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Could use some help please.......

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quick intro.......SAHM of a 3 1/2 year old. My husband and myself are

newly vegetarian, we have done really well this year so far but we

have been transitioning slowly for years. My son has never had meat

or cows milk. He is on Silk Enhanced but he has not been drinking it

well at all for months. He keeps saying that he doesn't like it and I

am not interested in forcing him to eat or drink anything that he

doesn't like. But I do know that kids can be very conniving at this

age. I only offer him water and soy milk at home BTW. I have heard

about making smoothies but my problem is that I tried to give him soy

yogurt and he didn't like it and then I tried the Soy yogurt

smoothies that you can buy and he didn't like those either. So are

there any smoothie recipes that don't include yogurt? And can anyone

please share their recipes with me with exact measurements? I have

had people tell me how to make smoothies before but they are like,

just throw in some of this and some of that but I am a novice in the

kitchen and would do better to start with some exact recipes.


Also, any recommendations on healthy breakfast foods for a 3 yr old?

I am embarrassed to say that he has become addicted to brown sugar

and blueberry POP Tarts in the morning. I know, I know.....not sure

how that happened but it did. Once again one of those " I would never

do that! " mommy moments. It has become such a habit for him that when

I offer something else like oatmeal, muffins, waffles he will turn it

down even though he loves those foods as well. I plan to just stop

buying them and suffer through a few traumatic mornings but I need

some really healthy yet tasty alternatives first. We are not vegan

(yet) BTW.




Connor 8/13/02

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Hi Amy,

Sorry I'm no help with the smoothies thing.. But maybe you could try almond

or rice milk with him and see if he likes one better. It may taste less beany.

I'm more chimming in on the breakfast question. I buy hemp or flax waffles

for breakfast which are a good source of omega 3s. I also chop up strawberries

and place around the outside of the waffles. Or you can top with blueberries.

We also do cereal with soymilk (like cheerios or apple jax - I don't want to

get into a sugar debate). And my daughter's gotten into a grits kick lately

so we've been having just grits with soy sausage for breakfast a LOT of

mornings. I tell her she can't have grits more than 3 days a week because too

much iron is bad for her. And she understands that.



Amy <malcolm51799 wrote:

quick intro.......SAHM of a 3 1/2 year old. My husband and myself are

newly vegetarian, we have done really well this year so far but we

have been transitioning slowly for years. My son has never had meat

or cows milk. He is on Silk Enhanced but he has not been drinking it

well at all for months. He keeps saying that he doesn't like it and I

am not interested in forcing him to eat or drink anything that he

doesn't like. But I do know that kids can be very conniving at this

age. I only offer him water and soy milk at home BTW. I have heard

about making smoothies but my problem is that I tried to give him soy

yogurt and he didn't like it and then I tried the Soy yogurt

smoothies that you can buy and he didn't like those either. So are

there any smoothie recipes that don't include yogurt? And can anyone

please share their recipes with me with exact measurements? I have

had people tell me how to make smoothies before but they are like,

just throw in some of this and some of that but I am a novice in the

kitchen and would do better to start with some exact recipes.


Also, any recommendations on healthy breakfast foods for a 3 yr old?

I am embarrassed to say that he has become addicted to brown sugar

and blueberry POP Tarts in the morning. I know, I know.....not sure

how that happened but it did. Once again one of those " I would never

do that! " mommy moments. It has become such a habit for him that when

I offer something else like oatmeal, muffins, waffles he will turn it

down even though he loves those foods as well. I plan to just stop

buying them and suffer through a few traumatic mornings but I need

some really healthy yet tasty alternatives first. We are not vegan

(yet) BTW.




Connor 8/13/02











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oh amy, you're such a trooper to keep trying!


in my experience, the premade smoothies you buy at the store ARE gross.

here's my recipe for smoothies:


put these in order into the blender:


about 1 c. frozen or fresh fruit (my son especially likes tropical smoothies

with mango, pineapple, and strawberries, sometimes with coconut)

1/2 - 1 cup soymilk (depending on how big of a smoothie you want -- you can

sometimes substitute coconut milk for tropical smoothies...also good with


1/2 - 1 c. orange juice (or just a peeled orange -- in this case increase

milk a bit)

you CAN put plain yogurt in if you like but often i don't, actually

(the rule on fluids is, just over the level of the fruit/ice)

1/2 banana (makes it " smooth " )

i also like to throw in a few teaspoons of flaxseed oil, or 1-2 tbsp. of

flax seeds (if you use whole seeds, blend at least 3 minutes)

blend it up!



in our family we also use silk enhanced. my son is young enough to maybe

not notice if it's gross. i, personally, don't like soymilk by itself,

which is why we're big on smoothies in our house! i know it's not optimal,

but maybe you could try chocolate soymilk? i know nobody wants to get their

kids stuck on sweet stuff....but around here when we use chocolate (for the

adults), we do 1/2 choc & 1/2 regular. you might also try other flavors of

soymilk like vanilla or carob, or even flavor your own soymilk with

strawberries, oranges, blueberries, etc. (just throw it in the blender with

some fruit and you can make all kinds of fruity soymilk).


i don't have a lot of advice for feeding kids of that age because i just

don't have the experience. but my husband is a teacher and also the oldest

of 6, and he says, maybe don't offer to make him something else -- just do

it, like it's any other day. don't make a big deal out of it. he'll eat it

or he won't...ultimately, he will, because he'll be hungry. on a standard

day arond here we eat scrambled tofu with peppers and onions and sauteed

potatoes in a whole-wheat tortilla or pita. we'll often have a sweet bread

for breakfast too, like pecan-raisin. my thought was, maybe try

substituting something in the morning that is somewhat similar to what he's

used to, but better! if he likes blueberry pop tarts, try making something

else with bread and blueberries...maybe blueberry muffins? here's an

excellent recipe from vegweb for blueberry muffins with a crumb topping that

we all like a lot and is easy and quick:


*Blueberry Muffins with Crumb Topping*


Ingredients (use vegan versions):


1 1/2 cups flour (185g)

3/4 cup sugar (150g)

1/2 teaspoon salt (3g)

2 teaspoons baking powder (10g)

1/3 cup vegetable oil (80ml)

1 Ener-G Egg

Replacer<http://vegweb.com/products/censura.php?cmd=details & itemid=651>

(my husband just uses 1/4 c. applesauce)

1/3 cup

soymilk<http://vegweb.com/products/censura.php?cmd=details & itemid=814>(80ml)

1 cup blueberries (145g)


1/4 cup sugar (50g)

1/8 cup (over full) flour (20g)

2 tablespoons soy margarine (30g)

3/4 teaspoons cinnamon (scan't 2g)




Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F (200C). Grease 12 muffin cups.


Combine 1 1/2 cups flour, 3/4 cups sugar, salt, and baking powder.


Make the Ener-G egg.


Pour the vegetable oil into a 1 cup measuring cup, then add the egg and

enough soymilk to fill the measuring cup. Add to dry ingredients and mix



Fold in blueberries, then place the batter into the greased muffin tin.


Crumb topping: Mix 1/4 cup sugar, 1/8 cup flour (overfill the 1/8 cup),

margarine, and cinnamon until any large lumps are worked out. Sprinkle

topping over muffin batter before baking.


Bake about 25 minutes, until the topping and the tops of the muffins are





the vegweb website is awesome if you are a novice in the kitchen. you can

look up recipes by topic or ingredient. it is www.vegweb.com/recipes. we

use it almost every day.


good luck! and hang in there. i'm dreading that time myself.






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We like 8th continent Soy Milk lots better than Silk Soy Milk. Wal-Mart Super

Centers and Super Targets Carry it. Also some chain grocery stores carry it.

It isn't as thick at Silk and I think that and flavor is what makes it more

appealing to our family.



Renee Carroll

Friday, June 09, 2006 8:39 AM

Re: Could use some help please.......




Amy <malcolm51799 wrote: quick intro.......SAHM of a 3 1/2 year old.

My husband and myself are

newly vegetarian, we have done really well this year so far but we

have been transitioning slowly for years. My son has never had meat

or cows milk. He is on Silk Enhanced but he has not been drinking it

well at all for months. He keeps saying that he doesn't like it and I

am not interested in forcing him to eat or drink anything that he

doesn't like. But I do know that kids can be very conniving at this

age. I only offer him water and soy milk at home BTW. I have heard

about making smoothies but my problem is that I tried to give him soy

yogurt and he didn't like it and then I tried the Soy yogurt

smoothies that you can buy and he didn't like those either. So are

there any smoothie recipes that don't include yogurt? And can anyone

please share their recipes with me with exact measurements? I have

had people tell me how to make smoothies before but they are like,

just throw in some of this and some of that but I am a novice in the

kitchen and would do better to start with some exact recipes.


Also, any recommendations on healthy breakfast foods for a 3 yr old?

I am embarrassed to say that he has become addicted to brown sugar

and blueberry POP Tarts in the morning. I know, I know.....not sure

how that happened but it did. Once again one of those " I would never

do that! " mommy moments. It has become such a habit for him that when

I offer something else like oatmeal, muffins, waffles he will turn it

down even though he loves those foods as well. I plan to just stop

buying them and suffer through a few traumatic mornings but I need

some really healthy yet tasty alternatives first. We are not vegan

(yet) BTW.




Connor 8/13/02







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Here's a great resource for the basics of making all-fruit smoothies, with some

great recipes too. No yogurt necessary, it's the banana that makes 'em so

creamy. Mmmm.



Here's a super-simple, yummy smoothie that I've been making as an after-school

snack for my 2nd grader. It's from The Vegetarian Family Cookbook by Nava Atlas.

She has some other really good smoothie recipes in her books. It reminds me of a

chocolate shake.

Nutty Chocolate-Banana Smoothie: Puree in a blender: 1 lg banana broken into

several pieces, 1-1/2 cups chocolate soy milk, 1 heaping Tablespoon peanut



Cathe Olson (She is the author of " Simply Natural Baby Food " and " The Vegetarian

Mother's Cookbook. " ) says this on her site :


Vegetables in smoothies? You won't even taste them. Try this combination - I

call it the Everything Smoothie: Place 1 1/2 cups apple juice, 1/2 apple (cored

and sliced), 1/2 orange (peeled), 1/2 sweet potato or 1 carrot (sliced), 1/4 cup

chopped kale or cabbage, 1 banana. Puree together. Makes 2-3 servings.


On the breakfast ideas, maybe if you start with something really similar. Like

some cinnamon toast with a dish of fresh blueberries. Or blueberry muffins.

Also, I think it would be helpful if you can get him as involved as possible

with making the bkfst. He can sprinkle the cinnamon, rinse and drain the berries

in a colander, stir the muffin mix, etc.


Nava has another quick breakfast idea on her website:


CINNAMON-RAISIN TOAST: An all-time favorite in our home! Raisin bread makes

great cinnamon toast. Simply toast fresh raisin bread, spread lightly with

non-hydrogenated margarine, and sprinkle lightly with cinnamon.


Let us know how he does!




Bonnie Barker

Recipes Editor,





< >

Thursday, June 08, 2006 11:19 PM

Could use some help please.......



quick intro.......SAHM of a 3 1/2 year old. My husband and myself are

newly vegetarian, we have done really well this year so far but we

have been transitioning slowly for years. My son has never had meat

or cows milk. He is on Silk Enhanced but he has not been drinking it

well at all for months. He keeps saying that he doesn't like it and I

am not interested in forcing him to eat or drink anything that he

doesn't like. But I do know that kids can be very conniving at this

age. I only offer him water and soy milk at home BTW. I have heard

about making smoothies but my problem is that I tried to give him soy

yogurt and he didn't like it and then I tried the Soy yogurt

smoothies that you can buy and he didn't like those either. So are

there any smoothie recipes that don't include yogurt? And can anyone

please share their recipes with me with exact measurements? I have

had people tell me how to make smoothies before but they are like,

just throw in some of this and some of that but I am a novice in the

kitchen and would do better to start with some exact recipes.


Also, any recommendations on healthy breakfast foods for a 3 yr old?

I am embarrassed to say that he has become addicted to brown sugar

and blueberry POP Tarts in the morning. I know, I know.....not sure

how that happened but it did. Once again one of those " I would never

do that! " mommy moments. It has become such a habit for him that when

I offer something else like oatmeal, muffins, waffles he will turn it

down even though he loves those foods as well. I plan to just stop

buying them and suffer through a few traumatic mornings but I need

some really healthy yet tasty alternatives first. We are not vegan

(yet) BTW.




Connor 8/13/02







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Loved the Smoothie Link. Thanks.



Bonnie Barker

Friday, June 09, 2006 10:01 AM

Re: Could use some help please.......



Here's a great resource for the basics of making all-fruit smoothies, with

some great recipes too. No yogurt necessary, it's the banana that makes 'em so

creamy. Mmmm.



Here's a super-simple, yummy smoothie that I've been making as an after-school

snack for my 2nd grader. It's from The Vegetarian Family Cookbook by Nava Atlas.

She has some other really good smoothie recipes in her books. It reminds me of a

chocolate shake.

Nutty Chocolate-Banana Smoothie: Puree in a blender: 1 lg banana broken into

several pieces, 1-1/2 cups chocolate soy milk, 1 heaping Tablespoon peanut



Cathe Olson (She is the author of " Simply Natural Baby Food " and " The

Vegetarian Mother's Cookbook. " ) says this on her site :


Vegetables in smoothies? You won't even taste them. Try this combination - I

call it the Everything Smoothie: Place 1 1/2 cups apple juice, 1/2 apple (cored

and sliced), 1/2 orange (peeled), 1/2 sweet potato or 1 carrot (sliced), 1/4 cup

chopped kale or cabbage, 1 banana. Puree together. Makes 2-3 servings.


On the breakfast ideas, maybe if you start with something really similar. Like

some cinnamon toast with a dish of fresh blueberries. Or blueberry muffins.

Also, I think it would be helpful if you can get him as involved as possible

with making the bkfst. He can sprinkle the cinnamon, rinse and drain the berries

in a colander, stir the muffin mix, etc.


Nava has another quick breakfast idea on her website:


CINNAMON-RAISIN TOAST: An all-time favorite in our home! Raisin bread makes

great cinnamon toast. Simply toast fresh raisin bread, spread lightly with

non-hydrogenated margarine, and sprinkle lightly with cinnamon.


Let us know how he does!




Bonnie Barker

Recipes Editor,





< >

Thursday, June 08, 2006 11:19 PM

Could use some help please.......


quick intro.......SAHM of a 3 1/2 year old. My husband and myself are

newly vegetarian, we have done really well this year so far but we

have been transitioning slowly for years. My son has never had meat

or cows milk. He is on Silk Enhanced but he has not been drinking it

well at all for months. He keeps saying that he doesn't like it and I

am not interested in forcing him to eat or drink anything that he

doesn't like. But I do know that kids can be very conniving at this

age. I only offer him water and soy milk at home BTW. I have heard

about making smoothies but my problem is that I tried to give him soy

yogurt and he didn't like it and then I tried the Soy yogurt

smoothies that you can buy and he didn't like those either. So are

there any smoothie recipes that don't include yogurt? And can anyone

please share their recipes with me with exact measurements? I have

had people tell me how to make smoothies before but they are like,

just throw in some of this and some of that but I am a novice in the

kitchen and would do better to start with some exact recipes.


Also, any recommendations on healthy breakfast foods for a 3 yr old?

I am embarrassed to say that he has become addicted to brown sugar

and blueberry POP Tarts in the morning. I know, I know.....not sure

how that happened but it did. Once again one of those " I would never

do that! " mommy moments. It has become such a habit for him that when

I offer something else like oatmeal, muffins, waffles he will turn it

down even though he loves those foods as well. I plan to just stop

buying them and suffer through a few traumatic mornings but I need

some really healthy yet tasty alternatives first. We are not vegan

(yet) BTW.




Connor 8/13/02


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I am going to check out those smoothy links too, thank you for posting them. One

thing i see in western culture is a propensity to have sweet foods for breakfast

and a lot of " in the box " thinking when it comes to food. When i became a vegan

i had to work real hard to find alternatives and new ways of thinking about

food. One thing that has helped me was turning to different cultures to see what

they eat. I particularily like asian food which is very vegetarian orientated.

In my house if my daughter says she wants soup for breakfast i will give it to

her, if she wants rice, the same thing. Why does it always have to be something

fruity or sweet? It doesn't have to be. I too have a 3 1/2 yr old child and know

how they can be at that age. Fortunately, no one in our home is addicted to pop

tarts, but they do love their cinnamon toast in the morning. Maybe toasting your

little guy some whole wheat or flax toast, spreading canola butter over it and

adding cinnamon (w/ a little

sugar) will help him make the transition. Sometimes i give my daughter the

shaker i keep filled with cinnamon and sugar to sprinkle on her own toast. It

helps her to feel involved. We also love oatmeal, perhaps your son will learn to

have it for breakfast if you give him a 1/2 cup of blueberries to put in

himself. Another thing we like is cooked rice mixed with strawberries and maple

syrup. It is super filling and very yummy. I just thought of another thing. One

day when at the dollar store i seen these small cookies cutters of various

shapes. I bought them for the kids and make star shaped cantalope and heart

shaped toast, things like that. Maybe your little guy might respond to that as

well. Good luck with your child and i commend you on not forcing him to eat what

he dislikes. That will just cause him to resent you and rebel. Kids can be

worked with, especially if they are involved in the process. Perhaps take him

grocery shopping and have him pick " his " bread out of

the three or so loaves you approve of. It works for us. Take care, Shelly


wwjd <jtwigg wrote: Loved the Smoothie Link. Thanks.



Bonnie Barker


Friday, June 09, 2006 10:01 AM

Re: Could use some help please.......


Here's a great resource for the basics of making all-fruit smoothies, with some

great recipes too. No yogurt necessary, it's the banana that makes 'em so

creamy. Mmmm.



Here's a super-simple, yummy smoothie that I've been making as an after-school

snack for my 2nd grader. It's from The Vegetarian Family Cookbook by Nava Atlas.

She has some other really good smoothie recipes in her books. It reminds me of a

chocolate shake.

Nutty Chocolate-Banana Smoothie: Puree in a blender: 1 lg banana broken into

several pieces, 1-1/2 cups chocolate soy milk, 1 heaping Tablespoon peanut



Cathe Olson (She is the author of " Simply Natural Baby Food " and " The Vegetarian

Mother's Cookbook. " ) says this on her site :


Vegetables in smoothies? You won't even taste them. Try this combination - I

call it the Everything Smoothie: Place 1 1/2 cups apple juice, 1/2 apple (cored

and sliced), 1/2 orange (peeled), 1/2 sweet potato or 1 carrot (sliced), 1/4 cup

chopped kale or cabbage, 1 banana. Puree together. Makes 2-3 servings.


On the breakfast ideas, maybe if you start with something really similar. Like

some cinnamon toast with a dish of fresh blueberries. Or blueberry muffins.

Also, I think it would be helpful if you can get him as involved as possible

with making the bkfst. He can sprinkle the cinnamon, rinse and drain the berries

in a colander, stir the muffin mix, etc.


Nava has another quick breakfast idea on her website:


CINNAMON-RAISIN TOAST: An all-time favorite in our home! Raisin bread makes

great cinnamon toast. Simply toast fresh raisin bread, spread lightly with

non-hydrogenated margarine, and sprinkle lightly with cinnamon.


Let us know how he does!




Bonnie Barker

Recipes Editor,





< >

Thursday, June 08, 2006 11:19 PM

Could use some help please.......


quick intro.......SAHM of a 3 1/2 year old. My husband and myself are

newly vegetarian, we have done really well this year so far but we

have been transitioning slowly for years. My son has never had meat

or cows milk. He is on Silk Enhanced but he has not been drinking it

well at all for months. He keeps saying that he doesn't like it and I

am not interested in forcing him to eat or drink anything that he

doesn't like. But I do know that kids can be very conniving at this

age. I only offer him water and soy milk at home BTW. I have heard

about making smoothies but my problem is that I tried to give him soy

yogurt and he didn't like it and then I tried the Soy yogurt

smoothies that you can buy and he didn't like those either. So are

there any smoothie recipes that don't include yogurt? And can anyone

please share their recipes with me with exact measurements? I have

had people tell me how to make smoothies before but they are like,

just throw in some of this and some of that but I am a novice in the

kitchen and would do better to start with some exact recipes.


Also, any recommendations on healthy breakfast foods for a 3 yr old?

I am embarrassed to say that he has become addicted to brown sugar

and blueberry POP Tarts in the morning. I know, I know.....not sure

how that happened but it did. Once again one of those " I would never

do that! " mommy moments. It has become such a habit for him that when

I offer something else like oatmeal, muffins, waffles he will turn it

down even though he loves those foods as well. I plan to just stop

buying them and suffer through a few traumatic mornings but I need

some really healthy yet tasty alternatives first. We are not vegan

(yet) BTW.




Connor 8/13/02



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i agree about trying to get away from sweet foods for breakfast. my husband

was in taiwan for two years and they never eat sweet things for

breakfast...their " pancakes " are like flat rice flour cakes flavored with

onion or garlic, and eating a brothy soup is pretty standard among the

peasants. so pretty often in our home we will actually eat things like miso

soup or tofu with rice. we're pretty loose about food...if someone wants

breakfast food for dinner or dinner food for breakfast, we're behind that.

having miso soup (with miso, udon noodles, tofu, carrots, green onions,

spinach, and shiitake mushrooms) is actually a really wonderful, nourishing,

energentic food for first thing in the morning, especially compared with so

many heavy breakfast foods out there.




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I do a similar thing with rice only I add raisins and soymilk along with the

rice and maple syrup. Yummy!! I'll have to make some soon!













Behalf Of shelly

June 9, 2006 3:57 PM


Re: Could use some help please.......




I am going to check out those smoothy links too, thank you for posting them.

One thing i see in western culture is a propensity to have sweet foods for

breakfast and a lot of " in the box " thinking when it comes to food. When i

became a vegan i had to work real hard to find alternatives and new ways of

thinking about food. One thing that has helped me was turning to different

cultures to see what they eat. I particularily like asian food which is very

vegetarian orientated. In my house if my daughter says she wants soup for

breakfast i will give it to her, if she wants rice, the same thing. Why does

it always have to be something fruity or sweet? It doesn't have to be. I too

have a 3 1/2 yr old child and know how they can be at that age. Fortunately,

no one in our home is addicted to pop tarts, but they do love their cinnamon

toast in the morning. Maybe toasting your little guy some whole wheat or

flax toast, spreading canola butter over it and adding cinnamon (w/ a little

sugar) will help him make the transition. Sometimes i give my daughter the

shaker i keep filled with cinnamon and sugar to sprinkle on her own toast.

It helps her to feel involved. We also love oatmeal, perhaps your son will

learn to have it for breakfast if you give him a 1/2 cup of blueberries to

put in himself. Another thing we like is cooked rice mixed with strawberries

and maple syrup. It is super filling and very yummy. I just thought of

another thing. One day when at the dollar store i seen these small cookies

cutters of various shapes. I bought them for the kids and make star shaped

cantalope and heart shaped toast, things like that. Maybe your little guy

might respond to that as well. Good luck with your child and i commend you

on not forcing him to eat what he dislikes. That will just cause him to

resent you and rebel. Kids can be worked with, especially if they are

involved in the process. Perhaps take him grocery shopping and have him pick

" his " bread out of

the three or so loaves you approve of. It works for us. Take care, Shelly


wwjd <jtwigg (AT) frontiernet (DOT) <jtwigg%40frontiernet.net> net> wrote:

Loved the Smoothie Link. Thanks.



Bonnie Barker

@gro <%40> ups.com

Friday, June 09, 2006 10:01 AM

Re: Could use some help please.......


Here's a great resource for the basics of making all-fruit smoothies, with

some great recipes too. No yogurt necessary, it's the banana that makes 'em

so creamy. Mmmm.





Here's a super-simple, yummy smoothie that I've been making as an

after-school snack for my 2nd grader. It's from The Vegetarian Family

Cookbook by Nava Atlas. She has some other really good smoothie recipes in

her books. It reminds me of a chocolate shake.

Nutty Chocolate-Banana Smoothie: Puree in a blender: 1 lg banana broken into

several pieces, 1-1/2 cups chocolate soy milk, 1 heaping Tablespoon peanut



Cathe Olson (She is the author of " Simply Natural Baby Food " and " The

Vegetarian Mother's Cookbook. " ) says this on her site :

http://www.simplyna <http://www.simplynaturalbooks.com/tips.html>


Vegetables in smoothies? You won't even taste them. Try this combination - I

call it the Everything Smoothie: Place 1 1/2 cups apple juice, 1/2 apple

(cored and sliced), 1/2 orange (peeled), 1/2 sweet potato or 1 carrot

(sliced), 1/4 cup chopped kale or cabbage, 1 banana. Puree together. Makes

2-3 servings.


On the breakfast ideas, maybe if you start with something really similar.

Like some cinnamon toast with a dish of fresh blueberries. Or blueberry

muffins. Also, I think it would be helpful if you can get him as involved as

possible with making the bkfst. He can sprinkle the cinnamon, rinse and

drain the berries in a colander, stir the muffin mix, etc.


Nava has another quick breakfast idea on her website:




CINNAMON-RAISIN TOAST: An all-time favorite in our home! Raisin bread makes

great cinnamon toast. Simply toast fresh raisin bread, spread lightly with

non-hydrogenated margarine, and sprinkle lightly with cinnamon.


Let us know how he does!




Bonnie Barker

Recipes Editor,

www.vegfamily.com<http://www.vegfamil <http://www.vegfamily.com/> y.com/>



Amy<malcolm51799@ <malcolm51799%40aol.com> aol.com>

@gro <%40>

ups.com<@gro <%40>


Thursday, June 08, 2006 11:19 PM

Could use some help please.......


quick intro.......SAHM of a 3 1/2 year old. My husband and myself are

newly vegetarian, we have done really well this year so far but we

have been transitioning slowly for years. My son has never had meat

or cows milk. He is on Silk Enhanced but he has not been drinking it

well at all for months. He keeps saying that he doesn't like it and I

am not interested in forcing him to eat or drink anything that he

doesn't like. But I do know that kids can be very conniving at this

age. I only offer him water and soy milk at home BTW. I have heard

about making smoothies but my problem is that I tried to give him soy

yogurt and he didn't like it and then I tried the Soy yogurt

smoothies that you can buy and he didn't like those either. So are

there any smoothie recipes that don't include yogurt? And can anyone

please share their recipes with me with exact measurements? I have

had people tell me how to make smoothies before but they are like,

just throw in some of this and some of that but I am a novice in the

kitchen and would do better to start with some exact recipes.


Also, any recommendations on healthy breakfast foods for a 3 yr old?

I am embarrassed to say that he has become addicted to brown sugar

and blueberry POP Tarts in the morning. I know, I know.....not sure

how that happened but it did. Once again one of those " I would never

do that! " mommy moments. It has become such a habit for him that when

I offer something else like oatmeal, muffins, waffles he will turn it

down even though he loves those foods as well. I plan to just stop

buying them and suffer through a few traumatic mornings but I need

some really healthy yet tasty alternatives first. We are not vegan

(yet) BTW.




Connor 8/13/02



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I found your comment regarding iron in grits interesting. I haven't

really thought of grits as a high iron food. I did a little research

and found that only the enriched product is high in iron, at least for

my needs. The enriched versions are at a minimum about 6 times higher

than the unenriched varieties. Have you learned that the unenriched

iron variety is still considered to be too high in iron for a diet

without an iron problem (ie hemochromatosis, etc.)?




, Renee Carroll <renecarol25



> I tell her she can't have grits more than 3 days a week because

too much iron is bad for her. And she understands that.

> Renee



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the very vanilla soymilk by silk, i think, is awesome.

tastes like a vanilla shake. my 2 1/2 year old loves

it, and he dislikes all other soymilks. :)







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When my mom was in a nursing home, we were told folks at the end of life

have sweet tooth cravings, just as they do at the beginning...the idea being

that humans need to crave sweets at the beginning of life to take breast

milk, which is very high in milk sugar...survival of the species kind of

thing. I didn't get the end of life evolutionary reason, though I do see

seniors in assisted living facilities with lots of stashed candy bars in

their rooms, despite their diseases. One explanation is that at the end of

life, we can lose some functions, including refined tastes, so that only the

basic ones are left. Unless someone knows differently?






Behalf Of Jacq

Friday, June 09, 2006 10:21 PM


RE: Could use some help please.......




I do a similar thing with rice only I add raisins and soymilk along with the

rice and maple syrup. Yummy!! I'll have to make some soon!




http://adhdnme. <http://adhdnme.blogspot.com> blogspot.com




@gro <%40> ups.com

[@gro <%40> ups.com]


Behalf Of shelly

June 9, 2006 3:57 PM

@gro <%40> ups.com

Re: Could use some help please.......


I am going to check out those smoothy links too, thank you for posting them.

One thing i see in western culture is a propensity to have sweet foods for

breakfast and a lot of " in the box " thinking when it comes to food. When i

became a vegan i had to work real hard to find alternatives and new ways of

thinking about food. One thing that has helped me was turning to different

cultures to see what they eat. I particularily like asian food which is very

vegetarian orientated. In my house if my daughter says she wants soup for

breakfast i will give it to her, if she wants rice, the same thing. Why does

it always have to be something fruity or sweet? It doesn't have to be. I too

have a 3 1/2 yr old child and know how they can be at that age. Fortunately,

no one in our home is addicted to pop tarts, but they do love their cinnamon

toast in the morning. Maybe toasting your little guy some whole wheat or

flax toast, spreading canola butter over it and adding cinnamon (w/ a little

sugar) will help him make the transition. Sometimes i give my daughter the

shaker i keep filled with cinnamon and sugar to sprinkle on her own toast.

It helps her to feel involved. We also love oatmeal, perhaps your son will

learn to have it for breakfast if you give him a 1/2 cup of blueberries to

put in himself. Another thing we like is cooked rice mixed with strawberries

and maple syrup. It is super filling and very yummy. I just thought of

another thing. One day when at the dollar store i seen these small cookies

cutters of various shapes. I bought them for the kids and make star shaped

cantalope and heart shaped toast, things like that. Maybe your little guy

might respond to that as well. Good luck with your child and i commend you

on not forcing him to eat what he dislikes. That will just cause him to

resent you and rebel. Kids can be worked with, especially if they are

involved in the process. Perhaps take him grocery shopping and have him pick

" his " bread out of

the three or so loaves you approve of. It works for us. Take care, Shelly


wwjd <jtwigg (AT) frontiernet (DOT) <jtwigg%40frontiernet.net> net> wrote:

Loved the Smoothie Link. Thanks.



Bonnie Barker

@gro <%40> ups.com

Friday, June 09, 2006 10:01 AM

Re: Could use some help please.......


Here's a great resource for the basics of making all-fruit smoothies, with

some great recipes too. No yogurt necessary, it's the banana that makes 'em

so creamy. Mmmm.







Here's a super-simple, yummy smoothie that I've been making as an

after-school snack for my 2nd grader. It's from The Vegetarian Family

Cookbook by Nava Atlas. She has some other really good smoothie recipes in

her books. It reminds me of a chocolate shake.

Nutty Chocolate-Banana Smoothie: Puree in a blender: 1 lg banana broken into

several pieces, 1-1/2 cups chocolate soy milk, 1 heaping Tablespoon peanut



Cathe Olson (She is the author of " Simply Natural Baby Food " and " The

Vegetarian Mother's Cookbook. " ) says this on her site :

http://www.simplyna <http://www.simplyna

<http://www.simplynaturalbooks.com/tips.html> turalbooks.com/tips.html>


Vegetables in smoothies? You won't even taste them. Try this combination - I

call it the Everything Smoothie: Place 1 1/2 cups apple juice, 1/2 apple

(cored and sliced), 1/2 orange (peeled), 1/2 sweet potato or 1 carrot

(sliced), 1/4 cup chopped kale or cabbage, 1 banana. Puree together. Makes

2-3 servings.


On the breakfast ideas, maybe if you start with something really similar.

Like some cinnamon toast with a dish of fresh blueberries. Or blueberry

muffins. Also, I think it would be helpful if you can get him as involved as

possible with making the bkfst. He can sprinkle the cinnamon, rinse and

drain the berries in a colander, stir the muffin mix, etc.


Nava has another quick breakfast idea on her website:






CINNAMON-RAISIN TOAST: An all-time favorite in our home! Raisin bread makes

great cinnamon toast. Simply toast fresh raisin bread, spread lightly with

non-hydrogenated margarine, and sprinkle lightly with cinnamon.


Let us know how he does!




Bonnie Barker

Recipes Editor,

www.vegfamily.com<http://www.vegfamil <http://www.vegfamil

<http://www.vegfamily.com/> y.com/> y.com/>



Amy<malcolm51799@ <malcolm51799%40aol.com> aol.com>

@gro <%40>

ups.com<@gro <%40>


Thursday, June 08, 2006 11:19 PM

Could use some help please.......


quick intro.......SAHM of a 3 1/2 year old. My husband and myself are

newly vegetarian, we have done really well this year so far but we

have been transitioning slowly for years. My son has never had meat

or cows milk. He is on Silk Enhanced but he has not been drinking it

well at all for months. He keeps saying that he doesn't like it and I

am not interested in forcing him to eat or drink anything that he

doesn't like. But I do know that kids can be very conniving at this

age. I only offer him water and soy milk at home BTW. I have heard

about making smoothies but my problem is that I tried to give him soy

yogurt and he didn't like it and then I tried the Soy yogurt

smoothies that you can buy and he didn't like those either. So are

there any smoothie recipes that don't include yogurt? And can anyone

please share their recipes with me with exact measurements? I have

had people tell me how to make smoothies before but they are like,

just throw in some of this and some of that but I am a novice in the

kitchen and would do better to start with some exact recipes.


Also, any recommendations on healthy breakfast foods for a 3 yr old?

I am embarrassed to say that he has become addicted to brown sugar

and blueberry POP Tarts in the morning. I know, I know.....not sure

how that happened but it did. Once again one of those " I would never

do that! " mommy moments. It has become such a habit for him that when

I offer something else like oatmeal, muffins, waffles he will turn it

down even though he loves those foods as well. I plan to just stop

buying them and suffer through a few traumatic mornings but I need

some really healthy yet tasty alternatives first. We are not vegan

(yet) BTW.




Connor 8/13/02



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Can you offer some advice about where/ how to buy the unenriched kind? We eat

Quaker - I didn't know there was anything else - not that I've looked into

something else. We don't really have any 'high iron' issues. Though when we

were in college my husband was tested (we were giving blood fairly regularly

then) and his iron was so high they wouldn't take it. So as a family we kind

of watch consuming too much high iron food since then.



rtillmansmail <rtillmansmail wrote:


I found your comment regarding iron in grits interesting. I haven't

really thought of grits as a high iron food. I did a little research

and found that only the enriched product is high in iron, at least for

my needs. The enriched versions are at a minimum about 6 times higher

than the unenriched varieties. Have you learned that the unenriched

iron variety is still considered to be too high in iron for a diet

without an iron problem (ie hemochromatosis, etc.)?




, Renee Carroll <renecarol25



> I tell her she can't have grits more than 3 days a week because

too much iron is bad for her. And she understands that.

> Renee













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