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My name's Laura, I'm 32 and live in Scotland with Sammy-cat (currently

asleep and forcing me to perch on the edge of my chair - it amazes me

that such small animals can take up so much space!)


Vegetarian-wise - I'm just at the 'I wonder if I could ...' stage. I'm

interested in vegetarianism to save money, improve my health and for

animal welfare reasons. I don't see why a cow should have a horrible

life so I can eat it cheaply once it's dead. It's not the eating of

meat that offends me - it's the conditions of the animals who are to

become meat. I know that for many vegetarians it's the actual eating of

meat that offends - no matter how it's reared. I'm telling you that

up-front to give you the chance to kick me out if I'm in the wrong

place! Just tell me nicely and I'll unsub :)


Weight-wise - I have 3st (42lbs) to lose having already lost 42. A lot

of the vege recipes that appeal to me seem to involve cheese and other

high-fat ingredients so I'm a bit concerned that the pounds might start

to pile on again. I've been dieting (lower carb) for a year and don't

want to throw away all my hard work.


So, I guess I'm here for informed advice as much as anything else. Can

you be vegetarian *and* lose weight *and* not starve yourself? That

last one is important - there's a chocolate shop just down the road and

I *like* my food ...


Thanks for reading.






Currently Reading: The Fall of Neskaya - Marion Zimmer Bradley & Deborah J Ross


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Hi Laura, nice to meet you!


(And I am sharing my space with one Misha-Cat right now - and yes they do

take a lot of space - a lot of *my* space ;=))


How nice that you are thinking of becoming vegetarian. You will get lots of

support and information here! Not everyone on this list is vegetarian, and

those who are vegetarian are vegetarian for all kinds of reasons - some

simply for health, some simply because they don't like the taste or texture of

meat - and then of course there are a whole bunch of reasons other than that

too, as you know. It doesn't matter - just as long as people are interested in

vegetarianism, respectful of others' reasons, and don't argue the case for

eating animals! You'll be just fine ;=)


Congratulations on losing all that weight! And now for the second lot, eh?!

Okay, you already know that cheese and other high-fat ingredients will put the

pounds on, which is why this is a low-fat list. Low fat, not 'no' fat, since we


need a little fat in our diet. Generally, those of us who are trying to lose


avoid dairy (except maybe low-fat cottage cheese or some such) for those

very reasons (there are others, of course, but that's a different matter). You

should find lots of good recipes in the Files section on our webpage. Those

marked 'vegan' are without eggs, dairy or honey. But have a look at them all -

and see what you like. Then check in with us again - soon! Okay?


All the best of luck - and ask any questions you like - that's what we're here





Pat ;=)

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Hi Pat


Thank you very much for such a warm welcome!


Sammy-cat is once again asleep behind me and I'm going slowly numb as I

perch on the seat! Aren't cats adorable ;p


I've had a quick browse through the files and see lots of goodies which

I'll start trying as I use up food in the house and have to buy anew. I

don't see the point in throwing away portions of food just because I'm

making some changes - especially when a lot of my motivation is financial!


Today has, so far, been a vegetarian day but I do have something

defrosting for dinner which is not although I can't say I'm looking

forward to it very much as it was a not particularly successful

experiment. But, waste not want not!


Cutting out dairy could be a bit of a problem - a life without milk just

doesn't fit well and I miss cheese already on my current diet. There's

no way I'm giving up my supper - porridge made with 200ml of milk, 300ml

of water - it's my reward for eating well during the day! But, since I

use skimmed milk (0.6% fat for those in the US) I don't think it's a

disaster! And then there's my white coffee and tea addiction ...!


Ah well - I guess I'll count calories and Syns for now and see how I

go. Syns are a points value assigned to food by Slimming World - a UK

slimming club of which I'm a paid-in-advance member. I'll decide

whether to shell out for another block in 10 weeks when my current

membership expires.


So sorry for running on and on ...




Currently Reading: The Fall of Neskaya - Marion Zimmer Bradley & Deborah J Ross






veggiehound wrote:



> Hi Laura, nice to meet you!


> (And I am sharing my space with one Misha-Cat right now - and yes they do

> take a lot of space - a lot of *my* space ;=))


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Welcome to the group, Laura. This is a great bunch of folks, who will

try their hardest to answer any questions you may have.


I live in Florida with my spoiled " cat child " Lucy. I have been

vegetarian since 1997, though Lucy is a carnivore. Having veg companion

animals is a whole other topic...


I drink rice milk, though am now enjoying Silk chocolate soymilk. What

a treat! I can definitely relate to your concern about giving up

cheese, as that is my downfall :~)



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We can start a subgroup of vegetarian slimming people who have cats.


Welcome Laura. Karen, I also live in Florida, with a spoiled husband

and 2 spoiled kitties.

Priya loves dark greens and fruit. Spike likes soy milk and soy cheese.

Other than that, the cats are carnivores. My husband is vegetarian.



My other main interest, besides vegetarian activism, is campaigning to

allow pets in condos. See my petition and also look at my " Citizens for

Pets in Condos " page. It has lots of information on the health benefits

of pet companionship:

http://mywebpages.comcast.net/maidawg/petpetition.htm or





from Maida


Please sign my petition:



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Hi Maida


Nice to meet you :) Sammy-cat really prefers to catch his own food and

his least favourite kind of cat foods are the brands with veg pieces in

amongst the meat and jelly. I don't know what he's going to do when he

begs for some of my dinner and I give him some soya!


Pets really are wonderful therapy. I have a recurrent depressive

disorder and Sam his been invaluable - if only because if I won't get

up, he bites my nose!




Currently Reading: The Fall of Neskaya - Marion Zimmer Bradley & Deborah J Ross





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