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Confessions of a moderator/Weight Watchers

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I am not on WW but I am dieting to slim down and tone up right now. People

always seem to have this morbid idea that vegetarians are super skinny. My

Brothers girlfriend went vegetarian before me and inspired me to go ahead with

it and that was 10 months ago. I have no desire to go back to meat. However she

felt it made her gain weight and went back to meat not to long ago.

At first I lost a good amount of weight and lately I started putting it back


Right now I am eating more veggies, lower fat and carb meals and watching my

calories, along with 8 glasses of water a day. I am also trying the Special K

diet, but I feel so restricted that by the end of the night I was to binge.

So good luck to you for losing weight and giving it a go.

What type of things were you eating before, and what are you eating now?


Oh and nice to meet you I am new here




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Its funny you mention carbs because the only thing that has changed in my

diet in the past few months has been breads. I became addicted to garlic breads

and would literally eat a box a day. I noticed I was gaining when my jeans

were so tight I could barley button and that has never happened. So now I cut

out the bread except the healthy grain bread and I started replacing my

processed food with natural foods. I eat a lot of Morningstar and I switched

what I

could to their organic brand. It sounds as though you are going to stick to

this and it really does make you feel better. I have also taken up exercise 7

days a week, I alternate every other day with different routines. After my

first week I noticed a change and felt great so I went out and splurged a

little when we went out to eat and now I feel like crap again, which is the


downfall to dieting, one mess up and you feel so blah.

But I figure I cant cut out everything I like or when I pick it back up then

I will be in trouble. Afterall my body has to get used to burning all kinds

of foods. But I have to say I have enjoyed becoming more healthy.

Good luck!






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On Mar 13, 2006, at 10:43 PM, cupidslovexoxo wrote:


> I am not on WW but I am dieting to slim down and tone up right now.

> People

> always seem to have this morbid idea that vegetarians are super

> skinny. My

> Brothers girlfriend went vegetarian before me and inspired me to go

> ahead with

> it and that was 10 months ago. I have no desire to go back to meat.

> However she

> felt it made her gain weight and went back to meat not to long ago.

> At first I lost a good amount of weight and lately I started putting

> it back

> on.

> Right now I am eating more veggies, lower fat and carb meals and

> watching my

> calories, along with 8 glasses of water a day. I am also trying the

> Special K

> diet, but I feel so restricted that by the end of the night I was to

> binge.

> So good luck to you for losing weight and giving it a go.

> What type of things were you eating before, and what are you eating

> now?

> Rachel

> Oh and nice to meet you I am new here


Pleased to meet you too.


I was eating a lot of carbs. So many carbs. Tons of pasta. Bagels.

Goldfish. Chips. Desserts of various sorts.


I think the killer was tea. Not because anything's wrong with tea, but

because when I got a 16-oz cup of tea I would put 13 packets of sugar

in it. I've been trying to find a sugar substitute, but it's not

working out. I thought Equal was disgusting, Splenda was tolerable but

not really enjoyable, and Stevia was even worse than the Equal. I may

just have to give up coffee and tea for the time being. I didn't have

tea because of the caffeine, I had it because I really like the flavor.

So I can't just have it without the sugar, because then I'm not getting

the flavor I associate with tea.


I could try switching to green tea, since I can have that without a

sweetener, but I doubt I'll find it at the local deli when I'm trying

to get something to drink before work.


So as for what I'm eating now, I haven't really cut out anything except

for the tea. I'm eating more vegetables and fruits, and yogurt. I still

have pasta, but not as much and when I'm at home I've switched to one

made of whole grain kamut. I still have bagels, I just have to keep

track of them so I don't go overboard. Ditto for Goldfish. I have to

count out the Goldfish I eat so that I don't have too many. I used to

just eat them by the handful. I've barely had chips since I started

dieting. Desserts still there, I just can't go overboard. I've tried

some of the WW desserts, and last night I even had a slice of chocolate

cheesecake at a restaurant because it was my husband's birthday. It

cost me 10 points, but it was so worth it.


I think the main thing that's changed is that I'm forced to think about

what I'm eating. Usually I'd just eat whatever food I was craving when

I was hungry, and sometimes even when I wasn't hungry. It's also got me

walking more, since that way I can earn activity points which means I'm

allowed to eat more food.


The only other diet I ever did that was at all successful was SlimFast,

and during that time I lost 10 pounds and my mind. Exercise was

encouraged but it just made me hungrier. Plus I was miserable and not

fun to be around. When I'm hungry I get fairly unpleasant. The other

problem with SlimFast is that it might work, but there's no way doing

it will force you to think more about healthy food choices that can

carry over to when you're no longer dieting. Assuming I stick this

thing out, I will probably be on WW for several more months which means

by the end of it I will (hopefully) have a good idea of what foods are

good choices and which ones lead to disaster.


Haras the Wonder Frog

Princess of the Sandwiches


] " To forget a friend is sad, not everyone

] has had a friend. " - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Hello. Congrats on the 5 lbs. Im not on ww but Im new to the group and also

looking to slim down. Any tips and/or recipes would be greatly appreciated!



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I'm not doing WW, but I am on a mission to lose about 30 more pounds, have lost

close to 20 so far. For the past 3 years we are McDougallers and that is

working for us, as far as health related goals. My husband and I feel better

and have more energy and don't catch every bug that comes along. We are both

off of prescription meds for GERD, too. Initially we both were losing weight.

Lately though, the weight loss has stalled and needed I to do something to get

started losing again, so I evaluated my eating habits and increased my exercise.

I now do either a 30 minute session of free weights or an hour of walk aerobics.

As far as diet, I had allowed some Un-McDougall items into my daily diet and got

those out. I also read a book that really helped me, the new book by Flylady

called Body Clutter. Since doing all these things I've started losing slowly

again, but slowly is good compared to what I was doing before.





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I'm on ww :o)





> I've been on this list since the day it was founded, and I've been


> moderator for almost a year. But while I'm certainly a vegetarian


> should slim down, I haven't been doing anything about fixing my


> for the whole time I've been here. Sure I've thought about how I


> be eating healthier things, and how I should be eating less of


> all of the things I do eat, but thinking is where the process



> So about a month ago I joined Weight Watchers Online. I'm not

going to

> meetings, I'm just tracking what I eat online and checking out the

> message boards. So far I've lost five pounds, which is great since

> what's been happening for the past five years is I've just slowly

> gained weight as time goes by.


> So now that I've confessed and repented, is anyone else here on


> Watchers? I know we've had WW members on the list in the past, but


> have no idea if any of those members are still on the list.


> Haras the Wonder Frog

> Princess of the Sandwiches


> ] " To forget a friend is sad, not everyone

> ] has had a friend. " - Antoine de Saint-Exupery


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I used to be on Weight Watchers at Work, when I was working. I would

always lose SOME weight, but never got down to goal.


I think that what I make, at home, is pretty healthy. I just eat too



I have decided recently that stress and anxiety are my biggest issues

related to weight. I am in therapy right now and may get some hypnotism

to help. You might ask why I am stressed out, now that I am retired -

well money and health are big issues. I stress out because my husband

has diabetes and does not always do what is best for himself. He

stresses out about my weight - so it comes full circle.



from Maida

Citizens for Pets in Condos, http://www.petsincondos.org

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>You might ask why I am stressed out, now that I am retired -

> well money and health are big issues. I stress out because my husband

> has diabetes and does not always do what is best for himself. He

> stresses out about my weight - so it comes full circle.


That's rough, Maida :-( Big hugs! And you know I think retirement itself, in the

early days/

years, produces its own kind of stress. It's not all that easy to adjust to life

without work -

not matter how productively one fills one's time. And of course, retirement

often means

moving - either moving to more convenient quarters in one's own area or moving

completely across country (or like us between countries). And such moves also

mean huge

stress, not matter that it might be one's choice to fulfill one's dream, etc.

etc. :-)


I think I'd better quit now while I'm - if not ahead then at least not behind -


love, pat

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The hypnotism WILL work, but ONLY if you are trully ready to lose the weight!

You have to be ready to tackle the question of the real reason you are

overeating or your subconscious won't be able to solve the problem for you.


I tried the hypnotism and it worked - but only for a little while. I had/have

not trully acknowledged the real reason I am overeating.


I've done WW so many times --- I think they giggle when they see me walk in

the door because they know they are getting free money from me! :-(


Good luck and may you find the answer you are searching for!





I have decided recently that stress and anxiety are my biggest issues

related to weight. I am in therapy right now and may get some hypnotism

to help. You might ask why I am stressed out, now that I am retired -

well money and health are big issues. I stress out because my husband

has diabetes and does not always do what is best for himself. He

stresses out about my weight - so it comes full circle.




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On Mar 14, 2006, at 7:14 AM, Laura wrote:


> I also read a book that really helped me, the new book by Flylady

> called Body Clutter.


I have that book. I still haven't read it though. Did you find it



Haras the Wonder Frog

Princess of the Sandwiches


] " To forget a friend is sad, not everyone

] has had a friend. " - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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On Mar 14, 2006, at 12:26 PM, das4145 wrote:


> Hello,


> I'm on ww :o)


Do you go to meetings? And if so do you find them helpful? And are you

doing flex or core?


Haras the Wonder Frog

Princess of the Sandwiches


] " To forget a friend is sad, not everyone

] has had a friend. " - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Haras wrote:

> On Mar 14, 2006, at 7:14 AM, Laura wrote:

> >

> > I also read a book that really helped me, the new book by Flylady

> > called Body Clutter.


> I have that book. I still haven't read it though. Did you find it

> helpful?

Yes, I found it very helpful. I generally don't like writing like she

tells you to in the book, but I did it because Flylady said to do it and

everything else I've done that she has said to do worked out so well.

You read a chapter and at the end is a writing assignment that you do

right then. I think I've lost around 10 pounds since doing the book.



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