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soy and pms

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Has anyone here experienced or heard about effects of

soy on pms (esp. on mood )? I feel like the more soy I

consume, the worse pms I have. This seems really

strange, so I'm wondering if it's just in my head...






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To help pms, yogi teas make a woman's tea it is really nice. It call Dong Quai

tonic. Dong Quai is an herb that helps with pms and energy. You can go to

www.yogitea.com to see what all the tea is, and buy the teas from

www.drugstore.com or www.sheepish.com. It has really helped me. I do not eat a

lot of soy. I try to vary my diet a bit and have things other than just tofu

and soy milk. That may be all you need to do to help your pms.




Jenny Rieck <jennrieck wrote:

Has anyone here experienced or heard about effects of

soy on pms (esp. on mood )? I feel like the more soy I

consume, the worse pms I have. This seems really

strange, so I'm wondering if it's just in my head...








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Jenny Rieck wrote:


> Has anyone here experienced or heard about effects of

> soy on pms (esp. on mood )? I feel like the more soy I

> consume, the worse pms I have. This seems really

> strange, so I'm wondering if it's just in my head...

> -Jenny





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> For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website

> at http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families

> go to http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not

> intended to provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be

> obtained from a qualified health professional.


> edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified

> health professional.







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, angela <angelaneely@c...> wrote:

> Jenny Rieck wrote:

> > Has anyone here experienced or heard about effects of

> > soy on pms (esp. on mood )? I feel like the more soy I

> > consume, the worse pms I have. This seems really

> > strange, so I'm wondering if it's just in my head...

> > -Jenny


It is not all in your head! I have heard lots of women say that they

feel soy has a negative effect on them and their menstrual cycles.

Others say it helps them. Both experiences makes sense, as soy has

estrogenic properties. The research is contradictory, but anectodal

evidence strongly suggests that soy disrupts some women's cycles and

exacerbates PMS, cramps, headaches, etc. Soy can also exacerbate

thyroid problems.


I would suggest that if you feel soy has a negative impact on your

health, you work to replace or reduce it in your diet. Our family

has chosen to reduce (but not eliminate) our soy consumption out of

health concerns and in the interest of variety. So instead of soy

milk, we drink almond milk. Instead of tofu, we often eat seitan.

And we eat lots and lots of beans!



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Thanks!! I have definitely noticed some correlation

for myself involving pms and soy. When I cut back, I

have a much easier time right before my period.


--- TheNutritionNut <thenutritionnut wrote:


> Jenny,


> I am a firm believer that soy consumption needs

> to be modified, for this reason and others. I used

> to eat soy all the time, soy milk, a variety of soy

> products, etc. I didn't pay any attention to how

> much of it I ate but I ate it a lot. Meanwhile over

> the years my periods got worse and worse. PMS got

> very bad, my periods started to not be regular,

> sometimes they would last 3 weeks, other months I

> wouldn't have one! I started doing some research

> online about the dangers of soy. I found all kinds

> of stuff of how it has been linked to menstruation

> problems, infertility, etc. I immediately cut way

> back on the soy and within a couple of months my

> period problems stopped. Now I eat some soy but try

> to keep tabs on it so that it's not my main source

> of protein each day. I limit how much I eat. And I

> have no problems with my periods now.


> TN


> Jenny Rieck <jennrieck wrote:

> Has anyone here experienced or heard about effects

> of

> soy on pms (esp. on mood )? I feel like the more soy

> I

> consume, the worse pms I have. This seems really

> strange, so I'm wondering if it's just in my head...

> -Jenny





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> For more information about vegetarianism, please

> visit the VRG website at http://www.vrg.org and for

> materials especially useful for families go to

> http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list

> and is not intended to provide personal medical

> advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

> qualified health professional.


> edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained

> from a qualified health professional.







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I eat quite a bit of soy and I don't notice any ill effects. My

periods have always been fairly easy though. The cycle has shortened

in the last 3-4 years, but I'm getting older (44), so I think that's

fairly normal.


Here is a link to a short article about how a veg. diet can help with

painful periods:




Good luck,




On Dec 1, 2005, at 12:20 PM, TheNutritionNut wrote:


> Jenny,


> I am a firm believer that soy consumption needs to be modified,

> for this reason and others. I used to eat soy all the time, soy

> milk, a variety of soy products, etc. I didn't pay any attention to

> how much of it I ate but I ate it a lot. Meanwhile over the years

> my periods got worse and worse. PMS got very bad, my periods

> started to not be regular, sometimes they would last 3 weeks, other

> months I wouldn't have one! I started doing some research online

> about the dangers of soy. I found all kinds of stuff of how it has

> been linked to menstruation problems, infertility, etc. I

> immediately cut way back on the soy and within a couple of months

> my period problems stopped. Now I eat some soy but try to keep tabs

> on it so that it's not my main source of protein each day. I limit

> how much I eat. And I have no problems with my periods now.


> TN


> Jenny Rieck <jennrieck wrote:

> Has anyone here experienced or heard about effects of

> soy on pms (esp. on mood )? I feel like the more soy I

> consume, the worse pms I have. This seems really

> strange, so I'm wondering if it's just in my head...

> -Jenny





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> For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG

> website at http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful

> for families go to http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion

> list and is not intended to provide personal medical advice.

> Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health

> professional.


> edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified

> health professional.







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I have a friend who complains of the same problem. I think that a moderate

amount of soy can be helpful for hormone-related problems, but too much seems to

have the opposite effect, at least in some people. Try cutting back on your

intake and see if it helps.






Jenny Rieck <jennrieck


Thu, 1 Dec 2005 07:00:17 -0800 (PST)


>Has anyone here experienced or heard about effects of

>soy on pms (esp. on mood )? I feel like the more soy I

>consume, the worse pms I have. This seems really

>strange, so I'm wondering if it's just in my head...






> Music Unlimited

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>For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


>edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health





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I think in general PMS becomes worse and cycles heavier and irregular

with age...this seems to be the consensus among my friends who are

primarily meat eaters. I too have heard that soy is good for

menopause, as it's a natural estrogen. As far as soy and fertility, I

believe that was a concern with males, as soy does have a natural

estrogen or something like it. A long-term study that followed

soy-formula babies over decades showed that this group's fertility was

not statistically different from those fed milk-based formula or

breastfed. Personally I think it's a campaign from the milk industry

to alarm people. When I was doing research (deciding which formula to

give my son), I couldn't find the credentials of the individuals

running the Websites with the negative information or who provided the

funding for any of the research.


, Jenny Rieck <jennrieck> wrote:


> Has anyone here experienced or heard about effects of

> soy on pms (esp. on mood )? I feel like the more soy I

> consume, the worse pms I have. This seems really

> strange, so I'm wondering if it's just in my head...

> -Jenny





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I have seen alarmist type articles about soy linking to ovarian cancer, yet from

the medical field the research seems to prove opposite. I have also seen things

about thyroid disease linked to soy, but have yet to find anything substantial

to back up any claims I have read. I really believe that the best diet is a

varied diet. Nothing is good in excess.




Lisa <lisaviafamily wrote:

I think in general PMS becomes worse and cycles heavier and irregular

with age...this seems to be the consensus among my friends who are

primarily meat eaters. I too have heard that soy is good for

menopause, as it's a natural estrogen. As far as soy and fertility, I

believe that was a concern with males, as soy does have a natural

estrogen or something like it. A long-term study that followed

soy-formula babies over decades showed that this group's fertility was

not statistically different from those fed milk-based formula or

breastfed. Personally I think it's a campaign from the milk industry

to alarm people. When I was doing research (deciding which formula to

give my son), I couldn't find the credentials of the individuals

running the Websites with the negative information or who provided the

funding for any of the research.






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I have also read information about soy being estrogenizing. On the

other hand, I have also read that it is a hype started by the milk

industry (which we know loves to advertise) and that dairy products

have a lot more hormones than anything tofu could produce.


Increasingly bad PMS could be soy related, but there are many

reasons about increasingly bad PMS. Tubal ligation, fibroids, and

early menopause (although unusual, some women have started menopause

in their 30's) are a few medical conditions which could not only

affect your menstrual flow but also the frequency and intensity of

pms and your cycle.


But you know your own body the best. It doesn't hurt to add a little

more variety to your diet and get your protein from many different





, Jenny Rieck <jennrieck>



> Has anyone here experienced or heard about effects of

> soy on pms (esp. on mood )? I feel like the more soy I

> consume, the worse pms I have. This seems really

> strange, so I'm wondering if it's just in my head...

> -Jenny





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