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Fwd: Action Alert - stop wild horse slaughter - support HR 297

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" All beings tremble before violence. All fear death. All love life. See

yourself in others. Then whom can you hurt? What harm can you do? "



If you agree that a dog or cat (or a chimpanzee or lion or gorilla) is

significantly different than a book or a car or your shoes, then the notion that

they should be treated differently in the eyes of the law is common sense. That

animals see, hear, breathe and feel is undisputed — books, cars and shoes do

not. The idea of guardianship versus ownership flows naturally from the

distinction and simply recognizes it as a legal principle.

~Bruce Wagman

Co-Author, Animal Law






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Simon Oswitch

President and Co-Founder

Animal Emancipation, Inc.

California Tri-Counties

aeinc-online.org / simm_3

(805) 655-5735







In a message dated 1/26/05 10:30:35 PM Pacific Standard Time, Ninekitties writes:






Dear Friends,


Wild horses and burros helped create this nation, and are an

invaluable part of our nation's Living Heritage. As most of

you are aware, recent legislation would overturn a 30-year

ban on the slaughter of wild horses.


Now, a new law (H.R. 297) has been proposed that would re-

instate the ban on wild horse slaughter. You can help by

writing a letter of support for HR297 to your congressional

representative, and by forwarding this email.


Please write your U.S. Representative urging them to co-

sponsor H.R. 297, introduced by Reps. Nick J. Rahall (D-WV)

and Ed Whitfield (R-KY), which would restore the prohibition

on the commercial sale and slaughter of wild horses and



Letters should be addressed to: The Honorable [Name Here],

U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515. Visit

www.house.gov to identify your Representative.


A sample letter template is provided below, courtesy of the

AWHPC (American Wild Horse Preservation Council). For those

who wish to learn more, recently published information is

provided below the template letter, or you can visit the

AWHPC website at info


Thank you,

Deb Baumann


Vaquero Heritage Foundation



co-producer, Day of the Horse / Dia del Caballo









Dear Friends, Wild horses and burros helped create this nation, and are an invaluable part of our nation's Living Heritage. As most of you are aware, recent legislation would overturn a 30-year ban on the slaughter of wild horses. Now, a new law (H.R. 297) has been proposed that would re-instate the ban on wild horse slaughter. You can help by writing a letter of support for HR297 to your congressional representative, and by forwarding this email. Please write your U.S. Representative urging them to co-sponsor H.R. 297, introduced by Reps. Nick J. Rahall (D-WV) and Ed Whitfield (R-KY), which would restore the prohibition on the commercial sale and slaughter of wild horses and burros. Letters should be addressed to: The Honorable [Name Here], U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515. Visit www.house.gov to identify your Representative. A sample letter template is provided below, courtesy of the AWHPC (American Wild Horse Preservation Council). For those who wish to learn more, recently published information is provided below the template letter, or you can visit the AWHPC website at infoThank you,Deb BaumannVaquero Heritage Foundationwww.vaqueroheritage.orgco-producer, Day of the Horse / Dia del Caballo www.dayofthehorse.org==============sample template - please amend with your own words. ==============Dear Honorable ______________:I am writing to urge you to co-sponsor H.R. 297 introduced by Representatives Nick J. Rahall (D-WV) and Ed Whitfield (R-KY). This Bill reverses the amendment to the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horse & Burro Act stealthily introduced by Senator Conrad Burns as a rider to the 2005 Appropriations Bill. If allowed to stand, the Burns provision will lead to the slaughter of thousands of wild horses for human consumption abroad.Our wild horses are a vital part of our national heritage. The law that was enacted for their protection thirty years ago was the result of a greater public outcry than over any issue except the Vietnam War, and was passed without a single dissenting vote. I am extremely distressed over the fact that this law enacted by the people for the people was eviscerated without so much as a hearing or opportunity for public review.I respectfully request a prompt response from you stating your position with regard to H.R. 297 which would restore the prohibition on the commercial sale and slaughter of wild horses and burros.SignatureNameAddress=================================Tue, 25 Jan 2005 13:10:45 -0800"AWHPC" <info American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign - Action Alert! Please circulate Legislation has been introduced to reverse the Burns Amendment to the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act. As you know, the Burns Amendment opens the door to the slaughter of thousands of our wild horses. Please write your U.S. Representative urging them to co-sponsor H.R. 297, introduced by Reps. Nick J. Rahall (D-WV) and Ed Whitfield (R-KY), which would restore the prohibition on the commercial sale and slaughter of wild horses and burros. Letters should be addressed to: The Honorable [Name Here], U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515. Visit www.house.gov to identify your Representative. Please note that letters sent via physical mail make a stronger statement than emails, which are too easily dismissed. It is also more effective to personalize your letter with your own words. Scroll to the bottom of this email to see a letter template provided for your convenience.For more suggestions on how to help, please visit http://www.wildhorsepreservation.com/action.html. ===========================January 25, 2005WILD HORSE SLAUGHTER PROHIBITION MUST BE REINSTATEDWASHINGTON, D.C. - Wild horses roaming across our public lands, a symbol of the American West, would no longer be doomed to certain slaughter under legislation introduced today by U.S. Rep. Nick J. Rahall (D-WV). Rahall is the Ranking Democrat on the House Resources Committee, which has jurisdiction over wild horse policy on federal lands."Very few icons of the West remain, and wild horses are certainly a symbol of the frontier era and our nation’s spirit. To allow them to be slaughtered without exhausting all other options, such as adoption, is an affront to our history," declared Rahall.Rahall’s legislation addresses a provision inserted in a must-pass appropriations bill last year that allows the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Forest Service to essentially turn a blind eye to individuals or corporations who buy these animals with the clear intention of cruelly slaughtering them for profit. The Rahall legislation would restore the prohibition on the commercial sale and slaughter of wild free-roaming horses and burros."It has been illegal for the past 33 years to sell or transfer wild horses and burros for processing into commercial products because many Americans abhor the thought. They would be aghast to know that these animals now can and will be slaughtered so their meat can be offered on menus in France, Belgium and Japan," stated Rahall.The current slaughter policy does not acknowledge the fact that humane alternatives exist and federal agencies have the authority to carry out such actions as adoption, sterilization, relocation, and placement with qualified individuals and organizations."To suggest that an acceptable solution to a federal agency’s management dilemma is commercial slaughter is an irresponsible approach to our public lands and the wildlife that roam them," said Rahall.The federal government has a mediocre record in enforcing wild horse and burro protection laws. But instead of addressing these long-term and widespread management problems, the recent change is simply a quick and dirty fix. Under the guise of "managing" these living symbols of the American West, the agency is now permitted to allow the slaughter of animals that they had been previously charged with their protection. "A public outcry has again begun across the United States over the change in law that now allows this disgraceful deed. We need to act before it is too late for thousands of these animals," concluded Rahall.On behalf of the horses, thank you for your continued support,The AWHPC Teamwww.wildhorsepreservation.com

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