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Welcome to the latest update of the Andressohn family, who was struck down

by the State of Florida for feeding their children living food and partaking

of a living food lifestyle! Great things are happening as we're getting

closer to reuniting the children with their parents full time! Yes indeed,

you did read that correctly! Read on.








Last we had heard, the Andressohns were able to have supervised visitation

of one hour per week at a government facility. This is a facility where all

of the interactions are monitored between the parents and the children. This

started on January 10th, when Joseph and Lamoy were first allowed to visit

their four beautiful children after 30 months of not seeing or hearing from

them. Ask yourself how you would handle such an upset in your life, i.e.,

your children being wrongfully stolen from you! Even though the Andressohns

felt wrongfully accused, they followed every requirement to the letter of

the law, knowing that this would be the only way to get the children back

into their loving home.










Joseph has been working in lawn care, keeping his hands and feet as close to

mother earth as possible. He's working with a neighbor, and now sees the

value of turning this God-given talent into a livelihood. Joseph wants to

venture out on his own to create a structured business making relationships

with different clients, allowing him to generate an income for his family.

However, his Toyota van seems to be challenged with some minor transmission

problems, and he could sure use your help. We'll share an address to send a

love offering regarding the repair of his van.




Lamoy has now taken her skills of preparing living food into building her

own client base, teaching and coaching people how to achieve total wellness.

Lamoy is a true pioneer and a woman with many skills. And she does all of

this while still taking care of her 11-month-old beautiful baby girl, Joyah.








Joyah is still breast feeding after 11 months, and weighs a whopping 16.5

lbs. I heard her cooing in the background today as I spoke to Lamoy. Dr

Flora tells me that Baby Joyah is doing perfectly fine. Keep reading so you

can discover how to see pictures of Joyah and all the Andressohn children!.








When asking the other children if they want to come back and live with their

parents, their answer was this: " We would like to live with you and Aunt

Mary 50/50. When asked why they still want to live with Aunt Mary, their

answer was, " We like the food better at Aunt Mary's. " Note: Two of the

children said these things. One wants to come home full time, under any

conditions. Now, I don't know what you're thinking, but I smell some serious

programming going on. Remember, these children have been with Aunt Mary for

almost 3 years, and there were many times Aunt Mary seemed to be against the

Andressohns during the original trial. Why did this happen? It's my opinion

that she fell in love with the children because of their likable nature, and

didn't know how to let go. This is another fine example of what living food

and agape love will do for children raised in a loving home. Maybe Aunt Mary

couldn't get her children to behave or respond to her love, because they

were partaking of the wrong fuel for their precious bodies. It really

doesn't matter, because there is no greater attraction than the love from

your own real parents. The Andressohns know their true agape love will win

over the temptation and addictions of food! In relating to the Andressohns

lately, Aunt Mary has been much more positive. Please pray for this





(Note: When the court asked one of the children to share what their top four

favorite foods were, he said, " Baked potato, baked yam, roasted corn and

soft shell tacos. " )








Last Tuesday, April 18th, the Andressohns were once again in the hot seat,

placing their lives in the court's hands. They were pleading with the court

to allow them an extra hour each week. After the judge listened to all the

testimony, she granted them this extra hour. BUT WAIT.that's not all! She

also granted the Andressohns full weekends with their children, starting at

the end of May, when school gets out. This is wonderful news, but shouldn't

we be asking when they will be totally reunited? Well, it seems the judge

was ahead of us, reading our minds, as she ordered that the children will be

reunited with the parents full time at the end of the summer, just before

they go back to school.




If some of you remember some of the facts from the original story, you will

clearly remember Dr. Lambert lying to the courts in the very first days,

when he blatantly said the children had rickets. This day the judge asked

him how he felt today about this case and the Andressohns, and he told the

court, " Even though I was on the opposite side, Joseph and Lamoy always gave

me the time of day, no matter what was going on. " He then went on to ask the

judge PLEASE to return the children to these parents, as this has gone on

long enough. He also added that they were very capable to take care of their

children. It's amazing once again to see love at work, even when the

Andressohns had every reason to be totally disgusted with this misinformed

doctor. Instead, they tapped into God as their source, and showed love for

the enemy, knowing they would prevail. It's not often " anyone " in this world

does a 180, and especially a doctor standing in a courtroom, under oath.

This is truly a powerful example of what God can and will do for you when

you love your enemies. If there is one thing I have learned from both Joseph

and Lamoy, it is about humility and pure agape love. Whenever I'm feeling

down, or a victim of life, I just have to pick up the phone and get a good

dose of these two wonderful qualities from these beautiful souls.




With that said, we still desire help to pay Dr. Flora for all the money she

put up regarding the bail. (125,000) You may go to

http://www.rawfriends.com/donations.htm and share your heartfelt donation

with us and receive a gift of equal value. Or you can just donate from your

heart. You may also donate directly to Dr Flora at this address.




Dr. Flora Van Orden


PO Box 900963


Homestead, FL 33090






If you would like to donate directly to the Andressohns for help in

repairing their van, this would be most helpful allowing Joseph to forge

ahead to build his lawn care business and give the family some stability.




Please send your donations for the van to this address.




Joseph Andressohn


10740 SW 175th street


Miami FL 33157




If you have questions or would like to speak to the Andressohns please

e-mail me and I'll get you in touch with them! They love getting support

from new people and are wonderful to converse with.










Even though this all looks good on paper, we still desire some help

achieving certain conditions of the court. The court has requested that the

Andressohns have three items secure in their life before bringing the

children back home. This is where YOU come in!!! First and foremost is solid

work, toward which both Joseph and Lamoy have been diligently working. They

have the desire to work, and, as I shared earlier, Joseph is striving to be

in business for himself. This brings up the second stipulation, which is a

reliable vehicle. The vehicle is needed for many reasons, and most

importantly to provide safety and reliability for the children as a family

unit. Lamoy will also use the van when she has to deliver her living food to

some of her clients, and Joseph will need this vehicle to transport some of

his tools for his lawn care business. As you can see, many aspects of their

life surround a reliable vehicle, so I once again urge you to consider

donating directly to this cause. Last on the list, and surely not the least,

would be adequate housing. Joseph and Lamoy are very confident they can and

will provide a wonderful loving environment in a home that's good for

everyone. The best way to do this is having a reliable vehicle, so the

burden of a breakdown is no longer an issue.








When I was speaking to Lamoy today, we were sharing about what a journey

this has been, and it's far from over. Even though they have been SO blessed

with many wonderful gifts and people, Lamoy has asked for your prayers

regarding the appeal of the neglect charges. Super powerhouse attorney

Justice Fields is back in the game, writing briefs for the appeal, every day

knowing we're coming closer and closer. Also remember that the judge did

appoint attorney Ellis Rubin and his partner to represent the Andressohns on

the appeal. This was a miracle in itself, and we're so very pleased. BUT its

not time to rest on these winnings and miracles, rather to step up to the

plate and turn up the heat even more. Tap into the power of God, asking for

His mighty blessings to bring justice to the Andressohns.




We have touched many lives with this case, and there are so many more to

touch. We are seed planters, just as others who have walked this earth were,

and it's our duty to continue on. Lamoy was sharing that when she leaves the

house, venturing into public places, people from all walks of life approach

her on a daily basis. They say things like, " Thanks for hanging in there, "

and " We've been praying for you the entire time. " Others will say, " It's

great that you are standing up for yourselves. " Lamoy tells me she is

approached by many people every day, knowing that she is touching so many

lives for the stand she and Joseph are taking.










We are prevailing, and will continue to do so as we forge ahead, but still

desire your help with all the above mentioned items. Prayer is the most

powerful item on the list, and we know all of you can pray. Thank you for

your prayers. Secondly is your heartfelt donation for the Andressohns,

allowing them the flexibility to bring their van to safe standards, thus

allowing them to conform with the court's stipulation that they have a

reliable vehicle. And, thirdly, we would ask that you think about anyone in

the Miami area who may be able to help the Andressohns directly with some of

their challenges. Maybe you know someone who owns a vehicle and would donate

it to the Andressohns. The donator would receive a much larger tax break

from a donation than from selling the vehicle to a private party.




On a final note, Lamoy asked me to thank personally each and every one of

you for your support, and mostly for your prayers!








Go here <http://www.villagephotos.com/pubbrowse.asp?folder_id=1658644>

FAMILY PICTURES to view the family!








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Steven Gibb


www.rawfriends.com <http://www.rawfriends.com/>




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PO BOX 415


Riverside, IL 60546







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