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israeli pepper spread recipe

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here is the recipe for schug.. it is the yemen recipe for it. in israel there

are a few types of schug depending on where your roots are. one is green.. which

is reallyyyyy hot and the yemen one is red which is hot enough. it seems i am

like imune to it because i eat it so much lol. hope you enjoy.


leah :)



Yemen Schug

Hot Green Chili Chutney


1 bunch of fresh coriander, leaves only (about 2 cups)

1 small head of garlic (8 cloves), peeled

1 tablespoon salt

6 ounces fresh hot green chili, seeded

1/4 teaspoon pepper

2 tablespoons ground cuminseed

4 cardamon pods, seeds only, or 1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom

4 whole cloves, broken up


Process all the ingredients to a relatively smooth paste. Store

in a jar with a tight cover. Refrigerate. Use in cooking as well

as for a table condiment.







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oh leah, i bet this would be great on a falafel! yum!




On Feb 14, 2004, at 12:21 AM, leah chavah wrote:


> here is the recipe for schug.. it is the yemen recipe for it. in

> israel there are a few types of schug depending on where your roots

> are. one is green.. which is reallyyyyy hot and the yemen one is red

> which is hot enough. it seems i am like imune to it  because i eat it

> so much lol. hope you enjoy.


> leah :)



> Yemen Schug

> Hot Green Chili Chutney





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omg, its the best on falafel :) it is also good with chumus and israeli salad

too, or with just like onions, cucumbers, and tomatoes with chumus. glad you

like the recipe:)






morgaana wrote:

oh leah, i bet this would be great on a falafel! yum!




On Feb 14, 2004, at 12:21 AM, leah chavah wrote:


> here is the recipe for schug.. it is the yemen recipe for it. in

> israel there are a few types of schug depending on where your roots

> are. one is green.. which is reallyyyyy hot and the yemen one is red

> which is hot enough. it seems i am like imune to it because i eat it

> so much lol. hope you enjoy.


> leah :)



> Yemen Schug

> Hot Green Chili Chutney





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