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Roll call and dinner check-in (just for fun)

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Hi, I'm Mary Ann and have been veggie for approximately 10 years. I live

and work in Chicago, IL as a Systems Engineer. Last night for dinner I had

a veggie dog, smothered in sauerkraut and a garden salad.


--- ~ PT ~ <patchouli_troll wrote:

> We haven't done this for a while...

> If you want to post who you are, where you are,

> what type of vegetarian you are, (if you are one),

> and tell us what you had for dinner tonight.






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Ian, living in Aberdeen, Scotland.


Last night, soya mince with veg-stock gravy, creamed mashed potatoes,

cauliflower cheese. Banana for afters. Simple but tasty.


Stopped eating red meat quite a while back, went veggie last year.

Still use dairy products, mainly because the alternatives are rather

expensive here, but get organic milk whenever possible. Bake own





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, " ~ PT ~ "

<patchouli_troll> wrote:

> We haven't done this for a while...

> If you want to post who you are, where you are,

> what type of vegetarian you are, (if you are one),

> and tell us what you had for dinner tonight.


> PT in Southern Oregon,

> ~ lacto-ovo vegetarian kitchen goddess! *lol*

> Tonight we had a baked macaroni and cheese

> casserole and broccoli cuts with vegan

> margarine and garlic... nothing else.

> Right now I am baking a pan of Tropical Mystery

> dessert and it smells divine.

> [recipe for tropical mystery should be in the files but

> if you can't find it and want a copy I can repost it]


> ~ PT ~


> Avoid flatterers, for they are thieves in disguise.

> - William Penn

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Pat, 63, London, Ontario, vegetarian (with setbacks) since '80 or '81,

dietary vegan since early '03. Yesterday I made a spicy (love those

chillies and ginger!) stir-fry-and-rice-noodle platter with more veg

than noodles ;=)







* " I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet " - Gandhi


* " The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of

animals as they now look upon the murder of men " - Leonardo da Vinci


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K here, living/working in the Boston area. Ovo-Lacto vegetarian for

12 years, but increasingly using veggie alternatives to eggs, cheese,

and milk. It's the pizza that kills me!


For dinner, I had leftovers of a delish recipe that I (as usual)

modified to my own tastes. 'Tis yummy!


Garden Veggie Ravioli


1 TBS olive oil

1 onion, cut into long strips

1 red pepper, cut into strips

1 yellow pepper, cut into strips

1 medium zuchinni, cut into matchsticks

1 cup shredded (or finely chopped) carrot

3 cloves garlic

2 cups sliced mushrooms

4 cups marinara sauce

Seasonings to taste (I used oregano, fresh basil, marjoram, s+p)


1 package Ravioli or Tortellini, cooked according to directions


Heat oil in pan

Saute onions, garlic, and peppers on medium heat. After about 3

minutes, add zuchinni, carrots, and mushrooms. Saute until soft and

onions begin to turn translucent.


Add in marinara sauce and seasonings and heat thoroughly.


Serve pasta over veggie/sauce mixture, garnish with basil.



, " ~ PT ~ "

<patchouli_troll> wrote:

> We haven't done this for a while...

> If you want to post who you are, where you are,

> what type of vegetarian you are, (if you are one),

> and tell us what you had for dinner tonight.


> PT in Southern Oregon,

> ~ lacto-ovo vegetarian kitchen goddess! *lol*

> Tonight we had a baked macaroni and cheese

> casserole and broccoli cuts with vegan

> margarine and garlic... nothing else.

> Right now I am baking a pan of Tropical Mystery

> dessert and it smells divine.

> [recipe for tropical mystery should be in the files but

> if you can't find it and want a copy I can repost it]


> ~ PT ~


> Avoid flatterers, for they are thieves in disguise.

> - William Penn

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, " ~ PT ~ "

<patchouli_troll> wrote:

> We haven't done this for a while...

> If you want to post who you are, where you are,

> what type of vegetarian you are, (if you are one),

> and tell us what you had for dinner tonight.


> PT in Southern Oregon,

> ~ lacto-ovo vegetarian kitchen goddess! *lol*

> Tonight we had a baked macaroni and cheese

> casserole and broccoli cuts with vegan

> margarine and garlic... nothing else.

> Right now I am baking a pan of Tropical Mystery

> dessert and it smells divine.

> [recipe for tropical mystery should be in the files but

> if you can't find it and want a copy I can repost it]


> ~ PT ~


> Avoid flatterers, for they are thieves in disguise.

> - William Penn


I am in CT and I am a vegetarian that eats a vegan diet. For dinner I

had some spinach fettucine with olive oil and Bragg's amino acids and

chopped tomato's sprinkled with onion flakes and vegan parmesan


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hi everyone,


i'm susie and i live in frederickburg, va. i was

raised ovo-lacto vegetarian and have eaten that way

most of my life (there have been off times).


yesterday, my son and i had cheese pizza for a late

lunch, so we didn't really have dinner. we had some

fresh fruit (apples, pears, and pineapple) and peanut

butter smeared on crackers for a late snack.


tonight i'm gonna make falafel (i just use the

fantastic foods mix) and will serve it with pitas,

hummus, tahini sauce, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers,

and black olives.





--- ~ PT ~ <patchouli_troll wrote:

> We haven't done this for a while...

> If you want to post who you are, where you are,

> what type of vegetarian you are, (if you are one),

> and tell us what you had for dinner tonight.


> PT in Southern Oregon,

> ~ lacto-ovo vegetarian kitchen goddess! *lol*

> Tonight we had a baked macaroni and cheese

> casserole and broccoli cuts with vegan

> margarine and garlic... nothing else.

> Right now I am baking a pan of Tropical Mystery

> dessert and it smells divine.

> [recipe for tropical mystery should be in the files

> but

> if you can't find it and want a copy I can repost

> it]


> ~ PT ~


> Avoid flatterers, for they are thieves in disguise.

> - William Penn









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Jinnie Cracknell, a few weeks off 23 years old, Birmingham UK




Tonight for dinner I had a " frying pan pizza " (flour olive oil and water

formed into a dough, fried one side then topped with cheese and home-grown

tomatoes and grilled) and a slice of home made banana sponge cake.


Jinnie the Perky Goth



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Denise in Sandy, Oregon (near Mt. Hood). lacto-ovo vegetarian for

almost a year with a few setbacks early on. My partner has been a

vegetarian for over 6 years.


We both love to cook and last night he made (up) dinner. He called it

Tortilla Alfredo. It was layers of tortillas, whatever frozen veggies

we had (corn, peas, mix veg), Quorn brand chicken tenders, leftover

alredo sauce, sauted onions and garlic, shredded cheese and crushed

Sun Chips-french onion flavor on top. Baked for about 20 minutes.


Wow, it was great! James is really good at making up meals; he feeds

me quite well.

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Dave in Philadelphia, PA. (22). I've been living the vegan lifestyle

for almost a year now and have been a vegetarian for nearly 3.


I had Amy's Organic Roasted Vegetable Pizza and one Trader Joe's

black bean / vegetable burritos. Thank goodness there's frozen foods

for the culinarily challenged. Oh yes plenty of apple cider.

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hi is it possible to pan fry falafel as opposed to deep frying it. my

mom has done it in the past when she bough the stuff from this

falafal stand yet I always wonder if it was done right I think it

tasted done right lol. have you ever pan fried it? thanks Dave

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another Dave/43/single at home living in pacific palisades,ca

I'm lacto/ovo but light on the lacto and even more light on the ovo.

anyway last night for dinner. I had a bag salad of baby romaine with

italian dressing, little parmasean, and some croutons. then I had

trader joes green soy enchiladas. pretty good. then had some

chocolate ice cream for desert and of course planty of crystal geyser

water my favorit. stay cool, Dave

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I almost always pan fry my falafel. Sometimes I buy the Fantastic

brand, but usually I go to the bulk section and buy it there. You can

also bake the patties, if you don't want to do any frying.





, " Dave "

<phantombluefan> wrote:

> hi is it possible to pan fry falafel as opposed to deep frying it.


> mom has done it in the past when she bough the stuff from this

> falafal stand yet I always wonder if it was done right I think it

> tasted done right lol. have you ever pan fried it? thanks Dave

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I'm Janet from Pennsylvania. Married with no kids. My

hubby is not a vegetarian but I have been one for

about 12 years or so. I very much want to become vegan

though. I have stopped eating eggs and using milk.

Only Silk Soymilk for me now. My problem is giving up

cheese only because pizza is my absolute favorite











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