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Vitamin/Supplement question

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Hi, I'm new here. My name is Lindsey and I have Isaac who is 5 and

Ramsey who is 2.


I was wondering what vitamins and supplements everyone took for

themselves regularly and what you give to your kids.


I'm always slightly paranoid that they aren't getting enough of some

kind of mineral/vitamin/whatever.



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I take a multi - plant based food supplement called Juice Plus - though recently

I'm also taking a B vitamin b/c of the B12 thing.. just don't think I can get

enough nutritional yeast in me daily. I take a DHA oil called Dr. Udo's that is

plant based as well - for Omega 3s/DHA. (If you are looking for more info check

out Becoming Vegan - GREAT book)


I give my kids a multi (they are 11mos) and put flax oil in there food here and

there. They are still nursing so I'm not too worried about them getting the

essential oils, but I would definitely consider giving your kids an Essential

Oil supplement - something w/ DHA in it b/c we don't convert Omega 3s to DHA

very efficiently and DHA is a major component in the brain/eye and deficiencies

have been lined to things like ADHD...


Like I said look into that book.. it's a great resource. Gives you

technical/scientific background in a way that is really easy to comprehend.


Laura Mount

I am training for my first TRIATHLON with Team In Training! Please take a look

at my fundraising page and help the cause!!

http://www.active.com/donate/tntwi/tntwiLMount Thank you in advance for your



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Lindsey <lao80


Friday, May 18, 2007 1:28:11 AM

Vitamin/Supplement question














Hi, I'm new here. My name is Lindsey and I have Isaac who is 5 and


Ramsey who is 2.




I was wondering what vitamins and supplements everyone took for


themselves regularly and what you give to your kids.




I'm always slightly paranoid that they aren't getting enough of some


kind of mineral/vitamin/ whatever.





















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For peace of mind we give the vegetarian sour dolphin vitamins (they don't

have gelatin in them). We also take them. We have given the vegetarian

vitamin bears (I forget their name) but I think last I checked they had

calcium propionate in it -my son seems to have some sensitivity to it, so we

try to avoid it too.


Our family doc said as long our son was eating a good variety of foods, she

said we didn't have to worry about it. She said she'd re-evaluate when he

was about 4 (coming up here soon).




On 5/18/07, Lindsey <lao80 wrote:


> Hi, I'm new here. My name is Lindsey and I have Isaac who is 5 and

> Ramsey who is 2.


> I was wondering what vitamins and supplements everyone took for

> themselves regularly and what you give to your kids.


> I'm always slightly paranoid that they aren't getting enough of some

> kind of mineral/vitamin/whatever.


> Thanks.









I'm all out of bubblegum




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i don't take any supplements because i believe you should have a good enough

diet to get all your nutrients from your food. you onlty absorb about 10%

of supplements, anyway. if i was lacking in something, i would change my

diet, not take a pill. i eat a whole-foods, organic, vegan diet. i analyze

our nutrient intake every 6 weeks or so and make adjustments wherever

necessary. i just had my blood levels checked in february and they were

perfect. i do give my son a multi - the vegetarian chewable animals you get

from the health food store. he's an erratic eater - eating every hour some

days, and eating so little i wonder how he stays alive on others - and with

children i figure you can't be too careful. i do trust that he knows what

he needs and his blood levels were also great, but like i said, you can't be

too careful with kids. if i did feel the need for a supplement, i would try

herbs, sea greens - nothing synthetic, only bio-available plants.


On 5/18/07, Lindsey <lao80 wrote:


> Hi, I'm new here. My name is Lindsey and I have Isaac who is 5 and

> Ramsey who is 2.


> I was wondering what vitamins and supplements everyone took for

> themselves regularly and what you give to your kids.


> I'm always slightly paranoid that they aren't getting enough of some

> kind of mineral/vitamin/whatever.


> Thanks.




> For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

> http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

> http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

> provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

> qualified health professional.


> edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health

> professional.




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I don't tend to take supplements with the exception of vit c & iron or

multivitamins if I or anyone in the family is feeling run down and

susceptible (sp) to colds etc.


I am confident my cooking provides a balanced diet and also check from

time to time in vege recipe books that I am including all the correct



Be careful when you buy supplements, there are many that use geletine

to form the tablet or capsule - fish oil is also seemingly popular.


If you are unsure whether your meals are balanced and want to post a

couple on here, I'm sure people would be happy to confirm you are doing



All the best, Claire


, " Lindsey " <lao80 wrote:


> Hi, I'm new here. My name is Lindsey and I have Isaac who is 5 and

> Ramsey who is 2.


> I was wondering what vitamins and supplements everyone took for

> themselves regularly and what you give to your kids.


> I'm always slightly paranoid that they aren't getting enough of some

> kind of mineral/vitamin/whatever.


> Thanks.


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We used to use Animal Parade but Whole Foods stopped carrying those. I'm not

really one for ordering vitamins online. But may at some point since getting

vegetarian vitamins seems to be getting harder and harder. Right now we use




Lindsey <lao80 wrote:

Hi, I'm new here. My name is Lindsey and I have Isaac who is 5 and

Ramsey who is 2.


I was wondering what vitamins and supplements everyone took for

themselves regularly and what you give to your kids.


I'm always slightly paranoid that they aren't getting enough of some

kind of mineral/vitamin/whatever.










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How do you all make sure that you are getting enough B12 w/o supplementing? Do

you add nutritional yeast to a lot of stuff? What about essential oils?


Laura Mount

I am training for my first TRIATHLON with Team In Training! Please take a look

at my fundraising page and help the cause!!

http://www.active.com/donate/tntwi/tntwiLMount Thank you in advance for your



Green Girl's Guide

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Claire <ccteam42


Friday, May 18, 2007 8:53:43 AM

Re: Vitamin/Supplement question














I don't tend to take supplements with the exception of vit c & iron



multivitamins if I or anyone in the family is feeling run down and


susceptible (sp) to colds etc.




I am confident my cooking provides a balanced diet and also check from


time to time in vege recipe books that I am including all the correct






Be careful when you buy supplements, there are many that use geletine


to form the tablet or capsule - fish oil is also seemingly popular.




If you are unsure whether your meals are balanced and want to post a


couple on here, I'm sure people would be happy to confirm you are doing






All the best, Claire




@gro ups.com, " Lindsey " <lao80 wrote:




> Hi, I'm new here. My name is Lindsey and I have Isaac who is 5 and


> Ramsey who is 2.




> I was wondering what vitamins and supplements everyone took for


> themselves regularly and what you give to your kids.




> I'm always slightly paranoid that they aren't getting enough of some


> kind of mineral/vitamin/ whatever.




> Thanks.



















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I certainly respect your opinion, but I believe that many of the nutrients that

were once in the soil are gone and have not been replaced.


chandelle' <earthmother213 wrote: i don't take any

supplements because i believe you should have a good enough

diet to get all your nutrients from your food. you onlty absorb about 10%

of supplements, anyway. if i was lacking in something, i would change my

diet, not take a pill. i eat a whole-foods, organic, vegan diet. i analyze

our nutrient intake every 6 weeks or so and make adjustments wherever

necessary. i just had my blood levels checked in february and they were

perfect. i do give my son a multi - the vegetarian chewable animals you get

from the health food store. he's an erratic eater - eating every hour some

days, and eating so little i wonder how he stays alive on others - and with

children i figure you can't be too careful. i do trust that he knows what

he needs and his blood levels were also great, but like i said, you can't be

too careful with kids. if i did feel the need for a supplement, i would try

herbs, sea greens - nothing synthetic, only bio-available plants.


On 5/18/07, Lindsey <lao80 wrote:


> Hi, I'm new here. My name is Lindsey and I have Isaac who is 5 and

> Ramsey who is 2.


> I was wondering what vitamins and supplements everyone took for

> themselves regularly and what you give to your kids.


> I'm always slightly paranoid that they aren't getting enough of some

> kind of mineral/vitamin/whatever.


> Thanks.




> For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

> http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

> http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

> provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

> qualified health professional.


> edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health

> professional.




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B12 is found in many fortified products such as soya milks, sosmix, breakfast

cereals, margarine and soya mince. Other good sources are seaweed (especially

kelp), miso and yeast extract (marmite!) 1 - 3 year olds need 0.5mcg per day,

adults 1.5mcg per day. It is especially important for children. My vitamin chart

also tells me that there is some evidence that B12 is made in the human gut.


I have a fantastic chart to show sources of protein, fatty acids, vitamins and

minerals - an essential source of reference for unenlightened health visitors

when the query the diet I feed my children!


Over the next couple of days, I will form it in such a way that I can include

it in the files section of this group for you all to refer to. Mine is displayed

along my kitchen wall so that I can glance at it while I am preparing meals to

ensure that I include all that I need to.




Laura Mount <lamount03 wrote:

How do you all make sure that you are getting enough B12 w/o

supplementing? Do you add nutritional yeast to a lot of stuff? What about

essential oils?


Laura Mount

I am training for my first TRIATHLON with Team In Training! Please take a look

at my fundraising page and help the cause!!

http://www.active.com/donate/tntwi/tntwiLMount Thank you in advance for your



Green Girl's Guide

Family Blog

Our photos



Claire <ccteam42


Friday, May 18, 2007 8:53:43 AM

Re: Vitamin/Supplement question


I don't tend to take supplements with the exception of vit c & iron or


multivitamins if I or anyone in the family is feeling run down and


susceptible (sp) to colds etc.


I am confident my cooking provides a balanced diet and also check from


time to time in vege recipe books that I am including all the correct




Be careful when you buy supplements, there are many that use geletine


to form the tablet or capsule - fish oil is also seemingly popular.


If you are unsure whether your meals are balanced and want to post a


couple on here, I'm sure people would be happy to confirm you are doing




All the best, Claire


@gro ups.com, " Lindsey " <lao80 wrote:




> Hi, I'm new here. My name is Lindsey and I have Isaac who is 5 and


> Ramsey who is 2.




> I was wondering what vitamins and supplements everyone took for


> themselves regularly and what you give to your kids.




> I'm always slightly paranoid that they aren't getting enough of some


> kind of mineral/vitamin/ whatever.




> Thanks.






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I found some vegetarian-friendly gummy bear vitamins for the kids, and they get

one of those every other day. I also put a crushed brewer's yeast tablet and one

calcium per gallon of their homemade soymilk.


Lindsey <lao80 wrote: Hi, I'm new

here. My name is Lindsey and I have Isaac who is 5 and

Ramsey who is 2.


I was wondering what vitamins and supplements everyone took for

themselves regularly and what you give to your kids.


I'm always slightly paranoid that they aren't getting enough of some

kind of mineral/vitamin/whatever.









Kadee Sedtal


Brain: " Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering? "

Pinky: " I think so, Brain, but three men in a tub? That's unsanitary! "


If you can't afford the vet, you can't afford the pet!!








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we have nutritional yeast several times a week and sea greens as well. that

supplies us with more than enough b12.


if it were impossible to get our nutrients from the soil, then my blood

levels, and those of my family, especially my son who has been vegan from

birth, would reflect that. they don't. i respect your opinion and do

understand completely where you are coming from, but i will never believe

that synthetic supplementation is superior to eating a good diet.


On 5/18/07, Laura Mount <lamount03 wrote:


> How do you all make sure that you are getting enough B12 w/o

> supplementing? Do you add nutritional yeast to a lot of stuff? What about

> essential oils?


> Laura Mount

> I am training for my first TRIATHLON with Team In Training! Please take a

> look at my fundraising page and help the cause!!

> http://www.active.com/donate/tntwi/tntwiLMount Thank you in advance for

> your support!


> Green Girl's Guide

> Family Blog

> Our photos






> Claire <ccteam42


> Friday, May 18, 2007 8:53:43 AM

> Re: Vitamin/Supplement question








I don't tend to take supplements with the exception of vit c &

> iron or


> multivitamins if I or anyone in the family is feeling run down and


> susceptible (sp) to colds etc.




> I am confident my cooking provides a balanced diet and also check from


> time to time in vege recipe books that I am including all the correct


> nutrients.




> Be careful when you buy supplements, there are many that use geletine


> to form the tablet or capsule - fish oil is also seemingly popular.




> If you are unsure whether your meals are balanced and want to post a


> couple on here, I'm sure people would be happy to confirm you are doing


> ok!




> All the best, Claire




> @gro ups.com, " Lindsey " <lao80 wrote:


> >


> > Hi, I'm new here. My name is Lindsey and I have Isaac who is 5 and


> > Ramsey who is 2.


> >


> > I was wondering what vitamins and supplements everyone took for


> > themselves regularly and what you give to your kids.


> >


> > I'm always slightly paranoid that they aren't getting enough of some


> > kind of mineral/vitamin/ whatever.


> >


> > Thanks.


> >











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> 8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time

> with the Search movie showtime shortcut.

> http://tools.search./shortcuts/#news



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Thanks for all the replies. For breakfast we mostly have kashi

shredded wheat with soy milk. Some times other things, mochi,

smoothie, toast w/ earth balance, etc. But mostly cereal.


My kids are super light eaters. Ramsey (2 & 9 months) still nurses

at night time, Isaac 5 weaned at 2. They like fruit and some veg.

For lunch we have pb & j on sprouted bread, or smoothies, or toast w/

earth balance, fake chicken nuggets or corn dogs, rice and beans.


They snack on dried fruit, pretzels, pop corn, tortilla chips, fruit,

carrots, sweet potato, apple sauce.


Here are a few of our up coming dinners....

falutas and fruit (beans in corn tortillas)

Fake burgers w/ baked fries

spag w/ tomato sauce

curry lentils w/ rice and broc

sandwiches w/ fake deli slices, and fruit

tofu coated in nutritional yeast fried, w/ steamed broccoli


I also bake a lot of muffins, cookies, etc.


Does that give a good picture? Ohh, and I sneak veggies in the


I give them a multivitamin and try to grind flax in some stuff but

reading on here I'm thinking about DHA and wonder if I'm missing

other stuff.

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You're doing just fine. :) I'm completely disorganized and sometimes don't have

a meal planned out till two minutes before I cook it!! And even then we eat very

well. All that food sounds good, too. :)


Lindsey <lao80 wrote: Thanks for all

the replies. For breakfast we mostly have kashi

shredded wheat with soy milk. Some times other things, mochi,

smoothie, toast w/ earth balance, etc. But mostly cereal.


My kids are super light eaters. Ramsey (2 & 9 months) still nurses

at night time, Isaac 5 weaned at 2. They like fruit and some veg.

For lunch we have pb & j on sprouted bread, or smoothies, or toast w/

earth balance, fake chicken nuggets or corn dogs, rice and beans.


They snack on dried fruit, pretzels, pop corn, tortilla chips, fruit,

carrots, sweet potato, apple sauce.


Here are a few of our up coming dinners....

falutas and fruit (beans in corn tortillas)

Fake burgers w/ baked fries

spag w/ tomato sauce

curry lentils w/ rice and broc

sandwiches w/ fake deli slices, and fruit

tofu coated in nutritional yeast fried, w/ steamed broccoli


I also bake a lot of muffins, cookies, etc.


Does that give a good picture? Ohh, and I sneak veggies in the


I give them a multivitamin and try to grind flax in some stuff but

reading on here I'm thinking about DHA and wonder if I'm missing

other stuff.







Kadee Sedtal


Brain: " Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering? "

Pinky: " I think so, Brain, but three men in a tub? That's unsanitary! "


If you can't afford the vet, you can't afford the pet!!








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That sounds great! Thank you Claire!


Laura Mount

I am training for my first TRIATHLON with Team In Training! Please take a look

at my fundraising page and help the cause!!

http://www.active.com/donate/tntwi/tntwiLMount Thank you in advance for your



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Claire Commons <ccteam42


Friday, May 18, 2007 12:15:40 PM

Re: Re: Vitamin/Supplement question














B12 is found in many fortified products such as soya milks, sosmix,

breakfast cereals, margarine and soya mince. Other good sources are seaweed

(especially kelp), miso and yeast extract (marmite!) 1 - 3 year olds need 0.5mcg

per day, adults 1.5mcg per day. It is especially important for children. My

vitamin chart also tells me that there is some evidence that B12 is made in the

human gut.




I have a fantastic chart to show sources of protein, fatty acids, vitamins and

minerals - an essential source of reference for unenlightened health visitors

when the query the diet I feed my children!




Over the next couple of days, I will form it in such a way that I can include

it in the files section of this group for you all to refer to. Mine is displayed

along my kitchen wall so that I can glance at it while I am preparing meals to

ensure that I include all that I need to.








Laura Mount <lamount03 > wrote:


How do you all make sure that you are getting enough B12 w/o

supplementing? Do you add nutritional yeast to a lot of stuff? What about

essential oils?




Laura Mount


I am training for my first TRIATHLON with Team In Training! Please take a look

at my fundraising page and help the cause!! http://www.active. com/donate/

tntwi/tntwiLMoun t Thank you in advance for your support!




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Family Blog


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Claire <ccteam42@btinternet .com>


@gro ups.com


Friday, May 18, 2007 8:53:43 AM


Re: Vitamin/Supplement question




I don't tend to take supplements with the exception of vit c & iron or




multivitamins if I or anyone in the family is feeling run down and




susceptible (sp) to colds etc.




I am confident my cooking provides a balanced diet and also check from




time to time in vege recipe books that I am including all the correct








Be careful when you buy supplements, there are many that use geletine




to form the tablet or capsule - fish oil is also seemingly popular.




If you are unsure whether your meals are balanced and want to post a




couple on here, I'm sure people would be happy to confirm you are doing








All the best, Claire




@gro ups.com, " Lindsey " <lao80 wrote:








> Hi, I'm new here. My name is Lindsey and I have Isaac who is 5 and




> Ramsey who is 2.








> I was wondering what vitamins and supplements everyone took for




> themselves regularly and what you give to your kids.








> I'm always slightly paranoid that they aren't getting enough of some




> kind of mineral/vitamin/ whatever.








> Thanks.












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Please be aware that the only reliable sources of vitamin B12 are foods that are

fortified with vitamin B12 like some brands of soymilk, some breakfast cereals,

some fake meat, and Vegetarian Support Formula nutritional yeast, or supplements

containing vitamin B12. Sea vegetables and miso are not reliable sources and

can contain vitamin B12 analogues that interfere with vitamin B12 absorption.

Although the bacteria in our colon do produce vitamin B12, it is produced too

far down in the intestinal tract to be absorbed in any significant amount. To

learn more about vitamin B12, see http://www.vrg.org/nutrition/b12.htm and



Reed Mangels, PhD, RD

Nutrition Advisor, The Vegetarian Resource Group




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