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helping quit smoking

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If any ex-smokers have sound advice I could use it. Does the patch work, the

gum, cutting down or cold turkey?

Thanks for any info you can provide for me.






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The only thing I could do was the cold turkey method.

I'm not one to cut down or use any of those other type

options. I have to exercise will power and mindset.

It is not easy either. Wishing anyone trying to quit

much luck!



--- Brad <surfboard_bedboard wrote:


> If any ex-smokers have sound advice I could use it.

> Does the patch work, the gum, cutting down or cold

> turkey?

> Thanks for any info you can provide for me.

> Brad




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Backstage we're having the time

Of our lives until somebody says;

Forgive me if I seem out of line

Then she whipped out her gun

And tried to blow me away


Source: Dude Looks Like A Lady - Aerosmith










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Myself I'm not a smoker or non smoker but my whole family did. All four of them

quit cold turkey. My sister in law was first and it has been 12-13 years. Not

one of them has gone back but they all have said it hasn't been easy. They all

also have a motivator. They each were told to stop or die by their doctors.

One due to emphesema, one due to cancer scares and two due to heart related





Brad <surfboard_bedboard wrote:

If any ex-smokers have sound advice I could use it. Does the patch work, the

gum, cutting down or cold turkey?

Thanks for any info you can provide for me.






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Keep busy, think of the benefits. I did it excuse the pun " cold

turkey " also. It wasn't easy but I sure felt better as the days went





, Brad

<surfboard_bedboard wrote:


> If any ex-smokers have sound advice I could use it. Does the patch

work, the gum, cutting down or cold turkey?

> Thanks for any info you can provide for me.

> Brad




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--- Brad <surfboard_bedboard wrote:


> If any ex-smokers have sound advice I could use it.

> Does the patch work, the gum, cutting down or cold

> turkey?

> Thanks for any info you can provide for me.

> Brad



Hey Brad,good for you-Quitters Rule !!


this is what finally worked for me after many failed

attempts to quit.

keep all ashtrays clean and put up in a cabinet.

keep cigarettes and lighters/matches put up ( all 3

seperately) the idea is to make it inconvenient and

time consuming so you won't bother if it's just a

'habit' smoke - not one you really want.

wait as long as you can before that first cig of the

day and increase that time daily. think about when you

usually smoke and go longer than you have been between


walk or do other exercize when you want a cig till the

craving passes.

DON'T GIVE UP, don't beat up on yourself if you don't

suceed as well as you think you should, habits are

hard to break and this is a physical addiction as well

as a habit.

You can do it - might take more than one try to find

the method that works for you - google " quit smoking "

you'll find lots of web pages with tips and support.

if you don't have a family doctor check with your

local hospitals and/or YMCA for information about

programs in your area.

May 2nd will be 1 year since I quit after 45 yrs as a

smoker and quitting at least a dozen times for a week,

a month, 2 mos once after being hypnotized.even tried

Wellbutrin (aka Zyban)under my drs care - totally

removed the urge to smoke but couldn't stay on it long

enough to get the nicotine out of the system. don't

even think about it now, sometimes get the urge if I

smell it but a puff or 2 now = nausea ( yaaaay -

that's how it should be ! )







great grandma recycled, she called it making do.


who I am is fine, it's just this body that's disabled!


middle age = that time of life when we realize yesterday's sex, drugs and rock

and roll are todays memories, prescriptions and golden oldies!






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Hi Brad

I tried to stop many times - tried the gum and the patches, but none

of them worked for me for longer than a week or two. I think the

most important thing is to want to stop smoking for yourself. I

stopped once for over 6 years for someone else and I never stopped

thinking about smoking all that time. I finally decided I wanted to

stop again 4 years ago, got all my reasons for stopping lined up and

bought myself a book called something like " Stop smoking in an hour "

which came with a CD. I never got round to reading the book, put on

the CD and fell asleep after a couple of minutes and never smoked

again - whether that was down to the CD or to will power I'm not

sure. One thing that did help was to focus awareness on breathing. I

figure that part of what made me feel good about smoking was

inhaling but that actually breathing in air made me feel just as

calm as inhaling smoke did. So every time I felt the urge to smoke I

concentrated on breathing instead, breathing in as slowly and as

deeply as I could, say for a count of 7 and then breathing out for

the same count just as slowly and calmly. 10 complete breaths

usually got me past the initial craving.


I really hope it goes well for you.



, Brad

<surfboard_bedboard wrote:


> If any ex-smokers have sound advice I could use it. Does the

patch work, the gum, cutting down or cold turkey?

> Thanks for any info you can provide for me.

> Brad


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hi brad


first most important ingredient (imho) desire to really quit cause that

underpins all your efforts. after that what i did was took the

presciption for zyban (really it is wellbutrin) and that helped

immensely. i also had the patches as prescribed by my physician. he

also gave me a prescription for a nasal spray which i never used but had

in case i really really really needed it. these were the things i used

and am grateful that they worked for me. i quit in 1998--and this was

after many attempts to quit in previous years!


best wishes to you in your endeavors.


--- Brad <surfboard_bedboard wrote:


> > If any ex-smokers have sound advice I could use it.

> > Does the patch work, the gum, cutting down or cold

> > turkey?

> > Thanks for any info you can provide for me.

> > Brad

> >



Be Love,





" Like nectar in the fresh morning flower, let goodness fill you. The

heart that unfolds all its petals spreading the fragrance of goodness

is the choicest offering at the altar of God " - Mata Amritanandamayi




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20+ years ago my 80+ year old mother quit smoking *cold turkey*..She

had smoked Camel non filters for almost 60 years. Mother is still

healthy at 86. She would tell you to " just quit " ..She says that if

she could do it anyone can. She also says that one has to care about

others instead of themselves and then they can quit. I smoked for 20

+ years but over 20 years ago I also quit. My method was to *taper

off* and it worked for me. One day I realized that I had gone for

several days without a single cigarette. I haven't smoked since.

Around that time I also became a Vegetarian. I decided that I wanted

to feel good and think clearly. I will soon be 65 and it has worked.

You can do it Brad. Mom and I did, and if we could do it You can.

I am sending healing thoughts your way.

Deanna-- In , Egyirba <berijoy



> hi brad


> first most important ingredient (imho) desire to really quit cause


> underpins all your efforts. after that what i did was took the

> presciption for zyban (really it is wellbutrin) and that helped

> immensely. i also had the patches as prescribed by my physician.


> also gave me a prescription for a nasal spray which i never used

but had

> in case i really really really needed it. these were the things i


> and am grateful that they worked for me. i quit in 1998--and this


> after many attempts to quit in previous years!


> best wishes to you in your endeavors.


> --- Brad <surfboard_bedboard wrote:

> >

> > > If any ex-smokers have sound advice I could use it.

> > > Does the patch work, the gum, cutting down or cold

> > > turkey?

> > > Thanks for any info you can provide for me.

> > > Brad

> > >


> --

> Be Love,

> Egyirba


> -=-=-

> ...

> " Like nectar in the fresh morning flower, let goodness fill you.


> heart that unfolds all its petals spreading the fragrance of


> is the choicest offering at the altar of God " - Mata Amritanandamayi




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i think i missed this one. what did you did with the gum?


Meg wrote:

> i did the gum and it worked, it was so nasty I stopped using it pretty

> fast, LOL.

> I wrapped it in a piece of big red.

> Meg



Be Love,





" We tend to look for flaws & errors in others, & this disturbs our

minds. We must change this habit.

Forget their shortcomings, look for their good qualities & be

respectful. Seeing only what is good

in people eliminates suffering. " --Ammachi





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