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My Healthy living plan..long read

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Thank you to everyone who congratulated me on my 108 lb weight loss. Since so

many have asked me for ideas on what I did and the changes I made, I will share

with you what I sent my dad in the mail. He is also terribly overweight, and

asked me what I was doing to lose the weight, so I wrote this up for him....two

things you need to know, I am a Christian, so there are definately spiritual

overtones in this document, and secondly...I eat mostly vegan, but knew my dad

could not, so this has references to milk and cheese. Hope this helps, and I

will post recipes soon...been house hunting, so its been kinda busy here lately.

Have decided to wait till spring to buy, so hopefully I will be around more!

OK..here is what I wrote to my dad.....


Things I do to stay healthy:




Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, but my average is 45-60 minutes at least 5

days a week. This can be done at 10 minute intervals and still have the same

cardiovascular effect. Walking is the best exercise, but it should be a brisk

walk with your arms moving. I know this is painful for dad, but as he loses

weight, it will get much easier. Consider the Y in Lancaster because water

walking is REALLY good for you and much less stress on the joints. Treading

water and swimming is a good form of cardio with no joint stress too. If he can

do a stationary bike that's great too, and trust me, when you are watching TV or

listening to music you won't have a problem going 30-40 minutes of any kind of

exercise. Strength training is also very good. Lifting weights will burn more

calories than cardio exercise because it takes more calories to maintain muscle

than it does fat. I lift those 5 lb. Weights that I brought back today almost

the whole time I watch TV, and even carry them from time to time while doing my

walking. As long as dad moves in some way for at least 30 minutes a day, 3-5

times a week, he will lose.


Practice self control. I wore a bracelet from January to April that said " self

control " on it. Self control is a fruit of the Spirit and doing a study on that

fruit is helpful. Its very difficult to pull into McDonalds when your wrist,

that is turning the car wheel, says " Self Control " . For me, it was a reminder of

what I feel God was calling me to do with my life.


Get an accountability partner. For me, the eating disorder group I have been

attending was a godsend! It forced me to look at the reasons I binged, and they

helped me deal with those issues. I also had people calling me almost daily, and

assuredly weekly, to hold me accountable to eating enough, the right things, and

that my exercise was in balance. I also knew I could call on them if I had

cravings, or a real urge to eat. This was a vital part of my success thus far. I

think I could do without them now, but I also like being a support to others.




Recognize what is an addiction and what is not. For me, sugar is a huge

addiction, therefore, I cannot have ANYTHING with sugar in it. Its no different

than being an alcoholic for me, and the behavior as well as the results are just

as harmful as alcohol or drug addiction. Even a little bit will give me the

craving, and start the process of withdrawal all over again. Sugar is a drug and

has drug effects if abused.


Foods I avoid:


Anything processed that is not low sodium


Anything with processed sugar and its derivatives:














Anything that is empty carbohydrates. Use whole grain products and flours when

baking. More on that later.


Cheese. If you want to continue using cheese, use white cheese. Its lower in

sodium and has no added color.


Milk, unless organic (I'm now using Rice & Soy Blend)


Anything non-organic, it's a personal preference, non-organic is fine if it

causes you no problems, however keep in mind, added chemicals and hormones can

cause unnecessary joint pain in arthritis sufferers and menopausal women can

experience hormone problems. Eating and drinking organic has allowed me to cease

my arthritis medicine and my hormone medication.




Foods I eat daily:


WATER, WATER, WATER Cannot stress enough the importance of water intake. It is

the only thing other than smoothies, herbal tea and an occasional coffee that I

drink. Follow conventional wisdom-drink at least eight, eight-ounce servings of

water each day. The more time you spend outside, the more water you need to

replenish lost fluids. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water. By the

time you feel thirsty, you probably have already lost two or more cups of your

total body water. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Convenience is a

must, so carry a bottle of water with you as you commute to work, run errands or

enjoy the day at the beach. Don't substitute caffeinated coffees, teas and sodas

for water. Caffeine acts as a diuretic, causing you to lose water through

increased urination. Alcoholic beverages have a similar effect. Keep a bottle of

water on your desk if finding time to drink water is a problem. Or, visit the

office water cooler and take water break rather than a coffee break. Once you

start exercising, don't stop drinking. Keep a bottle of water with you and take

frequent water breaks. Don't underestimate the amount of fluids lost from

perspiration. You need to drink two cups of water for each pound lost following

a workout. Start and end your day with a serving of water. Your body loses water

while you sleep. So drink a serving before bed and again when you wake up. Don't

forget that common maladies such as colds and the flu can frequently lead to

dehydration. Keep a large bottle of water next to your bed so you can sip it

throughout the day without having to get up. Remember that when it's warm

outside, cold water-not carbonated soft drinks or sport drinks-is the best fluid

for keeping hydrated. Cool water is absorbed much more quickly than warm fluids

and may have a positive effect on cooling off your overheated body. WARNING:

Drinking diet soda can, over time make you gain weight. Avoid it, replace with

unsweetened tea or better yet, WATER. Just quitting drinking all types of soda

and replacing it with WATER alone will make you lose weight, and will

drastically reduce if not eliminate the following:


Lower back pain


Chronic fatigue syndrome












Rheumatoid arthritis




High blood pressure


High blood cholesterol


Alcohol dependency


Neck pain


And more?




Cannot stress enough the importance of water. Nonherbal tea, diet soda

caffinated drinks and sports drinks will dehydrate you and cause joint pain.






Vegetables, the more the better, especially greens (I eat them at just about all

meals, plus for snacks)


Grains of some type, oats (my first choice due to its ability to lower

cholesterol), barely, whole grain brown rice, brown rice pasta, whole grain

bread. Oat bran in smoothies for breakfast, usually a wrap or bowl of grains for

lunch, and something with grain for dinner. More on this later.


Fruit or fruit juice, but only in the morning


Non-dairy milk products, Rice & Soy Blend


Whole grain multivitamin


Foods I eat frequently:


Beans, any kind, fixed anyway, 3-4 times a week


Tofu, you can skip this, but its worth getting to know <grin>


Whole grain pasta, we prefer the brown rice pasta




Making changes:


Baking flour: use oat flour or brown rice flour instead of any white or

unbleached four. Whole wheat flour is ok, but its heavier than the ones I

mentioned. I prefer the oat flour over anything else. Its also a whole grain

flour so it has the added benefit of the fiber.


Pasta: Use rice bran pasta, you will notice no difference from regular pasta.

Whole wheat pasta is ok but much heavier and will make you feel bloated (at

least it does that for me)


Milk: Go organic if you cannot go without it. Rice & Soy blend is really good and

good for you too. Milk if fine, but for me, it makes me sluggish and tired, even

the organic kind. Its worth spending the extra money for the organic milk


Cheese: use white cheese only, if you cannot give up cheese. Swiss, part skim

mozzarella, and Monterey jack are ok in moderation. Again, cheese will contain

sodium and that makes you retain water, thus causing swelling in the joints, not

good for arthritis.


Sugar: when something calls for sugar, try using honey, pure maple syrup, or

fruit juice concentrate. All things listed are still sugar so use in

considerable moderation. Sugar is sugar no matter what way you look at it, but

natural sugar is better for you. Brown sugar is just regular sugar with molasses

in it, so its no better than regular sugar.


Salt: use Sea Salt when possible, it contains all the good nutrients and

minerals that have been stripped from regular salt. Use in extreme moderation

for joint health. Try seasoning with spices and herbs. Less than 300 mg of salt

is considered low sodium and is ok. You do need some salt in your diet


Fats and oils: these are essential to good health too. When sir frying use

canola oil. Canola oil is NOT harmful to your health, and it can actually help

you achieve a better diet. The reason Canola oil is good is because of its fat

composition. You should know that there are 3 types of fats: saturated,

monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated... and 2 of the 3 types of fats are

actually 'healthy' fats, and they're actually helpful to your health. Saturated

fats is the bad type you want to avoid. The other two types actually help

control the level of cholesterol! Canola oil has the best fatty acid ratio.

Meaning that canola oil has the best fat ratios of the 3 types of fats in all

cooking oil. Research has show that the fatty acid composition of canola oil is

most favorable in terms of health benefits. It has lowest levels of saturated

fat (7% - bad type), high in monounsaturated fat (61%-good type), and about 22%

in polyunsaturated fat (also good.) Again, use in moderation as it is still a



Margarine: I will us nothing other than Earth Balance Vegan Margarine. I brought

you a tub of it. It is the first spread to offer no hydrogenated fat, no trans

fat and a natural vegetable oil blend patented to improve the ratio of " good " to

" bad " cholesterol, and it tastes GOOD!


Dad, the most important thing is support, get it where you can, and tell mom to

stop nagging you. You have an eating disorder and she needs to understand your

need in that. I will talk to her too. Remember above all else, I love you and

God has made you in His image, and no matter what, you are an awsome dad!


...· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´ Nancy




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Thanks Nancy...... for the info..... I " m not needing to loose anyweight, but

what you're doing is much of what in my opinion is a true healthy life


You may want to look into a soy milk machine (12cents a quart) and also a

grain mill to make your own whole wheat flour. One little suggestion in

using oil to cook is to mix half with extra virgin olive. It adds a nutty

flavor and with canola oil, and wont burn.

WATER WATER WATER>>>>> for sure..... with me its about 1.5 gallons a day...

heck water even will cure a headache if you drink enough.





Nancy Kohn [nkohn]

Monday, October 18, 2004 10:52 AM


My Healthy living plan..long read




Thank you to everyone who congratulated me on my 108 lb weight loss. Since

so many have asked me for ideas on what I did and the changes I made, I will

share with you what I sent my dad in the mail. He is also terribly

overweight, and asked me what I was doing to lose the weight, so I wrote

this up for him....two things you need to know, I am a Christian, so there

are definately spiritual overtones in this document, and secondly...I eat

mostly vegan, but knew my dad could not, so this has references to milk and

cheese. Hope this helps, and I will post recipes soon...been house hunting,

so its been kinda busy here lately. Have decided to wait till spring to

buy, so hopefully I will be around more! OK..here is what I wrote to my



Things I do to stay healthy:




Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, but my average is 45-60 minutes at least

5 days a week. This can be done at 10 minute intervals and still have the

same cardiovascular effect. Walking is the best exercise, but it should be a

brisk walk with your arms moving. I know this is painful for dad, but as he

loses weight, it will get much easier. Consider the Y in Lancaster because

water walking is REALLY good for you and much less stress on the joints.

Treading water and swimming is a good form of cardio with no joint stress

too. If he can do a stationary bike that's great too, and trust me, when you

are watching TV or listening to music you won't have a problem going 30-40

minutes of any kind of exercise. Strength training is also very good.

Lifting weights will burn more calories than cardio exercise because it

takes more calories to maintain muscle than it does fat. I lift those 5 lb.

Weights that I brought back today almost the whole time I watch TV, and even

carry them from time to time while doing my walking. As long as dad moves in

some way for at least 30 minutes a day, 3-5 times a week, he will lose.


Practice self control. I wore a bracelet from January to April that said

" self control " on it. Self control is a fruit of the Spirit and doing a

study on that fruit is helpful. Its very difficult to pull into McDonalds

when your wrist, that is turning the car wheel, says " Self Control " . For me,

it was a reminder of what I feel God was calling me to do with my life.


Get an accountability partner. For me, the eating disorder group I have been

attending was a godsend! It forced me to look at the reasons I binged, and

they helped me deal with those issues. I also had people calling me almost

daily, and assuredly weekly, to hold me accountable to eating enough, the

right things, and that my exercise was in balance. I also knew I could call

on them if I had cravings, or a real urge to eat. This was a vital part of

my success thus far. I think I could do without them now, but I also like

being a support to others.




Recognize what is an addiction and what is not. For me, sugar is a huge

addiction, therefore, I cannot have ANYTHING with sugar in it. Its no

different than being an alcoholic for me, and the behavior as well as the

results are just as harmful as alcohol or drug addiction. Even a little bit

will give me the craving, and start the process of withdrawal all over

again. Sugar is a drug and has drug effects if abused.


Foods I avoid:


Anything processed that is not low sodium


Anything with processed sugar and its derivatives:














Anything that is empty carbohydrates. Use whole grain products and flours

when baking. More on that later.


Cheese. If you want to continue using cheese, use white cheese. Its lower in

sodium and has no added color.


Milk, unless organic (I'm now using Rice & Soy Blend)


Anything non-organic, it's a personal preference, non-organic is fine if it

causes you no problems, however keep in mind, added chemicals and hormones

can cause unnecessary joint pain in arthritis sufferers and menopausal women

can experience hormone problems. Eating and drinking organic has allowed me

to cease my arthritis medicine and my hormone medication.




Foods I eat daily:


WATER, WATER, WATER Cannot stress enough the importance of water intake. It

is the only thing other than smoothies, herbal tea and an occasional coffee

that I drink. Follow conventional wisdom-drink at least eight, eight-ounce

servings of water each day. The more time you spend outside, the more water

you need to replenish lost fluids. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink

water. By the time you feel thirsty, you probably have already lost two or

more cups of your total body water. Drink plenty of water throughout the

day. Convenience is a must, so carry a bottle of water with you as you

commute to work, run errands or enjoy the day at the beach. Don't substitute

caffeinated coffees, teas and sodas for water. Caffeine acts as a diuretic,

causing you to lose water through increased urination. Alcoholic beverages

have a similar effect. Keep a bottle of water on your desk if finding time

to drink water is a problem. Or, visit the office water cooler and take

water break rather than a coffee break. Once you start exercising, don't

stop drinking. Keep a bottle of water with you and take frequent water

breaks. Don't underestimate the amount of fluids lost from perspiration. You

need to drink two cups of water for each pound lost following a workout.

Start and end your day with a serving of water. Your body loses water while

you sleep. So drink a serving before bed and again when you wake up. Don't

forget that common maladies such as colds and the flu can frequently lead to

dehydration. Keep a large bottle of water next to your bed so you can sip it

throughout the day without having to get up. Remember that when it's warm

outside, cold water-not carbonated soft drinks or sport drinks-is the best

fluid for keeping hydrated. Cool water is absorbed much more quickly than

warm fluids and may have a positive effect on cooling off your overheated

body. WARNING: Drinking diet soda can, over time make you gain weight. Avoid

it, replace with unsweetened tea or better yet, WATER. Just quitting

drinking all types of soda and replacing it with WATER alone will make you

lose weight, and will drastically reduce if not eliminate the following:


Lower back pain


Chronic fatigue syndrome












Rheumatoid arthritis




High blood pressure


High blood cholesterol


Alcohol dependency


Neck pain


And more?




Cannot stress enough the importance of water. Nonherbal tea, diet soda

caffinated drinks and sports drinks will dehydrate you and cause joint pain.






Vegetables, the more the better, especially greens (I eat them at just about

all meals, plus for snacks)


Grains of some type, oats (my first choice due to its ability to lower

cholesterol), barely, whole grain brown rice, brown rice pasta, whole grain

bread. Oat bran in smoothies for breakfast, usually a wrap or bowl of grains

for lunch, and something with grain for dinner. More on this later.


Fruit or fruit juice, but only in the morning


Non-dairy milk products, Rice & Soy Blend


Whole grain multivitamin


Foods I eat frequently:


Beans, any kind, fixed anyway, 3-4 times a week


Tofu, you can skip this, but its worth getting to know <grin>


Whole grain pasta, we prefer the brown rice pasta




Making changes:


Baking flour: use oat flour or brown rice flour instead of any white or

unbleached four. Whole wheat flour is ok, but its heavier than the ones I

mentioned. I prefer the oat flour over anything else. Its also a whole grain

flour so it has the added benefit of the fiber.


Pasta: Use rice bran pasta, you will notice no difference from regular

pasta. Whole wheat pasta is ok but much heavier and will make you feel

bloated (at least it does that for me)


Milk: Go organic if you cannot go without it. Rice & Soy blend is really good

and good for you too. Milk if fine, but for me, it makes me sluggish and

tired, even the organic kind. Its worth spending the extra money for the

organic milk


Cheese: use white cheese only, if you cannot give up cheese. Swiss, part

skim mozzarella, and Monterey jack are ok in moderation. Again, cheese will

contain sodium and that makes you retain water, thus causing swelling in the

joints, not good for arthritis.


Sugar: when something calls for sugar, try using honey, pure maple syrup, or

fruit juice concentrate. All things listed are still sugar so use in

considerable moderation. Sugar is sugar no matter what way you look at it,

but natural sugar is better for you. Brown sugar is just regular sugar with

molasses in it, so its no better than regular sugar.


Salt: use Sea Salt when possible, it contains all the good nutrients and

minerals that have been stripped from regular salt. Use in extreme

moderation for joint health. Try seasoning with spices and herbs. Less than

300 mg of salt is considered low sodium and is ok. You do need some salt in

your diet


Fats and oils: these are essential to good health too. When sir frying use

canola oil. Canola oil is NOT harmful to your health, and it can actually

help you achieve a better diet. The reason Canola oil is good is because of

its fat composition. You should know that there are 3 types of fats:

saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated... and 2 of the 3 types of

fats are actually 'healthy' fats, and they're actually helpful to your

health. Saturated fats is the bad type you want to avoid. The other two

types actually help control the level of cholesterol! Canola oil has the

best fatty acid ratio. Meaning that canola oil has the best fat ratios of

the 3 types of fats in all cooking oil. Research has show that the fatty

acid composition of canola oil is most favorable in terms of health

benefits. It has lowest levels of saturated fat (7% - bad type), high in

monounsaturated fat (61%-good type), and about 22% in polyunsaturated fat

(also good.) Again, use in moderation as it is still a fat.


Margarine: I will us nothing other than Earth Balance Vegan Margarine. I

brought you a tub of it. It is the first spread to offer no hydrogenated

fat, no trans fat and a natural vegetable oil blend patented to improve the

ratio of " good " to " bad " cholesterol, and it tastes GOOD!


Dad, the most important thing is support, get it where you can, and tell mom

to stop nagging you. You have an eating disorder and she needs to understand

your need in that. I will talk to her too. Remember above all else, I love

you and God has made you in His image, and no matter what, you are an awsome



...· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´ Nancy




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  • 2 weeks later...

Impressive. Something to work towards. Thanks, Nancy!


Nancy Kohn <nkohn wrote:Thank you to everyone who congratulated

me on my 108 lb weight loss. Since so many have asked me for ideas on what I

did and the changes I made, I will share with you what I sent my dad in the

mail. He is also terribly overweight, and asked me what I was doing to lose the

weight, so I wrote this up for him....two things you need to know, I am a

Christian, so there are definately spiritual overtones in this document, and

secondly...I eat mostly vegan, but knew my dad could not, so this has references

to milk and cheese. Hope this helps, and I will post recipes soon...been house

hunting, so its been kinda busy here lately. Have decided to wait till spring

to buy, so hopefully I will be around more! OK..here is what I wrote to my



Things I do to stay healthy:




Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, but my average is 45-60 minutes at least 5

days a week. This can be done at 10 minute intervals and still have the same

cardiovascular effect. Walking is the best exercise, but it should be a brisk

walk with your arms moving. I know this is painful for dad, but as he loses

weight, it will get much easier. Consider the Y in Lancaster because water

walking is REALLY good for you and much less stress on the joints. Treading

water and swimming is a good form of cardio with no joint stress too. If he can

do a stationary bike that's great too, and trust me, when you are watching TV or

listening to music you won't have a problem going 30-40 minutes of any kind of

exercise. Strength training is also very good. Lifting weights will burn more

calories than cardio exercise because it takes more calories to maintain muscle

than it does fat. I lift those 5 lb. Weights that I brought back today almost

the whole time I watch TV, and even carry them from time to

time while doing my walking. As long as dad moves in some way for at least 30

minutes a day, 3-5 times a week, he will lose.


Practice self control. I wore a bracelet from January to April that said " self

control " on it. Self control is a fruit of the Spirit and doing a study on that

fruit is helpful. Its very difficult to pull into McDonalds when your wrist,

that is turning the car wheel, says " Self Control " . For me, it was a reminder of

what I feel God was calling me to do with my life.


Get an accountability partner. For me, the eating disorder group I have been

attending was a godsend! It forced me to look at the reasons I binged, and they

helped me deal with those issues. I also had people calling me almost daily, and

assuredly weekly, to hold me accountable to eating enough, the right things, and

that my exercise was in balance. I also knew I could call on them if I had

cravings, or a real urge to eat. This was a vital part of my success thus far. I

think I could do without them now, but I also like being a support to others.




Recognize what is an addiction and what is not. For me, sugar is a huge

addiction, therefore, I cannot have ANYTHING with sugar in it. Its no different

than being an alcoholic for me, and the behavior as well as the results are just

as harmful as alcohol or drug addiction. Even a little bit will give me the

craving, and start the process of withdrawal all over again. Sugar is a drug and

has drug effects if abused.


Foods I avoid:


Anything processed that is not low sodium


Anything with processed sugar and its derivatives:














Anything that is empty carbohydrates. Use whole grain products and flours when

baking. More on that later.


Cheese. If you want to continue using cheese, use white cheese. Its lower in

sodium and has no added color.


Milk, unless organic (I'm now using Rice & Soy Blend)


Anything non-organic, it's a personal preference, non-organic is fine if it

causes you no problems, however keep in mind, added chemicals and hormones can

cause unnecessary joint pain in arthritis sufferers and menopausal women can

experience hormone problems. Eating and drinking organic has allowed me to cease

my arthritis medicine and my hormone medication.




Foods I eat daily:


WATER, WATER, WATER Cannot stress enough the importance of water intake. It is

the only thing other than smoothies, herbal tea and an occasional coffee that I

drink. Follow conventional wisdom-drink at least eight, eight-ounce servings of

water each day. The more time you spend outside, the more water you need to

replenish lost fluids. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water. By the

time you feel thirsty, you probably have already lost two or more cups of your

total body water. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Convenience is a

must, so carry a bottle of water with you as you commute to work, run errands or

enjoy the day at the beach. Don't substitute caffeinated coffees, teas and sodas

for water. Caffeine acts as a diuretic, causing you to lose water through

increased urination. Alcoholic beverages have a similar effect. Keep a bottle of

water on your desk if finding time to drink water is a problem. Or, visit the

office water cooler and take water break rather than a

coffee break. Once you start exercising, don't stop drinking. Keep a bottle of

water with you and take frequent water breaks. Don't underestimate the amount of

fluids lost from perspiration. You need to drink two cups of water for each

pound lost following a workout. Start and end your day with a serving of water.

Your body loses water while you sleep. So drink a serving before bed and again

when you wake up. Don't forget that common maladies such as colds and the flu

can frequently lead to dehydration. Keep a large bottle of water next to your

bed so you can sip it throughout the day without having to get up. Remember that

when it's warm outside, cold water-not carbonated soft drinks or sport drinks-is

the best fluid for keeping hydrated. Cool water is absorbed much more quickly

than warm fluids and may have a positive effect on cooling off your overheated

body. WARNING: Drinking diet soda can, over time make you gain weight. Avoid it,

replace with unsweetened tea or better yet,

WATER. Just quitting drinking all types of soda and replacing it with WATER

alone will make you lose weight, and will drastically reduce if not eliminate

the following:


Lower back pain


Chronic fatigue syndrome












Rheumatoid arthritis




High blood pressure


High blood cholesterol


Alcohol dependency


Neck pain


And more?




Cannot stress enough the importance of water. Nonherbal tea, diet soda

caffinated drinks and sports drinks will dehydrate you and cause joint pain.






Vegetables, the more the better, especially greens (I eat them at just about all

meals, plus for snacks)


Grains of some type, oats (my first choice due to its ability to lower

cholesterol), barely, whole grain brown rice, brown rice pasta, whole grain

bread. Oat bran in smoothies for breakfast, usually a wrap or bowl of grains for

lunch, and something with grain for dinner. More on this later.


Fruit or fruit juice, but only in the morning


Non-dairy milk products, Rice & Soy Blend


Whole grain multivitamin


Foods I eat frequently:


Beans, any kind, fixed anyway, 3-4 times a week


Tofu, you can skip this, but its worth getting to know <grin>


Whole grain pasta, we prefer the brown rice pasta




Making changes:


Baking flour: use oat flour or brown rice flour instead of any white or

unbleached four. Whole wheat flour is ok, but its heavier than the ones I

mentioned. I prefer the oat flour over anything else. Its also a whole grain

flour so it has the added benefit of the fiber.


Pasta: Use rice bran pasta, you will notice no difference from regular pasta.

Whole wheat pasta is ok but much heavier and will make you feel bloated (at

least it does that for me)


Milk: Go organic if you cannot go without it. Rice & Soy blend is really good and

good for you too. Milk if fine, but for me, it makes me sluggish and tired, even

the organic kind. Its worth spending the extra money for the organic milk


Cheese: use white cheese only, if you cannot give up cheese. Swiss, part skim

mozzarella, and Monterey jack are ok in moderation. Again, cheese will contain

sodium and that makes you retain water, thus causing swelling in the joints, not

good for arthritis.


Sugar: when something calls for sugar, try using honey, pure maple syrup, or

fruit juice concentrate. All things listed are still sugar so use in

considerable moderation. Sugar is sugar no matter what way you look at it, but

natural sugar is better for you. Brown sugar is just regular sugar with molasses

in it, so its no better than regular sugar.


Salt: use Sea Salt when possible, it contains all the good nutrients and

minerals that have been stripped from regular salt. Use in extreme moderation

for joint health. Try seasoning with spices and herbs. Less than 300 mg of salt

is considered low sodium and is ok. You do need some salt in your diet


Fats and oils: these are essential to good health too. When sir frying use

canola oil. Canola oil is NOT harmful to your health, and it can actually help

you achieve a better diet. The reason Canola oil is good is because of its fat

composition. You should know that there are 3 types of fats: saturated,

monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated... and 2 of the 3 types of fats are

actually 'healthy' fats, and they're actually helpful to your health. Saturated

fats is the bad type you want to avoid. The other two types actually help

control the level of cholesterol! Canola oil has the best fatty acid ratio.

Meaning that canola oil has the best fat ratios of the 3 types of fats in all

cooking oil. Research has show that the fatty acid composition of canola oil is

most favorable in terms of health benefits. It has lowest levels of saturated

fat (7% - bad type), high in monounsaturated fat (61%-good type), and about 22%

in polyunsaturated fat (also good.) Again, use in moderation as it is

still a fat.


Margarine: I will us nothing other than Earth Balance Vegan Margarine. I brought

you a tub of it. It is the first spread to offer no hydrogenated fat, no trans

fat and a natural vegetable oil blend patented to improve the ratio of " good " to

" bad " cholesterol, and it tastes GOOD!


Dad, the most important thing is support, get it where you can, and tell mom to

stop nagging you. You have an eating disorder and she needs to understand your

need in that. I will talk to her too. Remember above all else, I love you and

God has made you in His image, and no matter what, you are an awsome dad!


...· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´ Nancy




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