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This today via Fidyl's SoFlaVegans.

Best, Pat




Call yourself a veggie?





A new survey has shown loads of vegetarians in

the UK are secretly

munching on dead animals too.


So are you the kind of vegetarian who sneaks some

fish and chips now

and then, or maybe bacon sandwiches are too much

of a temptation.


Call yourself a veggie?

3864 Votes Cast

Yes 25.31%

No 53.70%

Yes, but I eat fish 9.73%

Yes, but I eat fish and poultry 5.12%

Yes, but I eat fish, poultry and red meat 6.13%

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Yes, Pat, I would believe... I hear this all the time - " I'm vegan

except for eating fish. " " I'm vegetarian, I only eat chicken. " Maybe

it bears clarification and repeating one more time (please pardon me for



soapbox :)


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>I hear this all the time - " I'm vegan

> except for eating fish. " " I'm vegetarian, I only eat chicken. "


Yes, and polls like this don't help, do they? If a 'reliable' source sets up a


and asks how many vegetarians eat this or that kind of meat, then the general

populace is going to learn two things (at the very least):


1. A strange definition of vegetarianism and

2. That vegetarians 'secretly' eat meat


This places meat-eaters in a superior position because they, at least, don't


fibs about their status, admitting openly and honestly as they do to murdering

and devouring their fellow creatures. Wonky logic.


But the definitions - and the poll - were developed *not* by a vegetarian, I

rather think. . . .


Nevertheless, the stats are interesting. 25 per cent of so-called veggies eat

meat? In North America it's said to be 60 per cent. The four per cent

vegetarian seems to be consistent in both parts of the world.





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, " veggiehound "

<veggiehound> wrote:


> >I hear this all the time - " I'm vegan

> > except for eating fish. " " I'm vegetarian, I only eat chicken. "


> Nevertheless, the stats are interesting. 25 per cent of so-called

veggies eat

> meat? In North America it's said to be 60 per cent. The four per


> vegetarian seems to be consistent in both parts of the world.




Good morning.

Please indulge me as I add some thoughts to the conversation

regarding supposed veggies who secretly eat meat. I agree a poll

like this is interesting and gives a false and strange definition of

vegetarianism, but remember, that my physician, (main-stream America)

recommended " remaining vegetarian, but add some fish or some chicken

to your diet, to get the much needed protein your diet is lacking. "

This is the kind of information people are " fed " regularly.

Most people don't have a clear understanding to begin with, of

what the vegetarian or vegan lifestyle is. Exp: An Aunt of mine

often declared she was a vegetarian, many years ago... she had an

interpretation of the Bible that she preached to anyone that would

listen, that involved not eating animals with a cloven hoof. This

made her a vegetarian in her mind, she ate fowl and fish, as she

thought the Bible justified this.... *shakes head*.........

*climbing up on the soapbox*

I wanted to speak as to the United States and the importance in

this society of " fitting in " , of " being accepted " and the way

that 'flock-like' behaviour is taken advantage of. There are two

opposing modes of thought operating here.

1. The first being (what has been my experience) that it is not

acceptable in this culture to be different, unique, an independent

thinker. People routinely say one thing behind closed doors, but in

public will support whatever is being preached by a particular

leader. (this is not unique to the U.S.) When I honestly state I'm a

vegetarian, I am attacked with propaganda such as... " What about the

American Agricultural system, all the Beef Farmers and the Dairy

Farmers?, You are putting Americans out of work by refusing to put

your American dollar back into their industry. " I've even

heard " It's unamerican to not eat meat! " I'm accused of being

vegetarian, only to be " different, unusual, to rebel. " One person

got very passionate about the subject and gave me the classic

(patriotic, guilt inducing) ultimatum... " America! Love it or leave

it! " People generally don't want to be singled out or labeled as

different, so they will say what they think others want them to say,

rather than stand firm on their beliefs.

2. The second being (what I've been accused of) that there are

those who would say they were vegetarian, just because they want

to " buck the system " and be seen as different. It's " trendy " , to be

vegetarian and it attracts a lot of (negative) attention from main-

stream America. I've recently heard the term " near-vegetarian " which

I think speaks for itself.

My point is, It's important to acknowledge a poll like this is

going to be slanted and cannot be accurate based on the fact that

people may have answered as they thought others (society) wanted

them to or would not have wanted them to, rather than how they

themselves believe.

*climbing down off the soapbox now*...

Wow! Not sure where that came from but that felt good...



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