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if you have to bottle feed...

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well, my first question would be, why would you have to bottle-feed? my

first choice would be breastfeeding. my second choice would be pumping and

feeding the baby by an SNS. my third choice would be pumping and feeding

the baby by bottle. and my fourth choice would be finding a mother who

would donate breastmilk to me. :) i attempted all four with my first, and

ultimately the last one finally worked. when we did use formula, we

couldn't afford the good stuff so we used what WIC provided, which was

enfamil soy (which is not fully vegan, but at least is not dairy-based). in

my opinion, formula is poison no matter what kind it is. i suppose if i HAD

to do it over again (although i pray i never will) i would either buy the

organic soy stuff or i would make my own from a goat milk base (preferably

from goats i know). but really, there are so many options before switching

to formula; a lot of people don't realize that there are more options than

just either breastfeeding or formula-feeding. i'm not sure what your

reasons are for wanting to use formula, but in my case, i couldn't nurse no

matter what i did. formula is really vile stuff; i would consider the

options very carefully before making the switch.






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I know we have had extensive conversations on this before - but you may be a new

member chandelier - when it comes to bottle vs. breast please try to keep your

judgment in check as their are many reasons people cannot breast feed (adoption

being one) and the other options may not be available to them - they also may be

feeling bad about it as it is and don't need you piling on. I breast fed my 1st

for 3 mths and then my milk dried up and we had to switch to formula immediately

as he was not getting anything from me, when I pumped I didn't even get an

ounce - we used the soy based Safeway brand it was less expensive and had the

same nutrients as the others.





earthmother <earthmother213


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 6:40:59 AM

Re: if you have to bottle feed...



well, my first question would be, why would you have to bottle-feed? my

first choice would be breastfeeding. my second choice would be pumping and

feeding the baby by an SNS. my third choice would be pumping and feeding

the baby by bottle. and my fourth choice would be finding a mother who

would donate breastmilk to me. :) i attempted all four with my first, and

ultimately the last one finally worked. when we did use formula, we

couldn't afford the good stuff so we used what WIC provided, which was

enfamil soy (which is not fully vegan, but at least is not dairy-based). in

my opinion, formula is poison no matter what kind it is. i suppose if i HAD

to do it over again (although i pray i never will) i would either buy the

organic soy stuff or i would make my own from a goat milk base (preferably

from goats i know). but really, there are so many options before switching

to formula; a lot of people don't realize that there are more options than

just either breastfeeding or formula-feeding. i'm not sure what your

reasons are for wanting to use formula, but in my case, i couldn't nurse no

matter what i did. formula is really vile stuff; i would consider the

options very carefully before making the switch.






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I think formulas have changed a lot since my daughter was a baby. I breastfed

in the beginning and switched to Nestle's Follow-up Soy for older infants (which

doesn't appear to be around anymore) and continued with the Follow-up Soy during

my daughter's toddler stage. Good Start Soy with DHA and RHA would be my choice

today to supplement breastfeeding.




dbirnbaum2001 <dbirnbaum wrote:

which formula would you use? thanks debbie








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I know this has been discussed before. I would like to make a clarification

to your email. Adoptive moms can nurse. It's called relacatation. Kind of a

misnomer. I have several friends that adopted, never birthed babies and


Just wanted to let others know that is a possibility.

Laura in MD


alexismiddle writes:


many reasons people cannot breast feed (adoption being one)







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I had success with Nestle GoodStart. We are not vegan, I used the regular dairy

version with DHA and ARA. The others (Infamil and Similac) caused constipation

in my daughter.


I will try to breastfeed again but, if I cannot (like the first time around

for medical reasons), I will use GoodStart again.




dbirnbaum2001 <dbirnbaum wrote:

which formula would you use? thanks debbie









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i'm sorry, i didn't mean to sound harsh. as someone who was not able to

nurse i DO indeed understand the frustration and judgments from others. i

don't know debbie's situation but i just wanted to bring awareness to the

fact that there are other options to doing just one or the other...i didn't

know that myself the first time until someone else told me about options

like donated milk. we used donated milk supplemented with soy formula and i

think it's ok to use formula if necessary while acknowledging objectively

that it's gross stuff...i think anyone who has ever smelled formula poop or

spit-up would be inclined to agree, whether you chose to formula-feed or not

or didn't have a choice. i'm definitely not trying to make anyone feel bad

or even pass judgment on someone else's choice. i just wanted to bring

awareness to other options in case she (or anyone else) wasn't aware of

them, that's all. everyone on this board is obviously extremely concerned

about health issues, especially for our children, so i thought that my

suggestions MIGHT be useful for someone who DOES consider formula not a

great choice but doesn't know what else to do if she can't nurse herself.


as an aside, most generic formulas are basically the same as the cheap

stuff. when WIC ran out we bought the store brand soy formula. it wasn't

as easy to use (more clumpy, more powdery, etc.) but it had all the same

nutrients. there have been some warnings issued lately about an

unacceptably high aluminum content in soy formula especially, and if you

have problems with GMOs then that would be an issue for you as well. and

i've seen reports about issues with the phytoestrogens in such a high soy

content for infant boys also. we used soy nonetheless because i just could

not fathom feeding my son cow's milk. but there are tons of studies out

there about various formula issues if you want to do the research yourself

and decide which one is best. i think organic is always best, especially

with soy, so that you don't have the GMO issue at least. but it is

expensive stuff and i would expect it is not an option for many people (it

wasn't for us). good luck!






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It's ok that nestle is not in the formula business anymore. They worked so hard

to convince impoverished women in the third world that formula mixed with

tainted water was better for their babies than what mother nature provides.


Renee Carroll <renecarol25 wrote: I think formulas have changed a

lot since my daughter was a baby. I breastfed in the beginning and switched to

Nestle's Follow-up Soy for older infants (which doesn't appear to be around

anymore) and continued with the Follow-up Soy during my daughter's toddler

stage. Good Start Soy with DHA and RHA would be my choice today to supplement





dbirnbaum2001 wrote:

which formula would you use? thanks debbie








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My daughter used Similac Advance. My son used Enfamil Lipil. Both did just fine.


Kadee Sedtal


dbirnbaum2001 <dbirnbaum wrote: which

formula would you use? thanks debbie








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As far as I know Nestle is still in the " formula business " just the brands

Alsoy, Follow-up Soy, etc aren't around. They are all Good Start as I listed

below. Also as far as I can tell - I d (free) to Very Best Baby

magazine when my daughter was a baby - they encourage breastfeeding.


robin koloms <rkoloms wrote:

It's ok that nestle is not in the formula business anymore. They worked so

hard to convince impoverished women in the third world that formula mixed with

tainted water was better for their babies than what mother nature provides.


Renee Carroll <renecarol25 wrote: I think formulas have changed a

lot since my daughter was a baby. I breastfed in the beginning and switched to

Nestle's Follow-up Soy for older infants (which doesn't appear to be around

anymore) and continued with the Follow-up Soy during my daughter's toddler

stage. Good Start Soy with DHA and RHA would be my choice today to supplement




dbirnbaum2001 wrote:

which formula would you use? thanks debbie


Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out.


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Nestle is indeed still around.



robin koloms <rkoloms wrote:

It's ok that nestle is not in the formula business anymore. They

worked so hard to convince impoverished women in the third world that formula

mixed with tainted water was better for their babies than what mother nature



Renee Carroll <renecarol25 wrote: I think formulas have changed a lot

since my daughter was a baby. I breastfed in the beginning and switched to

Nestle's Follow-up Soy for older infants (which doesn't appear to be around

anymore) and continued with the Follow-up Soy during my daughter's toddler

stage. Good Start Soy with DHA and RHA would be my choice today to supplement




dbirnbaum2001 wrote:

which formula would you use? thanks debbie



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they are indeed still in the formula business and their business practices

have changed very little. but it's not only nestle. all formula companies

market to third-world mothers.




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Baby's Only organic formula by Nature's One.



>Shannon Welch <pugsnstitches



>Re: if you have to bottle feed...

>Wed, 18 Oct 2006 10:42:33 -0700 (PDT)


>Nestle is indeed still around.



>robin koloms <rkoloms wrote:

> It's ok that nestle is not in the formula business anymore. They

>worked so hard to convince impoverished women in the third world that

>formula mixed with tainted water was better for their babies than what

>mother nature provides.


>Renee Carroll <renecarol25 wrote: I think formulas have changed

>a lot since my daughter was a baby. I breastfed in the beginning and

>switched to Nestle's Follow-up Soy for older infants (which doesn't appear

>to be around anymore) and continued with the Follow-up Soy during my

>daughter's toddler stage. Good Start Soy with DHA and RHA would be my

>choice today to supplement breastfeeding.



>dbirnbaum2001 wrote:

>which formula would you use? thanks debbie



>Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out.



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hey debbie,


My daughter was formula fed on SMA gold, SMA white and then SMA

progress. Progress is really harsh and and can give constipation.

FYI - SMA is and i think HIPP (organic)are the only vegetarian formulas

in ireland. Farley's Soya Formula is the only vegan society approved

formula. Then at 1yr old she drank Goats Milk, then onto cow's milk

back to goats but she kept having diarrhoea. Then i gave Alpro/tesco

sweentend soya milk with added omegas and she's been drinking it ever

since with no problems. If i could go back in time and still had

problems with breastfeeding i would go for the soya formula or the HIPP



This is definitely a hot debate. I wanted to continue to breastfeed

but it didn't work out, it was very painful ( & i was bleeding, i made

sure i was doing it correctly, used those shield etc)and i my body hurt

so much after the birth and i felt like i needed to recover and

breastfeeding was not a priority. I consider myself pro-breastfeeding

but sometimes its not possible. Its not the end of the world as there

is a lot more to mothering/parenting than breastfeeding.


Sorry for the rant as everyone on this list are very nice but i've met

one or two people who were really in my face about BF and its not place.



Dublin - ireland


, " dbirnbaum2001 " <dbirnbaum



> which formula would you use? thanks debbie


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