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omega 3 supplements and fish

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Yes Rose,


My point of posting this article was for those of us who do not eat fish or

take fish oil supplements to realize the importance of adding omega 3 to

our diet. I've only learned the importance of this lately and wanted to

pass it on - ( I also continue to run into more research about the need for

these important oils) Luckily this group helped me find the right

supplements so I wouldn't feel that I need to take fish oil.


When I don't take a flax oil supplement I find my nails are brittle and my

hair is dry. I don't know what other damage the lack of omega 3 causes to

organs inside of my body.


As far as vegetarians and fish - I never quite understood why some people

feel fish is OK while eating other animals is not. Personally, I stopped

eating fish at the age of 4 when I realized that I was eating an animal. As

it turned out, all of my children first stopped eating fish on their way to

becoming vegetarians. (I let them chose their own path.)


Could one of the " fish eating " vegetarians explain why, for perhaps health

reasons, fish is considered OK? I'm just interested in knowing why fish is

many times considered vegetarian. Countless times in restaurants when I

have asked what they have for Vegetarians, they suggest a fish dish.





<<I don't think Aviv's original message was a prompting to take fish oil.

It seemed to be a consideration that if omega-3 is important, one can get it

from vegan sources/supplements.


At least that's what I got out of it.





Oran Aviv





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> My point of posting this article was for those of us who do not eat fish or

> take fish oil supplements to realize the importance of adding omega 3 to

> our diet.


And, as you statae later in your email, you mean omega 3 from a vegetarian

source <smile>


> Luckily this group helped me find the right

> supplements so I wouldn't feel that I need to take fish oil.


Glad we could help - I remember the discussion. We seem to have this

discussion, however, every few weeks - as if it had nev er taken place! Is there

truly memory loss from lack of omega 3 in everyone's diet? Would seem so.


> As far as vegetarians and fish - I never quite understood why some people

> feel fish is OK while eating other animals is not.


Okay. The quick answer is that fish are cold-blooded animals and somehow a

bit beneath the rest of the, er, herd. Also, some used to think that they felt


pain - I guess because we couldn't hear them scream when the hook went in

the mouth. We now know they do indeed feel pain, thanks (if that can possibly

be the right word) to recent *experiments* on pain and fish.


> Could one of the " fish eating " vegetarians explain why, for perhaps health

> reasons, fish is considered OK?


I'd really caution against this approach. Fish eaters or pescatarians are not

vegetarians really, at least not according to vegetarians who do not eat

animals, including fish and birds and all the rest. What you seem to be asking

for is an argument for eating fish for health reasons, and that is contrary to


aims of this list. Such an argument would be anti-vegetarian, of course it

would, and is among those matters which are disallowed on this list as on

nearly all vegetarian lists as being either aggressive, rude, inconsiderate

(sheesh! Have I any more adjectives? LOL oh yeah - and offensive aas well

as misleading.


>I'm just interested in knowing why fish is

> many times considered vegetarian. Countless times in restaurants when I

> have asked what they have for Vegetarians, they suggest a fish dish.


That's just lack of knowledge on the part of wait staff. Please do as most of us

do and correct them politely but firmly that by 'vegetarian' you mean NO

animals whatsoever, including ALL living creatures. Restaurants are there to

sell food. Of course, if they have no true vegetarian dishes (and sometimes if

they have) they will offer fish and, yes, even poultry. It gets quite easy after


while and, who knows, they may actually learn something, eh? LOL


Best, Pat

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Hi, this is only my 2nd post. I didn't know that the

definitions of vegan, vegetarian, and more, were so

different. I am just interested in taking

animal(cloven hoof) fat and protein out of my diet.

So I labeled myself as a beginning vegetarian. I am

also trying to lose weight. In the world of losing

weight definitions, there are no rules anymore, Fat

Free, Lo Carb, Carb Free, Sugar Free, etc. I don't

believe the general public (which is what I am at this

point) knows the difference in the words you use

whether related to diet or vegetarian. I was hoping

to get some information from this list on how to get

my protein intake up while cutting back on cloven hoof

animals and also more ways to cook vegetables. If I

am not welcome because of the words I use to describe

my eating habits and because I still eat egg whites,

chicken, fish & milk, then perhaps I should move on to

find another list that is more inclusive than this

one. Thanks, Judy in Maine




Judy, ME & NS, See our pets at http://offthegrid.fotopages.com/






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> Hi, this is only my 2nd post.


Hi Judy!


>I didn't know that the

> definitions of vegan, vegetarian, and more, were so

> different.


That's understandable. Don't sweat definitions as such - since you're new -

just concentrate on adjusting your diet for now.


> I am just interested in taking

> animal(cloven hoof) fat and protein out of my diet.

> So I labeled myself as a beginning vegetarian.


That'd be one way of categorizing yourself indeed. And many who do that

also come to taking other animals out of their diet, Ya never know!


> I am

> also trying to lose weight.


Off to a good start! This is a low-fat slimming list.


>. . . I don't

> believe the general public (which is what I am at this

> point) knows the difference in the words you use

> whether related to diet or vegetarian. I was hoping

> to get some information from this list on how to get

> my protein intake up while cutting back on cloven hoof

> animals and also more ways to cook vegetables.


Well, you should be able to do that here, certainly. Protein is in vegetables -

most vegetables/plants - but especially grains, lentils, beans, etc. Lots of


recipes in our Files and if there's a particular dish you have in mind, someone

will be happy to help you.


> If I

> am not welcome because of the words I use to describe

> my eating habits and because I still eat egg whites,

> chicken, fish & milk, then perhaps I should move on to

> find another list that is more inclusive than this

> one. Thanks, Judy in Maine


Don't go, Judy - no need at all just because we have defined vegetarian as

not eating animals! You already knew that. Just be sure that recipes you send

are vegetarian (may contain eggs and/or dairy and/or honey) as stated on the

webpage. Vegan recipes (excluding eggs, dairy, honey) also come across the

list, including how to convert a recipe from one to the other, which may

interest you if you are interested in losing weight. Cutting out Dairy -

especially cheese - cuts down on fat and eggs have cholesterol which isn't

good for some people.


As for your being welcome here - I copy in below my original welcome to you

on September 3rd, in case you have forgotten. I meant it then and I mean it

now. You are most welcome.


Best love, Pat (co-owner)

My previous message:

Hi Judy! Nice to have you here. I see that you are not yet a vegetarian, but

working on it for reasons of health - especially high cholesterol. Good for you!


This is a good group for that, because not only is it a low-fat group but many

members actually prefer to follow a vegan diet.


There'll be lots of people here to help you, so ask anything you need to know.

There are also lots of others just starting out towards vegetarianism . . .

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