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CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is awesome!!! so, details!

how did he ask? did you expect it? hmmmmm? :)


as far as making your wedding vegetarian, i imagine that non-veggies will

grumble, at least till they taste how good the food is. in my experience,

people judge before they try. most weddings i've been to have had awful food

anyways, so yours will be a great change for EVERYONE if the food is good! my

carnivore friends complain all the time that they won't get any meat at my

house, till they try the food. then they all get this surprised look on their

faces and start making comments like, " are you SURE this doesn't have any meat


it? " :) in any case, this is YOUR day, and you have the right to make it

any way you want to. i would see it as a GOOD thing that the usual " chicken,

fish, or roast beef " choices, along with the accompanying rock-hard rolls and

iceberg salads, would be usurped.


i know that if i ever get married i plan to have a vegan wedding (although

that will make my dad and brothers really angry). i would like to have it

catered by tsedakyah, who owns the best vegan restaurant i've ever tried

(vegetarian express gourmet in chicago), or by the vegetarian dim sum house in

new york

(wouldn't that be great, to have a dim sum wedding? :) ). even though i'm

in los angeles now, and even though i'm sure i'd need to be on a major budget

if i were to get married any time in the forseeable future, i think the food

is worth the expense if it's good.


just my $0.02!








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I believe I've told everyone I personally know so I thought I would

shout out to a bunch of strangers (not really).....


James asked me to be his wife last week and gave me a beautiful star

sapphire ring! It was the most beautiful experience I was very

surprised when I found myself crying. (I've been married before and

didn't have that experience)


So, we haven't picked a date, but I think sometime around the first

of Dec. or Winter Solstice would be wonderful. I was talking to a

friend at lunch about keeping costs down, but trying to find a

caterer who can do substantial vegetarian food. Then I mentioned

going to a local brewpub (I know the events manager) and just having

beer and pizza. A guy next to me said, yeah that way we can serve a

lot of meat pizza's and just have a few vegetarian. I laughed and

told him that the majority of my closest friends are vegetarian, have

been vegetarian or are vegetarian-friendly. Plus I don't spend my

money of meat products.


Every party that James and I have put on, it's been vegetarian only,

so I don't see why a wedding reception would be any different. I

can't image anyone would be offended??????


Thoughts about this?



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OMG! Congratulations! I want to see your ring!

Scan it or something! *jk*


That is so wonderful. I agree about the Winter Solstice

date being a lovely choice; this last year I went to one on

that date and they got married at a local wildlife

rehabilitation sanctuary and that was just so cool.


Now about the food...listen very carefully and make

this your mantra.


Your Wedding/Your Special Day/Your Rules


Vegetarian food hurts no one! It is delicious, healthy,

fun, elegant, and reflects you: which in the end is what

this day is all about~ celebrating you and your new

life together as a couple. So don't compromise your

day or cast a pall over it by serving dead animals;

they [the meatheads] can stop at BK and grab a

dead flesh patty on the way to your wedding if they

feel they must. bleh *lol*


Congratulations again!


~ PT ~


Who is it that laments in this house of stone?...

It is Mabon, the son of Modron who is here...

and no imprisonment was ever so grievous as mine.

~ Culhwch and Olwen, from 'The Mabinogian'


, " Denise "



> I believe I've told everyone I personally know so I thought I would

> shout out to a bunch of strangers (not really).....


> James asked me to be his wife last week and gave me a beautiful


> sapphire ring! It was the most beautiful experience I was very

> surprised when I found myself crying. (I've been married before and

> didn't have that experience)


> So, we haven't picked a date, but I think sometime around the first

> of Dec. or Winter Solstice would be wonderful.


> Every party that James and I have put on, it's been vegetarian


> so I don't see why a wedding reception would be any different. I

> can't image anyone would be offended??????


> Thoughts about this?


> Denise

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Congratulations! That is great news. :) I am on the long term engagement plan



So do some meat eaters actually get offended by vegetables? Most of my

carnivorous friends seem to like boasting about the fact that they can cook

veggie or that they are down with veggie food.


OK, I am getting sucked into reading recipes, time to go home and prep for my

radio show.








Denise [pamperedveggie]

Thursday, February 12, 2004 4:09 PM


good news I want to share



I believe I've told everyone I personally know so I thought I would

shout out to a bunch of strangers (not really).....


James asked me to be his wife last week and gave me a beautiful star

sapphire ring! It was the most beautiful experience I was very

surprised when I found myself crying. (I've been married before and

didn't have that experience)


So, we haven't picked a date, but I think sometime around the first

of Dec. or Winter Solstice would be wonderful. I was talking to a

friend at lunch about keeping costs down, but trying to find a

caterer who can do substantial vegetarian food. Then I mentioned

going to a local brewpub (I know the events manager) and just having

beer and pizza. A guy next to me said, yeah that way we can serve a

lot of meat pizza's and just have a few vegetarian. I laughed and

told him that the majority of my closest friends are vegetarian, have

been vegetarian or are vegetarian-friendly. Plus I don't spend my

money of meat products.


Every party that James and I have put on, it's been vegetarian only,

so I don't see why a wedding reception would be any different. I

can't image anyone would be offended??????


Thoughts about this?







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Wow, that is great news. Congrats!!

Def keep the reception vegetarian..forget everyone else. What kind of

person would be so offended by the lack of flesh that they don't want

to celebrate your union?


I'm currently holding out on the 'm' word until my eggs are about to

rot. (I loved the post that said " I'm on the long term engagement

plan " ...very cute). I think I want a private ceremony and maybe an

all-out reception with Indian food. Really, I'll prob only have a

reception if my folks freak about it. The only food option I'll even

CONSIDER is offering a few less spicy Indian dishes..that's it.


karen :)

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