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Digest Number 1328

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in reference to the Lasik, I had to get glasses (for distance...ie...driving) a

few years ago...cried a lot at the thought...but I WILL 'fix' my eyes...and

naturally...I feel positive of that...anyway...I was told that Lasik is

basically 'temporary'...that even with Lasik, one would most likely need glasses

as one got 'older'...but of course, that came from a doctor...

I don't believe anyone has to have 'problems' with vision or anything as one

gets 'older'...which is one of the reasons why I joined this group and why I am

determined to be strong and keep this way of (raw food) eating...it all makes

perfect sense and is so natural and normal...it's just a matter of

reconditioning the mind...

btw...thank you for all the info...I do enjoy this group




rawfood wrote:

There are 10 messages in this issue.


Topics in this digest:


1. Cleansing and the term " detox "

" INFO @ Vibrant Life "

2. Re: How much greens are enough?

" lane lynn "

3. Re: Vision - Eyesight - Bates - Book recommendations

" lane lynn "

4. Re: Re: HELP!!!! Camping!!!!!

" lane lynn "

5. RE: Re: HELP!!!! Camping!!!!!

" INFO @ Vibrant Life "

6. RE: Vision - Eyesight - Bates - Book recommendations

" INFO @ Vibrant Life "

7. Re: HELP!!!! Camping!!!!!


8. Lasik surgery (WAS: HELP!!!! Camping!!!!!)

" INFO @ Vibrant Life "

9. " Symptoms " and listening to our bodies (WAS: Cleansing and the term " detox " )

" INFO @ Vibrant Life "

10. Re: Vision - Eyesight - Quackenbush

" Annette "






Message: 1

Fri, 15 Jul 2005 03:51:52 -0700

" INFO @ Vibrant Life "

Cleansing and the term " detox "


Hi everyone,


I am often struck by people's use of the term " detoxification, " more

commonly shortened to " detox. " People seem to use this word to refer to

something that has a beginning and an end; I often have the impression that

many people believe that " detox " refers to cleaning up from the past. I am

struck by the apparent need some people seem to express, no doubt driven by

fear fueled by the marketing of various products, that they " need to detox. "

And perhaps most important, I often wonder whether people use this term with

a certain negative energy, a sense that detox is something to be endured and

" gotten through. "


My purpose in writing this brief piece is to encourage people to recognize

that " detox " refers to nothing more than the body's own natural, normal,

cleansing activity, which has been accelerated or intensified, either

because of some dire physiological emergency, or because, due to some state

of relative rest, sufficient energy and other resources have become

available to support cleaning up some stored toxins, old tissue damage, or

the like.


The body cleanses itself continuously, 24x7, during every moment of

biological life. As long as a single metabolic function continues, there are

waste byproducts, and the body must either eliminate these byproducts, store

them for later elimination if present elimination is impossible, or suffer

grievous consequences.


If this is so, then what distinction is meant by the term " detox " ? From my

own observation, people seem to use this term to describe cleansing

activities of the body that occur with sufficient intensity to create

consciously observable (and typically uncomfortable) " symptoms, " such as

headaches, gas, aches and pains, " flu-like symptoms, " accelerated digestive

elimination (how about a new diagnosis called ADE), and so forth.


In other words, what people call " detox " can refer EITHER to an acute

cleansing response in an emergency, as when the body is assaulted by toxic

substances such as cooked foods, OR to accelerated cleansing arising from

improved conditions. I often cannot tell whether people appreciate or dread

such accelerated cleansing activities of the body, perhaps some of both.


I find that people sometimes poison themselves, then wonder whether their

body is " detoxing. " For example, I have read posts and participated in

conversations where people describe how they eat raw food for a few days,

then a day or two of cooked food, then back to raw, then cooked, as a

repeating pattern. Typically, people who treat themselves in this way

experience unpleasant physiological cleansing events, which they may call

" detox. " But this " detox " occurs not from improved conditions, but rather as

a direct and acute (urgent) physiological response to self-poisoning.


Sometimes people ask when such " detox " will end. I tell them that such

cleansing will not end until they either change their ways or die, whichever

occurs first. (Sometimes, though, I say this more " nicely. " )


I often sense that people are trying to delude themselves, thinking that

once " this detox " ends they will be " better " or " fine. " Based upon all that

I have observed and presently understand, nothing could be farther from the

truth. In fact, the opposite frequently occurs: once the " detox symptoms "

subside, people seem to lull themselves back into whatever self-abusive

habits led eventually to that " detox " in the first place.


What I really wish to suggest is that everyone simply stop using this term

" detox, " for the simple reason that it doesn't seem to mean anything

constructive.and is often used toward self-delusional ends. I have never

known anyone to gain anything from using this term, and if, by using it

repeatedly, we desensitize ourselves sufficiently that we fall prey to

purveyors of " cleanses, " then indeed we do ourselves harm simply by using

this word.


I prefer simply to talk about the body's natural, normal cleansing

activities. I enjoy noticing when and in response to what these cleansing

activities seem to intensify or subside. For me, these are relearning

experiences...that is, experiences through which I RElearn my own connection

between my conscious awareness, or perception, and the language of my own



I encourage others to adopt a similar approach: appreciate every cleansing

activity or " symptom " of your own body as a golden opportunity to reconnect

with yourself, to relearn your body's own language, so that you may listen

to and interpret its messages more accurately in the future.


Best to all,







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rawfood , rawschool .

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  • 5 months later...

i wonder if gse (grapefruit seed extract) plus water might work? you could

research it on the internet. it's supposed to be a really good

cleaner/disinfectant for almost anything. plus it's good for treating health

problems, too, like candida, so you can get your money's worth from it, cause

it's a bit expensive. you can buy it at the health food store.





There are 2 messages in this issue.


Topics in this digest:


1. cruelty free mildew cleaner that works PLEASE?????

" Carrie Kahl "

2. Re: cruelty free mildew cleaner that works PLEASE?????







Message: 1

Sat, 7 Jan 2006 12:44:23 -0700

" Carrie Kahl "

cruelty free mildew cleaner that works PLEASE?????


Has anyone found a cruelty free bathroom product that " actually " gets rid of

mildew? I have tried Seventh Generation products as well as " The Works " products

(that are supposed to be cruelty free) and they don't work. I would prefer

something from a spray bottle that I can purchase at either a grocery or

healthfood store for convenience but if someone knows of a product that I have

to order by mail, that's ok too. I'm desperate and do not want to have to turn

to the non-cruelty free products. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I'm tired of spending money just to try products that do not do the job. Thanks

so much.

Carrie Kahl



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