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gelatin-free candy corn

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Do any of you know a brand name of candy corn that doesn't contain

gelatin? I attempted to purchase some tonight, but the only kind that

were available were Brach's which contain gelatin. I was hoping

someone would have some info so I could find some online to order in

time for Halloween.

Thanks in advance for any info,

karen :)

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I asked this over on the QV2 list just this past week.

Some of the members assured me they buy non-geletin

candy corns, but I don't think they mentioned any brands.

If you are a member there you can press the issue and

ask for details. Now I am hoping I can find some non-geletin

candies, too. Brach's is usually the predominant brand.


~ PT ~


The control center of your life is your attitude.

~ Tiffany Merchant


, " bluetulipz "



> Do any of you know a brand name of candy corn that doesn't contain

> gelatin? I attempted to purchase some tonight, but the only kind


> were available were Brach's which contain gelatin. I was hoping

> someone would have some info so I could find some online to order


> time for Halloween.

> Thanks in advance for any info,

> karen :)

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