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Hi folks -- my parents have just discovered the Weston A. Price

foundation and started e-mailing me about it. I know there has been a

fair bit of discussion about it on this list. Does anyone know of a

*balanaced, unbiased* source of information about the validity (or

unvalidity!) of that movement that I could forward to them?


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Hi Heather!


If your parents are interested in nutrition then get them Campbell's book " The

China Study " or check it out of your local library.


In the mean time, go to




and read this article. It is T. Colin Campbell's response to criticism about his

book that has come from WAP folks.


Peace and Good Health,




>Heather Hossfeld <hlh4850

>Aug 10, 2007 12:45 PM


> WAPpers


>Hi folks -- my parents have just discovered the Weston A. Price

>foundation and started e-mailing me about it. I know there has been a

>fair bit of discussion about it on this list. Does anyone know of a

>*balanaced, unbiased* source of information about the validity (or

>unvalidity!) of that movement that I could forward to them?


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Hi Heather,


I know that the Weston A. Price Foundation is a notorious supporter of dairy

farmers and if I'm not mistaken cattle ranchers as well. They are completely

biased. Kaayla Daniels book about the dangers of soy was based on research that

was funded by the WAPF. No surprise that it espoused the dangers of soy and

tried to scare folks away from consuming soy . I'm now trying to figure out if

Nina Planck has any connection to the WAPF or Kaayla Daniels and if so what that

connection is. I think I have some better information in an e-mail I saved some

time ago. If I can find it I'll send it but I'm sure there will be others on

this list who can fill you in with much better and complete information.


Speaking of Nina Planck, she was just on (via phone) a local show called Your

Turn on the Fox network entitled, " Are Vegan Children Healthy? " There were a

couple of friends of mine who were on this show, one a registered dietitian and

the other a social worker who are both vegan and raising their children vegan.

There was also a dietitian from a local children's hospital. Planck plugged

Daniels' book and said it was just the best source of information and

recommended it to everyone. Vegan children are not healthy, vegan mothers are

irresponsible (I guess the fathers are okay though), and vegan pregnancies are

unsafe was some of the other info she threw out there. I felt like I was

traveling back in time a few decades. The dietitian from the hospital was

supportive of a vegan diet - if done properly. Of course the subject of what

will happen when kids go to school and get made fun of (my children haven't been

- in fact other kids think most of what they have to eat is pretty good) and eat

differently or the inevitable subject of birthday parties, etc... It was all

handled well by my two friends when Planck wasn't trying to interrupt. It is

amazing how the case of Crown Shakur in Atlanta has stimulated all this

" conversation and attack " about and on vegans.


God's Peace,






God's Peace,

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I'm unbiased. WAP is stupid. Feel free to share this information.




//I got nothin.'


Heather Hossfeld <hlh4850 wrote: Hi

folks -- my parents have just discovered the Weston A. Price

foundation and started e-mailing me about it. I know there has been a

fair bit of discussion about it on this list. Does anyone know of a

*balanaced, unbiased* source of information about the validity (or

unvalidity!) of that movement that I could forward to them?







Kadee Sedtal


" When you die, if you get a choice between going to regular heaven or pie

heaven, choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if it's not, mmmmmmmm, boy. "

-Jack Handey









Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.

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Well helloooo, we want our kids to be lemmings! How in the heck are they

supposed to be lemmings if we sabotage it early on by making them *gasp*

different? Geez, you darned vegans.


I am of course joking... I'd love to go vegan once hubby gets the vegetarian

thing down. My kids are " different " no matter what they eat! :P


Gayle Nelson-folkersen <dilemma5 wrote:

Hi Heather,


I know that the Weston A. Price Foundation is a notorious supporter of dairy

farmers and if I'm not mistaken cattle ranchers as well. They are completely

biased. Kaayla Daniels book about the dangers of soy was based on research that

was funded by the WAPF. No surprise that it espoused the dangers of soy and

tried to scare folks away from consuming soy . I'm now trying to figure out if

Nina Planck has any connection to the WAPF or Kaayla Daniels and if so what that

connection is. I think I have some better information in an e-mail I saved some

time ago. If I can find it I'll send it but I'm sure there will be others on

this list who can fill you in with much better and complete information.


Speaking of Nina Planck, she was just on (via phone) a local show called Your

Turn on the Fox network entitled, " Are Vegan Children Healthy? " There were a

couple of friends of mine who were on this show, one a registered dietitian and

the other a social worker who are both vegan and raising their children vegan.

There was also a dietitian from a local children's hospital. Planck plugged

Daniels' book and said it was just the best source of information and

recommended it to everyone. Vegan children are not healthy, vegan mothers are

irresponsible (I guess the fathers are okay though), and vegan pregnancies are

unsafe was some of the other info she threw out there. I felt like I was

traveling back in time a few decades. The dietitian from the hospital was

supportive of a vegan diet - if done properly. Of course the subject of what

will happen when kids go to school and get made fun of (my children haven't been

- in fact other kids think most of what they have to eat

is pretty good) and eat differently or the inevitable subject of birthday

parties, etc... It was all handled well by my two friends when Planck wasn't

trying to interrupt. It is amazing how the case of Crown Shakur in Atlanta has

stimulated all this " conversation and attack " about and on vegans.


God's Peace,



God's Peace,






Kadee Sedtal


" When you die, if you get a choice between going to regular heaven or pie

heaven, choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if it's not, mmmmmmmm, boy. "

-Jack Handey









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On 8/10/07 12:43 PM, " Gayle Nelson-folkersen " <dilemma5



> Speaking of Nina Planck, she was just on (via phone) a local show called Your

> Turn on the Fox network entitled, " Are Vegan Children Healthy? " There were a

> couple of friends of mine who were on this show, one a registered dietitian

> and the other a social worker who are both vegan and raising their children

> vegan. There was also a dietitian from a local children's hospital. Planck

> plugged Daniels' book and said it was just the best source of information and

> recommended it to everyone. Vegan children are not healthy, vegan mothers are

> irresponsible (I guess the fathers are okay though), and vegan pregnancies are

> unsafe was some of the other info she threw out there.


That woman is ridiculous. (There was actually a front page article in the

New York Times food section this last week with Ms. Planck and her husband

smiling idiotically at their baby. The article was on the growing popularity

of raw milk, and, she, of course, is a proponent. They give some to their

daughter. I can't believe the NYTimes would touch her with a ten-foot-pole

given the debacle of her shrill, groundless editorial.) I would love for her

to come to one of our vegan family potlucks, full of vibrant, energetic

children, and challenge her to tell me these children are unhealthy. I think

she's a little like Ann Coulter: feeds on controversy and conflict. I think

the best defense is to keep exposing the world to our happy, healthy and

well-adjusted vegan children.


Marla Rose

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Try showing your parents this great article addressing the way in which WAPF

twists and

warps studies (it is specifically about soy, but it really discredits the





Also, this article by Dr. Weil is good. He does not point out WAPF by name, but

I get the

feeling that is who he is talking about:




Again, this article is specifically about soy, but it also does a good job of

discrediting the

organization, although not by name.


Good luck,


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ROFL! Thanx for the laugh!


God's Peace,





>Kadee M <abbey_road3012

>Aug 10, 2007 2:50 PM


>Re: WAPpers


>I'm unbiased. WAP is stupid. Feel free to share this information.




>//I got nothin.'


>Heather Hossfeld <hlh4850 wrote: Hi

folks -- my parents have just discovered the Weston A. Price

> foundation and started e-mailing me about it. I know there has been a

> fair bit of discussion about it on this list. Does anyone know of a

> *balanaced, unbiased* source of information about the validity (or

> unvalidity!) of that movement that I could forward to them?

> Heather






>Kadee Sedtal


> " When you die, if you get a choice between going to regular heaven or pie

heaven, choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if it's not, mmmmmmmm, boy. "

-Jack Handey









>Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.

> Play Sims Stories at Games.



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Here are a few links from Dr. Joel Fuhrman (author of Eat to Live) which nicely

debunk the WAPF claims.












Heather Hossfeld


Friday, August 10, 2007 12:45 PM




Hi folks -- my parents have just discovered the Weston A. Price

foundation and started e-mailing me about it. I know there has been a

fair bit of discussion about it on this list. Does anyone know of a

*balanaced, unbiased* source of information about the validity (or

unvalidity!) of that movement that I could forward to them?







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<<There was actually a front page article in the New York Times food section

this last week with Ms. Planck and her husband smiling idiotically at their



Thanks for catching that, Marla....although I read the article at the time, I

didn't realize WHO they were writing about. According to the article, she used

to be the director of the New York City Greenmarkets. And her boyfriend (not

her husband) is the owner of Murray¢s Cheese in Greenwich Village. Based on

their philosophy, I find it particularly odd that they live and work in the

heart of NYC rather than a rural area.


There's no accounting for some people.







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Yes, and apparently she was fired from her position at the Greenmarket for

being too divisive and dictatorial after three or four months. My impression

is that she's a " real piece of work " , as they say.




> <<There was actually a front page article in the New York Times food section

> this last week with Ms. Planck and her husband smiling idiotically at their

> baby.>>


> Thanks for catching that, Marla....although I read the article at the time, I

> didn't realize WHO they were writing about. According to the article, she

> used to be the director of the New York City Greenmarkets. And her boyfriend

> (not her husband) is the owner of Murray¢s Cheese in Greenwich Village. Based

> on their philosophy, I find it particularly odd that they live and work in the

> heart of NYC rather than a rural area.


> There's no accounting for some people.


> Liz





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Dear Liz,

as a New Yorker currently housed in Virginia . Why would she want to

Leave NYC . It has rural areas nearby for those green grass needs. Queens and

Jersey are not far. And based on your issue of her having boyfriend instead of

a husband ? Where are you going with that ? That the reason why I sometimes

wish I had never left NY . The narrow minds ?

Perhaps I missed some thing . Would you explain ?





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Dear Marla,

Most people have no knowledge about any diet.( if not the SAD diet

mother's would be arrested) When you offer a sharp change like Vegan and Living

Foods . The ignorant always raise their heads. With disease on the rise . We

will soon have our day .

The verdict is in. . So no need making remarks . Just stay focused and watch

them fall. The cenus will change and it will not be long ; before the Vegan

diet is popular and recognized for it benefits.






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Lynda, I have no idea why you assume malicious intent on my part. You don't know

where I have lived, what my marital status is, or how much I might know about

the difference between city and rural areas. I don't owe you an explanation.

Let's stick to discussions about issues that affect vegetarians.







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maybe your not aware of how it sounded. But it did sound like malicious

intent; to me .

It is always best when we stick to subjects that educate us all. That's what

I look for in this and the other groups I belong to.

And your right you owe me nothing. I merely asked a question . I asked the

question to inquire about the intent ! I think you owe it to yourself and

the group to stay positive

Be Well,







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I feel you . I have a Living Vegan restaurant and I experience people

that are clueless.

I really try my best to educate the community. People need to know. and Oh


I am grateful for groups like this and folks like you that keep America

aware .

I am on your team 100% . I just like to keep it factual. And you do have the


Even though we are up against some really big bad corporate liars . We'll


No harm intended let's keep it real & Factual

Have a Fruitful Day,





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Hi, Lynda,


I agree that most people are ignorant about diet, that's why when people

make ignorant blanket statements about a plant-based diet, I do feel the

need to say something. Otherwise, the Nina Plancks of the world are

misinforming and misguiding without any challenges.


I try to keep my responses on topic and not attacking. I don't see any harm

in that.


Thanks for your feedback,


Marla Rose


> Dear Marla,

> Most people have no knowledge about any diet.( if not the SAD diet

> mother's would be arrested) When you offer a sharp change like Vegan and

> Living

> Foods . The ignorant always raise their heads. With disease on the rise . We

> will soon have our day .

> The verdict is in. . So no need making remarks . Just stay focused and watch

> them fall. The cenus will change and it will not be long ; before the Vegan

> diet is popular and recognized for it benefits.

> Lynda





> ************************************** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

> http://discover.aol.com/memed/aolcom30tour




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Thanks everyone. I passed along some articles and Dad has come to the

logical conclusion that WAPfers are extremists... but he still thinks

vegans are extremists too and that " time will show that moderation in

everything is the true key " . Perhaps. At least he conceded that he and

Mom don't think we're doing harm to our children, he can see they're



Turns out someone Dad works with is a staunch follower of WAP and has

been trying to convert him :-)


Dr. Fuhrman's articles were interesting. After reading them (and the one

by Dr. Campbell that someone else posted, in which Campbell mentioned

his high esteem of Dr. Fuhrman) I've ordered his book Disease-Proof Your

Child. I'm looking forward to seeing whether he advocates a completely

vegan diet for children and what else he has to say.



Mark Young wrote:


> Here are a few links from Dr. Joel Fuhrman (author of Eat to Live)

> which nicely debunk the WAPF claims.


> http://www.vegsource.com/articles2/fuhrman_dietary_myths.htm

> <http://www.vegsource.com/articles2/fuhrman_dietary_myths.htm>


> http://www.vegsource.com/articles2/fuhrman_facts_fiction.htm

> <http://www.vegsource.com/articles2/fuhrman_facts_fiction.htm>


> http://www.vegsource.com/articles2/fuhrman_metabolics.htm

> <http://www.vegsource.com/articles2/fuhrman_metabolics.htm>


> Cheers,

> Mark


> -

> Heather Hossfeld

> VRGParents

> Friday, August 10, 2007 12:45 PM

> WAPpers


> Hi folks -- my parents have just discovered the Weston A. Price

> foundation and started e-mailing me about it. I know there has been a

> fair bit of discussion about it on this list. Does anyone know of a

> *balanaced, unbiased* source of information about the validity (or

> unvalidity!) of that movement that I could forward to them?

> Heather



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