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relationships and vegetarianism

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Dear Group,


I just need to vent and maybe get some sympathy and/or input on this. Feel free

to skip it :)


My partner moved in with me last fall. We've been together a long time, and he

knew I was vegetarian when we started dating. In fact, I went vegan right after

we started dating (I'm no longer vegan).


It bothers me that he's not vegetarian. He's gone vegetarian before but he

always backslides. A little while after we first started dating, he ordered the

PETA vegetarian starter kit, and he called me up, really upset, and declared

that he was never eating meat again. That didn't last.


It's not that I want to control him, or make his choices for him. I want him to

make his own choices in liberty. What bothers me is this: He is an animal

lover, and thinks that the slaughter of animals is wrong and cruel, but he still

chooses to eat meat. He chooses, when he's eating, to just not think about the

fact that the animals he is eating were once living creatures with brains. That

bothers me- I feel like it displays a big character flaw. How can he

acknowledge that a system is wrong, but still choose to be a part of it?


He doesn't bring meat into the house, because that's a big rule of mine. He

knew when he moved in that there would be no meat in the house. He eats meat,

though, when we go out, or when we visit his mother.


And here's the kicker: he's thinking of going on the Atkins diet. He went on it

last fall, and lost quite bit of weight, and he felt really good. He stopped

the diet because he went to India for a few months and it was impossible for him

to keep on the diet there. However, his brother stayed on it, and lost a lot of

weight, and feels great, yadda yadda yadda. So now he's thinking of going back

on the plan.


This really bothers me. He says that he will try to do it as vegetarianly as

possible (probably eating lots of Quorn and seitan). But it still bothers me-

last time he was on Atkins, his liver enzymes went up, which is not healthy.

And I already think it's gross that he eats meat at all- eating meat a LOT will

really bother me.









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Hi Priscilla,


Well, I've got to say that your significant other is suffering from a

full blown case of Iknowbutdontcareism. What it seems to me like is

that, he knows killing animals is wrong, but he just doesn't seem to

care enough to become vegetarian. I know alot of people like this,

it's actually not all that uncommon.


On a personal note, I find it hard to find a girlfriend because of

dietary choices (or perhaps my exterior appearence, I'm not sure, lol

jk). It seems like everytime I'm starting to see something evolve, I

mention the fact I'm vegetarian and they either A)Immediately become

disgusted for some reason and cut it off at that or B)Say that's nice

then try to change me. It's bloody frustrating sometimes, but, oh well

what can ya do?


Love, blah, it's not worth the broken bones lol. Cheers



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I'm sorry to hear that Priscilla. (Everyone has awesome names here) I went

vegetarian when my parents were on the Atkins Diet so I know in a way what

you are going through.

Keep doing what you believe in!

reptile grrl [reptilegoddess]

Wednesday, July 21, 2004 9:28 PM

relationships and vegetarianism



Dear Group,


I just need to vent and maybe get some sympathy and/or input on this.

Feel free to skip it :)


My partner moved in with me last fall. We've been together a long time,

and he knew I was vegetarian when we started dating. In fact, I went vegan

right after we started dating (I'm no longer vegan).


It bothers me that he's not vegetarian. He's gone vegetarian before but

he always backslides. A little while after we first started dating, he

ordered the PETA vegetarian starter kit, and he called me up, really upset,

and declared that he was never eating meat again. That didn't last.


It's not that I want to control him, or make his choices for him. I want

him to make his own choices in liberty. What bothers me is this: He is an

animal lover, and thinks that the slaughter of animals is wrong and cruel,

but he still chooses to eat meat. He chooses, when he's eating, to just not

think about the fact that the animals he is eating were once living

creatures with brains. That bothers me- I feel like it displays a big

character flaw. How can he acknowledge that a system is wrong, but still

choose to be a part of it?


He doesn't bring meat into the house, because that's a big rule of mine.

He knew when he moved in that there would be no meat in the house. He eats

meat, though, when we go out, or when we visit his mother.


And here's the kicker: he's thinking of going on the Atkins diet. He went

on it last fall, and lost quite bit of weight, and he felt really good. He

stopped the diet because he went to India for a few months and it was

impossible for him to keep on the diet there. However, his brother stayed

on it, and lost a lot of weight, and feels great, yadda yadda yadda. So now

he's thinking of going back on the plan.


This really bothers me. He says that he will try to do it as vegetarianly

as possible (probably eating lots of Quorn and seitan). But it still

bothers me- last time he was on Atkins, his liver enzymes went up, which is

not healthy. And I already think it's gross that he eats meat at all-

eating meat a LOT will really bother me.







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Three of my relationships have ended because of this.

I was a vegetarian (and now a vegan) and they just

can't deal with " my problems " with my diet. My

ex-fiance said he just wanted to be able to take me

out to dinner and share the same meal. I have yet to

date a guy who shares my beleifs towards animals and

diet. Actually I tend to get teased by the guy I am

dating...he'll eat something and do the " yummy " and

" don't you wish you could eat this " thing. Very


At least he is appriciative of your values and

feelings about meat in the house. That is a positive

step. I am so happy that you have at least been able

to get to that point. Maybe one day he will begin to

understand more and finally kick the habit.

Best Wishes...and I hope you make it through all that

Atkins crap.


--- reptile grrl <reptilegoddess wrote:

> Dear Group,


> I just need to vent and maybe get some sympathy

> and/or input on this. Feel free to skip it :)


> My partner moved in with me last fall. We've been

> together a long time, and he knew I was vegetarian

> when we started dating. In fact, I went vegan right

> after we started dating (I'm no longer vegan).


> It bothers me that he's not vegetarian. He's gone

> vegetarian before but he always backslides. A

> little while after we first started dating, he

> ordered the PETA vegetarian starter kit, and he

> called me up, really upset, and declared that he was

> never eating meat again. That didn't last.


> It's not that I want to control him, or make his

> choices for him. I want him to make his own choices

> in liberty. What bothers me is this: He is an

> animal lover, and thinks that the slaughter of

> animals is wrong and cruel, but he still chooses to

> eat meat. He chooses, when he's eating, to just not

> think about the fact that the animals he is eating

> were once living creatures with brains. That

> bothers me- I feel like it displays a big character

> flaw. How can he acknowledge that a system is

> wrong, but still choose to be a part of it?


> He doesn't bring meat into the house, because that's

> a big rule of mine. He knew when he moved in that

> there would be no meat in the house. He eats meat,

> though, when we go out, or when we visit his mother.



> And here's the kicker: he's thinking of going on the

> Atkins diet. He went on it last fall, and lost

> quite bit of weight, and he felt really good. He

> stopped the diet because he went to India for a few

> months and it was impossible for him to keep on the

> diet there. However, his brother stayed on it, and

> lost a lot of weight, and feels great, yadda yadda

> yadda. So now he's thinking of going back on the

> plan.


> This really bothers me. He says that he will try to

> do it as vegetarianly as possible (probably eating

> lots of Quorn and seitan). But it still bothers me-

> last time he was on Atkins, his liver enzymes went

> up, which is not healthy. And I already think it's

> gross that he eats meat at all- eating meat a LOT

> will really bother me.


> frustratedly,


> priscilla





> Vote for the stars of 's next ad campaign!


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]











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I have the same problem with boys. Bah



--- Jawsh Wright <degenr869 wrote:

> Hi Priscilla,


> Well, I've got to say that your significant other is

> suffering from a

> full blown case of Iknowbutdontcareism. What it

> seems to me like is

> that, he knows killing animals is wrong, but he just

> doesn't seem to

> care enough to become vegetarian. I know alot of

> people like this,

> it's actually not all that uncommon.


> On a personal note, I find it hard to find a

> girlfriend because of

> dietary choices (or perhaps my exterior appearence,

> I'm not sure, lol

> jk). It seems like everytime I'm starting to see

> something evolve, I

> mention the fact I'm vegetarian and they either

> A)Immediately become

> disgusted for some reason and cut it off at that or

> B)Say that's nice

> then try to change me. It's bloody frustrating

> sometimes, but, oh well

> what can ya do?


> Love, blah, it's not worth the broken bones lol.

> Cheers


> -Jawsh











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Melissa Hill <assilembob wrote:


>Three of my relationships have ended because of this.

I was a vegetarian (and now a vegan) and they just

can't deal with " my problems " with my diet. My

ex-fiance said he just wanted to be able to take me

out to dinner and share the same meal.


This is absolutely not the case between myself and my partner. He has never had

any problem with my vegetarianism, and he has never pressured me to change my

ways. He's completely supportive. In fact, a few weeks ago we attended a

wedding, at which there was no vegetarian option. I was just going to suck it

up and eat only the veggies off my plate, but he requested that the catering

staff make up a vegetable plate for me.


I just want to be clear about that. The person with the problem, in this case,

isn't him- it's me.






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well, priscilla, i feel your pain. the thing is, quitting meat, much like

quitting smoking, is something that has to come from within the person-- it's

not something that can be forced on him (in fact, trying to get him to go veg

might even cause him to rebel somewhat). if he REALLY wanted to quit, he

would. i imagine that at this point in time, he simply is not ready to make


commitment it takes to become veg*an. what you CAN do is find ways to make

him not miss the meat (not hard with good veg cooking), take him to veg

restaurants, and so on. if he wants to know the gory details to give him an


push, then make sure he gets all the literature you can find (but ONLY if he

really wants to know, like when he requested the PETA starter pak).


like jawsh said, being veg makes finding a mate really difficult sometimes.

i got very lucky with my ex-- he's a great guy AND a vegan. now that i'm

single again, i'm not sure i will find someone that great again. but hey,

here's hoping. :)


best of luck to you-- let me know how it goes!










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If cloning was legal and worked with personalities also, I'd say fire up

that machine!

Good morning and good day!


reptile grrl [reptilegoddess]

Wednesday, July 21, 2004 11:05 PM

Re: relationships and vegetarianism





Melissa Hill <assilembob wrote:


>Three of my relationships have ended because of this.

I was a vegetarian (and now a vegan) and they just

can't deal with " my problems " with my diet. My

ex-fiance said he just wanted to be able to take me

out to dinner and share the same meal.


This is absolutely not the case between myself and my partner. He has

never had any problem with my vegetarianism, and he has never pressured me

to change my ways. He's completely supportive. In fact, a few weeks ago we

attended a wedding, at which there was no vegetarian option. I was just

going to suck it up and eat only the veggies off my plate, but he requested

that the catering staff make up a vegetable plate for me.


I just want to be clear about that. The person with the problem, in this

case, isn't him- it's me.




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, reptile grrl

<reptilegoddess> wrote:


> " I just need to vent and maybe get some sympathy and/or input on

>this. "

Input yes, but you may not like it; sympathy no.


> " It bothers me that he's not vegetarian. "

Why should this bother you?


> " It's not that I want to control him, or make his choices for him. I

>want him to make his own choices in liberty. "

OK, then let him choose.


> " What bothers me is this: He is an animal

>lover, and thinks that the slaughter of animals is wrong and cruel,

>but he still

>chooses to eat meat. He chooses, when he's eating, to just not think

>about the

>fact that the animals he is eating were once living creatures with

>brains. That

>bothers me- I feel like it displays a big character flaw. "

There may be more than one character flaw displayed above, and not

just from him.


> " How can he

>acknowledge that a system is wrong, but still choose to be a part of

>it? "

Who knows? Perhaps you should ask him? Maybe he does not realize

that HE is actually killing the animals he eats by proxy. The trick

is getting him to realize his hypocrisy, without being preachy or



> " He doesn't bring meat into the house, because that's a big

rule of

>mine. He

>knew when he moved in that there would be no meat in the house. He

>eats meat,

>though, when we go out, or when we visit his mother. "

As long as it does not happen in your house, where you make the rules

and have the authority to enforce them, it shouldn't matter.


> " And here's the kicker: he's thinking of going on the Atkins diet. He

>went on it

>last fall, and lost quite bit of weight, and he felt really good. He


>the diet because he went to India for a few months and it was

>impossible for him

>to keep on the diet there. However, his brother stayed on it, and

>lost a lot of

>weight, and feels great, yadda yadda yadda. So now he's thinking of

>going back

>on the plan. "

Atkins - OUCH! Oh well, it's his life


> " This really bothers me. He says that he will try to do it as

>vegetarianly as

>possible (probably eating lots of Quorn and seitan). But it still

>bothers me-

>last time he was on Atkins, his liver enzymes went up, which is not


>And I already think it's gross that he eats meat at all- eating meat

>a LOT will

>really bother me. "

I certainly understand your concern for his health, but there is only

so much you can do to help him. Like the saying goes, you can lead a

horse to water, but you can't make him drink.


{From your response}

> " He has never had

>any problem with my vegetarianism, and he has never pressured me to

>change my

>ways. He's completely supportive. In fact, a few weeks ago we

>attended a

>wedding, at which there was no vegetarian option. I was just going to

>suck it

>up and eat only the veggies off my plate, but he requested that the


>staff make up a vegetable plate for me. "

He sounds like a great guy who is also very supportive of YOUR eating

lifestyle. Perhaps you should reciprocate.

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i feel your pain and can only pause to encourage

you to hang in there, Priscilla, It is completely

understandable that you are concerned for him

going on the atikins diet again. As a suggestion,

maybe you can help him by finding some

delicious vegetarian low-carb meal ideas and

fixing them for him... thatway he won't be

reaching for the meat so much.


My dh and i have a mutual tolerance thing, as far

as our different diets are concerned; he is an omnivore.

We have different cooking tools that he will use for

meat. i was a semi-veg or pesca-pollo veg when we met

and have gone lacto-ovo during our time together.

Like your SO he is very supportive in social situations

and likewise i am very tolerant of his choice to still eat

meat. i do insist he buy freerange hormone free

organic meat... that is the only part i am really tough on.

i try not to get too preachy, but likewise i don't like to

be teased or taunted about meat... he is pretty good

about that and i am pretty good about not making

scowling comments about the meat on his plate, too.

Sometimes we both slip and of course in social

situations i always come against a bit of that where

folks just think they are being clever... if they only

knew! *lol*


Anyway, good luck to you both and i hope you can

find a balance you can live with. Maybe he will come

around to living as you do. :)


~ pt ~


Imagination is the faculty of the soul.

~ Caitlin Matthews, 'Singing the Soul Back Home'


, reptile grrl



> Dear Group,


> I just need to vent and maybe get some sympathy and/or input on

this. Feel

free to skip it :)


> My partner moved in with me last fall. We've been together a long

time, and

he knew I was vegetarian when we started dating. In fact, I went

vegan right

after we started dating (I'm no longer vegan).


> It bothers me that he's not vegetarian. He's gone vegetarian

before but he

always backslides. A little while after we first started dating, he

ordered the

PETA vegetarian starter kit, and he called me up, really upset, and

declared that

he was never eating meat again. That didn't last.


> It's not that I want to control him, or make his choices for him.

I want him to

make his own choices in liberty. What bothers me is this: He is an


lover, and thinks that the slaughter of animals is wrong and cruel,

but he still

chooses to eat meat. He chooses, when he's eating, to just not think

about the

fact that the animals he is eating were once living creatures with

brains. That

bothers me- I feel like it displays a big character flaw. How can he


that a system is wrong, but still choose to be a part of it?


> He doesn't bring meat into the house, because that's a big rule of

mine. He

knew when he moved in that there would be no meat in the house. He


meat, though, when we go out, or when we visit his mother.


> And here's the kicker: he's thinking of going on the Atkins diet.

He went on

it last fall, and lost quite bit of weight, and he felt really good.

He stopped the

diet because he went to India for a few months and it was impossible

for him

to keep on the diet there. However, his brother stayed on it, and

lost a lot of

weight, and feels great, yadda yadda yadda. So now he's thinking of

going back

on the plan.


> This really bothers me. He says that he will try to do it as

vegetarianly as

possible (probably eating lots of Quorn and seitan). But it still

bothers me- last

time he was on Atkins, his liver enzymes went up, which is not

healthy. And I

already think it's gross that he eats meat at all- eating meat a LOT

will really

bother me.


> frustratedly,


> priscilla





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After reading this thread, and responsing to all of the accumulated info in

my head, not just what is quoted here.. It seems your complaints are 1) The

health implications of your partner going on the Atkins diet again, and 2) That

his thought process represents a character flaw.

As for his health, I don't know what to say.. Atkins et. al baffles me. But

perhaps he will find a way to do it that's not too bad for his him? (consult

a nutritionist maybe?)

I just think that people can have strong conflicts between what they think is

" right " and what actions exactly they will take, and still just be human, not

specifically flawed. And I do not think that if they don't follow the moral

highground course of action, that it means they don't care. Plenty of people

out there participate in acts that they believe are wrong, and yet.. (i.e.

people who try to follow their religious beliefs, but may be 'living in sin' or

voting pro-choice etc., or patronizing companies/establishments that are not

the best they would like, and many small day-to-day things. You know you

*should* conserve water but you really want another minute or two in the shower.

You *should* recycle/compost but it's a rubbish bin or carrying it around ALL

day. etc.) I know you could argue about the 'living breathing creatures being

harmed, not just himself' or anything along those lines, and believe me I

agree. But I also wanted to voice my opinion on other ways of looking at the

situation. I'm honestly not trying to argue or offend anyone, just to add one







In a message dated 7/21/2004 10:47:42 PM Eastern Standard Time,

reptilegoddess writes:

It's not that I want to control him, or make his choices for him. I want him

to make his own choices in liberty. What bothers me is this: He is an

animal lover, and thinks that the slaughter of animals is wrong and cruel, but


still chooses to eat meat. He chooses, when he's eating, to just not think

about the fact that the animals he is eating were once living creatures with

brains. That bothers me- I feel like it displays a big character flaw. How can

he acknowledge that a system is wrong, but still choose to be a part of it?




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saedric <saedric wrote:



>> " It bothers me that he's not vegetarian. "

>Why should this bother you?


I made this very clear in my original post: it's because it exhibits a large

disconnect in his thinking.


>OK, then let him choose.


I do. I've never asked him to become vegetarian.


>He sounds like a great guy who is also very supportive of YOUR >eating

>lifestyle. Perhaps you should reciprocate.


As I said, I have never pressured him to change the way he eats.







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Thank you for your support, PT. He eats mostly vegetarian as things are now,

because I'm the cook :) I just don't know how he will be able to do it on

Atkins, though. I worry about his liver on Atkins, and his heart in general.

His father died very young from a heart condition and of course I would hate to

lose my dear one.


~ PT ~ <patchouli_troll wrote:Anyway, good luck to you both and i

hope you can

find a balance you can live with. Maybe he will come

around to living as you do. :)







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