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Personal Webpage & Gallery

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I've just put together a small gallery of some of my favorite farm/gardening,

rural images. This is my personal webpage, it is NOT a commercial site. The

gallery link is just below the building plans. I'm collecting images, links and

tools for my own homesteading dreams on this page. Other than the art gallery,

I don't have much on there yet regarding food. It's a work-in-progress I wanted

to share with the group.



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Your gallery is beautiful...Thecla



Sunday, May 16, 2004 8:36 PM

Personal Webpage & Gallery



I've just put together a small gallery of some of my favorite

farm/gardening, rural images. This is my personal webpage, it is NOT a

commercial site. The gallery link is just below the building plans. I'm

collecting images, links and tools for my own homesteading dreams on this page.

Other than the art gallery, I don't have much on there yet regarding food. It's

a work-in-progress I wanted to share with the group.





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Yes, I agree. Very nice:)








Message: 7

Sun, 16 May 2004 21:59:34 -0500


Re: Personal Webpage & Gallery


Your gallery is beautiful...Thecla








SBC - Internet access at a great low price.



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I have seen your website/bio in another group some time ago but never

mentioned thatimpressed I am with you. I hope that your career

continues to be sucessful. I know you need $$ to live in L.A...:]

I have two sons moving south soon. One has been acting since 11 [22

now] and the other graduations from a college near Berkeley and

transfering to Northridge to continue studies in music production. He

has been singing with jazz band lately but excels in various styles.

My 3 offspring have been vegetarian since '85 and it has only done

good things for all of us - I had the good fortune of raising them

after my divorce at that time.

If interested, my son Kevin can be see on

http://www.onemodelplace.com [type model # 49338 after you hit

enter]. And if you haven't seen my stuff, click links from my

profile, http://profiles./hempprince

I am glad there are more vegetarians in the public eye... anyone else

have a personal site to share? David*


, nadiana1@a... wrote:

> wow! very interesting stuff! thanks so much for sharing!


> melody



> http://www.melodysmusic.net




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, " david* " <hempprince>


> I am glad there are more vegetarians in the public eye... anyone


> have a personal site to share? David*


Yes, mine is: http://cyberactivist.blogspot.com/


I have mentioned this before when I joined, but there have been many

new members since then. For the benefit of the new members, I will

let you know what is on my site. I started it out in the early days

telling of my horrific experiences working at a Tyson chicken

slaughtering plant. As the time passed and more stories were

related, I pretty much ran out of new things to tell, so now there is

more focus on animal/environmental issues in the news, with my

comments on them, although every once in awhile something someone

writes about or asks me will prod the old memory and I dredge up yet

one more story to relate. I welcome perusal of the site, and any

questions anyone may have, but feel like I need to give a warning to

sensitive people that a good bit of the early entries describing the

tortures (and there really is no other word for things like blowing

up chickens with dry ice bombs for fun) are quite graphic and very

disturbing. They are real eye-openers into what really goes on

behind the doors of a modern slaughter plant and great insight into

what kind of a person can actually stand there night after night,

killing thousands of chickens for years. I was deeply ashamed of

what I dd, and I never participated in the worst of the atrocities.

I guess you could say that my coming forward with all of this has

been a kind of atonement for my actions and a way to deal with the

guilt I felt at being a part of it all for so long. I know that it

felt really good to get all that off my chest and reduced the number

of nightmares I was having about it. It is definitely not the kind

of thing that you see on many animal-related websites because most

activists have not had the experiences that I did for the length of

time that I did.


Virgil Butler

" The Cyberactivist "





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In a message dated 5/18/04 5:18:27 AM,




> Melody,

> I have seen your website/bio in another group some time ago but never

> mentioned thatimpressed I am with you. I hope that your career

> continues to be sucessful. I know you need $$ to live in L.A...:]

> I have two sons moving south soon. One has been acting since 11 [22

> now] and the other graduations from a college near Berkeley and

> transfering to Northridge to continue studies in music production. He

> has been singing with jazz band lately but excels in various styles.

> My 3 offspring have been vegetarian since '85 and it has only done

> good things for all of us - I had the good fortune of raising them

> after my divorce at that time.

> If interested, my son Kevin can be see on

> http://www.onemodelplace.com [type model # 49338 after you hit

> enter]. And if you haven't seen my stuff, click links from my

> profile, http://profiles./hempprince

> I am glad there are more vegetarians in the public eye... anyone else

> have a personal site to share? David*



thank you very much for the compliments, david! :)


you're quite an artist-- very interesting site! best of luck to your son;

i'm sure he'll have success as a model and actor.











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I don't like flipping through PETA mags because of the graphic

nature, but realize that some people are very out of touch with what

other animals have to go through in our mass production society where

life forms are considered nothing more than a product. It is

important to let the facts be known.

I gave up chicken ['85] when I heard about the process and have never

turned back. My offspring feel the same way about it and it was

empowering to know that there were alternatives to the statis quo. I

am glad that you are tireless in telling your story.

I have also been a peace and justice advocate besides environmental

activist having worked in plastics, General Motors, and Lockheed

Missles prior to '86. I was apathetic at one time in my life and

appreciate that others took the time to educate me and others. Diet

For a Small Planet and veggie mags and macrobiotic books helped me to

see a higher way. David*



, " Virgil " I started it out in the early days

> telling of my horrific experiences working at a Tyson chicken

> slaughtering plant.


> Virgil Butler

> " The Cyberactivist "

> http://cyberactivist.blogspot.com/

> http://cyberactivist.fotopages.com/

> activistsagainstfactoryfarming/

> http://www.planetsave.com/u/FactoryFarmingExpose/

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Thanks Melody,

I am glad you enjoyed it :]. I will be celebrating 12 years as a

visual artist on Monday. I began my calling on my 40th bday two

months after nearly severing my right hand in an accident [am glad

for lazer technology... barely even a scar and fully functional]. I

love having a pair of scissors in hand and relate to Edward




, nadiana1@a... wrote:

> >

> thank you very much for the compliments, david! :)


> you're quite an artist-- very interesting site! best of luck to

your son;

> i'm sure he'll have success as a model and actor.


> melody


> http://www.melodysmusic.net

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, " david* " <hempprince>


> Virgil,

> I don't like flipping through PETA mags because of the graphic

> nature, but realize that some people are very out of touch with


> other animals have to go through in our mass production society


> life forms are considered nothing more than a product. It is

> important to let the facts be known.


Yes, I have found that most people have absolutely no idea about

these things. I have also found that there are more people that are

willing to listen to someone like me that has " been there, done that "

than they are to groups like PETA. Even though we may recount some

of the same info (and PETA used a lot of mine, as have many other

groups and individuals) often people seem to think that AR groups

have somehow twisted the facts, so they tend not to give theie

reports as much weight as the stories coming from someone who has

actually seen this stuff first-hand and has worked in the industry.

Same thing with Dave Louthan. Activists and scientists had been

telling people for years that there was Mad Cow in the herd and that

it was being covered up, but until Dave spoke up, no one believed

that there was any sort of cover-up or that the measures taken by the

goernment were ineffectual.


> I gave up chicken ['85] when I heard about the process and have


> turned back. My offspring feel the same way about it and it was

> empowering to know that there were alternatives to the statis quo.


I was glad to find that out, too. Before, I had no idea of all of

the choices out there and couldn't imagine a diet that didn't include

meat in it. Now, I can't imagine ever eating meat again, and I have

been introduced to many new tasty foods and ways to prepare them!



> I am glad that you are tireless in telling your story.

> I have also been a peace and justice advocate besides environmental

> activist having worked in plastics, General Motors, and Lockheed

> Missles prior to '86. I was apathetic at one time in my life and

> appreciate that others took the time to educate me and others. Diet

> For a Small Planet and veggie mags and macrobiotic books helped me


> see a higher way. David*


I also work for the protection of the environment. I don't see how

anyone can work for animals and not the environment or vice versa.

They tend to go hand-in-hand, do they not? Same for human rights.

Are humans not animals, too? Basically, I just do whatever little I

can to make the world a better place by speaking up when I see

something I think is wrong, no matter what the subject or issue is.

And I too, was glad to find so many resources out there to help me

make the transition to vegetarianism smoothly and help me get up-to-

date on the issues. Believe it or not, before I came forward I had

never even heard of PETA or even been aware that there were any sort

of activists out there working for animals or the environment or

anything else, so isolated is this area where I live and so backward

is the culture around here. I was surprised to find so many people

out there that cared about such things. It was a real eye-opener for

me! And I certainly never thought that things would go as far as

they have after I sent that first little email off to PETA to tell of

what happened down at that plant. Just goes to show how much just

one person is capable of doing if they put their mind to it! We all

have a LOT more power than we think we do. We have just been

conditioned to believe otherwise. More people should exercise that

power. Then we could take our country back and make the world a

better place for everyone concerned, human and non-human.


The Internet has done wonders to unite like-minded people to voice

their opinions and support each other. Groups like this one are a

good resource for that, too. I have tried a couple of recipes I

found on here. Always love to try new things, especially food. I

LOVE to eat! :)





> , " Virgil " I started it out in the early days

> > telling of my horrific experiences working at a Tyson chicken

> > slaughtering plant.

> >

> > Virgil Butler

> > " The Cyberactivist "

> > http://cyberactivist.blogspot.com/

> > http://cyberactivist.fotopages.com/

> > activistsagainstfactoryfarming/

> > http://www.planetsave.com/u/FactoryFarmingExpose/

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