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> aussie-style salad.

> Now if anyone from this list is from OZ and has a clue what that

> means I would be ever grateful for the 411! ;)


Wish I knew! I lived there for 25 years (back in NA four years now) and

there were *all kinds* of salads! It's possible, of course, that what

she means is that she is making a salad which she fears might not be to

the taste of Americans - you know, sort of an insurance against people

asking 'Wot the hellizthat?' Anyone else got any ideas???









* " I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet " - Gandhi


* " The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of

animals as they now look upon the murder of men " - Leonardo da Vinci


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> my understanding of

> Australian cuisine is that it generally consists of a lot of meat


Yup, just like American cuisine *lol* But you know we were in Sydney for

a longish time and it was there that we became vegetarian - in self

defense, at first, since so many (almost all, really) of our friends

were vegetarian and it was easier and then happier to follow suit and

finally to 'convert' ;=)









* " I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet " - Gandhi


* " The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of

animals as they now look upon the murder of men " - Leonardo da Vinci


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I knew of your background and hoped you might give a

clue. It could quite possibly be she just isn't certain of

our strange custom of Thanksgiving day, the foods people

make often for it, and what is traditional faire here.

As long as it contains no meat, I will eat it and make

her contribution to the day feel welcome. I cannot imagine

what it must be like to be newly married and living so far

from her home up in the woods in this Pacific Northwestern

region, yet I often feel like a stranger in a strange land here

as well with the political mentality being so far from my own.


~ pt ~


This is the miracle that happens every time to those who

really love; the more they give, the more they possess.

~ Rainer Maria Rilke


, Sant & Brown



> > aussie-style salad.

> > Now if anyone from this list is from OZ and has a clue what that

> > means I would be ever grateful for the 411! ;)


> Wish I knew! I lived there for 25 years (back in NA four years now)


> there were *all kinds* of salads! It's possible, of course, that


> she means is that she is making a salad which she fears might not

be to

> the taste of Americans - you know, sort of an insurance against


> asking 'Wot the hellizthat?' Anyone else got any ideas???


> Best,

> Pat

> --


> townhounds/

> http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/

> ----------

> * " I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet "

- Gandhi


> * " The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder


> animals as they now look upon the murder of men " - Leonardo da Vinci

> ----------

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Good luck on the Aussie salad, P.T. ;=) It might be very pleasant indeed

- you never know - and have no croc or roo or beer in it at all. Some

'American' salads contain ham or chicken or fish, of course, but

obviously a salad originating on this side of the Pacific would hold

fewer terrors ;=)


Just a word: I thought I was not the only 'Australian' (well, Australian

citizen, tho not Aussie-born) on this list. *lol* Where are the rest of

you when I need ya??? At the very least we could have given this group a

real line re what an Aussie salad might be! ;=) Never mind, that kind of

teasing is usually taken pretty seriously by the tease-ee and there's

been enough stereotyping to last me a long long while. I/we'll just wait

and see and hear the verdict - the proof of the pudding/salad will be in

the eating, in this case most definitely.









* " I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet " - Gandhi


* " The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of

animals as they now look upon the murder of men " - Leonardo da Vinci


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The salad was wonderful and quite normal by our Yank

standards. She put in sliced romaine lettuce, shredded

carrots, tomatoes, chopped sweet pickles, mushrooms,

slivered almonds and tossed it all with oil and vinegar.

All of the tables had a big bowl of it and it was lovely,

as was she. She is actually, come to find out, a Kiwi-born

Aussie transplant. She was born and lived in NZ until she

was 30, then she moved to Oz and lived another 30 years,

and now she is married to this guy she met on the

internet (gasp) and has taken to the idea of living in the

Pacific Northwestern region of the USA for her next 30

years. She had a wonderfully blended accent to her speech

and I was sure to compliment her on her delicious salad.


Everyone loved the corn casserole I made and today I have

to write up four or five recipe cards; the dish was scraped

clean. The guy who " only eats plain corn " just raved about

it. It was a nice gathering and I had fun.


~ PT ~


Truth hurts.Ê Not the searching after, the running from.

~ John Eyberg


, Sant & Brown



> Good luck on the Aussie salad, P.T. ;=) It might be very pleasant


> - you never know - and have no croc or roo or beer in it at all.


> 'American' salads contain ham or chicken or fish, of course, but

> obviously a salad originating on this side of the Pacific would hold

> fewer terrors ;=)


> Just a word: I thought I was not the only 'Australian' (well,


> citizen, tho not Aussie-born) on this list. *lol* Where are the

rest of

> you when I need ya??? At the very least we could have given this

group a

> real line re what an Aussie salad might be! ;=) Never mind, that

kind of

> teasing is usually taken pretty seriously by the tease-ee and


> been enough stereotyping to last me a long long while. I/we'll just


> and see and hear the verdict - the proof of the pudding/salad will

be in

> the eating, in this case most definitely.


> Best,

> Pat

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moved to Oz and lived another 30 years,



Why do you call it OZ???? (curious here)



> and now she is married to this guy she met on the

> internet (gasp)



Why a gasp about meeting people on the internet? Would it be better

if she had met him at the bar (much safer online if you ask me)? or

at work? (not supposed to date coworkers, you know) If 2 people

are destined to meet, the universe will see to it that it happens

regardless of the method used so I see no reason to gasp or make

judgements. It's just that the method is so new and people resist

change and new things. It's already become a more normal thing to

do than it was 5 years ago. It's kind of like having friends on

this here Feral list. It's a new way to make friends and connect

with people for sure, but nothing to gasp about!! :)

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, " Sheryl " <ssarndt>



> Why do you call it OZ???? (curious here)


Slang abbreviation for Australia... even they use it. That's all.



> Why a gasp about meeting people on the internet?


It was a joke I thought all us net-heads would chuckle over.

Personally I have met some of the nicest people via this

medium of communication. Of course I also have run

across some of the creepiest of the creeps here, too.

Anyway, my gasp was a tongue in cheek poke at the folks

who aren't like us and wouldn't get it.



>Would it be better

> if she had met him at the bar (much safer online if you ask me)?


> at work? (not supposed to date coworkers, you know) If 2 people

> are destined to meet, the universe will see to it that it happens

> regardless of the method used so I see no reason to gasp or make

> judgements.



Yeow, relax. I swears I was only joshin' not judgin'!



> It's just that the method is so new and people resist

> change and new things. It's already become a more normal thing to

> do than it was 5 years ago. It's kind of like having friends on

> this here Feral list. It's a new way to make friends and connect

> with people for sure, but nothing to gasp about!! :)



I agree.


:::makes note to explain future attempts at humor:::

:::dawns on her that explaining everything would ruin any

further attempts at lite humor:::



~ PT ~


If you are patient in one moment of anger,

you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.

~ Chinese Proverb

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Hi P.T.


Glad you survived the salad *lol* and the day - and congrats on your

corn casserole ;-)








HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet " - Gandhi


* " The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of

animals as they now look upon the murder of men " - Leonardo da Vinci


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> Why a gasp about meeting people on the internet? Would it be better

> if she had met him at the bar (much safer online if you ask me)? or

> at work? (not supposed to date coworkers, you know) If 2 people

> are destined to meet, the universe will see to it that it happens

> regardless of the method used so I see no reason to gasp or make

> judgements.


I think that was intended as an ironic 'gasp' - a shock-horror kind of

gesture in parody of those people who think the way you seem to think

P.T. thinks ;=)








HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet " - Gandhi


* " The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of

animals as they now look upon the murder of men " - Leonardo da Vinci


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> Why do you call it OZ???? (curious here)


It wasn't my post, but I sometimes call Australia 'Oz' too ;=) even

though it is spelled the right/long way on my passport. I use it

affectionately and jocularly - and for the sake of abbreviation in

emails. It's commonly understood, I think. Are you Australian? If so, I

apologize for any use of 'Oz' I have made during this discussion. I

can't promise never to do it again, though, since I often feel

affectionate about Oz and yes even like to be jocular about some

Australian foibles.








HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet " - Gandhi


* " The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of

animals as they now look upon the murder of men " - Leonardo da Vinci


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, Sant & Brown

<santbrown@l...> wrote:

> > Why do you call it OZ???? (curious here)


> It wasn't my post, but I sometimes call Australia 'Oz' too ;=) even

> though it is spelled the right/long way on my passport. I use it

> affectionately and jocularly - and for the sake of abbreviation in

> emails. It's commonly understood, I think. Are you Australian? If




Nope. I'm American. I was just trying to get some clarification.

I have never heard that term before. Sometimes it's a good idea to

clarify abbreviations like that for us hard heads. Thanks!

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