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Hi all. Do any of your children ever watch the Disney show Stanley? It's a

cartoon about a boy and talking goldfish who learn about animals. My kids watch

it sometimes, and it was I think yesterday's episode, was about milk. Cows make

milk for us, apparently. Isn't that nice of them?

I personally am not entirely vegan (yet), but that just really upset me to see a

kid's show showing it the way they did. They of course show the happy cows in a

pretty pasture, then a farmer milks them by hand, and no, it doesn't hurt the

cow. " It's perfectly natural. " The show even acknowledges that cow's milk is to

feed newborn baby calves- yet they failed to show the part where the baby is

slammed into a veal crate. I'm seriously upset with the show for their

misrepresentation of how milk is obtained. It even says, twice, that " milk

tastes great and is good for us. " I turned it off whenever I got a good idea of

what it was about, but we record shows in the morning to watch that afternoon,

and I went back and watched the rest of it and I'm not going to let them watch

that show again without watching it myself first. What's next- pigs hanging

happily by their legs, with a friendly farmer mopping up the blood? RRRRgh.

Sorry for the rant.


Kadee Sedtal





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oh...that's so sad. we don't have a tv and that's sort of a big reason

why. someone mentioned on another group that the reason they impress on

milk so much in nutrition programs is because they consider it the only

alternative we lowly parents will consider rather than soda or sugary

juices. i really doubt it's that much better; it's just bad in a different

way. you might really consider writing to the producers of that show and

making sure they realize that you don't appreciate your kids being fed dairy

industry propaganda.






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I'm with you. I am very upset by statements made to children and others

along the lines of " cows give milk for us to drink. " " chickens lay eggs for

us to eat. " " We thank the pig for giving up his life for us so we may have

meat. " What lies. We take these things from creatures who desperately fight

for their lives and for their offspring. It is the saddest thing to teach

children lies like this.


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Thanks for the tip! We also record with tivo. We haven't watched Stanley in

a while, and that is good! If I am watching with them and notice blatant

propaganda, I openly talk about that! Just the other day on our local news

there was a bit about how even if you are lactose intolerant, you should

take some pills to be able to tolerate the milk..Into a discussion of what a

bunch of bull, and yet another example of a lie on tv..I also discuss

companies looking for a buck,etc..Like the milk industry and its " milk,does

a body good " ..And the kids say, if you are a baby cow!

Thanks a lot Disney..

I don't really expect much from any show, I'm not surprised.


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When my daughter was smaller she drank a lot of unsweeted juice (apple, grape,

etc) that was halfed with water. I remember my niece asking why we made her

drink " bad-tasting " juice. But our daughter liked it because she has never had

soda or heavily sweetened drinks. These days she drinks regular juice from the

box. After her quota of 1 soymilk and the equivalent of 2 boxes of juice (for

carrying to school for lunch and snack) she has to drink water. I never gave

her a lot of soymilk as a toddler. Maybe 2 cups a day between 2-4 years old.

I don't believe that humans were meant to drink cow's milk and I don't honestly

believe we need to 'supplement' with a substitute milk.



earthmother <earthmother213 wrote:

oh...that's so sad. we don't have a tv and that's sort of a big reason

why. someone mentioned on another group that the reason they impress on

milk so much in nutrition programs is because they consider it the only

alternative we lowly parents will consider rather than soda or sugary

juices. i really doubt it's that much better; it's just bad in a different

way. you might really consider writing to the producers of that show and

making sure they realize that you don't appreciate your kids being fed dairy

industry propaganda.




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i agree. we do about 2 c. of enhanced silk a day and we sort of count that

as our son's vitamin supplement. we mainly do it for the b12. as for

juice, i believe it's mostly sugar. when he gets juice it's diluted at

least 1:1, and i try to only do juices i've juiced myself (so there's pulp

and stuff in it). other than water, soymilk, and juice a couple times a

week, we don't drink anything else.




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I did talk to my daughter about what she did see of the show. My son was busy

eating his toes the whole time and doesn't understand much yet. I sat in the

chair with her and told her how milk is made for baby cows, and to get milk for

people to drink the babies are taken from their mothers. She's an

extraordinarily bright 2 1/2 year-old, so she understands that animals hurt, and

I asked her how she would feel if someone took her away from me. She said,

" Sad. " My good girl. I'll definitely be writing to whoever I need to about the

show. Usually I really like it, but regardless of a person's food choices, lying

is just all-around bad. Lying about the production of milk is especially awful.


Kadee Sedtal


rebecca richard <rebecca_richard wrote:

Thanks for the tip! We also record with tivo. We haven't watched Stanley in

a while, and that is good! If I am watching with them and notice blatant

propaganda, I openly talk about that! Just the other day on our local news

there was a bit about how even if you are lactose intolerant, you should

take some pills to be able to tolerate the milk..Into a discussion of what a

bunch of bull, and yet another example of a lie on tv..I also discuss

companies looking for a buck,etc..Like the milk industry and its " milk,does

a body good " ..And the kids say, if you are a baby cow!

Thanks a lot Disney..

I don't really expect much from any show, I'm not surprised.










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This is why I write and call the station and the company with complaints.

The more they hear from people who have objections the less of this we have

to deal with in the future.

I also contact PCRM and other groups to get behind the effort to stop the


Peace begins in the kitchen

Laura in MD




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> someone mentioned on another group that the reason they impress on

>milk so much in nutrition programs is because they consider it the only

>alternative we lowly parents will consider rather than soda or sugary



whatever happened to a nice cold glass of water?

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>When my daughter was smaller she drank a lot of unsweeted juice

>(apple, grape, etc) that was halfed with water. I remember my

>niece asking why we made her drink " bad-tasting " juice.


My two-year-old is pretty similar, until she was 18 months we diluted

her juice-- then she went through an apple juice phase, drank about a

gallon a week. I'd let her drink about 6 ounces a day before she had

to drink water. And now she's in a chocolate " milk " phase, doesn't

matter if it's cow or soy. But she goes to a day care program now for

breakfast and lunch and snack. They give milk at one meal, juice at

the other, and instant juice at snack.My daughter won't drink the

milk and doesn't like the sugar-sweetened instant juice.

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I teach at a private kindergarten, and we will always allow a child to get

their personal snack at request. Our snacks are pretzels, saltines and

cheerios, but if a child asks for their snack, I will oblige, unless the

snack involves peanuts. We give water as a beverage - unless a parent

requests juice and provides such. The juice has to be 100% juice.


Behalf Of darranged

Saturday, September 16, 2006 3:42 PM

Re: Stanley



>When my daughter was smaller she drank a lot of unsweeted juice

>(apple, grape, etc) that was halfed with water. I remember my

>niece asking why we made her drink " bad-tasting " juice.


My two-year-old is pretty similar, until she was 18 months we diluted

her juice-- then she went through an apple juice phase, drank about a

gallon a week. I'd let her drink about 6 ounces a day before she had

to drink water. And now she's in a chocolate " milk " phase, doesn't

matter if it's cow or soy. But she goes to a day care program now for

breakfast and lunch and snack. They give milk at one meal, juice at

the other, and instant juice at snack.My daughter won't drink the

milk and doesn't like the sugar-sweetened instant juice.







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