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hello everyone

i'm jeni and my baby nikita is 07mths

i was vegan during preganant her and

she was naturally vegan since bith

but then i found out that she is easy to

catch cold/cough/flu and sneeze alot as well

she got cough when she was 5 mth, fever when she

was 6 mth and now she's flu.....

since my in-law family is not a vegan,

they said that my baby easy get sick because

i put her on vegan

so please anyone...give me advice and tips

or recipe to boost her immune system

so that she's far from sick and i can prove that

vegan will not caused anyone easily get ill

what food must i give her to prevent her from

cough/cold/flu ?! beside doctor's medicine of course


thanks everyone


nikita's mum :-(






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She may just be naturally more prone to things like that. At five months old no

baby needs to be eating meat, so your family obviously needs to get some facts

instead of trying to make you feel like a bad parent. My mom used to " secretly "

believe my daughter got all her ear infections because we were vegetarian, but

then once we started giving her soy or rice milk instead of cow's milk they went

away. Then of course she said the ear infections just happened to go away when

we started using soymilk! Grapeseed extract helps to boost the immune system. I

use it on my pet rats and mice, as well as my human family. Other than the

occasional sniffle we haven't been sick in over a year, I think. For a couple of

days I felt a bit off, that was a couple of months ago, but I wasn't " sick, "

just under the weather. You could try that, or just boosting the amount of vit.

C in her diet.


yani jeni <yani_jeni wrote: hello


i'm jeni and my baby nikita is 07mths

i was vegan during preganant her and

she was naturally vegan since bith

but then i found out that she is easy to

catch cold/cough/flu and sneeze alot as well

she got cough when she was 5 mth, fever when she

was 6 mth and now she's flu.....

since my in-law family is not a vegan,

they said that my baby easy get sick because

i put her on vegan

so please anyone...give me advice and tips

or recipe to boost her immune system

so that she's far from sick and i can prove that

vegan will not caused anyone easily get ill

what food must i give her to prevent her from

cough/cold/flu ?! beside doctor's medicine of course


thanks everyone


nikita's mum :-(



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Kadee Sedtal


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At five months, your baby should still be getting all, or most, of her nutrition

from breastmilk or formula. There isn't anything that isn't vegan that a child

under the age of one should be eating; be aware of the allergy triggers. This

is not a complete list, but off the top of my head some of the allergy trigger

foods are: soy, wheat, strawberries, citrus, dairy, eggs. If you are

breastfeeding, try foods and supplements to build your immune system.


Kadee M <abbey_road3012 wrote: She may just be naturally

more prone to things like that. At five months old no baby needs to be eating

meat, so your family obviously needs to get some facts instead of trying to make

you feel like a bad parent. My mom used to " secretly " believe my daughter got

all her ear infections because we were vegetarian, but then once we started

giving her soy or rice milk instead of cow's milk they went away. Then of course

she said the ear infections just happened to go away when we started using

soymilk! Grapeseed extract helps to boost the immune system. I use it on my pet

rats and mice, as well as my human family. Other than the occasional sniffle we

haven't been sick in over a year, I think. For a couple of days I felt a bit

off, that was a couple of months ago, but I wasn't " sick, " just under the

weather. You could try that, or just boosting the amount of vit. C in her diet.


yani jeni <yani_jeni wrote: hello everyone

i'm jeni and my baby nikita is 07mths

i was vegan during preganant her and

she was naturally vegan since bith

but then i found out that she is easy to

catch cold/cough/flu and sneeze alot as well

she got cough when she was 5 mth, fever when she

was 6 mth and now she's flu.....

since my in-law family is not a vegan,

they said that my baby easy get sick because

i put her on vegan

so please anyone...give me advice and tips

or recipe to boost her immune system

so that she's far from sick and i can prove that

vegan will not caused anyone easily get ill

what food must i give her to prevent her from

cough/cold/flu ?! beside doctor's medicine of course


thanks everyone


nikita's mum :-(



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Kadee Sedtal


Build a man a fire and he'll stay warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll

stay warm the rest of his life.


" THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!!! " -Captain Picard, Next Generation, " Chain of Command

part 2 "


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Also, try to notice the children of your friends and family (and the

adults). How often do they become ill AND how do they handle it? My

daughter has been ill only a few times Compared to those children

around us. And when she is ill, her symptoms are much less severe and

last a fraction of the time. When she caught a 48 hour stomach flu

that all her friends had, she was sick for 12 hours but one of the

other little girls was hospitalized - I am not kidding. So, my point

is to BE AWARE of what is really happening and not let someone

convince you that your baby is more ill than she actually is. It can

be easy to let those around us over exaggerate and cause us to worry.


And, if your baby truly is more ill than you think she should be and

you have done all that you feel you should be doing, do consider an

underlying cause. There are many alternative therapies you can

consider if needed. My dd had a couple bouts of low grade fever and

crying. She did not have a virus or ear infection as all insisted. We

found out that she had a congenital urinary malformation that was

causing bacterial infections. But due to her otherwise good vegan

health, her mild symptons caused some of my family to think she

was " unhappy " and " sickly " when in fact she was handling the problem

better than they could.


Another time she was fussy because she was cutting her teeth. She did

this very early and her fussiness was mild compared to the others

cutting teeth. Everyone tried to tell me she was ill when she was

merely developing.


So, along with your research, don't forget to use your mother's

intuition. And don't be bullied.


Just a note from my experience,



, robin koloms <rkoloms wrote:

> At five months, your baby should still be getting all, or most, of

her nutrition from breastmilk or formula. There isn't anything that

isn't vegan that a child under the age of one should be eating; be

aware of the allergy triggers...


> Kadee M <abbey_road3012 wrote:

She may just be naturally more prone to things like that... .helps to

boost the immune system. .



> yani jeni <yani_jeni wrote: hello everyone

> i'm jeni and my baby nikita is 07mths

> i was vegan during preganant her and

> she was naturally vegan since bith

> but then i found out that she is easy to

> catch cold/cough/flu and sneeze alot as well

> she got cough when she was 5 mth, fever when she

> was 6 mth and now she's flu.....

> since my in-law family is not a vegan,

> they said that my baby easy get sick because

> i put her on vegan

> > thanks everyone

> brgds/

> nikita's mum :-(


> ________

> TV dinner still cooling?

> Check out " Tonight's Picks " on TV.

> http://tv./





> Kadee Sedtal


> Build a man a fire and he'll stay warm for a day. Set a man on fire

and he'll stay warm the rest of his life.


> " THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!!! " -Captain Picard, Next Generation, " Chain

of Command part 2 "


> Check out my new , Classical 2 at




> Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate

> in the Answers Food & Drink Q & A.



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In addition to nursing her, there are several things I can suggest. You can

give her baby dophilus. It's acidophilus for little ones. It will help keep

beneficial bacteria in her digestive system. It's in a powdered form.

You can add liquid vitamins to her diet as well. The other thing that can

help is to give her a homeopathic for flu. There is one for prevention. I can

get it at my health food store. It can be ordered on line or from a

homeopath. I would also suggest visiting a chiropractor.

Hope these suggestions are helpful.

Laura in MD


what food must i give her to prevent her from

cough/cold/flu ?!







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hai everyone,

thank alot for all response to me regarding - flu -

now she's cough , ( again )

any idea what food must i give her ?!


i have boost her on vitamin c as Kadee's advice

but fyi, i lived in Indonesia, not in State...

so about an email to give homeopathic for flu for

prevent baby from flu, i have no idea what is that and

where to find it nearby my place....


at my surrounding, i am the only vegan so it's become

very normal that people thinks i am strange and even

some said that i'm bully my baby by putting her on

vegan and friends jokingly said that they will tell my

baby when she get to understand things that im

torture her since before born :-)

even not funny, but that's become common to my ear as

times goes by.


my baby is small in size, she was born 2,8kg and now

8,2kg when others at 05moth is 8.6kg and it's become

normal they think that she's skinny because of vegan

and lack of nutrition as a baby should has.


so i will be mostly appreciate if anyone could share

what food must i give her so that i can prove to

everyone that a vegan can be healthier, smarter and

nicer than non vegan kid.


the point, i want her to stay fit as much as possible

because if i fail, she has to stop on vegan as my in

law will pushing in.

so please share me tips for food and nutrition to

prevent her from any possible lack of nutrition

as i cant find nutrition doctor for consult.


tks everyone






> yani jeni <yani_jeni wrote:

> hello everyone

> i'm jeni and my baby nikita is 07mths

> i was vegan during preganant her and

> she was naturally vegan since bith

> but then i found out that she is easy to

> catch cold/cough/flu and sneeze alot as well

> she got cough when she was 5 mth, fever when she

> was 6 mth and now she's flu.....

> since my in-law family is not a vegan,

> they said that my baby easy get sick because

> i put her on vegan

> so please anyone...give me advice and tips

> or recipe to boost her immune system

> so that she's far from sick and i can prove that

> vegan will not caused anyone easily get ill

> what food must i give her to prevent her from

> cough/cold/flu ?! beside doctor's medicine of

> course


> thanks everyone

> brgds/

> nikita's mum :-(





> TV dinner still cooling?

> Check out " Tonight's Picks " on TV.

> http://tv./






> Kadee Sedtal


> Build a man a fire and he'll stay warm for a day.

> Set a man on fire and he'll stay warm the rest of

> his life.


> " THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!!! " -Captain Picard, Next

> Generation, " Chain of Command part 2 "


> Check out my new , Classical 2 at

> http://launch.classical2/


> Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate

> in the Answers Food & Drink Q & A.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]









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Avocados and nuts are high in fat, so if you could give her lots of those things

that would probably put some weight on her.


Plenty of meat-eating women have very small babies! There was a lady who lived

next door to us when I was growing up, and her son was born a couple of months

early and weighed only 2 pounds. Nobody tried to tell her it was her fault

because it wasn't. You're concerned for your little one, which is a lot more

than many mothers can say, and I sincerely doubt she's small because you're

doing something wrong. Are you small-built? Is her father? That could be a big

part of it. I'm a small person and my daughter Leah has always been in the lower

percentile for weight. She's just small. A single flu doesn't make your little

one overall unhealthy. My daughter used to have one ear infection after another,

and it turns out it was dairy. Once we took that from her diet she was

*healthier* than she was with the milk. She even had pneumonia once. Kids get

sick, even our little vegetarian and vegan ones. If I were you I'd have a

serious talk with whoever is telling you you're hurting

your baby, and your in-laws if they're trying to force you or push you into

changing what you're doing. You're this child's mother, and that decision is

yours. I'm kind of a... what's the word? I'm a no-nonsense kind of person.

That's it. No one says anything bad about my kids' diet or blames me for a

little cold because I won't tolerate it. Arm yourself with facts. Read and

memorize statistics about how much longer vegetarians and vegans live, their

lower risks of cancer, obesity, heart disease, etc. Put these people in their

place. They've got no business telling you how to raise your child. You've put a

lot more thought into what you feed your child than most other people do. Kids

get sick no matter what they eat. Maybe tell those people she probably caught

the flu from a meat-eating child! :)




yani jeni <yani_jeni wrote: hai


thank alot for all response to me regarding - flu -

now she's cough , ( again )

any idea what food must i give her ?!


i have boost her on vitamin c as Kadee's advice

but fyi, i lived in Indonesia, not in State...

so about an email to give homeopathic for flu for

prevent baby from flu, i have no idea what is that and

where to find it nearby my place....


at my surrounding, i am the only vegan so it's become

very normal that people thinks i am strange and even

some said that i'm bully my baby by putting her on

vegan and friends jokingly said that they will tell my

baby when she get to understand things that im

torture her since before born :-)

even not funny, but that's become common to my ear as

times goes by.


my baby is small in size, she was born 2,8kg and now

8,2kg when others at 05moth is 8.6kg and it's become

normal they think that she's skinny because of vegan

and lack of nutrition as a baby should has.


so i will be mostly appreciate if anyone could share

what food must i give her so that i can prove to

everyone that a vegan can be healthier, smarter and

nicer than non vegan kid.


the point, i want her to stay fit as much as possible

because if i fail, she has to stop on vegan as my in

law will pushing in.

so please share me tips for food and nutrition to

prevent her from any possible lack of nutrition

as i cant find nutrition doctor for consult.


tks everyone



> yani jeni <yani_jeni wrote:

> hello everyone

> i'm jeni and my baby nikita is 07mths

> i was vegan during preganant her and

> she was naturally vegan since bith

> but then i found out that she is easy to

> catch cold/cough/flu and sneeze alot as well

> she got cough when she was 5 mth, fever when she

> was 6 mth and now she's flu.....

> since my in-law family is not a vegan,

> they said that my baby easy get sick because

> i put her on vegan

> so please anyone...give me advice and tips

> or recipe to boost her immune system

> so that she's far from sick and i can prove that

> vegan will not caused anyone easily get ill

> what food must i give her to prevent her from

> cough/cold/flu ?! beside doctor's medicine of

> course


> thanks everyone

> brgds/

> nikita's mum :-(





> TV dinner still cooling?

> Check out " Tonight's Picks " on TV.

> http://tv./






> Kadee Sedtal


> Build a man a fire and he'll stay warm for a day.

> Set a man on fire and he'll stay warm the rest of

> his life.


> " THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!!! " -Captain Picard, Next

> Generation, " Chain of Command part 2 "


> Check out my new , Classical 2 at

> http://launch.classical2/








> Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate

> in the Answers Food & Drink Q & A.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





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Kadee Sedtal


Build a man a fire and he'll stay warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll

stay warm the rest of his life.


" THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!!! " -Captain Picard, Next Generation, " Chain of Command

part 2 "


Check out my new , Classical 2 at









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In a message dated 1/22/07 6:03:50 PM, abbey_road3012 writes:




> Maggie- go to YouTube and type " Leah State Capitals " i





Thank you for the smiles - and memories! Our youngest could do the

presidents at 3/4 years old. He would get indignant if we didn't know them.


YouTube had been around back then!


Thanks, Leah!!


Pam in





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For the longest time, my now 9yo (4'6 " , 65lb daughter) was below 5th

percentile for both weight and height. I'm small, so no-one queried it.

At four, she was the size of an average 3yo!


I'm new to the list, and she does eat meat, 'cos I've been unable to

get it through to my DH that children DON'T need meat to be healthy.

She doesn't get sick often.


BTW. many years ago one of my friends had a son who wouldn't eat meat -

he didn't like the taste and texture - he was the healthiest kid in his

class, and by far the healthiest of her three boys. That kid was NEVER

sick! He also made the gifted program in school, at 13 or 14 he was

already a junior in High School, and at 16 was attending University!



San Ramon CA

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Maggie- go to YouTube and type " Leah State Capitals " in the search bar. There's

another " stunted " vegetarian child! Plus I like to show off how cute she is. :)


" maggiemacg " <maggiemacg wrote:



For the longest time, my now 9yo (4'6 " , 65lb daughter) was below 5th

percentile for both weight and height. I'm small, so no-one queried it.

At four, she was the size of an average 3yo!


I'm new to the list, and she does eat meat, 'cos I've been unable to

get it through to my DH that children DON'T need meat to be healthy.

She doesn't get sick often.


BTW. many years ago one of my friends had a son who wouldn't eat meat -

he didn't like the taste and texture - he was the healthiest kid in his

class, and by far the healthiest of her three boys. That kid was NEVER

sick! He also made the gifted program in school, at 13 or 14 he was

already a junior in High School, and at 16 was attending University!



San Ramon CA







Kadee Sedtal


Build a man a fire and he'll stay warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll

stay warm the rest of his life.


" THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!!! " -Captain Picard, Next Generation, " Chain of Command

part 2 "


Check out my new , Classical 2 at









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Well, as a witty reply to your in-laws, you could always let them know that

it's their fault that the flu even exists in humans because of domesticated

chickens, and back it up with this: birdflubook.com .


For ideas on how to maximize the nutrition in your vegan diet:

http://www.drgreger.org/optimum.pdf . If you can either order the following

book or get it through a library (you might need to make a special request), I

highly recommend this book: _The New Becoming Vegetarian_ by Davis and Melina


r=8-1/qid=1169563754/). The book is only a few years old, so the information is

relatively current. The authors are very conservative - safe - with their

recommendations, which means their advice is very easy to follow for those who

have little time to research nutrition on their own.





i have boost her on vitamin c as Kadee's advice

but fyi, i lived in Indonesia, not in State...

so about an email to give homeopathic for flu for

prevent baby from flu, i have no idea what is that and

where to find it nearby my place....


at my surrounding, i am the only vegan so it's become

very normal that people thinks i am strange and even

some said that i'm bully my baby by putting her on

vegan and friends jokingly said that they will tell my

baby when she get to understand things that im

torture her since before born :-)

even not funny, but that's become common to my ear as

times goes by.



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