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Hello from Dublin + recipe

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Hi all,


My name is Lætitia, I have just joigned your group.


I am a 27 years old Martiniquan, currently living

in Dublin (Ireland).


I have been vegetarian since I was 18 years old

and I am now truely vegan in my diet and my life



I have been a vegetarian for very long because of

my ignorance. I just didn't know about how

spoilled are the said vegetarian foods and I

didn't realise how bad I was actually feeding the

slavery condition of milions of animals by still

using products containing eggs and/or dairy.


Little by little, I switched to vegetal

althernatives and after a while I realised that I

didn't need those products at all.


First, I started making my own cosmetics. It's

very easy to make your own moisturiser creams amd

oils without any chemical products or

conservatives that are beeing tested on animals.

I also use only vegetal soaps.

I am still working on how to make my own shampoos

and shower gel, since in Europe, it is extremely

difficult to find a neutral base for gels without

any chemicals.

If any of you would like some advices on how to

do your own, I'll be happy to help.


Secondly, I harrassed a few irish banks untill I

obtained a credit card. This allows me to buy

clothes and shoes without any animal component.

When the place you are living in does not provide

such products, hopefully the internet can bring

it to your door :o)


Thirdly, I gradually removed from my diet my few

weaknesses which were tieding my feet. I stopped

buying cakes, pies and french vienoiserie

(croissants, puffs, eclairs, ...) and started

baking it myself. You'd be surprised how easy it

is to bake some nice pies, cakes, crepes and oven

bakes without any egg or dairy milk, and it realy

taste good. I stopped mouth watering in front of

dairy ice creams after I tasted the Toffuti and

lovely Mother Hemp ice creams. The only

inconvenience is the price...

I stopped buying candy and chewing gum after I

read about the chemical products used to proceed

it and present it. yaaak !


All this was the easy part, the worst obstacle

for me was to give up smoking tobacco, but I did

it. I took me about two to three weeks and I did

not need any patch, pills or any chemical

replacement. If you want to know the secret, just



That's about it, it is easy to become a vegan and

I garanty that you won't regret it. You just need

to try.


And now a recipe :o)



Lætitia <mystik


Tue, 18 Jun 2002 14:40:26 -0700 (PDT)



My usual receipe



> There is a meal that I like to do for my

European friends when they tell me that they

> never tasted any exotic food. The ingredients

are various and can change

> according to when I currently am, the quantity

can also change according to my

> guests taste. I have not given a name to it

since I don't call it, I eat it :o) The

> success of this meal depends on the freshness

of the ingredients.


> Ingredients:


> - Green or brown lentils

> - Fresh Tomatoes

> - Concentrate of tomatoes

> - 1 or 2 Capsicums

> - 1 Onion

> - 2 or 3 Garlic piece

> - 1 Banana Plantae (not the fruit but the


> - Fresh Basil, Parsley, Chives

> - 1 Pimento

> - Olive oil

> - Palm oil

> - Salt


> Preparation:


> On one side, prepare the lentils and on the

other side, prepare the delicious sauce. Brown

lentils have to be soaked in water overnight.

> - Put the green lentils into a large amount of

cold water and leave it in the water for

> at least 4 hours. Drain all the water and rinse

it with cold water.

> - Boil the lentils into a pan for about 15

minutes, rinse it with cold water and bring

> back to the boil for about 5 to 10 minutes.


> -- Fry the onion and the garlic into a pan

chopped in very small pieces (a blinder is

> welcome) with olive oil and salt until it

becomes translucent

> -- Add the fresh tomatoes, the pimento and

capsicum chopped in small pieces and

> the fresh herbs

> -- Reduce the fire to it's minimum and cover

for about 10 minutes

> -- Cut the banana plantae in tiny circles or in

tiny and long ellipses and put in the

> sauce pan with a bit of palm oil

> -- Leave it on very small fire and cover for

about 5 to 10 minutes


> - Drain all water from the lentils and put it

into the sauce pan

> - Mix the lentils and the sauce well on very

small fire and cover for about 5 to 10

> minutes


> Serve this meal with Basmati rice, on Yam, on

Potatoes, on Sweet Potatoes, with

> spaghettis, or even on some bread and you will

see great smiles on you guests

> faces...


> When I am home in Martinique, I use to fry the

bananas plantae into sunflower oil

> instead of putting it inside the sauce since

sugar and salt at the same time is not well

> appreciated in that part of the world, I also

use Fresh pimento but a full one would

> be too strong. You can easily find some

Nigerian pimento in Nigerian or Chinese

> shops in Dublin and some African vegetables as

well. Nigerian shops as the only

> place you will be able to find some bananas

plantae. If green lentils are not

> available, you can use some African black eye

beans to replace it and cook it exactly

> the same way.

> This meal is usually very filling, so don't

worry if you can't finish the pot... You can

> have it again for your next diner since it is

even better when reheated.


> I hope you'll enjoy this meal and that you

won't be too much reluctant correcting my

> grammar or spelling mistakes before publishing

this secret recipe.







Only after the last tree has been cut down,

Only after the last river has been poisoned,

Only after the last fish has been caught,

Only then will you find that money

cannot be eaten...





Help the planet each day! It's free and easy:


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Look up Dr. Bronner's castile soap online. It's a weird site but the stuff

is super concentrated and smells nice. I have the hemp one (i think?) and i

fill a small squirt bottle about 1/4 to 1/3 with the soap, then add about 12

drops of patchouli oil, and then water to top it off. You can wash your hair

with it, shave with it, and some have even used the mint variety to brush

their teeth. Gag me.



ps... nice to meet ya


happilyvegan [happilyvegan]

Sunday, November 30, 2003 5:26 PM

Hello from Dublin + recipe



Hi all,


My name is Lætitia, I have just joigned your group.


I am a 27 years old Martiniquan, currently living

in Dublin (Ireland).


I have been vegetarian since I was 18 years old

and I am now truely vegan in my diet and my life



I have been a vegetarian for very long because of

my ignorance. I just didn't know about how

spoilled are the said vegetarian foods and I

didn't realise how bad I was actually feeding the

slavery condition of milions of animals by still

using products containing eggs and/or dairy.


Little by little, I switched to vegetal

althernatives and after a while I realised that I

didn't need those products at all.


First, I started making my own cosmetics. It's

very easy to make your own moisturiser creams amd

oils without any chemical products or

conservatives that are beeing tested on animals.

I also use only vegetal soaps.

I am still working on how to make my own shampoos

and shower gel, since in Europe, it is extremely

difficult to find a neutral base for gels without

any chemicals.

If any of you would like some advices on how to

do your own, I'll be happy to help.


Secondly, I harrassed a few irish banks untill I

obtained a credit card. This allows me to buy

clothes and shoes without any animal component.

When the place you are living in does not provide

such products, hopefully the internet can bring

it to your door :o)


Thirdly, I gradually removed from my diet my few

weaknesses which were tieding my feet. I stopped

buying cakes, pies and french vienoiserie

(croissants, puffs, eclairs, ...) and started

baking it myself. You'd be surprised how easy it

is to bake some nice pies, cakes, crepes and oven

bakes without any egg or dairy milk, and it realy

taste good. I stopped mouth watering in front of

dairy ice creams after I tasted the Toffuti and

lovely Mother Hemp ice creams. The only

inconvenience is the price...

I stopped buying candy and chewing gum after I

read about the chemical products used to proceed

it and present it. yaaak !


All this was the easy part, the worst obstacle

for me was to give up smoking tobacco, but I did

it. I took me about two to three weeks and I did

not need any patch, pills or any chemical

replacement. If you want to know the secret, just



That's about it, it is easy to become a vegan and

I garanty that you won't regret it. You just need

to try.


And now a recipe :o)



Lætitia <mystik


Tue, 18 Jun 2002 14:40:26 -0700 (PDT)



My usual receipe



> There is a meal that I like to do for my

European friends when they tell me that they

> never tasted any exotic food. The ingredients

are various and can change

> according to when I currently am, the quantity

can also change according to my

> guests taste. I have not given a name to it

since I don't call it, I eat it :o) The

> success of this meal depends on the freshness

of the ingredients.


> Ingredients:


> - Green or brown lentils

> - Fresh Tomatoes

> - Concentrate of tomatoes

> - 1 or 2 Capsicums

> - 1 Onion

> - 2 or 3 Garlic piece

> - 1 Banana Plantae (not the fruit but the


> - Fresh Basil, Parsley, Chives

> - 1 Pimento

> - Olive oil

> - Palm oil

> - Salt


> Preparation:


> On one side, prepare the lentils and on the

other side, prepare the delicious sauce. Brown

lentils have to be soaked in water overnight.

> - Put the green lentils into a large amount of

cold water and leave it in the water for

> at least 4 hours. Drain all the water and rinse

it with cold water.

> - Boil the lentils into a pan for about 15

minutes, rinse it with cold water and bring

> back to the boil for about 5 to 10 minutes.


> -- Fry the onion and the garlic into a pan

chopped in very small pieces (a blinder is

> welcome) with olive oil and salt until it

becomes translucent

> -- Add the fresh tomatoes, the pimento and

capsicum chopped in small pieces and

> the fresh herbs

> -- Reduce the fire to it's minimum and cover

for about 10 minutes

> -- Cut the banana plantae in tiny circles or in

tiny and long ellipses and put in the

> sauce pan with a bit of palm oil

> -- Leave it on very small fire and cover for

about 5 to 10 minutes


> - Drain all water from the lentils and put it

into the sauce pan

> - Mix the lentils and the sauce well on very

small fire and cover for about 5 to 10

> minutes


> Serve this meal with Basmati rice, on Yam, on

Potatoes, on Sweet Potatoes, with

> spaghettis, or even on some bread and you will

see great smiles on you guests

> faces...


> When I am home in Martinique, I use to fry the

bananas plantae into sunflower oil

> instead of putting it inside the sauce since

sugar and salt at the same time is not well

> appreciated in that part of the world, I also

use Fresh pimento but a full one would

> be too strong. You can easily find some

Nigerian pimento in Nigerian or Chinese

> shops in Dublin and some African vegetables as

well. Nigerian shops as the only

> place you will be able to find some bananas

plantae. If green lentils are not

> available, you can use some African black eye

beans to replace it and cook it exactly

> the same way.

> This meal is usually very filling, so don't

worry if you can't finish the pot... You can

> have it again for your next diner since it is

even better when reheated.


> I hope you'll enjoy this meal and that you

won't be too much reluctant correcting my

> grammar or spelling mistakes before publishing

this secret recipe.







Only after the last tree has been cut down,

Only after the last river has been poisoned,

Only after the last fish has been caught,

Only then will you find that money

cannot be eaten...





Help the planet each day! It's free and easy:



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I think that you should share some of your recipes to making

cosmetics and soaps!!!




> Little by little, I switched to vegetal

> althernatives and after a while I realised that I

> didn't need those products at all.


> First, I started making my own cosmetics. It's

> very easy to make your own moisturiser creams amd

> oils without any chemical products or

> conservatives that are beeing tested on animals.

> I also use only vegetal soaps.

> I am still working on how to make my own shampoos

> and shower gel, since in Europe, it is extremely

> difficult to find a neutral base for gels without

> any chemicals.

> If any of you would like some advices on how to

> do your own, I'll be happy to help.

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Welcome to the group, Laetitia - you'll enjoy this friendly place ;=)

And thanks for the recipe - I'm saving it to try soonest. Shall let you

know how it goes.


I know what you mean about the change to veganism: one wonders why one

waited so long *lol* My dh and I have been vegetarians (with some slips)

since around 1980, but turned to a vegan diet this year. We can't call

ourselves vegan, though, since we still wear leather, silk and wool,

although, like you, we use animal-free and cruelty-free products as much

as this world allows. On this list, however, you will find all kinds of

vegetarians plus pescatarians and other non-vegetarians who like to

share their ideas and recipes ;=)








HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet " - Gandhi


* " The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of

animals as they now look upon the murder of men " - Leonardo da Vinci


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Non vegetarians !!! o(

So that's where those chicken recipes come from...

I thought I was in a vegetarian group, I guess I

don't have a my place here.


All of you non vegetarians, I hope you'll all

suffer at least as much as those chicken did.


If anyone is interrested, here is the book that

you must have in your handbag or anywhere it's

easy to reach:


The animal free shopper.

http://www.vegansociety.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=1 & products_id=126


Sorry for this sound of anoyance, but I guess I

am not going to stay in your group among people

living in favour of animal slavery.




Only after the last tree has been cut down,

Only after the last river has been poisoned,

Only after the last fish has been caught,

Only then will you find that money

cannot be eaten...





Help the planet each day! It's free and easy:




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, happilyvegan@c... wrote:

> Non vegetarians !!! o(

> So that's where those chicken recipes come from...

> I thought I was in a vegetarian group, I guess I

> don't have a my place here.



This IS a vegetarian group, but it is open to anyone. Everyone

reaches " enlightenment " so-to-speak at his/her own pace and I for

one think it's awesome that meat eaters want to be here! That means

they are curious and may one day want to jump over the fence. The

conversation topics are vegetarian/vegan and we dont' post any

recipes that contain chicken or any other animals. Some of the

recipes do contain eggs/dairy. Please don't leave. You should view

this as your opportunity to have an influence on other members.

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, happilyvegan@c... wrote:

> Non vegetarians !!! o(

> So that's where those chicken recipes come from...

> I thought I was in a vegetarian group, I guess I

> don't have a my place here.



This IS a vegetarian group, but it is open to anyone. Everyone

reaches " enlightenment " so-to-speak at his/her own pace and I for

one think it's awesome that meat eaters want to be here! That means

they are curious and may one day want to jump over the fence. The

conversation topics are vegetarian/vegan and we dont' post any

recipes that contain chicken or any other animals. Some of the

recipes do contain eggs/dairy. Please don't leave. You should view

this as your opportunity to have an influence on other members.

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Wells said, Sheryl...and what chicken recipe?

I haven't seen any recipe for chicken, aside from the

recipe for the mock (MOCK chicken meaning not REAL

chicken) recipe that Pixx posted. She posted that for

those of us that eat the soy chicken-like products and

I don't recall it included chicken in her recipe. Meat eaters

are welcome here, but they know and do comply with our

wishes and list rules that the recipes they share do not

contain meat.


Did I miss something?

:::feels a tad lost:::

I just returned from a trip to the doctor's office with my

daughter, so I might have missed a few posts. But nobody

posted a chicken recipe, did they?


~ PT ~


I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.

~ Marshall McLuhan, cultural historian and communications

theorist (1911-1980)


, " Sheryl " <ssarndt>


> , happilyvegan@c... wrote:

> > Non vegetarians !!! o(

> > So that's where those chicken recipes come from...

> > I thought I was in a vegetarian group, I guess I

> > don't have a my place here.



> This IS a vegetarian group, but it is open to anyone. Everyone

> reaches " enlightenment " so-to-speak at his/her own pace and I for

> one think it's awesome that meat eaters want to be here! That


> they are curious and may one day want to jump over the fence. The

> conversation topics are vegetarian/vegan and we dont' post any

> recipes that contain chicken or any other animals. Some of the

> recipes do contain eggs/dairy. Please don't leave. You should


> this as your opportunity to have an influence on other members.

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, happilyvegan@c... wrote:

> Non vegetarians !!! o(

> So that's where those chicken recipes come from...

> I thought I was in a vegetarian group, I guess I

> don't have a my place here.


This IS a vegetarian list. However, it is an online forum

and people from all walks of life are welcome to join,

and post, just so long as they respect that we are a veggie

list. They can be encouraged by our recipes, learn more about

vegetarianism, and join discussions we have about it.

If they wish to participate by sharing recipes, they can

only share those that are vegan or lacto-ovo in content.

Thus far all of the omnivore members have complied with

this rule and very few folks have ever needed to be placed

on moderation.



> All of you non vegetarians, I hope you'll all

> suffer at least as much as those chicken did.


I didn't see any recipe that called for chicken! One of our

active and respected omni members posted a MOCK chikken

(note the spelling~ hence a soy chicken alternative and not

real flesh of dead bird), is that the recipe that caused this rather

meat spirited curse?

I for one do not wish ill on anyone lightly and would

appreciate if you refrain from making further verbal attacks

on our omnivore members that are here in to learn and

participate in peace. Nobody should be wished to suffer;

not two legged animals (humans) and not the four legged,

finned, or feathered animals. Please let us keep that in mind.



~ PT ~


Trees are not known by their leaves,

nor even by their blossoms, but by

their fruits.

~ Eleanor of Aquitaine (1122-1204)

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Yes... but be assured they (the omnivores) only share

the ideas and recipes of a vegetarian nature!

We don't encourage or tolerate meat recipes on this list,

so no worries there; just to be clear. :)


~ PT ~


If God made the world, I would not be that God,

for the misery of the world would break my heart.

~ Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


, Sant & Brown



On this list, however, you will find all kinds of

> vegetarians plus pescatarians and other non-vegetarians who like to

> share their ideas and recipes ;=)


> Best,

> Pat/Canada

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i'm pretty sure the recipes you are referring to are

for orange (mock) chikken....using fake chicken or

tofu...not meat. there are no recipes containing meat

posted in this group.




--- happilyvegan wrote:

> Non vegetarians !!! o(

> So that's where those chicken recipes come from...

> I thought I was in a vegetarian group, I guess I

> don't have a my place here.


> All of you non vegetarians, I hope you'll all

> suffer at least as much as those chicken did.






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> So that's where those chicken recipes come from...


*What* chicken??? Never seen a chicken recipe on this list and never

expect to! I think you are confusing us with another list ;=) Any

'chicken' on this list is mock chicken, made with tofu or tempeh or

other vegetable substance.


I do think that you might give us a bit more of a chance - after all, we

like our non-vegetarian friends on this list and we think you will too.

They don't inflict meat recipes on us, you know, and, like it or not

(and you plainly don't) everyone in the world is not yet vegetarian (If

that were true, there'd be no need of the term Vegetarian) and we all

mix with people of various convictions and beliefs in what is, after

all, a cyber version of the 'real' world.









HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet " - Gandhi


* " The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of

animals as they now look upon the murder of men " - Leonardo da Vinci


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> But nobody

> posted a chicken recipe, did they?


Sigggghhhh. No, of course not. This is a misunderstanding or something.

But ya know, I was trying to think about how this came about: maybe

sometimes references to So-And-Such Brand chicken slices or tenders or

whatever (which all those who can obtain the brand know is vegetable

'chicken' not animal meat) could possibly sound to the unwary as if we

were including non-vegetarian foods in our recipes - if one

feared/expected/hoped to find that - if one were perhaps in a hurry when

reading a recipe and skipped over the words 'mock' or 'faux'.


I think it is largely a matter of trust, don't you? We are all on a

vegetarian list and we *take it for granted* that all products and

recipes are vegetarian - not necessarily vegan, but vegetarian.


Btw, I am reminded to send along my version of Kukul Mas - it uses

tempeh in place of 'kukul' or ch*cken. I'll key it in ;=) and forward a

bit later.








HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet " - Gandhi


* " The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of

animals as they now look upon the murder of men " - Leonardo da Vinci


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Hey PT


Way excellent quote at the end of your message!


I love that one!






Happy Holidays!








Monday, December 01, 2003 06:55:38 PM


Re: Hello from Dublin + recipe


Yes... but be assured they (the omnivores) only share

the ideas and recipes of a vegetarian nature!

We don't encourage or tolerate meat recipes on this list,

so no worries there; just to be clear. :)


~ PT ~


If God made the world, I would not be that God,

for the misery of the world would break my heart.

~ Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


, Sant & Brown



On this list, however, you will find all kinds of

> vegetarians plus pescatarians and other non-vegetarians who like to

> share their ideas and recipes ;=)


> Best,

> Pat/Canada





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