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Weight on a Vegetarian Diet

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Hello All,


How do you y'all maintain your weight on a vegetarian diet? I'm

constantly getting bombarded with Pro-Atkins/South Beach diet propaganda

from co-workers and magazines. Increasingly, it seems as though the

people around me have gone diet crazy!


My question for you all: Do you count calories/portions? eat moderately?

eat horribly? Do you care about your weight? Are you overweight,

underweight, or...perfect?


Xuan Mai

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I have actually gained weight since having become a vegetarian. I

don't know what's up with that! It must be all the carbs,

huh??? ;)

I too am sick of the Pro-Atkins BS and of hearing about it from

everyone I know who is on it and seeing all the new " low-carb " food

items and sections in the stores. The one thing that makes me feel

better about it is to equate it with the " low-fat " fad of the 90's.

Remember all the low fat stuff out there? It seems to have

disappeared. I just hope that all this Atkins diet stuff is a

passing fad. I don't doubt that people lose weight, but I can't see

where eating all that meat can be at all good for one's body.





, Xuan Mai Ho

<xuanmai@p...> wrote:

> Hello All,


> How do you y'all maintain your weight on a vegetarian diet? I'm

> constantly getting bombarded with Pro-Atkins/South Beach diet


> from co-workers and magazines. Increasingly, it seems as though


> people around me have gone diet crazy!


> My question for you all: Do you count calories/portions? eat


> eat horribly? Do you care about your weight? Are you overweight,

> underweight, or...perfect?


> Xuan Mai

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I did do the Zone diet, as a vegetarian, and lost 30 pounds. They base their

diet more on a diabetic diet. And you can find vegetarian cookbooks based on

the Zone at the library.


Having said that, I now refuse to diet anymore. I'm fed up (pun intended) with

the diet craze, and the constant focus on body image. I am a bit overweight,

but I also have a thyroid condition that put those pounds on. I have to be

realistic. I have a wheat gluten allergy, so have been eating differently from

before. More veggies, a bit of protein, and very little breads. I feel better,

and my body is changing shape for the better. I do T'ai Chi and some

self-defense techniques, which help to burn fat and tone my body. I now focus

more on the health of my body rather than the weight of it, and I'm much happier

for it. I feel that I have finally come to a balance.





Xuan Mai Ho

Thursday, November 13, 2003 11:38 AM

Weight on a Vegetarian Diet



Hello All,


How do you y'all maintain your weight on a vegetarian diet? I'm

constantly getting bombarded with Pro-Atkins/South Beach diet propaganda

from co-workers and magazines. Increasingly, it seems as though the

people around me have gone diet crazy!


My question for you all: Do you count calories/portions? eat moderately?

eat horribly? Do you care about your weight? Are you overweight,

underweight, or...perfect?


Xuan Mai


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hi xuan mai,


this is what i do for a living (personal trainer/nutritional counselor), so i

thought i'd throw in my two cents.


weight loss is a very simple equation (eat less, exercise more), and is also

a relatively slow process (it's not a healthy thing to lose more than 2 pounds

per week, and that's pushing it). most americans are used to a " get it now "

lifestyle, and aren't willing to wait any period of time to lose weight.

that is why the creators of all those diet plans out there are millionaires--

they all claim to have a magic bullet.


the fact of the matter is, all diets work.








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I have always been up and down with my weight; it runs in my dad's

side of the family. And no matter what type of food I'm eating, if

I'm not exercising or starving myself, I'm not losing weight.

However, I've recently learned that weight in itself doesn't matter.

Our bodies/metabolism change as we get older and we just have to

learn what works best for each of us. What's most important is that

we are healthy. I met someone who can walk a marathon in 6 hours and

she's not skin and bones; in fact she's over 50 and in some eyes

might be considered overweight (not obese).


These Atkin/ " low-carb " diets are working because it's moving people

away from the typical American diet, which consists of white/ultra

processed everything, including lots of sugar, i.e. high fructose

corn syrup. Also the quantity and times of day you eat could make a

difference. I've started something new which is helping me not

overeat. I try to eat throughout the day; Breakfast, a snack, lunch,

a snack and dinner. When I don't eat a snack before dinner, I find I



Being a vegetarian doesn't automatically make you a healthy person.

Take a look at your diet, keep a journal of everything you eat, read

labels. You may find that there are items that could be substituted

for something healthier.


Not everyone can be a perfect size 6 and besides I love my hips!





, Xuan Mai Ho <xuanmai@p...>


> Hello All,


> How do you y'all maintain your weight on a vegetarian diet? I'm

> constantly getting bombarded with Pro-Atkins/South Beach diet


> from co-workers and magazines. Increasingly, it seems as though the

> people around me have gone diet crazy!


> My question for you all: Do you count calories/portions? eat


> eat horribly? Do you care about your weight? Are you overweight,

> underweight, or...perfect?


> Xuan Mai

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I'm overweight. Right now i'm 257 pounds at 6'1.5 " .... i have ALWAYS been big,

pre-veg and post. Largest was 300. Now i maintain a lower weight but still want

to lose some. When i am being more careful about my diet i follow weight

watchers. I don't like to have a diet plan tell me i can't have something. I

choose to not eat meat because i don't like it. But i LOVE potatoes and such and

for me being told i can't have something just really sets me up for failure. So,

if you need to lose some weight and are vegetarian i recommend WW. Once you get

the hang of it you learn how to make better choices. Or, just don't eat

processed junk... that works too. I, personally, LOVE processed junk! It's one

of my most horrid habits ;o)




Xuan Mai Ho

Thursday, November 13, 2003 1:38 PM

Weight on a Vegetarian Diet



Hello All,


How do you y'all maintain your weight on a vegetarian diet? I'm

constantly getting bombarded with Pro-Atkins/South Beach diet propaganda

from co-workers and magazines. Increasingly, it seems as though the

people around me have gone diet crazy!


My question for you all: Do you count calories/portions? eat moderately?

eat horribly? Do you care about your weight? Are you overweight,

underweight, or...perfect?


Xuan Mai


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I'm nearly Vegan, and I've now lost 30 lbs. since

going Veg. in March. I don't really watch what I eat,

and I really eat more vegetable fat (Olive Oil,

avocado, flax seed goop for baking, Vegan margarine,

full-fat tofu, etc. which are good for you, but I eat

more than I should) than I should for weight loss

purposes. But I don't eat any dairy (including

cheese) or eggs.


Atkins is INCREDIBLY bad for your health. Although

recent studies have indicated that Atkins can lower

cholesterol in the short term (as long as the person

is losing weight), super-high protein diets like

Atkins lead to increased risk of heart disease and

cancer in the long term, not to mention Ostioporosis,

bad breath and chronic constipation. For more info,

check out http://www.atkinsdietalert.org/.


I minimize the amount of PROCESSED carbs I eat. I

rarely eat processed sugar, bleached flour or white

rice, for instance. And I eat a lot of whole grains

like spelt, quinoa, brown rice and buckwheat. I also

eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. I eat

potatoes, but I've pretty much eliminated french

fries. The only supplement I regularly take is B12 in

a sublingual tablet. For calcium and iron, I eat a

lot of broccoli, Brussels sprouts and leafy greens.


I didn't go Veg for weight loss purposes, but it's

been a pleasant side effect. Obviously, you don't

necessarily lose weight on a Vegan diet, since a lot

depends on what you eat, how much of it you eat, how

active you are, and those darned genes. :-)



--- Xuan Mai Ho <xuanmai wrote:

> Hello All,


> How do you y'all maintain your weight on a

> vegetarian diet?




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