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Today's meals

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My meals for today


B - Golden Oat Waffle (McDougall) with a chopped nectarine

snack - Tamari Rice cake

L - leftover lentil loaf with leftover pasta with cheese sauce made from white

beans with peas and veggie sausage.

D - will be cereal - I am hot that is my favorite meal when I am hot!


I have been McDougalling for about 1 1/2 weeks and have lost 4.2 pounds.



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I would totally agree with you here and if I had more nerve I would also join

in but I am very reluctant to do so as I am really embarrassed about showing how

much I eat in comparison to others.

As the saying goes you all eat like birds compared to me or at least that is

what I am feeling like anyway. I am working on getting the portion size down and

it is not been pretty but I am doing it and am seeing the good results from it

too. So I will make you a deal when I get to normal eating size and not super

sized I will definitely jump in on the sharing my meals and portions too OK?




Laura <lpiwowarski wrote:

I thought it might be helpful if we post our meals for the day. Here

are mine:


B - Hashbrowns made from microwaved red potatoes and chopped onions, in

a non stick pan with a lid. One slice whole wheat bread with 1 tsp. honey


L - barbecue beans on brown rice (bean recipe from McDougall book)


S - split pea soup from Lorna Sass' PC vegetarian cookbook


snack - baked Tostitos with fresh salsa, a banana, one apple, tea








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Hey Brandee,

Your lentil loaf sound great! also your cheese sauce made from white bean?

sound interesting.

How do you make it? Do you think a non veggie would like it? I mean my hubby

( future veggie if I get my way). I am loving all the new ideas and things I

have never heard of coming from a meat loving family and married to meat eaters

so this is all new and excitting.


kymberlee wrote:

My meals for today


B - Golden Oat Waffle (McDougall) with a chopped nectarine

snack - Tamari Rice cake

L - leftover lentil loaf with leftover pasta with cheese sauce made from white

beans with peas and veggie sausage.

D - will be cereal - I am hot that is my favorite meal when I am hot!


I have been McDougalling for about 1 1/2 weeks and have lost 4.2 pounds.









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I'll play.


For breakfast I had a banana.


For lunch I had leftover chili con tofu with beans (again).


For dinner...good question! We haven't figured that out yet but it will

either be Spicy Peanut Noodles, seen here on my blog


or Vegetarian Hot Pot (which I thought I had posted on my blog last time we

made it but I can't find it) which is a rice noodle, tofu and veggie soup-type

dish (with bok choy and the rest of the ingredients escape me at the moment) and

oh so yummy!


Congrats on the weight loss!



kymberlee wrote:

My meals for today


B - Golden Oat Waffle (McDougall) with a chopped nectarine

snack - Tamari Rice cake

L - leftover lentil loaf with leftover pasta with cheese sauce made from white

beans with peas and veggie sausage.

D - will be cereal - I am hot that is my favorite meal when I am hot!


I have been McDougalling for about 1 1/2 weeks and have lost 4.2 pounds.














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katie brown wrote:


> Laura,

> ........I am really embarrassed about showing how much I eat in

> comparison to others.

> As the saying goes you all eat like birds compared to me or at least

> that is what I am feeling like anyway.








Oh, no!!!! I read somewhere once that birds eat constantly all day

long, and sometimes eat their weight in food in a day. I don't know if

that's true, but I certainly do at least TRY to eat like a bird!!!


Now I have to admit to portion sizes. OK, here goes. Breakfast was a

huge plate of potatoes, probably at least two potatoes, with ketchup. I

had the bread with honey on it because I had to take my vitamins before

the potatoes were ready.


Lunch was at least 200 calories worth of Baked Tostitos, and that is

quite a bit. I don't lose when I eat chips, even the fat free ones like

these. I had probably a whole cup of salsa with them. Then, I had

about 2/3 cup of brown rice with at least a whole cup of the bean

sauce. I was quite full but still had two bananas and an apple this



Now for supper, over the past 1.5 hours I've had three bowls of split

pea soup, one cup each. Plus a pot of tea this afternoon, total of 3

sugar cubes in it.


I don't feel like I'm eating like a bird, I'm stuffed. Looking back at

all this, is it any wonder I'm not losing weight? I am doing well these

past two days to have totally avoided the jar of peanut butter that is

calling my name! Also, the fat free Fig Newmans are all gone, or I'd be

into those.


According to Dr. McDougall, we should eat enough to be satisfied. If I

do that, I find that I overeat because I keep eating out of boredom or

something else. I find it helpful to drink tea or water during the day,

or to sit down with my knitting if I find myself browsing through the

kitchen area for something to eat.

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Samantha Lea wrote:


> What is McDougall?




Dr. John McDougall has written many books and has DVD's and a website

full of information. www.drmcdougall.com He even has put his full diet

plan on the website now, so all his information is available for free.

Basically his diet is starch based with no animal products, no added

fats or oils. If you are normal weight and healthy you can have higher

fat vegetarian things like nuts, nut butters, avocados, and coconut. I

think you can also use low fat tofu, I don't because I don't like it.


My husband and I have been for the most part McDougalling for over 3

years. He's lost 25 pounds and his cholesterol dropped by almost 20

percent. My weight has not gone down much, my cholesterol went from 213

to 180 and both of us have been able to stop medication for heartburn

and GERD. We feel better and have more energy, husband's arthritis has

greatly improved too.

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Oh my gosh Laura,

that is totally not how I meant what I said at all in fact just the opposite.

and even tho you need not have told your portion size to me I still think you

are still not over doing it. Sounds pretty right on track to me.

I am finding on the days I eat a lot of bean and split peas I am so miserable

from the gas build up. OK yes I did say that out loud I am really having a

problem with my body rebelling against my new eating style.

Plus like my all fruit and green salad meals I am hungry with in a half an

hour and my body is screaming for carbs and junk. So I eat more veggies and so

on all day like a bird :-) lol but once I eat a starch and some protein again I

am fine. I ask is this normal? I am drinking the crystal light and a Wal-Mart

sugar free brand too just to get the water in me and not keep eating all day. I

just can not get into the pure water yet.

If I knew what it felt like to just be satisfied from food I would do ok but

it never seems as if I can get to that point and before I know it I am at the

stuffed place. does this make sense to any one? I think I over eat because I am

scarred to not eat and feel hungry and empty. I know I am using food as a cover

for some thing I just have not been able to figure out what it is. Time will

tell they say.

No Laura I think you are doing a wonderful job so please do not feel bad on

yourself and say it is no wonder.

Hey the peanut butter is still there right so see good job!!!!

Hey I am proud of you and I think you have a great amount of courage to do

what you did and that is talk about you. Not so easy a thing to do. Hang in

there I am with you in spirit.





Laura <lpiwowarski wrote:

katie brown wrote:


> Laura,

> ........I am really embarrassed about showing how much I eat in

> comparison to others.

> As the saying goes you all eat like birds compared to me or at least

> that is what I am feeling like anyway.



Oh, no!!!! I read somewhere once that birds eat constantly all day

long, and sometimes eat their weight in food in a day. I don't know if

that's true, but I certainly do at least TRY to eat like a bird!!!


Now I have to admit to portion sizes. OK, here goes. Breakfast was a

huge plate of potatoes, probably at least two potatoes, with ketchup. I

had the bread with honey on it because I had to take my vitamins before

the potatoes were ready.


Lunch was at least 200 calories worth of Baked Tostitos, and that is

quite a bit. I don't lose when I eat chips, even the fat free ones like

these. I had probably a whole cup of salsa with them. Then, I had

about 2/3 cup of brown rice with at least a whole cup of the bean

sauce. I was quite full but still had two bananas and an apple this



Now for supper, over the past 1.5 hours I've had three bowls of split

pea soup, one cup each. Plus a pot of tea this afternoon, total of 3

sugar cubes in it.


I don't feel like I'm eating like a bird, I'm stuffed. Looking back at

all this, is it any wonder I'm not losing weight? I am doing well these

past two days to have totally avoided the jar of peanut butter that is

calling my name! Also, the fat free Fig Newmans are all gone, or I'd be

into those.


According to Dr. McDougall, we should eat enough to be satisfied. If I

do that, I find that I overeat because I keep eating out of boredom or

something else. I find it helpful to drink tea or water during the day,

or to sit down with my knitting if I find myself browsing through the

kitchen area for something to eat.








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I feel for you, Katie. I haven't lost lots of weight yet (but I have

lost about 20 pounds VERY GRADUALLY by lifestyle changes alone). I first

had to decide to make some real changes. The first was to give up fake

sugars, which I keep hearing are what can lead to overweight because the

taste buds " taste " sweetness, so the body " looks " for calories, at least

that's one of the theories. Giving up the fake sugars and diet sodas

was hard, but I'm so glad I did. (I have also mostly given up caffeine

- except for very rare occasions.) And, yes, I drink far more water. I

sometimes buy water, which can taste better than tap, and I often add a

squirt of lemon juice, particularly to tap water. Upping the water has

really helped. My skin is softer and more clear than when I drank tons

of diet soda - it's NOT the same!


The other other thing I've done is to get some whole grains into my

diet. I have oatmeal most every breakfast (with a teaspoon or two of

flax seed meal) and I've added quinoa, barley (LOVE that barley!), and

brown rice to my diet on a regular basis. I'm also working on adding

spelt, amaranth, wheat berries. I also have a flour grinder so I

routinely make my own barley flour, for example, and I substitute up to

25% in regular recipes - and they taste so much better! These whole

grain foods are the foods that fill me up, and I'm not hungry or

deprived. I couldn't do it on veggies alone.


The areas I still need to improve are: EXERCISE! I am so slothful,

though at least I go up and down stairs a lot. Also I don't eat enough

veggies!!! I don't like onions or bell peppers and my kids hate

mushrooms, so I'm always modifying recipes - it seems like EVERY recipe

calls for tons of onions and peppers! I do like lots of other veggies,

but I'm just so inconsistent about using them.


But I truly have to say, I am losing weight (even without consistent

exercise) because I'm drinking water (and no fake sugars and very rarely

caffeine) and I'm eating whole grains. I'm not hungry or deprived. I

have a long way to go, but I'm not panicked about it.


Hang in there!



(For dinner tonight I had tofu/veggie curry over brown rice with dollops

of the yogurt I made today. And my daughter wanted some decaf Irish

Breakfast tea so I had a cup of that too.)


katie brown wrote:


> Plus like my all fruit and green salad meals I am hungry with in a

> half an hour and my body is screaming for carbs and junk. So I eat

> more veggies and so on all day like a bird :-) lol but once I eat a

> starch and some protein again I am fine. I ask is this normal? I am

> drinking the crystal light and a Wal-Mart sugar free brand too just to

> get the water in me and not keep eating all day. I just can not get

> into the pure water yet.






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WOW that is awesome you are doing so wonderful. Way to go!!!!


Not fake sugar " OH my gosh how will I live " Just kidding I think I have known

in the back of my mind that I was just fooling myself into thinking it was

actually good for me. Anything I use that much has got to be wrong for me it

seems. < sigh> Oh well I will thank me in a year when I am totally healthy and

chemical free. Hey I gave up caffeine cold turkey and all I use fake sugar in is

my kool-aid type drinks so I should be able to ween me off that too. Thank

goodness I have never liked soda or I would really gripe. I hear it is hard to


You make a real good point tho maybe I should try bottled waters since I hate

tap water can't hurt to try right. I have tried the lemon, the lime, and even

the orange slice in my water and still no thanks.

I have read and heard that whole grains are very good and filling for a person.

I am still in the learning process and so I am having a lot of new tastes coming

at me and whole grain bread is different but in a good way. Not so hep on the

oatmeal with no sugar idea but I can try it at least. Never know I may just like


One day at a time I keep telling mmyself.



Sharon Zakhour <sharon.zakhour wrote:

I feel for you, Katie. I haven't lost lots of weight yet (but I have

lost about 20 pounds VERY GRADUALLY by lifestyle changes alone). I first

had to decide to make some real changes. The first was to give up fake

sugars, which I keep hearing are what can lead to overweight because the

taste buds " taste " sweetness, so the body " looks " for calories, at least

that's one of the theories. Giving up the fake sugars and diet sodas

was hard, but I'm so glad I did. (I have also mostly given up caffeine

- except for very rare occasions.) And, yes, I drink far more water. I

sometimes buy water, which can taste better than tap, and I often add a

squirt of lemon juice, particularly to tap water. Upping the water has

really helped. My skin is softer and more clear than when I drank tons

of diet soda - it's NOT the same!


The other other thing I've done is to get some whole grains into my

diet. I have oatmeal most every breakfast (with a teaspoon or two of

flax seed meal) and I've added quinoa, barley (LOVE that barley!), and

brown rice to my diet on a regular basis. I'm also working on adding

spelt, amaranth, wheat berries. I also have a flour grinder so I

routinely make my own barley flour, for example, and I substitute up to

25% in regular recipes - and they taste so much better! These whole

grain foods are the foods that fill me up, and I'm not hungry or

deprived. I couldn't do it on veggies alone.


The areas I still need to improve are: EXERCISE! I am so slothful,

though at least I go up and down stairs a lot. Also I don't eat enough

veggies!!! I don't like onions or bell peppers and my kids hate

mushrooms, so I'm always modifying recipes - it seems like EVERY recipe

calls for tons of onions and peppers! I do like lots of other veggies,

but I'm just so inconsistent about using them.


But I truly have to say, I am losing weight (even without consistent

exercise) because I'm drinking water (and no fake sugars and very rarely

caffeine) and I'm eating whole grains. I'm not hungry or deprived. I

have a long way to go, but I'm not panicked about it.


Hang in there!



(For dinner tonight I had tofu/veggie curry over brown rice with dollops

of the yogurt I made today. And my daughter wanted some decaf Irish

Breakfast tea so I had a cup of that too.)


katie brown wrote:


> Plus like my all fruit and green salad meals I am hungry with in a

> half an hour and my body is screaming for carbs and junk. So I eat

> more veggies and so on all day like a bird :-) lol but once I eat a

> starch and some protein again I am fine. I ask is this normal? I am

> drinking the crystal light and a Wal-Mart sugar free brand too just to

> get the water in me and not keep eating all day. I just can not get

> into the pure water yet.





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Hi Katie,


Well, I never said I don't eat ANY sugar, did I? :-) I did a fair

amount of research and experimentation with sweeteners after giving up

the fake ones. I ended up so that I mostly use Agave Nectar and

Xylitol. Both feature a " slower release " of the sugar into the

bloodstream. Xylitol is one of those sugar alcohols (it's from the

birch tree), so you don't want to use too much at once. I'm sensitive

to sugar alcohols in large quantities - they can cause intestinal

distress. So I wouldn't bake with it, but it's JUST the thing for my

tea! Ditto with the Agave, which is from cactus.


And on those rare occasions when I am having a decaf low-fat latte and

I'm limited to the choices at the coffee shop, I go for raw sugar or

whatever they have that's closest. :-)


Yes, I have experimented with various bottled waters and I recently saw

a great show that explained the different types. You have to be careful

or you may just end up purchasing tap water in a bottle. I also buy

sparkling mineral water occasionally, which I hate, but I like the

natural occurring minerals. I definitely doctor that water up with some

juice (like pomegranate) before drinking.


You know, when I first started eating more healthfully several months

ago, I tried the technique where you " paint " iodine onto a 2 square inch

area of your skin. If it absorbs into your skin in less than 24 hours,

then your body needed that iodine. The quicker the absorption, the

lower your body's reserves. (Now, I'm not a doctor or anything like

that, but I've read this.) Anyway, the first time I tried it, my body

absorbed the iodine in less than an hour. I think in general I was very

depleted of vitamins and minerals due to my poor diet. Yesterday I

tried the iodine thing again and after 24 hours, you could still see the

area I'd painted. It wasn't nearly as dark after a day, but I consider

this a good indicator that my body is getting more of the nutrients it

needs. (As I've read it, the thyroid uses iodine and the thyroid

manages metabolism so it's very important to have good iodine levels.)




katie brown wrote:


> Not fake sugar " OH my gosh how will I live "





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Hi Sharon,

Wow I have not even heard of these kinds of sugars I am assuming they can be

bought at a health food store?

I am going to try the iodine test since I am hypo thyroid it should be

interesting on the results.




Sharon Zakhour <sharon.zakhour wrote:

Hi Katie,


Well, I never said I don't eat ANY sugar, did I? :-) I did a fair

amount of research and experimentation with sweeteners after giving up

the fake ones. I ended up so that I mostly use Agave Nectar and

Xylitol. Both feature a " slower release " of the sugar into the

bloodstream. Xylitol is one of those sugar alcohols (it's from the

birch tree), so you don't want to use too much at once. I'm sensitive

to sugar alcohols in large quantities - they can cause intestinal

distress. So I wouldn't bake with it, but it's JUST the thing for my

tea! Ditto with the Agave, which is from cactus.


And on those rare occasions when I am having a decaf low-fat latte and

I'm limited to the choices at the coffee shop, I go for raw sugar or

whatever they have that's closest. :-)


Yes, I have experimented with various bottled waters and I recently saw

a great show that explained the different types. You have to be careful

or you may just end up purchasing tap water in a bottle. I also buy

sparkling mineral water occasionally, which I hate, but I like the

natural occurring minerals. I definitely doctor that water up with some

juice (like pomegranate) before drinking.


You know, when I first started eating more healthfully several months

ago, I tried the technique where you " paint " iodine onto a 2 square inch

area of your skin. If it absorbs into your skin in less than 24 hours,

then your body needed that iodine. The quicker the absorption, the

lower your body's reserves. (Now, I'm not a doctor or anything like

that, but I've read this.) Anyway, the first time I tried it, my body

absorbed the iodine in less than an hour. I think in general I was very

depleted of vitamins and minerals due to my poor diet. Yesterday I

tried the iodine thing again and after 24 hours, you could still see the

area I'd painted. It wasn't nearly as dark after a day, but I consider

this a good indicator that my body is getting more of the nutrients it

needs. (As I've read it, the thyroid uses iodine and the thyroid

manages metabolism so it's very important to have good iodine levels.)




katie brown wrote:


> Not fake sugar " OH my gosh how will I live "




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Yes, xylitol is from the health food store. I can get Agave Nectar at

my regular grocery store and also at the health food store. It comes in

light and dark amber. I usually buy dark, but it does have a flavor

that might not be found in the light.




katie brown wrote:


> Hi Sharon,

> Wow I have not even heard of these kinds of sugars I am assuming they

> can be bought at a health food store?





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katie brown wrote:



> I am finding on the days I eat a lot of bean and split peas I am so

> miserable from the gas build up. OK yes I did say that out loud I am

> really having a problem with my body rebelling against my new eating

> style.







Katie, try Beano. It works, trust me! LOL You take one or two or

three tablets, depending on what you are eating and how you react to the

beans and the Beano. Over a couple of days you can tell. I keep a

bottle of Beano on the turntable with our other seasonings, right on our

dining table.


I don't mind posting what I eat and how much. If it helps someone else,

or helps someone else to see what I'm doing wrong so they can tell me,

fine! I know that I don't lose mostly because of the little cheats I

indulge in, over the summer it was ice cream, and peanut butter is my

biggest problem year round. Oh, and the fat free Fig Newmans! Oh, and

the roasted almonds from Trader Joe's. Did I mention they also have

great almond butter for WAY cheaper than the health food stores?


> but once I eat a starch and some protein again I am fine. I ask is

> this normal? I am drinking the crystal light and a Wal-Mart sugar free

> brand too just to get the water in me and not keep eating all day. I

> just can not get into the pure water yet.






I think that is normal. I wonder though, if using the sugar substitutes

might be just sabotaging your efforts to get off of the sugar habit.

Are you diluting the drinks with water? Maybe that would work, and

gradually you can increase the water and decrease the drink

concentration. Another thing I do is keep a bottle of the Minute Maid

frozen lemon juice in my refrigerator, so it thaws. I put a squirt in

my water glass, or mix a big jug of water and ice and lemon slices with

a squirt of the lemon juice when we are going to be gone from home for a

few hours.


I found a big help to me in figuring out why I eat was the Body Clutter

book by Flylady. It is available on the Flylady website and a great

help to me.



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I find this very interesting about the iodine, as my sister just had her thyroid

taken out due to cancer and they're thinking it's hereditary. Can't hurt --

might help! Can you still buy iodine in a drug store?




<<You know, when I first started eating more healthfully several months

ago, I tried the technique where you " paint " iodine onto a 2 square inch

area of your skin. If it absorbs into your skin in less than 24 hours,

then your body needed that iodine. The quicker the absorption, the

lower your body's reserves. (Now, I'm not a doctor or anything like

that, but I've read this.) Anyway, the first time I tried it, my body

absorbed the iodine in less than an hour. I think in general I was very

depleted of vitamins and minerals due to my poor diet. Yesterday I

tried the iodine thing again and after 24 hours, you could still see the

area I'd painted. It wasn't nearly as dark after a day, but I consider

this a good indicator that my body is getting more of the nutrients it

needs. (As I've read it, the thyroid uses iodine and the thyroid

manages metabolism so it's very important to have good iodine levels.)>>





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Katie -


<<Not so hep on the oatmeal with no sugar idea but I can try it at least.

Never know I may just like it.>>


Dr. McDougall says it's okay to use some honey; I also use unsweetened fruit

jams on toast, etc.






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That's where I got mine. I had half my thyroid removed almost 30 years

ago because I had a tumor (not a goiter, which is quite common, but a

tumor). I'm sure my thyroid weirdness has contributed to my weight

problems, though I don't want to use that as an excuse to stay

unhealthy, when I've done so much to contribute to that.


I learned about the iodine stuff on a very interesting website full of

folk medicine info:


Some folks are evidently allergic to iodine, so it's best to consult

your doctor with any questions. :-)




Coleen wrote:


> I find this very interesting about the iodine, as my sister just had

> her thyroid taken out due to cancer and they're thinking it's

> hereditary. Can't hurt -- might help! Can you still buy iodine in a

> drug store?





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Yeah, in my mind the benefits of oats far outweigh the negatives of some

sweetener. And oatmeal is NOT (in my opinion) edible without something

on it! (Though some people find dried fruit enough sweetness.)


Oh, and some people have found that taking daily flax seed meal has

helped them with weight loss - so add some to your oatmeal! That's not

why I originally starting taking it - it's SO healthy for your heart -

but it's a benefit I'll gladly accept. :-)




Coleen wrote:


> Dr. McDougall says it's okay to use some honey; I also use unsweetened

> fruit jams on toast, etc.





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I'll check it out.



Samantha Lea wrote:


> What is McDougall?



Dr. John McDougall has written many books and has DVD's and a website

full of information. www.drmcdougall.com He even has put his full diet

plan on the website now, so all his information is available for free.

Basically his diet is starch based with no animal products, no added

fats or oils. If you are normal weight and healthy you can have higher

fat vegetarian things like nuts, nut butters, avocados, and coconut. I

think you can also use low fat tofu, I don't because I don't like it.





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B: peach slices with ¼ cup homemade granola (mixed raisins, ghee, crushed

walnuts, tiny bit of honey, salt cooked for about 20 minutes), ½ cup of soy





L: Peas, asparagus and rice soup: 1 cup brown rice, cup of organic veggie

broth, ½ cup of peas, ½ cup of asparagus, tablespoon of olive oil




D: Tacos: 2 sprouted corn tortillas, ½ cup chopped onion, 1 cup of pinto

beans, ½ cup chopped romaine, ½ cup of chopped tomatoes.




Snacks: 2 rice cakes and ½ tbl of peanut butter (no sugar added).





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Kelli wrote:




> D: Tacos: 2 sprouted corn tortillas






Kelli, are these sprouted wheat and corn, or sprouted corn, and do you

make them yourself or buy them? If you make them, can you post the

recipe? If you buy them, can you tell me what brand and where you get them?





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---- Kelli <KelliJohnston wrote:



B: peach slices with ¼ cup homemade granola (mixed raisins, ghee, crushed

walnuts, tiny bit of honey, salt cooked for about 20 minutes), ½ cup of soy



I want to come and eat with you!




L: Peas, asparagus and rice soup: 1 cup brown rice, cup of organic veggie

broth, ½ cup of peas, ½ cup of asparagus, tablespoon of olive oil




D: Tacos: 2 sprouted corn tortillas, ½ cup chopped onion, 1 cup of pinto

beans, ½ cup chopped romaine, ½ cup of chopped tomatoes.




Snacks: 2 rice cakes and ½ tbl of peanut butter (no sugar added).





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Speaking of tacos...

We've been making Summer Veggie Tacos lately. We get a bunch of different

veggies at the Farmers Market; zucchini, bell peppers, onion, squash, corn,

tomatoes, whatever strikes our fancy really. We use locally made corn tortillas

which are low-cal (only 1 WW point per tortilla) and will put a small amount of

beans and cheese in the taco, or not, depending on our mood. They're really

good and oh so satisfying! I use a mild green sauce so I can really taste all

the great veggies rather than just a heavier salsa.

Although last time we made them they ended up being Veggie Tostadas as we

couldn't fold them up! The Butternut Squash made them bigger than usual. :-)



Kelli <KelliJohnston wrote:

B: peach slices with ¼ cup homemade granola (mixed raisins, ghee,


walnuts, tiny bit of honey, salt cooked for about 20 minutes), ½ cup of soy



L: Peas, asparagus and rice soup: 1 cup brown rice, cup of organic veggie

broth, ½ cup of peas, ½ cup of asparagus, tablespoon of olive oil


D: Tacos: 2 sprouted corn tortillas, ½ cup chopped onion, 1 cup of pinto

beans, ½ cup chopped romaine, ½ cup of chopped tomatoes.


Snacks: 2 rice cakes and ½ tbl of peanut butter (no sugar added).















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They are: Organic <http://www.calorie-count.com/calories/item/116806.html>

Sprouted 100% Whole Kernel Flourless Corn Tortillas by: Food For Life. I

found them at a local healthfood store.









On Behalf Of Laura

Thursday, September 21, 2006 8:05 AM


Re: today's meals




Kelli wrote:




> D: Tacos: 2 sprouted corn tortillas



Kelli, are these sprouted wheat and corn, or sprouted corn, and do you

make them yourself or buy them? If you make them, can you post the

recipe? If you buy them, can you tell me what brand and where you get them?











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