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New parent/Old Vegan

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Hello everyone. My name is Susan and I am mom to Max, who was born at 27.5

weeks, weighing in at 1 lb 9 oz. We stayed in the NICU for 80 days...he was the

first Vegan in the NICU! However, there were a couple of things that could not

be avoided, but boy did I ever educate that place! Max is now 15 months old,

23lbs and a very happy vegan baby. I've been vegan for 13 years now and Max's

dad has been veggie the same.


I'm curious to know how vegan/veggie mixes work in your house?


I was also looking at the archives and seeing some discussion about soy (evil or

not) and I'd like an example of how much soy your kids are eating in a day...is

there too much? I spoke with the VRG ask a nutrionist, and he gave me some

idea...but Max drinks Silk Enhanced....about 28 ounces a day and he loves soy

yogurt....now if I add in tofu or tempeh or any analog...is it too much?


I look forward to your responses. Thank you.



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Thanks for the response. We are a fine veggie/vegan couple. Robert

eats whatever I make, which is always vegan. On nights when I don't

cook, he eats whatever he wants...ususally an omelete. Often he

puts cheese on whatever I make, after the fact. It works okay...I

won't touch it, or buy it for him. He also drinks a tremendous

amount of milk. I'm a little concerned how we will get Max, our 15

month old, to understand/distinguish the difference. He loves to

eat whatever we are eating and sometimes gets really mad if you

don't spoon it over! I guess Robert will just have to go Vegan!







, Lisa Veg*n <vegetariankids



> Hi Susan! Welcome! What are they feeding those babies in the NICU

that they aren't vegan??? Hamburgers??? Ha! I guess they were

pushing the milk- rather than soy-based formula. I breastfed and

used formula, and I know everyone wanted to push the milk-based

formula, which I didn't use.


> I'm vegan; hubby, son (2 1/2), and mom are lacto-ova. How it

works with my hubby...I'm a harpy! Haaaaa! Honestly I think my hubby

is on the brink of cracking, but not really bc of me. He's just been

reading some books that pretty much support everything I've been

telling him about egg and dairy consumption. The books talk not only

about the ethical issues, but the health and environmental issues.

He's currently reading The Omnivore's Dilema. And I'm reading The

Way We Eat: Why Our Food Choices Matter. They're actually much more

interesting than they might sound. :) For my hubby, in the house,

his weaknesses are half-and-half, ice cream, and cheese. I can't

remember the last time he made eggs, although he said he reserves

the right to eat them. Haaa! I avoid feeding my son dairy and eggs

(which he doesn't like anyway), but he does eat cheese in the house.

My mom doesn't do eggs either (except in some baked goods). She

loves cheese, too, though, and refuses to let me tell

> her about its production. I take it easy on her. :) All in all I

feel lucky to have a vegetarian hubby, although it took six years to

get him there. He's a softy though, so education about the animals

really did it. How are things for you as a vegan/veggie couple?



> Lisa

> Northern VA/DC/Maryland Veg*n Playgroup

> vegetarianchildren/




> How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone

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Thank you for your insight. Max is probably getting a bit much on

the soy front, so I'm working in some Rice Milk and Almond Milk. He

is fanatical about having soy yogurt in the morning right now, so I

will still with that. I, too, try to rotate foods, especially for

Max. He is a pretty good eater, except when teething, but still

prefers a pretty smooth texture, unless it's finger food he can eat

by himself. Do you make your milks, or buy them? I feel a certain

amount of pressure from my ped and, to some extent, my family, to

defend his diet...in that " is he getting enough...(fill in the

blank). Mind you, he was a preemie, has NEVER been sick and weighs

23lbs at 15 months, which puts him on the regular growth chart. He

just had bloodwork done and everything came back great. Two meat

eating kids in our neighborhood, around the same age, were

anemic...what does that tell you?




, VAP79 wrote:



> Dear Susan,

> Welcome!

> Congrats on your wonderful new son. I teach natural childbirth and

am a

> doula. I don't have many clients with babies in the NICU. But,

when it happens,

> everyone gets a lesson in patience and listening skills.

> It's wonderful that the staff got the opportunity to see a vegan

baby thrive!

> My son is 10 yrs old now and vegan since birth. I am a big

believer in

> rotating foods. That goes for my son and husband as well as

myself. So, since we

> have a fair amount of soy in our diet, I limit the soy milk. I did

nurse my son

> a few months past 2 yrs old. For that period of time. Water was

the only

> drink he got. I introduced rice milk first a little at a time. We

rotate, rice,

> almond and hazelnut milk. I can't deal with oat milk! We eat tofu

a few times

> a week. He likes soy cheese, so a couple times a week. Soy hot

dogs, burgers

> and fake meats a couple times a week. I use miso and tempeh as

well. Soy

> yogurt once or twice a week.

> We sometimes eat soy twice a day, but never every meal. I do my

best to have

> other legumes through the day and week.

> Sometimes I make smoothies, I use hemp protein, rice protein or

the veggie

> protein rather than soy.

> Hope that helps.

> Laura


> I was also looking at the archives and seeing some discussion

about soy

> (evil or not) and I'd like an example of how much soy your kids

are eating in a

> day...is there too much? I spoke with the VRG ask a nutrionist,

and he gave

> me some idea...but Max drinks Silk Enhanced....about 28 ounces a

day and he

> loves soy yogurt....now if I add in tofu or tempeh or any

analog...is it too

> much?







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As long as Max is growing at an appropriate rate and healthy, you have nothing

to defend.


You really need to consider dropping your pediatrician. My daughter has never

seen one; she sees the same family practioner that her parents, aunt, uncle,

cousin and many friends see.


earthgrlss <earthgrl wrote:



Thank you for your insight. Max is probably getting a bit much on

the soy front, so I'm working in some Rice Milk and Almond Milk. He

is fanatical about having soy yogurt in the morning right now, so I

will still with that. I, too, try to rotate foods, especially for

Max. He is a pretty good eater, except when teething, but still

prefers a pretty smooth texture, unless it's finger food he can eat

by himself. Do you make your milks, or buy them? I feel a certain

amount of pressure from my ped and, to some extent, my family, to

defend his diet...in that " is he getting enough...(fill in the

blank). Mind you, he was a preemie, has NEVER been sick and weighs

23lbs at 15 months, which puts him on the regular growth chart. He

just had bloodwork done and everything came back great. Two meat

eating kids in our neighborhood, around the same age, were

anemic...what does that tell you?




, VAP79 wrote:



> Dear Susan,

> Welcome!

> Congrats on your wonderful new son. I teach natural childbirth and

am a

> doula. I don't have many clients with babies in the NICU. But,

when it happens,

> everyone gets a lesson in patience and listening skills.

> It's wonderful that the staff got the opportunity to see a vegan

baby thrive!

> My son is 10 yrs old now and vegan since birth. I am a big

believer in

> rotating foods. That goes for my son and husband as well as

myself. So, since we

> have a fair amount of soy in our diet, I limit the soy milk. I did

nurse my son

> a few months past 2 yrs old. For that period of time. Water was

the only

> drink he got. I introduced rice milk first a little at a time. We

rotate, rice,

> almond and hazelnut milk. I can't deal with oat milk! We eat tofu

a few times

> a week. He likes soy cheese, so a couple times a week. Soy hot

dogs, burgers

> and fake meats a couple times a week. I use miso and tempeh as

well. Soy

> yogurt once or twice a week.

> We sometimes eat soy twice a day, but never every meal. I do my

best to have

> other legumes through the day and week.

> Sometimes I make smoothies, I use hemp protein, rice protein or

the veggie

> protein rather than soy.

> Hope that helps.

> Laura


> I was also looking at the archives and seeing some discussion

about soy

> (evil or not) and I'd like an example of how much soy your kids

are eating in a

> day...is there too much? I spoke with the VRG ask a nutrionist,

and he gave

> me some idea...but Max drinks Silk Enhanced....about 28 ounces a

day and he

> loves soy yogurt....now if I add in tofu or tempeh or any

analog...is it too

> much?







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Hi Susan,


When you wrote that your husband drinks a tremendous amount of milk,

that sent up a red flag for me. He could be putting himself at risk

for prostate cancer when he's older. There have been many studies

linking the two. As a start, you should have him read the section

" Discovering Dairy Alternatives " in the Survivor's Handbook from the

Cancer Project. It may do the trick to have him switch to an

alternative, at least for fluid milk. Remind him that he needs to

give 3 weeks for his palette to change. Another thing you might

mention is a recent presentation I saw by Edward Giovannucci, M.D. of

the Harvard School of Public Health (and other places) which gave an

overview of studies " Dairy and Calcium Intake and Prostate Cancer

Risk: A Review of Epidemiologic Evidence " . The conclusions:


- Ecological, case-control and cohort studies suggest that high

intake of milk products increases the risk of advance, high-grade and

fatal prostate cancer.


- Findings for milk tend to be stronger for low-fat milk, suggesting

fat intake is not the major factor.


- Some studies suggest calcium supplementation increases risk.


- Although more study is needed, risk is most clearly increased at

intakes > 1500 mg/day (in U.S.)


Here is the link from the Survivor's Handbook:




There are also studies linking milk drinking and breast cancer.


It really doesn't make sense for human adults to drink large amounts

of milk. All you need to do is pause for a moment and think about it.


Good luck!




On Aug 8, 2006, at 12:44 PM, earthgrlss wrote:


> Lisa,


> Thanks for the response. We are a fine veggie/vegan couple. Robert

> eats whatever I make, which is always vegan. On nights when I don't

> cook, he eats whatever he wants...ususally an omelete. Often he

> puts cheese on whatever I make, after the fact. It works okay...I

> won't touch it, or buy it for him. He also drinks a tremendous

> amount of milk. I'm a little concerned how we will get Max, our 15

> month old, to understand/distinguish the difference. He loves to

> eat whatever we are eating and sometimes gets really mad if you

> don't spoon it over! I guess Robert will just have to go Vegan!

> Darn.


> Susan


> , Lisa Veg*n <vegetariankids

> wrote:

> >

> > Hi Susan! Welcome! What are they feeding those babies in the NICU

> that they aren't vegan??? Hamburgers??? Ha! I guess they were

> pushing the milk- rather than soy-based formula. I breastfed and

> used formula, and I know everyone wanted to push the milk-based

> formula, which I didn't use.

> >

> > I'm vegan; hubby, son (2 1/2), and mom are lacto-ova. How it

> works with my hubby...I'm a harpy! Haaaaa! Honestly I think my hubby

> is on the brink of cracking, but not really bc of me. He's just been

> reading some books that pretty much support everything I've been

> telling him about egg and dairy consumption. The books talk not only

> about the ethical issues, but the health and environmental issues.

> He's currently reading The Omnivore's Dilema. And I'm reading The

> Way We Eat: Why Our Food Choices Matter. They're actually much more

> interesting than they might sound. :) For my hubby, in the house,

> his weaknesses are half-and-half, ice cream, and cheese. I can't

> remember the last time he made eggs, although he said he reserves

> the right to eat them. Haaa! I avoid feeding my son dairy and eggs

> (which he doesn't like anyway), but he does eat cheese in the house.

> My mom doesn't do eggs either (except in some baked goods). She

> loves cheese, too, though, and refuses to let me tell

> > her about its production. I take it easy on her. :) All in all I

> feel lucky to have a vegetarian hubby, although it took six years to

> get him there. He's a softy though, so education about the animals

> really did it. How are things for you as a vegan/veggie couple?

> >

> >

> > Lisa

> > Northern VA/DC/Maryland Veg*n Playgroup

> > vegetarianchildren/

> >

> >

> >

> > How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone

> call rates.

> >

> >

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i feel so sad about my milk drinking in the past. i grew up drinking milk

and pretty much nothing else, the occasional soda, almost no water or

juice. milk at every meal and between meals. during my first pregnancy, i

drank so much milk i'm surprised my son didn't have two milks. i drank 3-4

gallons of conventional skim milk a week all on my own. :( i went vegan 3

weeks after he was born and i guess i caught it early in myself, but i do

worry what kinds of effects my early diet will have on me later in life --

it's believed that so much of health is decided in the first 20 years. at

least i know my son will grow up better.






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