice cream, but I do always need

> something sweet like something BAKED or chocolate

> after dinner. It's terrible. I KNOW that my body can

> adjust to whatever I train it to, when I was in

> college, I cut carbs and lost 20 lbs and never wanted

> a bad snack. In January I started the eat to live diet

> and weaned myself off of carbs ate only salad, beans,

> veggies and fruits, and never wanted any carbs or

> anything else after the first week, but then once I

> started slipping and sneaking carbs now and then, the

> bad " white " ones, I got myself back into this

> situation. And i was doing so well!!!!! I COULD do the

> eat to live diet again or actually try to follow a

> healthy similar diet, which would be a healthy vegan

> diet! I just have to learn how to make things that

> taste good. As I said...I'm a bad cook...sigh. Tell me

> how you lost 70 lbs I need to do it too!!! I was

> depressed today looking in the glass windows as I

> walked in the city, and saw my profile. I have been

> going to the gym and thought, hey even if I don't

> change my eating habits right now, at least I'm going

> to the gym and getting more exercise than I have had

> in years, so I thought I'd lose some weight, but my

> weight has stayed the same, I lost 2 inches on my

> waist and an inch on my arm. Still, I look and feel

> the same about myself....sigh. I need to get

> disciplined about my diet. Funny how I can discpline

> myself to stop eating meat and dairy by just quitting

> cold, but when it comes to organizing and disciplining

> myself with food and cooking....I'm the pits! I'm

> depressed tonight about my body...sigh...if it weren't

> for my boyfriend telling me how beautiful he thinks I

> am and encouraging my exercise routine I think i'd be

> a mess...Anyhow, Stef, I don't think you're wrong to

> eat whole grains etc, as long as you're getting

> protein from the right sources, ie: beans, nuts,

> seeds, soy, meat alternatives. Sorry again for the

> rant. Thanks all. -Rebecca


> --- steffdav46 <steffdav46> wrote:

> > Hi Rebecca,

> > I'm still in the learning phase of vegetarian

> > living so I still

> > have a lot of questions. You said that one of the

> > reasons you haven't

> > lost weight is that you eat to many carbs/ Or did I

> > read that wrong?

> > I eat A LOT of carbs. Almost all from whole food

> > sources ie. whole

> > wheat, whole grains, brown rice, etc. I thought that

> > I was getting a

> > lot of my protein from them. Am I wrong? I keep

> > finding out, after

> > the fact, that I've misunderstood something. I've

> > lost 70 lbs eating

> > this way and kept it off for almost a year now,

> > though I'm scared

> > silly of gaining it back. Am I wrong about the " carb

> > connection " ?

> > Above all else, I want to be healthy. HELP!

> > Stef

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> As Nancy mentioned, I'm eating all the wrong carbs.

> Proteins come from soy, legumes, and other meat

> alternatives as I understand it.


Hold on a mo *lol* You're right, that protein comes from soy, legumes and

'other meat alternatives' (I presume you mean tofu, tvp and tempeh, all from

soy, and seitan, from wheat?). And these are all all excellent sources of

protein, as are beans, nuts, seeds, grains, a whole bunch of vegetables and

fruits, and goodness knows what else ;=)


Look, try these links (they're already in our Links section):






and I really really like this page:




and this one on protein (in case you missed it) from the same people:




My advice, build your meals on 'good' carbohydrate (have a look at that food

pyramid), keep the oils/fats to a dull roar, avoid sugar, and eat a balanced

vegetarian diet without overeating in quantity. Calories, despite what they try

to tell you in the diet books, do count. Most *weight-loss' diets (cuz we are


on a 'diet' of some kind or else we wouldn't be eating anything) work because,

in the long run, one eats less. That's the plain and simple truth.


Sorry for going on so long - you have no idea how long this post was until I

edited it!!!! *lol* Silly me.


Ask anything that's not clear, okay?


All very best wishes - and love -


Pat ;=)

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*LOL* I shoulda read Saedric's post (below) sooner, but I was 'methodically'

going through the messages ;=)


You are of course right, Saedric, and I personally am sooooo tired of the hype

certain weight-loss (slimming) diets are getting. They make people neurotic

about food, for a start :=( And they make some people believe that they can

'eat anything' on a certain diet, except for one or two little things such as .

.. .

Sooner of later, one has to go back to real life and start living rather than

'dieting' (following a weight-loss diet) - and real life for the sensible ones

means, among other things, not having to worry about everything you put in

your mouth. Food should not be all-consuming! (Hah, like that?)


I guess I'm lucky - I'm a vegetarian (ovo-lacto, mainly avoiding both ovo and

lacto *lol*) and I take for granted that there are certain things I eat and


eat. If I skip a meal (who, me?) or just grab a sandwich, then the next meal

usually makes up for it. I don't think of certain foods as being 'alternatives


me*t' cuz I don't eat me*t or have it in my dietary vocabulary. I do take a

vitamin and mineral supplement 'just in case' - but I once worked out that it

was, for me, entirely unnecessary. I am overweight right now - need to lose

what, about 9 or 10 kgs or 20 lbs ? - because sitting around/lying around

waiting for certain injuries to heal kinda put a kink in my exercise routine ;=)


don't recover quite as quickly as I used to, sadly. I'm 63.


As for exercise? (Why am I telling you people all this?) My dh and I walk a lot.

We always live in the centre of cities, barring a couple of times between

homes, and use the metro/subway/underground/whatever you want to call it

for long distances and our feet for shorter ones. We do not own or drive a car

and haven't done so since 1973. Now that makes for exercise. We have a

couple of hounds (small beagles, actually) that have to be walked/exercised

several times a day - and how! And I do what other exercise I can do within

certain physical limits that I don't need to bore you with ;=) and that have

absolutely nothing to do with my health or dietary intake.


Sooooo, my life on a platter, so to speak. ROFL. Help yourself to what you will.




Pat ;=)


, " saedric " <saedric> wrote:

> All " diets " fail in the long term. The only way to lose

> weight and keep it off is by changing your eating " lifestyle "

> and exercising.


> Converting to a Vegan diet is a lifestyle change, not a diet. That

> is unless you plan on going back to your previous diet.


> Yes, it's a good idea to consume high quality carbs over sweets

> and highly processed grains, but in the end it all comes down to how

> many calories you take in versus how many you burn off. And

> don't get caught up in all of the High Protein/Low Carb nonsense . . .

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Where DO you live, Pat? Hex, where does everybody live? I'm in NYC. Hot & nasty this week. Bethgreenfury2004 <greenfury2004 wrote:

*LOL* I shoulda read Saedric's post (below) sooner, but I was 'methodically' going through the messages ;=)You are of course right, Saedric, and I personally am sooooo tired of the hype certain weight-loss (slimming) diets are getting. They make people neurotic about food, for a start :=( And they make some people believe that they can 'eat anything' on a certain diet, except for one or two little things such as . . .Sooner of later, one has to go back to real life and start living rather than 'dieting' (following a weight-loss diet) - and real life for the sensible ones means, among other things, not having to worry about everything you put in your mouth. Food should not be all-consuming! (Hah, like that?) I guess I'm lucky - I'm a vegetarian (ovo-lacto, mainly avoiding both ovo and lacto *lol*) and I take for granted that there

are certain things I eat and don't eat. If I skip a meal (who, me?) or just grab a sandwich, then the next meal usually makes up for it. I don't think of certain foods as being 'alternatives to me*t' cuz I don't eat me*t or have it in my dietary vocabulary. I do take a vitamin and mineral supplement 'just in case' - but I once worked out that it was, for me, entirely unnecessary. I am overweight right now - need to lose what, about 9 or 10 kgs or 20 lbs ? - because sitting around/lying around waiting for certain injuries to heal kinda put a kink in my exercise routine ;=) I don't recover quite as quickly as I used to, sadly. I'm 63.As for exercise? (Why am I telling you people all this?) My dh and I walk a lot. We always live in the centre of cities, barring a couple of times between homes, and use the metro/subway/underground/whatever you want to call it for long distances and our feet for shorter ones. We do not own or

drive a car and haven't done so since 1973. Now that makes for exercise. We have a couple of hounds (small beagles, actually) that have to be walked/exercised several times a day - and how! And I do what other exercise I can do within certain physical limits that I don't need to bore you with ;=) and that have absolutely nothing to do with my health or dietary intake. Sooooo, my life on a platter, so to speak. ROFL. Help yourself to what you will.Best,Pat ;=) , "saedric" <saedric> wrote:> All "diets" fail in the long term. The only way to lose> weight and keep it off is by changing your eating "lifestyle"> and exercising.> > Converting to a Vegan diet is a lifestyle change, not a diet. That > is unless you plan on going back to your previous diet.> > Yes, it's a good idea to consume high quality carbs over

sweets> and highly processed grains, but in the end it all comes down to how > many calories you take in versus how many you burn off. And> don't get caught up in all of the High Protein/Low Carb nonsense . . .

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, Beth Renzetti <

elmothree2000> wrote:

> Where DO you live, Pat? Hex, where does everybody live? I'm in NYC. Hot

& nasty this week. Beth


We're in Montreal now - as of April. (Before that we were in a city in SW

Ontario for a little while and before that in Sydney, Australia, for 25 years,


before that . . . well, you get the picture. Never lived in NYC - Philly, yes,

in the

'seventies.) It's very humid here this week too - the inside of this apartment


like a sauna. Very healthy, I tell myself *lol*


I'm trying to find something nice and quick for lunch. I think a tofu, mushroom

and bellpepper/capsicum stir-fry with blackbean-garlic sauce. Should

marinate the tofu now to get a head start ;=) I've some brown basmati leftover

rice in the fridge - always a good idea to cook a little extra cuz it's good for

soups, stews, 'fried' rice, etc. - which I'll re-steam up in the microwave and

save using the extgra burner on the stove. Could do the stir-fry in the

microwave too, of course, but probably won't ;=)


You can tell we like hot foods - I mean temperature hot as well as spicy hot -

although this meal lacks chilies ;=)




Pat in Montreal ;=)

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ooooh Pat! I envy you living in a city and having no car! I want that sooo

bad, and in fact am looking at a $100.00 brake repair! We live in the city

but not on a main bus fair. We are able to bike or walk to most places we

need to go, but I'd love to give up the car completely! Dang, our church is

17 miles away! What ever happened to neighborhood church?






" greenfury2004 " <greenfury2004


Thursday, June 10, 2004 7:26 AM

Re: weightloss & health Rebecca



> *LOL* I shoulda read Saedric's post (below) sooner, but I was


> going through the messages ;=)


> You are of course right, Saedric, and I personally am sooooo tired of the


> certain weight-loss (slimming) diets are getting. They make people


> about food, for a start :=( And they make some people believe that they


> 'eat anything' on a certain diet, except for one or two little things such

as . . .

> Sooner of later, one has to go back to real life and start living rather


> 'dieting' (following a weight-loss diet) - and real life for the sensible


> means, among other things, not having to worry about everything you put in

> your mouth. Food should not be all-consuming! (Hah, like that?)


> I guess I'm lucky - I'm a vegetarian (ovo-lacto, mainly avoiding both ovo


> lacto *lol*) and I take for granted that there are certain things I eat

and don't

> eat. If I skip a meal (who, me?) or just grab a sandwich, then the next


> usually makes up for it. I don't think of certain foods as being

'alternatives to

> me*t' cuz I don't eat me*t or have it in my dietary vocabulary. I do take


> vitamin and mineral supplement 'just in case' - but I once worked out that


> was, for me, entirely unnecessary. I am overweight right now - need to


> what, about 9 or 10 kgs or 20 lbs ? - because sitting around/lying around

> waiting for certain injuries to heal kinda put a kink in my exercise

routine ;=) I

> don't recover quite as quickly as I used to, sadly. I'm 63.


> As for exercise? (Why am I telling you people all this?) My dh and I walk

a lot.

> We always live in the centre of cities, barring a couple of times between

> homes, and use the metro/subway/underground/whatever you want to call it

> for long distances and our feet for shorter ones. We do not own or drive a


> and haven't done so since 1973. Now that makes for exercise. We have a

> couple of hounds (small beagles, actually) that have to be


> several times a day - and how! And I do what other exercise I can do


> certain physical limits that I don't need to bore you with ;=) and that


> absolutely nothing to do with my health or dietary intake.


> Sooooo, my life on a platter, so to speak. ROFL. Help yourself to what you



> Best,


> Pat ;=)


> , " saedric " <saedric> wrote:

> > All " diets " fail in the long term. The only way to lose

> > weight and keep it off is by changing your eating " lifestyle "

> > and exercising.

> >

> > Converting to a Vegan diet is a lifestyle change, not a diet. That

> > is unless you plan on going back to your previous diet.

> >

> > Yes, it's a good idea to consume high quality carbs over sweets

> > and highly processed grains, but in the end it all comes down to how

> > many calories you take in versus how many you burn off. And

> > don't get caught up in all of the High Protein/Low Carb nonsense . . .







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hey Pat...thanks for the links..I really need to go our website and check

out the benefits!






" greenfury2004 " <greenfury2004


Thursday, June 10, 2004 7:04 AM

Re: weightloss & health Rebecca



> > As Nancy mentioned, I'm eating all the wrong carbs.

> > Proteins come from soy, legumes, and other meat

> > alternatives as I understand it.


> Hold on a mo *lol* You're right, that protein comes from soy, legumes and

> 'other meat alternatives' (I presume you mean tofu, tvp and tempeh, all


> soy, and seitan, from wheat?). And these are all all excellent sources of

> protein, as are beans, nuts, seeds, grains, a whole bunch of vegetables


> fruits, and goodness knows what else ;=)


> Look, try these links (they're already in our Links section):


> http://www.vegansociety.com/html/food/nutrition/protein.php


> http://www.vrg.org/nutrition/protein.htm


> and I really really like this page:


> http://www.vegsoc.org/health/


> and this one on protein (in case you missed it) from the same people:


> http://www.vegsoc.org/info/protein.html


> My advice, build your meals on 'good' carbohydrate (have a look at that


> pyramid), keep the oils/fats to a dull roar, avoid sugar, and eat a


> vegetarian diet without overeating in quantity. Calories, despite what

they try

> to tell you in the diet books, do count. Most *weight-loss' diets (cuz we

are all

> on a 'diet' of some kind or else we wouldn't be eating anything) work


> in the long run, one eats less. That's the plain and simple truth.


> Sorry for going on so long - you have no idea how long this post was until


> edited it!!!! *lol* Silly me.


> Ask anything that's not clear, okay?


> All very best wishes - and love -


> Pat ;=)




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hi Rebecca....couple thigns struck me about this post...first of all, if you

are craving something baked after dinner, I'd say you probably have an

addiction. I know because I was the same way and its TOUGH to overcome! I

wore a bracelet from the first of January until the first of April that

said, " self control " I wore it on the wrist of my right hand, which is the

hand that I eat with, and let me tell you, it stopped me

soooooooooooooooooooooo many times from reaching for the baked, sugar laded

foods and drinks I so craved. When that happened and I stopped myself, I

would substitute it with a glass of water, or a brisk walk. Trust me, the

cravings will go away!


Another thing, just wanted you to know, whole grain carbs are a good source

of protein as well as fiber, but I have to agree with another poster,

portion control is a key discipline and weight loss!


And lastly.....in the eating disorder group that I belong to, we have many

size people in our group and at one time or another, none of us were happy

with our bodies. You have lost inches but you say no weight. I can assure

you, if you have lost inches, you have lost body fat. You are building

muscle and muscle weighs more than fat, so what you see as no loss is indeed

a loss of fat and a gain of muscle, that is a GOOD thing! Try to think of

the changes in your body as a positive thing and work on your perception of

body image. This world would be sooooooo boring if we all looked the same!

One thing that really helped me was to keep it real. Is what I am doing in

the way of eating lifestyle and exercise, something that is realistic for me

to keep for the rest of my life. With food, I have to say yes, its

realistic for me to eat this way for the rest of my life. Being vegetarian

is my lifestyle, not my diet. With exercise, no, I am not being realistic.

There is no way I will be able to keep the pace I am at into my old age

years. I won't be able to move this fast, or bend this way, and eventually,

I will have to slow down. I cannot picture being cardio active and weight

training when I am well into my golden years. I will still be able to walk

(hopefully) and perhaps swim, but not to the degree I am now (hour to hour

and half a day with variety) The best thing you can do to overcome a

negative body image is find at least one thing about yourself each day that

is beautiful. For me, my stomach was my downfall. I hated the way it looked

all out there and now flabby at the bottom because of my weight loss (extra

skin), but one day last week, I looked at my stomach in the shower (at the

erging of my eating disorder supportees) and it hit me strongly, my stomach,

in all its messed up features, is beautiful because is nourished and grew

and protected three babies. It got its shape bringing forth life, which,

when you think of it, is such a wonderful miracle in and of itself. Of

course its not going to be the same as it was when I was in high school

(btw...did'tn like it back then either). I love my belly now, and even with

the extra skin from weight loss, its still served a purpose in bringing life

to another human being...how could that be ugly? I know its a mind thing

and you really do have to talk yourself through it, but body image CAN

change for the better!


Oh my, look how I have rambled!!! Enough of my soapbox talk!

Keep up the good work Rebecca!




" Rebecca " <livecompassionately


Thursday, June 10, 2004 1:09 AM

Re: Re: weightloss & health Rebecca



> Stef-

> As Nancy mentioned, I'm eating all the wrong carbs.

> Proteins come from soy, legumes, and other meat

> alternatives as I understand it. Carbs, as Nancy said

> are fuel for the body and you definitely should be

> eating the whole grain ones you are doing, which is

> what I have to switch to. I don't have a big sweet

> tooth for candy or ice cream, but I do always need

> something sweet like something BAKED or chocolate

> after dinner. It's terrible. I KNOW that my body can

> adjust to whatever I train it to, when I was in

> college, I cut carbs and lost 20 lbs and never wanted

> a bad snack. In January I started the eat to live diet

> and weaned myself off of carbs ate only salad, beans,

> veggies and fruits, and never wanted any carbs or

> anything else after the first week, but then once I

> started slipping and sneaking carbs now and then, the

> bad " white " ones, I got myself back into this

> situation. And i was doing so well!!!!! I COULD do the

> eat to live diet again or actually try to follow a

> healthy similar diet, which would be a healthy vegan

> diet! I just have to learn how to make things that

> taste good. As I said...I'm a bad cook...sigh. Tell me

> how you lost 70 lbs I need to do it too!!! I was

> depressed today looking in the glass windows as I

> walked in the city, and saw my profile. I have been

> going to the gym and thought, hey even if I don't

> change my eating habits right now, at least I'm going

> to the gym and getting more exercise than I have had

> in years, so I thought I'd lose some weight, but my

> weight has stayed the same, I lost 2 inches on my

> waist and an inch on my arm. Still, I look and feel

> the same about myself....sigh. I need to get

> disciplined about my diet. Funny how I can discpline

> myself to stop eating meat and dairy by just quitting

> cold, but when it comes to organizing and disciplining

> myself with food and cooking....I'm the pits! I'm

> depressed tonight about my body...sigh...if it weren't

> for my boyfriend telling me how beautiful he thinks I

> am and encouraging my exercise routine I think i'd be

> a mess...Anyhow, Stef, I don't think you're wrong to

> eat whole grains etc, as long as you're getting

> protein from the right sources, ie: beans, nuts,

> seeds, soy, meat alternatives. Sorry again for the

> rant. Thanks all. -Rebecca


> --- steffdav46 <steffdav46 wrote:

> > Hi Rebecca,

> > I'm still in the learning phase of vegetarian

> > living so I still

> > have a lot of questions. You said that one of the

> > reasons you haven't

> > lost weight is that you eat to many carbs/ Or did I

> > read that wrong?

> > I eat A LOT of carbs. Almost all from whole food

> > sources ie. whole

> > wheat, whole grains, brown rice, etc. I thought that

> > I was getting a

> > lot of my protein from them. Am I wrong? I keep

> > finding out, after

> > the fact, that I've misunderstood something. I've

> > lost 70 lbs eating

> > this way and kept it off for almost a year now,

> > though I'm scared

> > silly of gaining it back. Am I wrong about the " carb

> > connection " ?

> > Above all else, I want to be healthy. HELP!

> > Stef

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> =====

> Check out Linus & Lucy's Playground


> Check out Compassionate Planet


> Help stop animal cruelty at PETCO stores:

> Read and sign the petition

> (email me for more info)







> Friends. Fun. Try the all-new Messenger.

> http://messenger./






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Well, I never said it was better or morally superior to have no car, just that


choose to do without one. It's healthier *for us* to walk, for the most part (to

shop, etc., go to the library, head off for lunch or dinner) and we find it

pleasanter ;=) But if neighbourhood facilities are non-existent, then you need

some kind of transport that is efficient - either public or private. Otherwise,

in a

modern world, you'd be trapped in your own home - not good, eh? *lol*



Pat ;=)


, " Nancy Kohn " <nkohn@c...>


> ooooh Pat! I envy you living in a city and having no car! I want that sooo

> bad, and in fact am looking at a $100.00 brake repair! We live in the city

> but not on a main bus fair. We are able to bike or walk to most places we

> need to go, but I'd love to give up the car completely! Dang, our church is

> 17 miles away! What ever happened to neighborhood church?


> Nancy



> -

> " greenfury2004 " <greenfury2004>


> Thursday, June 10, 2004 7:26 AM

> Re: weightloss & health Rebecca



> > *LOL* I shoulda read Saedric's post (below) sooner, but I was

> 'methodically'

> > going through the messages ;=)

> >

> > You are of course right, Saedric, and I personally am sooooo tired of the

> hype

> > certain weight-loss (slimming) diets are getting. They make people

> neurotic

> > about food, for a start :=( And they make some people believe that they

> can

> > 'eat anything' on a certain diet, except for one or two little things such

> as . . .

> > Sooner of later, one has to go back to real life and start living rather

> than

> > 'dieting' (following a weight-loss diet) - and real life for the sensible

> ones

> > means, among other things, not having to worry about everything you put


> > your mouth. Food should not be all-consuming! (Hah, like that?)

> >

> > I guess I'm lucky - I'm a vegetarian (ovo-lacto, mainly avoiding both ovo

> and

> > lacto *lol*) and I take for granted that there are certain things I eat

> and don't

> > eat. If I skip a meal (who, me?) or just grab a sandwich, then the next

> meal

> > usually makes up for it. I don't think of certain foods as being

> 'alternatives to

> > me*t' cuz I don't eat me*t or have it in my dietary vocabulary. I do take

> a

> > vitamin and mineral supplement 'just in case' - but I once worked out that

> it

> > was, for me, entirely unnecessary. I am overweight right now - need to

> lose

> > what, about 9 or 10 kgs or 20 lbs ? - because sitting around/lying around

> > waiting for certain injuries to heal kinda put a kink in my exercise

> routine ;=) I

> > don't recover quite as quickly as I used to, sadly. I'm 63.

> >

> > As for exercise? (Why am I telling you people all this?) My dh and I walk

> a lot.

> > We always live in the centre of cities, barring a couple of times between

> > homes, and use the metro/subway/underground/whatever you want to call


> > for long distances and our feet for shorter ones. We do not own or drive a

> car

> > and haven't done so since 1973. Now that makes for exercise. We have a

> > couple of hounds (small beagles, actually) that have to be

> walked/exercised

> > several times a day - and how! And I do what other exercise I can do

> within

> > certain physical limits that I don't need to bore you with ;=) and that

> have

> > absolutely nothing to do with my health or dietary intake.

> >

> > Sooooo, my life on a platter, so to speak. ROFL. Help yourself to what you

> will.

> >

> > Best,

> >

> > Pat ;=)

> >

> > , " saedric " <saedric>


> > > All " diets " fail in the long term. The only way to lose

> > > weight and keep it off is by changing your eating " lifestyle "

> > > and exercising.

> > >

> > > Converting to a Vegan diet is a lifestyle change, not a diet. That

> > > is unless you plan on going back to your previous diet.

> > >

> > > Yes, it's a good idea to consume high quality carbs over sweets

> > > and highly processed grains, but in the end it all comes down to how

> > > many calories you take in versus how many you burn off. And

> > > don't get caught up in all of the High Protein/Low Carb nonsense . . .

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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