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How's the Weight-loss Project Coming?

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Hi, Everybody! How's the weight-loss project coming? It's May already (how'd

that happen?) and I'm behind schedule, would you believe. I have another

pound to lose to meet my secondary goal, which I should have reached (on

my calculations) a month ago. Miserable. However, I'm getting there.


I don't know about you, but I always have little goals as well as big ones, so I

can celebrate smaller triumphs (always easier to reach). My first goal was to

lose the 5 kg or so I'd gained while I'd been lying around moaning last year

with my bad back. I started that seriously early January. It was slooooooow!

My second was to get down another five kg and I'm 1/2 a kg off that. Not a big

deal, but ten kg would be 22 pounds and already I need to think about

something that will fit my bod a bit better than the clothes I'm in. So here I


after 4 months of eating more carefully, 21 pounds less than I was. Not exactly

anything to startle the neighbours, but I'm pretty happy with it, even though I

seem to have plateau'ed out.


After that? Well, I guess <sigh> another five kg - to bring me to my 'proper'

weight, whatever that might be. Isn't it a long long haul, though!


So, how're you all doing?


luv, pat

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Wow, you are doing GREAT!!!!! Me, I just finished my dd's pop tarts. *sigh*

Not putting significant effort into much but housecleaning lately. I'm actually

'spring cleaning', lol. Usually it's just something I wish I had done.

Rebecca's 1st Communion is Saturday & all 4 grandparents are arriving tomorrow

(hence the spring cleaning, lol) so this place is busy busy busy. And I've

gotten some decent workouts cleaning. If anyone has the opportunity or

inclination, Balletone (http://www.balletone.com/) is the BEST class I've ever

taken - we start w/yoga then it's quick paced ballet moves. Loads of fun! So,

I haven't lost much but I haven't gained either. And I'm getting exercise so my

clotehs still fit. But, Pat, you are an inspiration!!



veggiehound <veggiehound wrote:


Hi, Everybody! How's the weight-loss project coming? It's May already (how'd

that happen?) and I'm behind schedule, would you believe. I have another

pound to lose to meet my secondary goal, which I should have reached (on

my calculations) a month ago. Miserable. However, I'm getting there.


I don't know about you, but I always have little goals as well as big ones, so I

can celebrate smaller triumphs (always easier to reach). My first goal was to

lose the 5 kg or so I'd gained while I'd been lying around moaning last year

with my bad back. I started that seriously early January. It was slooooooow!

My second was to get down another five kg and I'm 1/2 a kg off that. Not a big

deal, but ten kg would be 22 pounds and already I need to think about

something that will fit my bod a bit better than the clothes I'm in. So here I


after 4 months of eating more carefully, 21 pounds less than I was. Not exactly

anything to startle the neighbours, but I'm pretty happy with it, even though I

seem to have plateau'ed out.


After that? Well, I guess <sigh> another five kg - to bring me to my 'proper'

weight, whatever that might be. Isn't it a long long haul, though!


So, how're you all doing?


luv, pat









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Hi Pat and everyone,


I'm afraid to report that my weight is heading in completely the wrong direction

at an alarming rate. I just seem to have lost any vestige of self-control I

once had.


I'm sure my weight gain is related to stress at work. My supervisor, who had

worked at the company for 19 years, was unceremoniously sacked at a moment's

notice back in February. It was all due to personality clashes between him and

his boss. Two of my 3 other colleagues are always trying to curry favour with

the big boss so of course they also agreed to say that the former supervisor was

'impossible to work with'. I find it so strange as my other colleague and I

always found the former supervisor very easy to get along with and extremely

willing to listen to any problems etc. Needless to say, we are now both quite

anxious for our own futures. It is especially difficult for me as I am nearly

60 and the possibility of finding another job would be almost zero - things

aren't going all that well in the Dutch job market at present.


Not only am I concerned about my job security, but the temporary 'trouble

shooter' who is our present supervisor is very difficult to work with. I'll

give you just two tiny examples but you have to multiply this by about 100 to

get a true idea of what the atmosphere is like. We have been warned that

private phone calls and computer use outside of our lunch breaks are totally

forbidden except in cases of emergency. Fair enough, but I always stuck to

those rules in the past anyway. Walter (temporary supervisor) and his wife have

recently bought a new house and they had to go to the lawyer's office one

afternoon to collect the keys. His wife rang mid-morning and they chatted

happily for 10 minutes or more about what she should wear to the lawyer's office

- clearly an emergency of the highest order!!!!!! I must add that Walter is

paid by the hour, as we are, so he is being paid for the time he is dealing with

such " emergencies " . He also just wanders out to the stairwell area to make and

receive personal phone calls on his mobile phone whenever he chooses to. We

aren't even permitted to have mobile phones switched on at work. Not only that,

he is running his own management consulting business by phone while he is being

paid for working for the company I work for. He never has less than 10 incoming

calls per day.


One other thing that really bugs me is that Walter walks casually behind our

desks at 12:29 and 1:31 to make sure we are not 'stealing' extra time on our

lunch breaks. I'd love to run a time check on him to see how many minutes a day

he uses for personal phone calls and Internet use. One memorable day he spent

at least 90 minutes in the morning locating a new fridge on Internet then making

heaps of phone calls to his wife and the dealer to get the best price and to

arrange delivery.


As I said, it's a stressful situation and I am not coping too well with it so

I'm afraid I've taken to comfort eating and I have put on a whopping 10 kg/22

lbs since the end of February. I must say that this quick and massive weight

gain has set the alarm bells ringing and I am desperate to at least stop gaining

weight. When that happens, the next step is to start losing the extra I have

put on since February. After that comes the mammoth task of attempting to lose

another 50 kgs/110 lbs to get to an " acceptable " 80 kg/176 lbs. I know I will

never be skinny, but 80 kgs is something I can only dream about at the moment.


Still, all is not lost as I am hoping that a new book and CD I recently bought

will help me with the mental aspects of the problem. The book isn't a diet book

in the normal sense but is more of a self awareness book and helps you to see

food and your eating patters in a different light. I have read about half of

the book and listened to the CD and I am hoping that I can start to sort myself

out with the help of this new approach. I have deliberately not mentioned the

name of the book as I am concerned about " advertising " but if anyone is

interested in the details I can send you a personal e-mail. Just let me know.


I'm sorry for going on for so long but it has helped me to sort things in my

mind just by taking the time to type out this e-mail.


I hope everyone else is making good progress with their weight.


Cheers from Marie in Holland.



Thursday, May 05, 2005 8:27 PM

How's the Weight-loss Project Coming?




Hi, Everybody! How's the weight-loss project coming? It's May already (how'd

that happen?) and I'm behind schedule, would you believe. I have another

pound to lose to meet my secondary goal, which I should have reached (on

my calculations) a month ago. Miserable. However, I'm getting there.


I don't know about you, but I always have little goals as well as big ones, so


can celebrate smaller triumphs (always easier to reach). My first goal was to

lose the 5 kg or so I'd gained while I'd been lying around moaning last year

with my bad back. I started that seriously early January. It was slooooooow!

My second was to get down another five kg and I'm 1/2 a kg off that. Not a big

deal, but ten kg would be 22 pounds and already I need to think about

something that will fit my bod a bit better than the clothes I'm in. So here I


after 4 months of eating more carefully, 21 pounds less than I was. Not


anything to startle the neighbours, but I'm pretty happy with it, even though


seem to have plateau'ed out.


After that? Well, I guess <sigh> another five kg - to bring me to my 'proper'

weight, whatever that might be. Isn't it a long long haul, though!


So, how're you all doing?


luv, pat







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Oh Marie, aren't office politics the worst stressors! So sorry that

you're having to deal with this. My " update " is similar to yours...


After seven years with the same community mental health agency, the new

management style that accompanied a new director finally got to me, and

I resigned. My eating is out of control. All I want to eat is cheese

and cookies (I think that nicely covers the fat and sugar categories).

The only saving grace is that I have time to go to the gym more often,

and usually go 4-5 times a week, though this week I really fell off the



Sorry, Pat, that this is not an inspirational/motivational message, but

I hope to be back on track soon. Congrats to those of you who are still

eating right, exercising, and losing weight - way to go!



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Hi Pat!


First let me sympathize with you on your back. I've suffered from

chronic back pain for the past 15 years. It sort of comes and

goes...some days are pretty good and other days I'm lucky to get up


the couch. GRRR! Then, in the past year or so I've developed plantar

fascitis (probably spelled incorrectly) in my right foot, so that


it hard some days to get much activity in. In any case, the nicer

weather is coming and I can ride my bike. I get to sit down for that!


So, my weight loss is pretty much going in reverse this past little

while. I have, I think, talked myself into getting back on the wagon

tomorrow morning. It's getting warmer every day and I can't fit into


summer clothes. So....time to smarten up!


Good luck to you!


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Hello Karen,


Thanks for your message. It certainly helps to know that I'm not alone in

feeling so stressed about my work situation. Just hearing that someone has been

affected the same way is very helpful and reassuring. Some days I feel so

" down " and guilty that I am not strong enough to cope with things. That's a

real danger signal for me as an emotional eater.


Here's hoiping that we will both have happier stories to tell soon.


Cheers from Marie in Holland




Saturday, May 07, 2005 6:49 PM

Re: How's the Weight-loss Project Coming?



Oh Marie, aren't office politics the worst stressors! So sorry that

you're having to deal with this. My " update " is similar to yours...


After seven years with the same community mental health agency, the new

management style that accompanied a new director finally got to me, and

I resigned. My eating is out of control. All I want to eat is cheese

and cookies (I think that nicely covers the fat and sugar categories).

The only saving grace is that I have time to go to the gym more often,

and usually go 4-5 times a week, though this week I really fell off the



Sorry, Pat, that this is not an inspirational/motivational message, but

I hope to be back on track soon. Congrats to those of you who are still

eating right, exercising, and losing weight - way to go!







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