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Mob Mentality

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One of my biggest bugbears these days is feeling like I am being

constantly punished by the idiot majority for being vegetarian.


I was feeling a little bit down the other week and scouring the

supermarket for a pick-me-up (please keep in mind that in the UK we

have practically NONE of these wonderful sounding alternatives

mentioned on this board) - I swear one day I will EXPLODE in the

supermarket from sheer frustration.


I think most people on this site are vegan and so disapprove of milk

chocolate anyway. I've never really had a tooth for it (which is

great 'cos it's almost as if my body has instinctively known to avoid

eating animal products) still, once in a blue moon my eyes will stray

to a bar - they almost all seem to have Whey or E471 in them and it's

so hard to keep from screaming.

All the brand name herbal supplements are in gelatin capsules as well

which is very annoying. I just don't think the makers are really

thinking it through.

Don't they think that vegetarians get depressed?? Surely we are

amongst the most likely to be driven to it!


Well, they say no GOOD deed goes unpunished I suppose.


As to the people who say things like " but plants are alive so you

might as well just eat meat and be done with it " short of becoming a

breatharian at least we are doing something.

I read a good retort to that somewhere on this board previously about

classifying things with spinal columns etc as being truly " alive " .


But take heart Kel, I always find strength in knowing that whatever

frustrating obstacles get thrown at us for making ethical choices I

am suffering considerably less than many animals (and people) every



Perhaps it would be a good idea to look up some famous/historic

vegetarians (Socrates, Immanuel Kant, Leonardo Da Vinci, George

Bernard Shaw, amongst so many others, have battled the prejudice much

more eloquently than I).


Just an idea, what does everyone think about possibly getting

together a collection of our favourite veggie related quotes?




, kheli@c... wrote:

> I became a vegetarian in May of this year due to a spiritual type

epiphany. I have since learned all the other benefits. Lately I have

been getting alot of prejudice. I can't believe how often people try

and tell me whats wrong with being vegetarian. I just nod and say

nothing, but WOW. Have any of you experienced this??

> Another question. Someone was discussing Krshna and how they do not

use garlic or onions in their cooking, Why?? This was about a month


> Thank you Kel

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My husband has two " favorite " sayings when someone is going on about something,

or spouting on something about which they think they know it all -- and don't,

or is unbearably boring. They are, " Oh, really, " and " Amaaazing. "


Keeps him from losing his temper and making a comment which would inevitably

extend a conversation he doesn't want to have with someone he doesn't want to

converse with (sorry, poor grammar)!


Paula J.

Tulsa, OK



, kheli@c... wrote:

> I became a vegetarian in May of this year due to a spiritual type

epiphany. I have since learned all the other benefits. Lately I have

been getting alot of prejudice. I can't believe how often people try

and tell me whats wrong with being vegetarian. I just nod and say

nothing, but WOW. Have any of you experienced this??

> Another question. Someone was discussing Krshna and how they do not

use garlic or onions in their cooking, Why?? This was about a month


> Thank you Kel



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Hi there Oneira - Resident herb lover here. Sorry to hear about the

trials and tribulations you face. (I lived in Eire for a year, I

know how tough it can be to be veggie over in the Isles.)


If you're looking for herbal pick-me-ups, it's actually better to

avoid capsules anyway - they get broken down in the intestines and

don't do as much for the whole you. The best thing to do is have a

tea or infusion of the herb - for the blues, try St. John's Wort or

Passionflower. You can find dried herbs in natural stores or online

(I use blessedherbs.com, but there might be some UK based ones).

Just fill a tea ball w/ the dried herb, let it steep awhile and





, " Oneiro "

<tentaclesofdoom> wrote:

> > All the brand name herbal supplements are in gelatin capsules as


> which is very annoying. I just don't think the makers are really

> thinking it through.

> Don't they think that vegetarians get depressed?? Surely we are

> amongst the most likely to be driven to it!


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I share many of your frustrations. I somedays find it quite

difficult to remain even slightly pleasant when confronted

with the idiotic responses I get when people discover I am

a vegetarian. This weekend a guy said he would like it if

we all went out to a lobster dinner and I politely declined the

invitation as I am not one that eats the flesh of dead animals.

He laughed and said, " Well lobsters are not animals, they are

crustations (sp) ! " I explained that they were seaLIFE and I was

not interested in taking their life just to eat them. Then you can

all probably guess the next line in this scene, " Well plants are

alive and you still eat them, so you are killing plants! " Well gee

wiz Goober, I mus be one plum stoopit gal not to know thet one.

I guess I jus been beezin silly. Thanks a heap fer settin me

straight! NOT! *lol* Oh well... I wanted to say that but didn't.

I just politely told him I had to survive on some manner of food

and I had made the decision a while ago that I would allow myself

to only kill plants to obtain that nourishment, but that in no way

do I disagree that plants are indeed sentient life.


I thought the UK had quite a few meat replacement items and

that they were veggie friendly; at least more so than the US.

That is a bummer if they aren't.


I would be happy to put all of our vegetarian related quotations

into one file so everyone would have a reference for them. Feel free

to post them and I will gather them up as they appear. Good idea. :)


~ PT ~


People travel to wonder at the height of mountains, at the

huge waves of the sea , at the long courses of rivers, at the

vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the

stars; and they pass by themselves without wondering.

~ Saint Augustine (354-430)


, " Oneiro " <

tentaclesofdoom> wrote:

> One of my biggest bugbears these days is feeling like I am being

> constantly punished by the idiot majority for being vegetarian.


> I was feeling a little bit down the other week and scouring the

> supermarket for a pick-me-up (please keep in mind that in the UK we

> have practically NONE of these wonderful sounding alternatives

> mentioned on this board) - I swear one day I will EXPLODE in the

> supermarket from sheer frustration.


> Don't they think that vegetarians get depressed?? Surely we are

> amongst the most likely to be driven to it!


> As to the people who say things like " but plants are alive so you

> might as well just eat meat and be done with it " short of becoming


> breatharian at least we are doing something.

> I read a good retort to that somewhere on this board previously


> classifying things with spinal columns etc as being truly " alive " .


> Perhaps it would be a good idea to look up some famous/historic

> vegetarians (Socrates, Immanuel Kant, Leonardo Da Vinci, George

> Bernard Shaw, amongst so many others, have battled the prejudice


> more eloquently than I).


> Just an idea, what does everyone think about possibly getting

> together a collection of our favourite veggie related quotes?

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They are, " Oh, really, " and " Amaaazing. "


That's great. I love it!





Paula Joseph Johnson

Tuesday, November 04, 2003 6:15 AM

Re: Mob Mentality



My husband has two " favorite " sayings when someone is going on about

something, or spouting on something about which they think they know it all --

and don't, or is unbearably boring. They are, " Oh, really, " and " Amaaazing. "


Keeps him from losing his temper and making a comment which would inevitably

extend a conversation he doesn't want to have with someone he doesn't want to

converse with (sorry, poor grammar)!


Paula J.

Tulsa, OK



, kheli@c... wrote:

> I became a vegetarian in May of this year due to a spiritual type

epiphany. I have since learned all the other benefits. Lately I have

been getting alot of prejudice. I can't believe how often people try

and tell me whats wrong with being vegetarian. I just nod and say

nothing, but WOW. Have any of you experienced this??

> Another question. Someone was discussing Krshna and how they do not

use garlic or onions in their cooking, Why?? This was about a month


> Thank you Kel


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People usually don't get harrassed for a dietary restriction if

they're following a religious doctrine (ie. kosher). So, if the

meatheads are punishing you, it's probably because on some

(unconscious) level, your refusal to eat brutally slaughtered animals

makes them feel guilty. So just go right on chomping your veggie

foods in front of them; besides, it's not as if they EVER have the

courtesy to not in meat in front of vegetarians.


As for candy bars, I believe dark chocholate (i.e. mounds) is usually

vegan; although, it tends to be bitter. They make soy chocholate

bars, but they're very hard to find.


They make gelatin capsules because it's cheap. unfortunately, the

govts subsidize livestock so all animal products are WAY cheaper than

they would be in a free enterprise market.


As for the " plants are alive /sentient too " argument, it's pure crap,


(A) if true, it is an argument for going fruitarian, not for eating


(B) livestock eat plants, so by eating meat you will always consume

more plants indirectly

© Everything scientists know about pain / emotion seems to point to

the requirement of a nervous system (not necessarily a spine- because

many sea creatures lack one) but at least nerves and the

neurotransmitter " substance p " ), which all plant life lacks.


So uh, tell them to put that in their pipe and smoke it!

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Hi Jigilou,


it was indeed St John's Wort I was after, Passionflower is good for

insomnia too isn't it? Must look into that one more.


Up till now the only veg*n version I'd found in Holland & Barratt was

a liquid extract that you have to mix with water, tastes quite

pleasant - slightly nutty (I wonder what would happen if anyone tried

selling St John's Wort beer??) but paying twice as much as for any of

the others for half the amount of uses left a bad taste in my mouth.


Perhaps I should stick to using that one in future then if it is

better than capsules? Finding cheap store-brand own tablets was

cheering though.


>I lived in Eire for a year, I know how tough it can be to be veggie

>over in the Isles.)


It is admittedly much worse trying to find anything veggie in Ireland

(and Scotland), they tend to fry everything in lard and dripping. I

suppose that's to be expected from farming regions.

Oddly enough my tiny Welsh university town was very veggie friendly -

(a lot more so than London!) even though the local shops had signs in

their windows supporting eating beef throughout the BSE outbreaks and

most of the locals were farmers it was so easy to find veggie-foods

impossible to find in a city, weird.

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lol, thats a great answer!


, " Paula Joseph Johnson "

<welshaires@q...> wrote:

> My husband has two " favorite " sayings when someone is going on

about something, or spouting on something about which they think they

know it all -- and don't, or is unbearably boring. They are, " Oh,

really, " and " Amaaazing. "

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