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Doctor's note for daycare meals?

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My daughter is supposed to be starting daycare next week. The daycare

center does not offer vegetarian meals, but said it would be o.k. for

me to provide my own veggie entrees from home if I gave them a

doctor's note. I was pretty happy with that because most places

refused to even give me that allowance. So I called our pediatrician

to ask her to write the note. She said that I need to write it, and if

she agrees with what I've written, she'll sign it. Well I have no idea

what to write, and she couldn't seem to give me any guidance. It's not

like my daughter is allergic to meat, so what am I supposed to say

that would require a doctor's signature?


Has anyone else had to do this? Could you tell me what your note said?




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Honeslty....... I think it is ridiculous to have to have a doctors note to

supply a veggie meal! BUT, what you can say it is for religous beliefs and leave

it at that.



indigogrlva <Indigo7892


Tuesday, August 28, 2007 1:06:45 PM

Doctor's note for daycare meals?














My daughter is supposed to be starting daycare next week. The



center does not offer vegetarian meals, but said it would be o.k. for


me to provide my own veggie entrees from home if I gave them a


doctor's note. I was pretty happy with that because most places


refused to even give me that allowance. So I called our pediatrician


to ask her to write the note. She said that I need to write it, and if


she agrees with what I've written, she'll sign it. Well I have no idea


what to write, and she couldn't seem to give me any guidance. It's not


like my daughter is allergic to meat, so what am I supposed to say


that would require a doctor's signature?




Has anyone else had to do this? Could you tell me what your note said?
























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We went through that once. I had to leave the kids at the daycare place while I

went to the doctor and they told me I needed a doctor's note. I told them I

didn't need a doctor's permission to make parenting decisions, and they went

with me to the doctor!! Maybe you should write a note saying you're morally

opposed to eating meat, then have the doctor sign it. I don't know why they feel

like a doctor's permission is needed to give a child vegetables only, and yet

the standard practice is to serve up fried body parts that have been treated

with antibiotics and growth hormones. Hmm.


Seriously though, I'd just write something like, " My child(ren) are vegetarians,

and they are not to be served any type of meat product. " I wouldn't go into

why... they don't care.


indigogrlva <Indigo7892 wrote: My

daughter is supposed to be starting daycare next week. The daycare

center does not offer vegetarian meals, but said it would be o.k. for

me to provide my own veggie entrees from home if I gave them a

doctor's note. I was pretty happy with that because most places

refused to even give me that allowance. So I called our pediatrician

to ask her to write the note. She said that I need to write it, and if

she agrees with what I've written, she'll sign it. Well I have no idea

what to write, and she couldn't seem to give me any guidance. It's not

like my daughter is allergic to meat, so what am I supposed to say

that would require a doctor's signature?


Has anyone else had to do this? Could you tell me what your note said?










Kadee Sedtal


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I don't have the link or exact text for you but you can google it...


The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Dietetic Association both

have position papers that support vegetarian and vegan diets as healthful for



Quote them verbatim, give websites and your Dr can look online and verify it and

sign it.



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Personally, I would make it as outrageous and memorable as possible for the sake

that you want them not to overlook it. For a holiday party, when a

teacher/caregiver is out and has a replacement.


Definitely include something like since my child has not been given any meat

products an allergic reaction may occur. This may scare them. Especially enough

to remember not to give meat/meat products.


I agree, what does a doctor have to do with it, but a pre-school program I had

my son in a few years ago fed him meat two times. Both the teachers and the

director acted like it was no big deal. When I pulled him from the school they

sued me for the remaining, which I had to pay. Unbelievable! But back onto your

issue, if it seems like it would be something " allergic " they would pay better

attention. Like they do for all the children with peanut allergies. They don't

want to create any medical issues or other liabilities for themselves. If it's

just some random request, then they may think all the other parents will want to

do their own thing too.


If it is a program where the state is reimbursing for meals, then they made

need the documentation to pass along that way. Who knows really why, but I'd

make it sound as official as possible - without anything the doc won't sign.


Best of luck to you!






Denise Pomerantz <dmpomerantz


Tuesday, August 28, 2007 4:49:00 PM

Re: Doctor's note for daycare meals?


Honeslty.... ... I think it is ridiculous to have to have a doctors note to

supply a veggie meal! BUT, what you can say it is for religous beliefs and leave

it at that.



indigogrlva <Indigo7892 (AT) aol (DOT) com>

@gro ups.com

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 1:06:45 PM

Doctor's note for daycare meals?


My daughter is supposed to be starting daycare next week. The daycare


center does not offer vegetarian meals, but said it would be o.k. for


me to provide my own veggie entrees from home if I gave them a


doctor's note. I was pretty happy with that because most places


refused to even give me that allowance. So I called our pediatrician


to ask her to write the note. She said that I need to write it, and if


she agrees with what I've written, she'll sign it. Well I have no idea


what to write, and she couldn't seem to give me any guidance. It's not


like my daughter is allergic to meat, so what am I supposed to say


that would require a doctor's signature?


Has anyone else had to do this? Could you tell me what your note said?









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Due to dietary restrictions, please allow Mrs/Ms. Smith to provide her child's

meals at day care?



dietary restrictions is vague yet professional enough that most people then

assume it's an allergy, so they don't give you as much bother- I(and I'm not

going to go out of my way to correct another's assumptions). It's the phrase we

use when we request refrigerators in our room on vacations, and it seems to work

without an extensive explanation.



< >

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 4:06 PM

Doctor's note for daycare meals?



My daughter is supposed to be starting daycare next week. The daycare

center does not offer vegetarian meals, but said it would be o.k. for

me to provide my own veggie entrees from home if I gave them a

doctor's note. I was pretty happy with that because most places

refused to even give me that allowance. So I called our pediatrician

to ask her to write the note. She said that I need to write it, and if

she agrees with what I've written, she'll sign it. Well I have no idea

what to write, and she couldn't seem to give me any guidance. It's not

like my daughter is allergic to meat, so what am I supposed to say

that would require a doctor's signature?


Has anyone else had to do this? Could you tell me what your note said?










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I can't believe you had to pay! I think you'd have done better suing or

counter-suing them. What day care wants their

name in the paper as the subject of a lawsuit -- especially when they're charged

with violating express instructions

left by the parent? no big deal? show them what a deal it is.






On Behalf

Of janeen minguillo

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 10:57 PM


Re: Doctor's note for daycare meals?





I agree, what does a doctor have to do with it, but a pre-school program I had

my son in a few years ago fed him meat

two times. Both the teachers and the director acted like it was no big deal.

When I pulled him from the school they sued

me for the remaining, which I had to pay.
















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Thanks for sharing my feelings as well. Unfortunately, the case was settled

while I was having knee surgery, even after the director agreed to have the

court date changed. What a nightmare. Anyway, I didn't have the physical or

emotional strength to fight anything at the time. So I said a prayer for her. It

was the only thing I could do without getting put in jail. :)


Just wanted to pass the experience on, since it was so unfair. Have as much

proof in writing in advance. And even after it's in writing speak individually

to each teacher, so that the director doesn't forget to pass it on. And then

even after speaking to the teachers, that there is no replacement who doesn't

know. Even when your child tells them he's vegetarian. Wrong so many times on so

many levels.


Thx, Janeen




Bob Crovo <bcrovo


Wednesday, August 29, 2007 11:13:23 AM

RE: Doctor's note for daycare meals?


I can't believe you had to pay! I think you'd have done better suing or

counter-suing them. What day care wants their

name in the paper as the subject of a lawsuit -- especially when they're charged

with violating express instructions

left by the parent? no big deal? show them what a deal it is.




@gro ups.com [@gro ups.com] On Behalf

Of janeen minguillo

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 10:57 PM

@gro ups.com

Re: Doctor's note for daycare meals?



I agree, what does a doctor have to do with it, but a pre-school program I had

my son in a few years ago fed him meat

two times. Both the teachers and the director acted like it was no big deal.

When I pulled him from the school they sued

me for the remaining, which I had to pay.








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I am a lead child development teacher in a child care

center. The reason we have to have a Dr.'s note on

file is to get credit from USDA for meals. To get our

food program monies, we have to have a Dr.'s note for

all exceptions to the menu we provide. It's really

that simple. There is no anti-vegetarianism or it's

not a medical issue either. The doctor's signature is

a formality. That's the imperfect way it works for

now. The USDA needs to change it's policy to be more

vegetarian " friendly " .


I would say something like: " My child will be eating

foods brought from home since she/he is a vegetarian

and vegetarian lunches are not offered at this time " .





-- Lisa Schroeder <awoogala wrote:


> Hmm..

> Due to dietary restrictions, please allow Mrs/Ms.

> Smith to provide her child's meals at day care?



> dietary restrictions is vague yet professional

> enough that most people then assume it's an allergy,

> so they don't give you as much bother- I(and I'm not

> going to go out of my way to correct another's

> assumptions). It's the phrase we use when we

> request refrigerators in our room on vacations, and

> it seems to work without an extensive explanation.

> -

> indigogrlva<Indigo7892

> To:


< >


> Tuesday, August 28, 2007 4:06 PM

> Doctor's note for daycare

> meals?



> My daughter is supposed to be starting daycare

> next week. The daycare

> center does not offer vegetarian meals, but said

> it would be o.k. for

> me to provide my own veggie entrees from home if I

> gave them a

> doctor's note. I was pretty happy with that

> because most places

> refused to even give me that allowance. So I

> called our pediatrician

> to ask her to write the note. She said that I need

> to write it, and if

> she agrees with what I've written, she'll sign it.

> Well I have no idea

> what to write, and she couldn't seem to give me

> any guidance. It's not

> like my daughter is allergic to meat, so what am I

> supposed to say

> that would require a doctor's signature?


> Has anyone else had to do this? Could you tell me

> what your note said?


> Thanks,

> Tia






> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]








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These are the main points they want to hear from you and doc:


From doc:

physical results have always come out positive (here you can

elaborate on the last anemia test which is a BIG deal!), good weight,

height, skin, hair (be creative! :)



foods we serve at home are nutritionally balanced and vegetarian

any food allergies known


That's all I can think of now. We are planning on using a child care

center next year for our now 18 month old and these are some of the

things I remember the day care manager asked for when we met her.



Nancy, Proud Mamá of Carlos Gabriel

Proud guardian of Roschko, Luna, Café, and Tye


" Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or


To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back

in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring: it was Peace. "

- Milan Kundera


" The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not

made for humans any more than black people were made for whites or

women for men. " Alice Walker


" Animals may aid us in our everyday lives, in our dreams,

meditations. Since they were created before humans, they are closer

to the SOURCE and can act as allies, guides and familiars in our

search for wholeness. " An Inuit woman

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Thanks for all the responses. I went by the daycare center and asked

exactly what the noted needed to say to be acceptable. The director

made it sound like it really wasn't a big deal, just as long as it

states my daughter is a vegetarian and we will be providing

alternative meals. Which makes me think the whole reason for it is to

get USDA reimbursement like one poster mentioned.


As far as my daughter's ped not wanted to write the note...We actually

normally see a nurse practitioner for our office visits (she's a

vegetarian herself). But because this had to be signed by a " doctor "

she wasn't able to do it, and I had to ask for someone else in the

office who isn't familiar with my family.


So thankfully it looks like I was getting overly worried over

something that probably isn't a big deal. I really wish the daycare

center had just told me it was a formality from the very beginning,

rather than getting me all stressed about it.




, " nanvaz_1969 " <nanvaz_1969 wrote:


> These are the main points they want to hear from you and doc:


> From doc:

> physical results have always come out positive (here you can

> elaborate on the last anemia test which is a BIG deal!), good weight,

> height, skin, hair (be creative! :)


> Mom:

> foods we serve at home are nutritionally balanced and vegetarian

> any food allergies known


> That's all I can think of now. We are planning on using a child care

> center next year for our now 18 month old and these are some of the

> things I remember the day care manager asked for when we met her.


> Best,

> Nancy, Proud Mamá of Carlos Gabriel

> Proud guardian of Roschko, Luna, Café, and Tye


> " Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or

> discontent.

> To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back

> in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring: it was Peace. "

> - Milan Kundera


> " The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not

> made for humans any more than black people were made for whites or

> women for men. " Alice Walker


> " Animals may aid us in our everyday lives, in our dreams,

> meditations. Since they were created before humans, they are closer

> to the SOURCE and can act as allies, guides and familiars in our

> search for wholeness. " An Inuit woman


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My daughter's school has something that doctors have to sign for special meals

to be provided by the school (pureeing foods for exceptional children, meals to

accommodate diabetic children, etc) I know they aren't going to accommodate my

child being vegetarian anyway so I don't bother. And I don't fill that out

because I don't think her being vegetarian is something a doctor should have to

sign. I do put on all the paperwork I do sign for her not to eat school lunches

ever. If they have something in class the teacher is to let me know ahead of

time what will be provided and I will sign something saying it is okay to have

that specific food if it is or provide alternative - Example last year her

teacher had them make smiley faces with orange slices and raisins. And I said

yes it is okay for her to have that. It seems a little redundant but it avoids

issues where something may not be vegetarian that someone else may think is




indigogrlva <Indigo7892 wrote: Thanks for

all the responses. I went by the daycare center and asked

exactly what the noted needed to say to be acceptable. The director

made it sound like it really wasn't a big deal, just as long as it

states my daughter is a vegetarian and we will be providing

alternative meals. Which makes me think the whole reason for it is to

get USDA reimbursement like one poster mentioned.


As far as my daughter's ped not wanted to write the note...We actually

normally see a nurse practitioner for our office visits (she's a

vegetarian herself). But because this had to be signed by a " doctor "

she wasn't able to do it, and I had to ask for someone else in the

office who isn't familiar with my family.


So thankfully it looks like I was getting overly worried over

something that probably isn't a big deal. I really wish the daycare

center had just told me it was a formality from the very beginning,

rather than getting me all stressed about it.


, " nanvaz_1969 " <nanvaz_1969 wrote:


> These are the main points they want to hear from you and doc:


> From doc:

> physical results have always come out positive (here you can

> elaborate on the last anemia test which is a BIG deal!), good weight,

> height, skin, hair (be creative! :)


> Mom:

> foods we serve at home are nutritionally balanced and vegetarian

> any food allergies known


> That's all I can think of now. We are planning on using a child care

> center next year for our now 18 month old and these are some of the

> things I remember the day care manager asked for when we met her.


> Best,

> Nancy, Proud Mamá of Carlos Gabriel

> Proud guardian of Roschko, Luna, Café, and Tye


> " Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or

> discontent.

> To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back

> in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring: it was Peace. "

> - Milan Kundera


> " The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not

> made for humans any more than black people were made for whites or

> women for men. " Alice Walker


> " Animals may aid us in our everyday lives, in our dreams,

> meditations. Since they were created before humans, they are closer

> to the SOURCE and can act as allies, guides and familiars in our

> search for wholeness. " An Inuit woman









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