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Soymilks Without Carrageenan / was Digest Number 502

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> There are commercial soy milks that do NOT contain carrageenan - for

> instance VitaSoy. You can also make soy milk from scratch, as Robert

> Cohen advises, and avoid this ingredient. He sells a machine called the

> Soy Toy on his website.


Indeed. For those who are worried about it (and might not have read to the

end of the article), he says:


'SILK uses carrageenan. SILK plain, SILK chocolate.

SunSoy also uses carrageenan. Hershey's real chocolate

is not so real. They use it too. So does Nesquik.'




'VitaSoy does not have carrageenan! they use barley flower

as a thickener. 8th Continent does not use carrageenan

either. Their choice is to use cellulose gel and soy

lecithin to create a smoother soymilk.'




'On the shelf (non-refrigerated), I found Rice Dream.

They do not use carrageenan. They use xantham gum.

Soy Dream (made by Imagine Foods) does not use it

either. Their emulsifier is rice syrup. Eden Soy

does not use it. They use barley extract.'


So we don't really need to worry much. Just make a note of

the brands that DO use it. Or, as you suggest, Maida, get a

soymilk maker and make your own - for those who want to

drink lots of the stuff rather than just using it in some cooking

or baking.


Anyway, I pass this on to you - this NotMilk article - in the

interests of health and safety - I have heard people complain

that they get a tummy ache from soymilk . . . .



Pat ;=)

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there's also a nice soy machine at www.soyajoy.com that I purchased for $99.

It makes soy milk in 15 minutes. You can buy soy beans from a farm that

offers beans that are NOT genetically altered... which are different from

the regular soy beans that are used for US Agriculture. One quart of

homemade soy milk will cost about 15 cents, so it will surely pay for itself

in a very short time.





Pat [veggiehound]

Thursday, November 11, 2004 2:17 PM


Soymilks Without Carrageenan / was Digest

Number 502






> There are commercial soy milks that do NOT contain carrageenan - for

> instance VitaSoy. You can also make soy milk from scratch, as Robert

> Cohen advises, and avoid this ingredient. He sells a machine called the

> Soy Toy on his website.


Indeed. For those who are worried about it (and might not have read to the

end of the article), he says:


'SILK uses carrageenan. SILK plain, SILK chocolate.

SunSoy also uses carrageenan. Hershey's real chocolate

is not so real. They use it too. So does Nesquik.'




'VitaSoy does not have carrageenan! they use barley flower

as a thickener. 8th Continent does not use carrageenan

either. Their choice is to use cellulose gel and soy

lecithin to create a smoother soymilk.'




'On the shelf (non-refrigerated), I found Rice Dream.

They do not use carrageenan. They use xantham gum.

Soy Dream (made by Imagine Foods) does not use it

either. Their emulsifier is rice syrup. Eden Soy

does not use it. They use barley extract.'


So we don't really need to worry much. Just make a note of

the brands that DO use it. Or, as you suggest, Maida, get a

soymilk maker and make your own - for those who want to

drink lots of the stuff rather than just using it in some cooking

or baking.


Anyway, I pass this on to you - this NotMilk article - in the

interests of health and safety - I have heard people complain

that they get a tummy ache from soymilk . . . .



Pat ;=)










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> It makes soy milk in 15 minutes. You can buy soy beans from a farm that

> offers beans that are NOT genetically altered... which are different from

> the regular soy beans that are used for US Agriculture. One quart of

> homemade soy milk will cost about 15 cents, so it will surely pay for itself

> in a very short time.


That's presuming one drinks the soymilk as if one were a hide-bound dairy-

consuming child of the prairies ;=) - right? I think for the occasional baking


actually *requires* soymilk (or rice milk - which btw can be made without a

machine except for a blender of course) it would take a little while to pay for

itself - and in my kitchen (okay okay, so I have an old-fashioned kitchen ;=))


justify it's shelf room.


However, on this and similar lists I have noticed that adults really really miss


drinking* milk - as if it were water or some such thing - if they go vegan. For

that one should be really grateful of any machine that will help them save



I'm not trying to be difficult - I just do not understand this craving for


(meaning soy milk) after it is decided by the person consuming it that dairy is

OUT for them. Cultural difference, I guess. Apologies. But I hesitate to

recommend buying more gadgets etc unless needed.


You are, however, kind to make your suggestion. And I appreciate that

kindness ;=) I recall a comment you made in an email ages ago, and I couldn't

quite place the thing you were alluding to. Then yesterday I found it! It made

me laugh!!!


" It seems ridiculous that a man, especially in the midst of his pleasures,

should have to go beneath a cow like a calf three times a day. Henry David

Thoreau "


I saved it as a tribute to you and this list! LOL




Pat ;=)

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You always put a friendly smile on my face Pat..... (a very important part

of life to keep healthy is to be happy).


At our house we cook with soymilk, add it to cereal, bake with it but never

really drink it out of a glass. In some research I did for my wife on the

annoying effects of menopause, I found a few places that recommend

increasing your soy intake along with cold pressed flaxseed oil. We already

quit (for the most part) eating a lot of dairy about 5 years ago, so in my

search for making soy more available at a much cheaper price, this by far

outweighs purchasing quarts of processed soy milk off the shelf for around

$2.00. I can then choose to add whatever I choose for sweetener and flavor.

Believe me Pat... I sure do feel I live out in the prairie in the midst of

the Cajuns down south that pull mud bugs out of the ground (Crawfish) and

consider it a delicacy...


One other little caveat.... the solids left over from the freshly cooked soy

beans can easily be used to make a soy patty or other meat substitutes...

which also is very expensive at a grocery store.


Smiles back at ya!




veggiehound [veggiehound]

Tuesday, November 16, 2004 3:13 PM


Re: Soymilks Without Carrageenan / was

Digest Number 502





> It makes soy milk in 15 minutes. You can buy soy beans from a farm that

> offers beans that are NOT genetically altered... which are different from

> the regular soy beans that are used for US Agriculture. One quart of

> homemade soy milk will cost about 15 cents, so it will surely pay for


> in a very short time.


That's presuming one drinks the soymilk as if one were a hide-bound dairy-

consuming child of the prairies ;=) - right? I think for the occasional

baking that

actually *requires* soymilk (or rice milk - which btw can be made without a

machine except for a blender of course) it would take a little while to pay


itself - and in my kitchen (okay okay, so I have an old-fashioned kitchen

;=)) to

justify it's shelf room.


However, on this and similar lists I have noticed that adults really really

miss *

drinking* milk - as if it were water or some such thing - if they go vegan.


that one should be really grateful of any machine that will help them save



I'm not trying to be difficult - I just do not understand this craving for


(meaning soy milk) after it is decided by the person consuming it that dairy


OUT for them. Cultural difference, I guess. Apologies. But I hesitate to

recommend buying more gadgets etc unless needed.


You are, however, kind to make your suggestion. And I appreciate that

kindness ;=) I recall a comment you made in an email ages ago, and I


quite place the thing you were alluding to. Then yesterday I found it! It


me laugh!!!


" It seems ridiculous that a man, especially in the midst of his pleasures,

should have to go beneath a cow like a calf three times a day. Henry David

Thoreau "


I saved it as a tribute to you and this list! LOL




Pat ;=)











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> You always put a friendly smile on my face Pat..... (a very important part

> of life to keep healthy is to be happy).


Likewise, Tom ;=)


>In some research I did for my wife on the

> annoying effects of menopause, I found a few places that recommend

> increasing your soy intake along with cold pressed flaxseed oil.


Now this is true. And as for flax seed oil - highly recommended. Or you can

grind up your own seeds each time (in a coffee grinder dedicated to nuts,

seeds, and spices of course) and sprinkle the flax sees or stir em in to

anything from salads to porridge.


>in my

> search for making soy more available at a much cheaper price, this by far

> outweighs purchasing quarts of processed soy milk off the shelf for around

> $2.00.


Oh yeah! If you use it a lot in your household, then it would pay for itself in


time. We don't use soymilk much (cuz neither of us were milk drinkers after we

grew up) but I am still tempted to that little gadget.


> Believe me Pat... I sure do feel I live out in the prairie in the midst of

> the Cajuns down south that pull mud bugs out of the ground (Crawfish) and

> consider it a delicacy...


I grew up, in part, on the Canadian prairies - so I completely understand.

Great places to grow up, but kinda hidebound for food myths. Sometimes, not



> One other little caveat.... the solids left over from the freshly cooked soy

> beans can easily be used to make a soy patty or other meat substitutes...

> which also is very expensive at a grocery store.


Now THIS is really a useful tip!!! I hadn't thought of that at all. Wonderful.


hate wasting food when the world is hungry :=(


Thanks a bunch!!




Pat ;=)

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