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Yoga, Kick Boxing or Yoga Booty Ballet

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When exercising I am a Billy Blanks FREAK!

The kick boxing gave me a feeling of control over my own life which is

something I never felt before.

It also helped build up my confidence. I felt like I could handle

anything the world threw at me and for the first time in my life I was

walking around with my head held high.

He does a couple stretches that I will one day master. Before I went off

plan and had surgery, I was

able to kick all the way up to my hubbys head and freak him out. :-)

I have, I think, four or five different collections of Billys and love

them all.

I cant wait until I heal from surgery and can get back in touch with

Billy and his awesome workouts.

A good place to go for more input on videos is www.videofitness.com

They have all kinds of reviews that normal every day people write. I

always check that site before deciding what to buy.



Linda J Geant - ljg wrote:



> Has anyone tried any of these methods of exercise?

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Way back, I was certified in aerobics, kick boxing, etc. for 20 years.


I gave up the blinding lights, people shouting at me to follow them,

unnatural sweating in a freezing room...

In fact, I have seen a lot of injuries from these activities (knees,

lower back problems, TMJ (pounding on the spine eventually tightened

the jaws), headaches, on-and-on.


When I became Vegan, I thought Yoga was the natural progression.

It won me over.


Currently, I am certified in Sivananda Yoga, " Hot " Yoga [bikram],

Kundalini for Kids, and right now in the middle of the YogaFit program.

Loving Yoga for more than 20 years; teaching for over 10 years.


Teaching Yoga to underprivileged kids in the summer for free; working

in the hospitals for people who had surgery/accidents/haven't moved in

years has been very rewarding.


Teaching in the 'gyms' is a lot of fun.


Additionally, I race bicycles (century) and rollerblading (Georgia's

Atlanta-to-Athens - 88 miles) annually.


Yoga has enhanced my strength and stamina, as well as given me the

determination and concentration for the races and working with kids

all day in the schools (during the day I am a mild-mannered

Educational Sign Language Interpreter for mainstreamed Deaf students).


Everything that the 'other' 'gym' 'exercises' offered I got - and more

- with Yoga.

When it is combined with aerobics, like " Yoga " Kick Boxing, or " Yoga "

Booty Ballet, or even trying to combine it with Pilates, is a farce.

You either do Yoga, or you are not.

A lot of these other " hybrids " don't include breathing (Pranayama) or

gazing (Drishti), or even the necessary meditation (Dhyana).

Unfortunately, Yoga has been bastardized in the west.


Besides, I can't see myself grunting and sweating in an aerobics class

when I'm 80, but you do see 80-years + in Yoga classes!



Live Simply So That

Others May Simply Live





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>Besides, I can't see myself grunting and sweating in an aerobics class

when I'm 80, but you do see 80-years + in Yoga classes!


Well put LOL I was trying to imagine turning up somewhere for kickboxing - and


that I could raise my foot as high as my husband's knee . . .


I guess we all ought to work hard at keeping in shape, mind as well as body, but


bending ourselves out of shape from overdoing our exercise or enthusiasms. Yoga


time-honoured, and there are of course other choices for those who wish them.


people are limited in what they/we can do or should try to do - which means


exercises for some, walking for others, etc.


Me, I'd always say seek medical advice before trying anything that required


exertion and professional advice (e.g. yoga teacher) before choosing any form of


exercise/training. And I'd advise anyone I love to avoid fads and

'personalities'. <climbs

off dizzy height of soapbox and crawls back under the covers>


Best love, Pat

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Now ladies, you have to remember that there are different personality

types doing these workouts.

I do Yoga also, but I get bored quickly unless I have a lot of action in

my workout. I balance those high energy workouts with yoga and

stretching workouts throughout the week. But I prefer a workout that has

more " aggression " in it.

There is one form of Tai Chi that I like because it has quicker, sharper

moves. Otherwise I get bored with Tai Chi.

As far as being 80 and doing kick boxing, Billy has Tae Bo Gold for

seniors. And there is a woman who is over 70 in his one video that kicks

higher then I do and has more energy then I have ever had. She puts me

to shame. :-(




Besides, I can't see myself grunting and sweating in an aerobics class

when I'm 80, but you do see 80-years + in Yoga classes!


Well put LOL I was trying to imagine turning up somewhere for kick

boxing - and


that I could raise my foot as high as my husband's knee . . .

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> Now ladies


Careful, hon - some of us kinda balk at that LOL <giggling>


> you have to remember that there are different personality

> types doing these workouts.


Since you included my post below yours, I have to come in on this one. I wasn't


personality types at all - I was talking about *physical* types. :=)


> I prefer a workout that has

> more " aggression " in it.


Now this is what you'd call a personality type, right?


> As far as being 80 and doing kick boxing, Billy has Tae Bo Gold for

> seniors.


Have they no shame? LOL


> there is a woman who is over 70 . . .that kicks

> higher then I do and has more energy then I have ever had. She puts me

> to shame. :-(


Omidawg!!! Has SHE no shame! :=) Seriously, give a thought to those less

fortunate, eh?


Hey, seriously - and I do mean SERIOUSLY here (no teasing, as above!) - thanks

for writing

in. But there is such a danger of you young people <tee hee hee> thinking what's

good for

you is good for everyone. That's all I meant. It's okay to be young - we were

all there once,

eh? <thinking badk . . . thinking back . . . er. . er. . .>


Love ya - and let's ALL keep as active as we are able to be!!!


Best love, Pat :=) (oh I'm a little daemon, aren't I???)

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Young people????

Now I know this is against every rule that women have, but I have to ask

now. How old are you Pat?

I haven't been called young in years. My son and his friends actually

believe me to be way past my good years. LOLOLOL

I'm 41, 220 pounds and so totally out of shape right now. BLAH! I cant

even climb stairs anymore without being out of breath.

Now at the beginnning of last year, I was at 175 pounds (Down from 235)

and was kicking it up with Tae Bo and all kinds of other exercises. The

year before that I had my hip out of whack and all I could do was light

stretching and yoga for aches and pains. I have gone full circle. All

the exercise I manage to do now is kick myself in the rear end for

getting so out of shape again. LOL


P.S. Pat is a lady, Pat is a lady. Nah nah nah nah nah! :-P


Pat wrote:



> But there is such a danger of you young people <tee hee hee> thinking

> what's good for

> you is good for everyone.

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