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Wife Swap: Raw foods family

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I don't mean to disparage anyone else's lifestyle or eating habits, but....did

anyone see

tonight's episode of Wife Swap? Wow, when I hear the term " raw foods " I think

of vegans

eating raw nuts and seeds, juicing fruits and veggies, etc..Sounds pretty good

to me. I have

NEVER in my whole life heard about folks eating raw meat as part of their

all-natural raw

foods regime. Never. Couldn't have dreamed that one up. I missed the very

beginning of

the show where they probably explained where this notion came from, but I did

see where

they would down raw eggs (not so alarming) and then chase it with raw chicken


alarming) and THEN they had a stash of jarred 4 month-old raw meat (very

disturbing). If

any of you caught the beginning, could you fill me in on where this type of raw

foods lifestyle

got its start, what is the rationale, etc?


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Oh gross. I don't watch wife swap. Someone from a board I was on was the vegan

wife that was on that show. And she had a horrible experience. They twisted

her and her family's words around and made it look like she was looney and

making her husband and kids be vegan when they didn't want to be. That show




Jill <jill wrote:

I don't mean to disparage anyone else's lifestyle or eating habits,

but....did anyone see

tonight's episode of Wife Swap? Wow, when I hear the term " raw foods " I think of


eating raw nuts and seeds, juicing fruits and veggies, etc..Sounds pretty good

to me. I have

NEVER in my whole life heard about folks eating raw meat as part of their

all-natural raw

foods regime. Never. Couldn't have dreamed that one up. I missed the very

beginning of

the show where they probably explained where this notion came from, but I did

see where

they would down raw eggs (not so alarming) and then chase it with raw chicken


alarming) and THEN they had a stash of jarred 4 month-old raw meat (very

disturbing). If

any of you caught the beginning, could you fill me in on where this type of raw

foods lifestyle

got its start, what is the rationale, etc?









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You must not know any WAP (Weston A. Price) people...lucky! I've unfortunately

heard of people eating raw meat, " raw " dairy, etc. I don't have a TV so I

haven't seen Wife Swap, but I'm saddened this type of eating is being

" mainstreamed " .



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Jill <jill


Monday, September 17, 2007 9:12:26 PM

Wife Swap: Raw foods family














I don't mean to disparage anyone else's lifestyle or eating habits,

but....did anyone see


tonight's episode of Wife Swap? Wow, when I hear the term " raw foods " I think

of vegans


eating raw nuts and seeds, juicing fruits and veggies, etc..Sounds pretty good

to me. I have


NEVER in my whole life heard about folks eating raw meat as part of their

all-natural raw


foods regime. Never. Couldn't have dreamed that one up. I missed the very

beginning of


the show where they probably explained where this notion came from, but I did

see where


they would down raw eggs (not so alarming) and then chase it with raw chicken



alarming) and THEN they had a stash of jarred 4 month-old raw meat (very

disturbing). If


any of you caught the beginning, could you fill me in on where this type of raw

foods lifestyle


got its start, what is the rationale, etc?



















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