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Vegetarian Myths - How to Dispute?

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That's the group I left a little while back. There are some vegetarians and

vegans, which is nice, but there are others who WILL attack you, whether on or

off list, and some of these people are downright crazy. This is the list where

someone posted the gory details of how a mouse died in a snap trap and this

person thought it was funny, and when I posted back that that sort of detail was

inappropriate I pretty much got my head chewed off by several people. I really

didn't find that group any more helpful than I find this one. It seems like most

people on this group don't mind subjects that aren't food-related... please

correct me if I'm wrong! After being on the healthy parenting group I will never

again join a group that isn't specifically for vegetarians/vegans. I can't stand

having our diet choice be insulted by people who feed their babies livers!


rtillmansmail <rtillmansmail wrote:

I enjoy this group immensely. However, it would be nice to have a

place where co-sleeping and gentle discipline, though accepted, is

not off thread. Not that anyone really seems to mind here. But a

place to have book discussions and share tips on parenting outside

food issues, yet where food issues are a priority would be nice. I

started creating our own veg natural parenting site when I decide to

search - no need to reinvent the wheel. Sure enough,

there is one called healthy parenting that claims to discuss veg

living. Here is the link




I also want to keep something at a local level because I want

playgroups for my child and the ability to make my own real life

friends through mutual lifestyles. But, I am definitely in need of

more support than I can get at the moment. At this point I welcome

questions just so I can have a conversation. Most other Moms just

drift away from me now. Sure, there are plenty of young, childless

women who are very interested in what I am doing, but no " I know what

you've been through today " support. I get vegetarian support or

natural parenting, not both at the same time. If this Healthy

Parenting group doesn't fit the bill, I will start a vegetarian

natural/attachment parenting group. But, I will need help moderating.

Do you volunteer Chandelle?




, chandelle' <earthmother213



> >

> i don't have any idea of what to do about the natural parenting

group. i

> feel like i've been totally crowded out. i've been considering


> because i'm so sick of being ganged up on. i'm the only person who

is even

> vegetarian, much less vegan. most everyone else eats a

mostly " normal "

> diet, but there are a few WAPers who are bringing everyone else

over to the

> dark side. >


> ok, thanks for letting me vent. you know, we should just start our


> vegetarian natural-parenting group. i live in a very conservative

area and

> having a group like that is my salvation when i can't stand one more

> uninformed, condescending, i'm-only-asking-so-i-can-make-a-point


> about why i use cloth diapers or bother getting donated milk for my


> or co-sleep or...blah blah blah. i wish it could be local, but

i'll take

> anything at this point if i can have a group where i'm not going to

get 50

> bashing responses to ANY post i make answering a question about



> chandelle'




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I wanted to mention that there is a leafy vegetable (which is consumed by

chinese and Indians) and you can get that in Indian and Chinese/Vietnamese

store. It grows as a shrub and had light green and thck leaves. That sucker is

RICH in Vitamin B12. Unfortunately, with such limited variety being available in

US, its just a matter of hunting a bit deeper than what you see in regular

grocery stores. Look further into other countries and you will be amazed how

many amazing variety of vegetable exist.


Also, i was raised as a vegetarian and have been pretty desciplined to ensure my

food is balanced and wholesome. My blood iron was a non issue during pregnancy

and i gave birth to a healthy 8 1/2 pounder. So, that article (the one about

vegetarians having no fat etc) does'nt speak for most of us....are'nt there so

many mal-nutritioned teenagers/adults in US who are meat eaters? It does'nt

matter what you eat...you just have to keep it in moderation and balanced.

Awareness is the key...i guess whoever authored that article needs to do more

research...that is a very narrow sighted view....



reed mangels <reedmangels


Thursday, February 22, 2007 8:35:42 AM

Re: Vegetarian Myths - How to Dispute?














I just wanted to clear up one possible misconception - vitamin B12

is not usually added to fortified bread (unless the label specifically lists B12

as being added). Miso and tempeh are not reliable sources of vitamin B12.

Vegans can get vitamin B12 from fortified foods (some brands of cereal, soymilk,

fake meat, nutritional yeast) and/or supplements. Be sure to check the label -

a good friend was sure she was buying a fortified soymilk, checked the label and

learned it was fortified with calcium and vitamin D but not with vitamin B12.




Reed Mangels, PhD, RD


Nutrition Advisor, The Vegetarian Resource Group


PO Box 1463


Baltimore, MD 21203







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what veggie is that???


i thought it was crazy that they were talking about veg's having no fat. i

also had an extremely healthy vegan pregnancy - a ton healthier than my omni

one. unlike my first one, my iron was no issue, and neither was my weight.

i actually gained a normal amount of weight this time (20-25 lbs.) rather

than 13 pounds as with my omni pregnancy. my daughter was 8 lbs. at birth,

only 3 ounces les than my son, who was 10 days " overdue " while my daughter

was 2 weeks " early. " i still had heartburn, but i didn't retain water like

crazy the way i did the first time (the day i had my son i looked down and

actually said out loud, " i have ankles again! " ). my pregnancy was much more

pleasant and my labor was 51 hours shorter. i recovered faster and better.

i've struggled with anemia all my life, until i went vegan. i also had IBS

from ten years old on, until i went vegan. i also had headaches and my body

was such a wreck from FMS i could barely walk or carry my son, until i went

vegan. and i was just about the moodiest person you'd ever meet, until i

went vegan. almost every positive lifestyle change our family has made -

incluidng AP - has stemmed from the awareness that being veg brings. so

whatever those crazy people have to say, i just look at my own history, and

then think about going back to animal foods, and just smile and nod, because

i know better.


kadee, i'm sorry to hear that the HP group is rotten. :( i guess we will

see. this group does seem pretty tolerant of OT subjects, although i do

recall being attacked pretty harshly once for talking about

homebirth...which wasn't likely a very good idea for that person, whomever

it was, because attacking homebirth to a student midwife is just an exercise

in futility. :) i did try to keep it civil and i don't really think it

ended on a negative note - i didn't have any negative feelings toward that

person, but i did have to make an effort to correct some misconceptions -

but other than that, OT subjects do seem pretty acceptable. we should

probably list our subject more accurately so that people who don't

to certain methods of lifestyle can just delete the post if they don't wish

to read it. IME, however, that rarely happens, because some people just

really go out of their way to be offended. LOL!




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Very good point, Liz. If you don't mind someone else in the Chicago area

saying this too, I'm going to use it as well. ;)




> I had a thought this morning on a similar subject,

> which might be of use to others on this list.


> Another of the anti-veg arguments that we often have

> to face is the issue of soy. We've certainly debunked

> the anti-soy arguments on this list before! But as a

> one-line retort, it just occured to me to say to

> omnivores: " you probably eat more soy than I do. "

> People don't realize how much soy is hidden in the

> SAD, both directly and also through the fact that the

> animals they eat have been fed soy products. Since

> our family, like most of the families on this list,

> eat almost everything from basic ingredients instead

> of pre-prepared foods, the only soy we eat is when we

> consciously choose to put tofu, etc. in our meals. We

> don't have soy by-products hidden in everything.


> Maybe this issue doesn't come up as much for others,

> but I know I'll need to use that line soon!


> Liz



> For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

> http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

> http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

> provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

> qualified health professional.


> edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health

> professional.



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I haven't read this entire thread, so sorry if this is a repeat...a

lot of the refigerated juices, like Bolthouse Farms, have a large % of

the RDA of Bs. Of course, you have to make sure you keep them

refigerated, bc they're " lightly " or flash pasturized. The vitamins

and %s depend on the flavor. Here is info for Blue Goodness


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Where in Chicago are you? We live in West Rogers Park.


Marla Rose <marla wrote: Very good point, Liz. If you

don't mind someone else in the Chicago area

saying this too, I'm going to use it as well. ;)




> I had a thought this morning on a similar subject,

> which might be of use to others on this list.


> Another of the anti-veg arguments that we often have

> to face is the issue of soy. We've certainly debunked

> the anti-soy arguments on this list before! But as a

> one-line retort, it just occured to me to say to

> omnivores: " you probably eat more soy than I do. "

> People don't realize how much soy is hidden in the

> SAD, both directly and also through the fact that the

> animals they eat have been fed soy products. Since

> our family, like most of the families on this list,

> eat almost everything from basic ingredients instead

> of pre-prepared foods, the only soy we eat is when we

> consciously choose to put tofu, etc. in our meals. We

> don't have soy by-products hidden in everything.


> Maybe this issue doesn't come up as much for others,

> but I know I'll need to use that line soon!


> Liz



> For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

> http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

> http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

> provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

> qualified health professional.


> edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health

> professional.



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Hi, Robin,


I'm sorry; I didn't see this message. We live in Oak Park, but our members

are all around Chicago and the neighboring 'burbs for the most part. I could

sear that I emailed you about the Chicago Vegan Family Network before

because I noticed in one of your posts long ago that you live in Rogers

Park, but I must have dreamed it. Anyway, I will PM you how to get on our

if you're interested.




> Where in Chicago are you? We live in West Rogers Park.


> Marla Rose <marla wrote: Very good point, Liz. If

> you don't mind someone else in the Chicago area

> saying this too, I'm going to use it as well. ;)


> Marla


>> I had a thought this morning on a similar subject,

>> which might be of use to others on this list.


>> Another of the anti-veg arguments that we often have

>> to face is the issue of soy. We've certainly debunked

>> the anti-soy arguments on this list before! But as a

>> one-line retort, it just occured to me to say to

>> omnivores: " you probably eat more soy than I do. "

>> People don't realize how much soy is hidden in the

>> SAD, both directly and also through the fact that the

>> animals they eat have been fed soy products. Since

>> our family, like most of the families on this list,

>> eat almost everything from basic ingredients instead

>> of pre-prepared foods, the only soy we eat is when we

>> consciously choose to put tofu, etc. in our meals. We

>> don't have soy by-products hidden in everything.


>> Maybe this issue doesn't come up as much for others,

>> but I know I'll need to use that line soon!


>> Liz



>> For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

>> http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

>> http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

>> provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

>> qualified health professional.


>> edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health

>> professional.



>> - Join or create groups, clubs, forums & amp; communities. Links






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