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Americans Make Meaty Decision


Monday, September 16, 2002

By Jennifer D'Angelo


Benjamin Franklin once wrote that he gave up vegetarianism after

seeing a small fish removed from a bigger fish's stomach.


" If you eat one another, I don't see why we mayn't eat you, " Franklin



Today, many Americans are coming to similar epiphanies, as former

vegetarians re-introduce meat into their diets.


Actress Drew Barrymore is an example of a once adamant vegetarian

who's changed her ways. " I still don't eat a ton of meat, and I don't

wear a ton of leather, but I just don't put strict restrictions on

myself anymore, " the Charlie's Angels vixen told the London Daily



Outside Hollywood, ordinary folks who once steered clear of " anything

with eyes " for dinner seem to be beefing up their diets as well.


Beth Mertz, 30, recently gave up her all-veggie eating habit after

boycotting the U.S. meat industry for five years.


" I don't think it's inherently wrong to eat meat, but I don't like

the way it's done in the U.S., " she said, citing mistreatment of

animals, hormones and antibiotics as reasons to be a vegetarian. " But

I'm back in the habit. "


Mertz said she started eating meat again on a trip to Africa, and

decided to keep eating it because she was tired of being a buzz-kill

at dinner parties and relegated to the limited vegetarian choices at



" I have leather shoes, " the San Francisco resident added. " I'm

hypocritical. "


While meatless diets have been on the rise over the last several

decades, only 2.5 percent of Americans are strict vegetarians,

according to a 2001 report from Mintel Consumer Intelligence.


Like Mertz, many born-again meat eaters go back to being carnivores

due to limited menu choices. But for others it comes down to one

yummy fact: Meat tastes good.


" I still don't eat red meat, but it's definitely more fun eating

chicken and fish, " said Peter Center, a 52-year-old dentist in Nyack,

N.Y., who was a vegetarian for 10 years to help lower his



" At first I bought recipe books and did interesting things with my

diet, " he said. " But it deteriorated into eating a lot of cheese and

pizza, which is not particularly healthy. "


New Yorker Cristina Moracho, 21, said she no could no longer hold out

while her friends barbecued.


" In high school, I was against animals being eaten, the way they were

bred just to be killed for us to eat, " she said. " But then in college

I lived in a frat house, and the guys started to barbecue in the

backyard. It smelled so good. Soon I was begging for my own

hamburger. "


According to American Meat Institute Vice President Janet Riley,

Mertz and Moracho shouldn't feel guilty about enjoying the occasional

Whopper or Big Mac.


" I wish more people knew the truth, " Riley said. " There are federal

laws regulating slaughter that ensure the animals are not treated

inhumanely. As for hormones, the use is strictly regulated. And there

are products out there that are hormone-free. "


Dieticians also say that meat, in moderation, is healthy.


" I like meat in the diet. It's an important source of iron,

magnesium, zinc, B12, " said Dr. Ruth Kava, director of nutrition for

the American Council on Science and Health. " If you overdo it you can

get yourself in a fattened state, but you can do that with anything. "


But some vegetarians remain adamant about their diet. Sarah Hellings,

24, a vegan who eats no animal products, said you'll never catch her

with blood on her hands.


" I don't want to participate in the suffering of animals, " she

said. " I feel very strongly about that. "

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does suggest they were a little shallow to start with. for the

theists among us of christian persuasion, it will recall the parable

of the sower.


i've more than once encountered lapsers, but once they understand i

don't do this for health or taste reasons (not that i feel deprived),

i think a quiet example sometimes speaks to them all the same.


was a little surprised to see two recent posts here didn't conform to

what i thought was a vegan standard, but i suppose one can always

substitute too :-)



, " dave " <dave4sale> wrote:

> Americans Make Meaty Decision


> Monday, September 16, 2002

> By Jennifer D'Angelo


> Benjamin Franklin once wrote that he gave up vegetarianism after

> seeing a small fish removed from a bigger fish's stomach.


> " If you eat one another, I don't see why we mayn't eat you, " Franklin

> reasoned.


> Today, many Americans are coming to similar epiphanies, as former

> vegetarians re-introduce meat into their diets.


> Actress Drew Barrymore is an example of a once adamant vegetarian

> who's changed her ways. " I still don't eat a ton of meat, and I don't

> wear a ton of leather, but I just don't put strict restrictions on

> myself anymore, " the Charlie's Angels vixen told the London Daily

> Star.


> Outside Hollywood, ordinary folks who once steered clear of " anything

> with eyes " for dinner seem to be beefing up their diets as well.


> Beth Mertz, 30, recently gave up her all-veggie eating habit after

> boycotting the U.S. meat industry for five years.


> " I don't think it's inherently wrong to eat meat, but I don't like

> the way it's done in the U.S., " she said, citing mistreatment of

> animals, hormones and antibiotics as reasons to be a vegetarian. " But

> I'm back in the habit. "


> Mertz said she started eating meat again on a trip to Africa, and

> decided to keep eating it because she was tired of being a buzz-kill

> at dinner parties and relegated to the limited vegetarian choices at

> restaurants.


> " I have leather shoes, " the San Francisco resident added. " I'm

> hypocritical. "


> While meatless diets have been on the rise over the last several

> decades, only 2.5 percent of Americans are strict vegetarians,

> according to a 2001 report from Mintel Consumer Intelligence.


> Like Mertz, many born-again meat eaters go back to being carnivores

> due to limited menu choices. But for others it comes down to one

> yummy fact: Meat tastes good.


> " I still don't eat red meat, but it's definitely more fun eating

> chicken and fish, " said Peter Center, a 52-year-old dentist in Nyack,

> N.Y., who was a vegetarian for 10 years to help lower his

> cholesterol.


> " At first I bought recipe books and did interesting things with my

> diet, " he said. " But it deteriorated into eating a lot of cheese and

> pizza, which is not particularly healthy. "


> New Yorker Cristina Moracho, 21, said she no could no longer hold out

> while her friends barbecued.


> " In high school, I was against animals being eaten, the way they were

> bred just to be killed for us to eat, " she said. " But then in college

> I lived in a frat house, and the guys started to barbecue in the

> backyard. It smelled so good. Soon I was begging for my own

> hamburger. "


> According to American Meat Institute Vice President Janet Riley,

> Mertz and Moracho shouldn't feel guilty about enjoying the occasional

> Whopper or Big Mac.


> " I wish more people knew the truth, " Riley said. " There are federal

> laws regulating slaughter that ensure the animals are not treated

> inhumanely. As for hormones, the use is strictly regulated. And there

> are products out there that are hormone-free. "


> Dieticians also say that meat, in moderation, is healthy.


> " I like meat in the diet. It's an important source of iron,

> magnesium, zinc, B12, " said Dr. Ruth Kava, director of nutrition for

> the American Council on Science and Health. " If you overdo it you can

> get yourself in a fattened state, but you can do that with anything. "


> But some vegetarians remain adamant about their diet. Sarah Hellings,

> 24, a vegan who eats no animal products, said you'll never catch her

> with blood on her hands.


> " I don't want to participate in the suffering of animals, " she

> said. " I feel very strongly about that. "

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, " radcsusa " <peakqstr@n...>



> i've more than once encountered lapsers, but once they understand i

> don't do this for health or taste reasons (not that i feel


> i think a quiet example sometimes speaks to them all the same.


I think you are right there. I don't push my

my dietary choices on others, nor am I very vocal

about it. But people do notice and ask sometimes,

so that gives me an opportunity to tell them some

information they might not know or some facts of

animal treatment in factory farms that people just

choose not to think about.



> was a little surprised to see two recent posts here didn't conform


> what i thought was a vegan standard, but i suppose one can always

> substitute too :-)



You should not be surprised to see some lacto-ovo

recipes included here as this list is not strictly vegan.

We are friendly and open to having vegetarians of all

types on this list, but do set the standard that only lacto-ovo

or vegan recipes be shared. :)


~ PT ~


It is much better to die of hunger unhindered by grief and

fear than to live affluently beset with worry, dread,

suspicion and unchecked desire.

~ Epictetus

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I was struck too with how shallow these people are/were in regard to

their dietary choices/lifestyles :=( But they did set a good example for

a while, and if only they weren't announcing the return to meatheadery

they might have done little harm now. As it is, it looks as if they are

saying that they have tried vegetarianism and found it foolish - except

for those who find it inconvenient, which it might be for some. (So are

a lot of things, but I'll spare you all the silly list I am tempted to

draw up - it'd probably need censoring anyway in case there are children

around *lol*)


As for Ben, he kinda missed the point *lol* but he's not around to argue

with ;=)



Pat - who only blasts out about such things on this list and similar.





HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. " (Franz Fanon)

* " Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man

will not himself find peace. " (Albert Schweitzer)

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I imagine that the actors' careers were suffering because of their

animal rights stance. Kind of like how celebs like the Dixie Chicks

and Johnny Depp got in big trouble for speaking out against the war.

Vegetarianism is unamerican.


I understand that Benjamin was rather fond of the drink, so perhaps

his mind deteriorated in his later years due to Korsakoff's syndrome.



> As for Ben, he kinda missed the point *lol* but he's not around to

argue with ;=)


> Best,

> Pat - who only blasts out about such things on this list and


> --

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" slternatives "


" choices "


ooo! they're taking a stand! stand up against the vegetarian regime! watch out

fascist veggies! we're taking back our " right " to kill animals and to eat thier

flesh for food.


it all comes down to " yummy " .




what utter, unmitigated ego. what horseshit.


i'm sorry, but i don't buy the rationalization, the excuses. (this coming from a

former paid killer for the u.s. government.) hey, at least they taught me

self-discipline and integrity along with those deadly skills.


here's a story jay leno told on " the tonight show " once:


guy pulls a california stop at a stop sign--slows down, but doesn't fully stop.


cop pulls the guy, tells him he's run a stop sign and he'll get a citation.


guy says, " c'mon, i didn't run that sign. i slowed down. "


cop pulls out his baton and begins beating the man viciously.


the man screams, " stop! stop! "


cop says, " you want me to stop... or just slow down? "


human beings must STOP killing and/or eating animals. PERIOD.






dave <dave4sale wrote:

Americans Make Meaty Decision


Monday, September 16, 2002

By Jennifer D'Angelo


Benjamin Franklin once wrote that he gave up vegetarianism after seeing a small

fish removed from a bigger fish's stomach.


<*snip* meatism propaganda sanitized for your protection... and so that this

thread doesn't stretch on forever>








New Photos - easier uploading and sharing



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--- dave wrote:

> Vegetarianism is unamerican.


It's also un-Canadian, especially if you're k.d. lang ;o). Oh, and I

can't forget to mention the big " Beef Sell " we had here earlier in

the year, during the Mad Cow scare. Boy, did I *ever* feel

unpatriotic for *NOT* buying truckloads of cheap beef to support our

Canadian ranchers...NOT!!! lol




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, " dave " <dave4sale>


> Americans Make Meaty Decision


> According to American Meat Institute Vice President Janet Riley,

> Mertz and Moracho shouldn't feel guilty about enjoying the


> Whopper or Big Mac.


> " I wish more people knew the truth, " Riley said. " There are federal

> laws regulating slaughter that ensure the animals are not treated

> inhumanely. As for hormones, the use is strictly regulated. And


> are products out there that are hormone-free. "


Well, I can certainly see why she's the vice president. I wonder if

she actually believes this??? Maybe someone should mail her a copy

of " Fast Food Nation " ...



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vegetarians and vegans all belong to a horrible, anti-American, eco-

terrorist cult. When the " green one " comes, they will all drink kool-

aid and cyanide. Cults brain wash their members by putting them on a

low protein diet. And everyone knows, there are no vegetable protein



No, there's really no valid excuse for any American, (except, say a

homeless person who has to take whatever food they can get), cannot

be vegetarian. But at least poor people might just be misinformed or

have limited access to veggies. These the rich celebs have no

financial excuses- they could afford all of the vegan food they

wanted. (I'm not saying that being veg*n is necessarily any more

expensive if you avoid pricey meat / dairy subsitutes).


, jimi 45 <jimi45_skin>


> " slternatives "


> " choices "


> ooo! they're taking a stand! stand up against the vegetarian

regime! watch out fascist veggies! we're taking back our " right " to

kill animals and to eat thier flesh for food.


> it all comes down to " yummy " .


> ?


> what utter, unmitigated ego. what horseshit.


> i'm sorry, but i don't buy the rationalization, the excuses. (this

coming from a former paid killer for the u.s. government.) hey, at

least they taught me self-discipline and integrity along with those

deadly skills.


> here's a story jay leno told on " the tonight show " once:


> guy pulls a california stop at a stop sign--slows down, but doesn't

fully stop.


> cop pulls the guy, tells him he's run a stop sign and he'll get a



> guy says, " c'mon, i didn't run that sign. i slowed down. "


> cop pulls out his baton and begins beating the man viciously.


> the man screams, " stop! stop! "


> cop says, " you want me to stop... or just slow down? "


> human beings must STOP killing and/or eating animals. PERIOD.






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Aye. I have an aquaintence who is the head of the

meat-cutting department at Albertsons, and he spews

much of this same crud; of course we avoid the topic of

meat as much as possible and agree to disagree about it.

We only got into it once when he asked why I don't eat

meat and I told him my reasons. He was lamenting how

many people of my persuasion have put out our propoganda

to children to try to convince them that meat is bad, and

he felt it was wrong and exagerated fearmongering info

we spread. *lol* Oh my!


~ PT ~


If a man does only what is required of him, he is a slave.

If a man does more than is required of him, he is a free man.

~ Chinese Proverb


, " cheryll "



> > " I wish more people knew the truth, " Riley said. " There are


> > laws regulating slaughter that ensure the animals are not treated

> > inhumanely. As for hormones, the use is strictly regulated. And

> there

> > are products out there that are hormone-free. "


> Well, I can certainly see why she's the vice president. I wonder


> she actually believes this??? Maybe someone should mail her a copy

> of " Fast Food Nation " ...


> cheryll

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