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Bowel problems

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Dear Sharon,


I have never heard of this happening to a person because of there celiac. That

being said, Are his intestines twisted so that nothing will come out?? This is

what I would be wondering. Also there are many things you can do to help your

son. How old is your son?? I am looking at Agatha and Calvin Thrash's book

Natural Healthcare for your child. IT is a great book. IT has a lot of things,

but Before I send it out I would like to know the age of your child. In the


time, the Thrash's have a great web site with helpful information sheets.




then go to the counseling sheets.




treelinkr wrote:


> Has your child or anyone on the groups child have the following issues:

> My son has had regular bm's for over a year and then memorial day he

> had a weird bm with orange oily stuff coming out it looked like BBQ sauce.

> Sorry, but that is the only way I can describe it.

> I called the pediatrician and they are worthless. I called his gastro

> and they said it could be interceception(not sure of spelling)bowel and

> intestine twisted. They did x-rays and he was completely blocked up. They

> did two mineral oil and two fleet enemas in two days and very little came

> out.

> They put him out lactulose which they said had no casein in it, I

> found out within 24 hrs it did and took him off of it. They put him on

> Miralax a stronger laxative which is not really working. We are at wits end

> since he has been in and out of the local and Childrens Hospital in our area

> since Memorial Day. Nothing is working and his stomach is so swelling.

> Somehow he got some gluten. Gluten; wheat, oats, barley all tear his body up

> and the doctors have given us three different diagnosis. We know the doctor

> that gave the Celiac Disease diagnosis is correct since they did a trial test

> and wheat destroys his little system.

> Could anyone help me with this. Our next step is to go to John

> Hopkins Research Center since I hear they have a great Celiac program.

> Sorry so long, I am confused and scared for my son.

> Thanks,

> Sharon



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My son is two years old and they said it could be interceception(bowel

and intestine twisted) but it was not. He is still completely blocked up per

the x-ray at Children's Hospital.

Even the gastro doctor seems confused and unsure what to prescribe

now. We are concerned since he is having pain again and they are not

listening to us. They put him on Rocephan for four days since they thought

it was a bacterial infection, his fevers still stayed high 104.2. Finally

they came down and still pain and completely blocked.

Why they allowed us to go home thinking this medicine would work is

beyond me.

Any information is more than what they are giving me.

Thanks for your time,





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Dear Sharon,


My heart just breaks for your little son. He is so tiny. My son was 19 months

when he was diagnosed. They are so little that they just do not understand why

they are sick. They just know that they do not feel good. I do have some


to give. I am not a doctor, nor am I a medical person of any kind. I do have a

lot of medical experience, and this is what I would do, IF it were my own son.


The first thing I would do is take him off all sold food. Take him off all


soy, rice or formula. I know this sound weird, but trust me here. Then I would

give him warm water to drink all day. Warm water gets the intestines moving

really well. I would also only feed him pureed fruits, like prunes,cherrys,

watermelon, ect. Make sure he does a lot of running, because exercise gets the

bowls moving also. I would lay him down on the floor or bed. Use hot wet

towels, and lay them on his abdomen. NOt so hot that they hurt. while these


on him, use your hand to gently massage his abdomen. Do not put so much


that it hurts, just lightly. I would also buy a tea from celestial seasonings

line of Wellness teas called LaxaTea. This stuff works. My husband has


several times from constipation so bad that I ended up taking him to the ER.


when he starts to get the first symptoms, I make him drink a cup or two of this

tea. Fixes the problem in 6 hours. It is really gentle too. No pain, or

feeling like if you do not get to the toilet you will have an accident. IT has


great flavor too.


Okay all that said, this is what Natural Healthcare for your child says:




Constipation is the irregular passage of very hard or sticky stools. It occurs

in 5 to 10 percent of children. The child who does not have a bowel movement

every day is not necessarily constipated if his stools are large and soft.

There are many causes for constipation: painful passage of stool because of

diaper rash, diarrhea, or anal fissures;; poor appetite, lack of adequate fluid

intake, over-heating, fever, or other illness, inadequate dietary intake, fear

of strange toilets, improper toilet training, lack of exercise, medications,

physiological abnormalities and mental handicap, among others. Bottle fed

infants may have hard " rabbit-pellet " stools; constipation rarely occurs in

breast fed infants, although after two or three months of age some go two to

five days between bowel movements. So long as the stool is soft, and passed

without pain there is probably no reason for concern.


Symptoms include small hard stools, abdominal distention, pain in the abdomen,

loss of control of liquid stools, vomiting, nausea and lack of appetite.

Persistent or sever constipation may lead to a condition known as encopresis.


A child who grunts and strains, becomes flushed and pulls his legs up while

passing stool may be constipated. The involved muscles have not learned to work

in a coordinated fashion, and may require some practice before the do. Also

remember that lying down is not the most convenient position for passing a


You may assist the child by holding his thighs up against his abdomen. If

children cry during the bowel movement a physical cause, such as anal fissure,

should be looked for.


Sometimes the insertion of a well-lubricated fifth finger or rectal thermometer

into the rectum ay induce sufficient stimulation to cause a bowel movement in a

young infant. iF the finger is inserted, the rectal wall may be gently


much like rubbing the inside of the mouth.


Young children may be given pureed fruit to stimulate bowel function. iF the

child has recently been started on solid foods it may be well to leave them off

for a while. Similarly, if a new food has just been added and the child


develops constipation which was not present before, eliminate that food from the

diet, for the time being.


Cow's milk should be eliminated for the diet. It is a common cause of

constipation in people of all ages. Cheese, ice cream, and ice milk should also

be eliminated.


If the child has diaper rash or anal fissure these should be treated. The child

may attempt to retain his stool to avoid the pain associated with these



Adequate fluid intake should be encouraged, and fiber and fresh fruit should be

emphasized in the diet. Whole grains should be used and the child should never

be given refined foods. Raw food should be included with every meal.


Medications, including aspirin, may cause constipation. Even one five grain

aspirin tablet is sufficient to induce constipation in sensitive people. Many

other medications are also guilty of inducing constipaton--any medication should

be suspect. Even over the counter medications, such as cough syrup,

antihistamines, and decongestants, should be avoided.


Improper toilet training can lead to constipation. The child should be the one

to initiate training . The child suddenly has some control over the parent, and

some defy the parent by refusing to pass there stool. A child may not be ready

to begin toilet training until two years of age. If he is not maintain him in

diapers until he matures sufficiently to be so. Girls usually are ready earlier

than boys. Attempts at forcing the child to pass stool are usually in vain.

Feed the child foods high in fiber and keep the stool soft and bulky.


The child should be given water on arising in the morning, and adequate fluids

should be taken throughout the day. The child should drink enough to keep urine

almost colorless.


A teaspoon or two of dark corn syrup may be added to four ounces of formula if

the child must be bottle fed. Water may be offered in the bottle three or four

times a day. Prune juice, diluted grape juice, or apple juice are often

effective in producing a bowl movement.


A child who has begun solid foods may be given strained prunes, apricots,

peaches, plums, beans or peas. Mashed cooked carrots or squash have been

recommended for chronic constipation. Some children become constipated with


such as apples, chocolate, cocoa, tea, meats, hot and spicy foods, white rice


bananas.. A high fat diet may lead to constipation.


The child should be encouraged to have a regular toilet time. place him on the

toilet for 10 mins. after every meal, but do not make a big scene if he produces

nothing. IF his feet dangle off the edge of the toilet, place a box so he has

firm support to press against. This motion straightens the rectum. Success

should be rewarded with lavish praise.


Abdominal massage may be helpful for some children. Place your hands on top of

the other, beginning under the rib cage, and massage down over the course of the

colon, applying firm pressure.


Warm castor oil massaged over the abdomen is said to be as effective in the

treatment of constipation as is taking it by mouth.


Out-of-door physical activity will stimulate bowl activity in children.


See treatment section if enemas are necessary.


Let me know if you would like this information also. I will be happy to send it

to you. Let me know how it goes over the weekend. I would try really hard to

break his fever.








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Thank you very much for all of your detailed information, I have

started some of these steps today and he is gassing it all around the house

in just a couple of hours.

Any information that you can pass along will be well received and read

thoroughly since I can't take another night of my son having these issues.

I will let you know how things go over the weekend.

Again, thanks for taking the time to give me the information.





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That he is passing gas is a wonderful first step. IF it is esp. fowl means that

he will be ready to have bowel movements soon.




treelinkr wrote:


> Amy:

> Thank you very much for all of your detailed information, I have

> started some of these steps today and he is gassing it all around the house

> in just a couple of hours.

> Any information that you can pass along will be well received and read

> thoroughly since I can't take another night of my son having these issues.

> I will let you know how things go over the weekend.

> Again, thanks for taking the time to give me the information.

> Sharon



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Hooray, Hooray!!!!!

My son had a messy, watery, smelly bm around 5:00pm tonight. It is a

start and I got the Castor oil and did a treatment of that with the


I must say I was skeptical at first with exercise and everything but

as they say " proof is in the pudding " in his case bm.

Thanks for all of your help. I hope he has a couple more bm's and

then they become regular again.






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I am so happy for you. With any luck he should be " cleaned out " by tomarrow

afternoon and then become regular. Depending on what you are feeding him he

should have anywhere from 1-3 BMs a day.




treelinkr wrote:


> Amy:

> Hooray, Hooray!!!!!

> My son had a messy, watery, smelly bm around 5:00pm tonight. It is a

> start and I got the Castor oil and did a treatment of that with the

> massaging.

> I must say I was skeptical at first with exercise and everything but

> as they say " proof is in the pudding " in his case bm.

> Thanks for all of your help. I hope he has a couple more bm's and

> then they become regular again.

> Thanks,

> Sharon



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