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Good Fat - Bad Fat etc. / was New Member Says Hi + Akudi beans

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> . . . in order to eat healthier

> and lose weight, you shouldn't pursue " low carb " or " low fat " but

> rather " good carbs " and " good fats. "


You do realize you are on a *low* fat list here, eh? - as stated on the

webpage? Of course, full agreement that there are good fats and bad fats ;=)


>Animal fats and other saturated

> fats as well as trans fats are the ones to avoid


True enough. But we cut down here on all fats.


>but unsaturated

> fats, those containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, actually help

> your body metabolize foods better and thuse help you lose weight, or

> at least lose body fat.


Well, that's the theory anyway ;=) And I guess if you don't overdo these 'good'

fats you'd be okay. We all need some fat in our diet, and the 'good' ones are

the ones we should have - in moderation if one is slimming. I'd agree of

course that saturated fats and trans fats are to be avoided or at least kept

down to a dull roar, remembering that there are vegetarian members on this

list as well as vegans and that they will be eating some dairy - preferably, for

slimming purposes as well as health reasons, in low-fat versions, naturally!


As for good and not bad carbs, total agreement! That's soooo important.




Pat ;=)

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The omega 3 and omega 6 fats are so incredibly important, Pat. For vegans, we

don't get them in many places and those that the writer of that e-mail (So, so

sorry! I can't remember who wrote it and can't find it but remember agreeing

with what was written) are great places to get them. Vegetarians are not in the

same situation as are vegans in this area. And yes, the fats from seeds, etc...

are beneficial and can help our metabolize foods. Vegans who do not eat these

things can find themselves in trouble by not getting the omega 6 and omega 3

fats (needed for brain functions for one and not readily found in a vegan diet)

that are needed for their bodies to function. I specifically try to incorporate

foods that contain those fats as well as B-12 and work my way of eating around

that incorporation. It is not immediately known when the adverse effects of too

little of these substances in our diets take hold. The symptoms may not show up

for years. Better to be proactive than reactive, I think (yeah, I do that every

now and then too! ;o) ).


God's Peace,




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Hi there, Gayle.


> The omega 3 and omega 6 fats are so incredibly important, Pat. For

vegans, we don't get them in many places . . .


Totally agreed - never said a word against omega 3 and 6 and certainly not

for vegans. Very very important, as you say.


You wrote:

>Vegetarians are not in the same situation as are vegans in this area.


Agreed. My answer to Scott's message (#3344) was in regard to new member

Laura,however, who is a vegetarian, not a vegan, who is trying to lose weight.

Scott was arguing that it is better to give up dairy for the reasons of 'bad

fat' as

well as AR reasons. He said we shouldn't be concerned with 'low-fat' diet at

all, and I reminded him that this was indeed a low-fat last. It is. Of course,

there are 'good' and 'bad' fats blah blah blah.


And then you wrote:

>And yes, the fats from seeds, etc... are beneficial and can help our

metabolize foods.


Yes, that's what they are saying these days ;=) What a boon. But I keep

saying, everything in moderation ;=)


You continue:

>Vegans who do not eat these things can find themselves in trouble by not

getting the omega 6 and omega 3 fats (needed for brain functions for one and

>not readily found in a vegan diet) that are needed for their bodies to



Totally agreed. Difference of course between these considerations and the

considerations of needed weight loss.


Okay, I think we are all on the same page now? LOL


Best love - to vegans and vegetarians alike -


Pat ;=)

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